Three bills that should receive 100% support nationwide (but won't)...


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2011
United States
Why would any rational person oppose these three bills? I can't imagine anything that is more deserving of complete bipartisan support. It's basic stuff that anyone with the slightest shred of integrity would do on their own anyway (how sad that we need to force our representatives to have integrity). And yet, you will not see these bills pass. Even if they appear to have support -and they won't - Harry Reid will block them from even being voted on.

S.1663 - Write the Laws Act: Essentially states that other branches of government may not circumvent Congress and create their own laws (like Barack Hussein does with Executive Orders). Now, we actually have this law already. It's called the U.S. Constitution. How sad is it that we now have to pass laws to re-inforce what is already law?

S.1664 - One Subject at a Time Act: Essentially states that representatives may not stuff unrelated legislation into a bill about other legislation. One of the most unethical and despicable acts in Washington is for representatives to stuff unrelated legislation which they know has no hopes of passing into legislation which looks like it overwhelmingly will pass in order for politicians to push through what they want but have no support for.

S.1665 - Read the Bills Act: Essentially states that there must be a public reading in full of a proposed bill to prevent a bill from being dumped on a representatives empty desk 30 minutes before a vote on the bill (which is exactly what happened with Obamacare).

Rand Paul Introduced Three Bills Last Week That Would Dramatically Change the Way Congress Passes Laws

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