Thoughts on the Bipartisan UFO Whistleblower Hearings tomorrow

Funzo Hoss

Gold Member
Mar 5, 2022
I am very interested in David Grusch's testimony. I am very proud of Tim Burchette for being a straightshooter. This is the biggest fuckin news story of all time!

I am very interested in David Grusch's testimony. I am very proud of Tim Burchette for being a straightshooter. This is the biggest fuckin news story of all time!

Here's what I understand. This guy said he worked for the government and he saw UFO's. They have UFO's. They are manned with half living half drone type creatures. He saw them. Says the government is covering it up.

The government said he never worked there.

This other guy says he did work there. So the government is lying.

I tend to believe the person who says they saw a UFO are lying. Look how many former military people are nuts. Go on rampages. Or were involved in the insurrection.

I would need to see it and if the government is covering it up, it's his word against theirs.
Here's what I understand. This guy said he worked for the government and he saw UFO's. They have UFO's. They are manned with half living half drone type creatures. He saw them. Says the government is covering it up.

The government said he never worked there.

This other guy says he did work there. So the government is lying.

I tend to believe the person who says they saw a UFO are lying. Look how many former military people are nuts. Go on rampages. Or were involved in the insurrection.

I would need to see it and if the government is covering it up, it's his word against theirs.
I understand where you are coming from and I agree. You have to understand who David is though. You have an Air Force Intelligence Officer. Who contract/tdy/private works for National Geospatial Agency and The National Reconnaissance Office at a GS-15. His job working for those Agencies was to investigate UFO Retrieval Programs! WTF... He already testified in a SCIF for the classified portions with the Committees. He's testifying about people being killed to hide the programs and Aliens hurting humans. Again WTF... This is under Oath on TV!
Here's what I understand. This guy said he worked for the government and he saw UFO's. They have UFO's. They are manned with half living half drone type creatures. He saw them. Says the government is covering it up.

The government said he never worked there.

This other guy says he did work there. So the government is lying.

I tend to believe the person who says they saw a UFO are lying. Look how many former military people are nuts. Go on rampages. Or were involved in the insurrection.

I would need to see it and if the government is covering it up, it's his word against theirs.
Of course you pick the govt over people :lol:
I understand where you are coming from and I agree. You have to understand who David is though. You have an Air Force Intelligence Officer. Who contract/tdy/private works for National Geospatial Agency and The National Reconnaissance Office at a GS-15. His job working for those Agencies was to investigate UFO Retrieval Programs! WTF... He already testified in a SCIF for the classified portions with the Committees. He's testifying about people being killed to hide the programs and Aliens hurting humans. Again WTF... This is under Oath on TV!
If anyone would have spilled the beans it would have been Trump. But I bet they didn't trust or tell him. He would have told us.
Here's what I understand. This guy said he worked for the government and he saw UFO's. They have UFO's. They are manned with half living half drone type creatures. He saw them. Says the government is covering it up.

The government said he never worked there.

This other guy says he did work there. So the government is lying.

I tend to believe the person who says they saw a UFO are lying. Look how many former military people are nuts. Go on rampages. Or were involved in the insurrection.

I would need to see it and if the government is covering it up, it's his word against theirs.
Pentagon never said Grusch didn't work for them.
Of course you pick the govt over people :lol:

I know what you mean. I'm torn. But have you ever heard the saying extrodinary claims require extraordinary evidence? I'm going to need to see an alien. Not going to take this guys word for it. Do you blame me?

If you believe the guy, it may tell you something about how easily you are willing to swallow conspiracy theories.
Who's to say that he wasn't going to do that, we don't know what documents he had
OMG! He should have had someone who works for him leak it. That's Trump's MO. Get someone else to do the crimes. Like his CFO, Michael Cohen &

Walt Nauta​

I know what you mean. I'm torn. But have you ever heard the saying extrodinary claims require extraordinary evidence? I'm going to need to see an alien. Not going to take this guys word for it. Do you blame me?

If you believe the guy, it may tell you something about how easily you are willing to swallow conspiracy theories.
What you shouldnt do it take the govts word for anything. They lie to you every fucking day. They are literally the biggest liars on the planet.
the distances between habitable planets is too great for Aliens to ever visit earth
the trip would take thousands of years
The government would lie its ass off over anything it wanted to conceal, regardless of being under oath. Just saying.

Personally I believe the things people see which are blamed on little green men is ALL Uncle Sam's sick toys and games, and the alien angle was created on purpose in Roswell in 1947 to provide a semi-permanent smoke screen for government black ops. Maybe it's actually aliens that they WANT you to believe in...because it distracts from the truth.

The times are a changin'. It could be that soon Uncle Sam will have to create a new level to the game with the help of Hollywood effects and its own secret military gear in order to perpetuate the old convictions that aliens are to blame for ET.and UFO related phenomena. In other words it could be that a staged, PUBLICIIZED UFO invasion or encounter is coming soon.
the distances between habitable planets is too great for Aliens to ever visit earth
the trip would take thousands of years
Not if they had more advanced technology.

Oh, and so what? What’s 40,000 out of 13 billion. They had nothing but time.

My friend said warp speed isn’t going to be the answer. Bending space time will be how we do it. Or worm holes.

We are still way too primitive to know what man is capable. We still only use a very small section of our brain. If we can think it or imagine it, we can do it. Who said that? My grandmother.
the distances between habitable planets is too great for Aliens to ever visit earth
the trip would take thousands of years
There’s something big out past Pluto sending meteors in towards the sun. What is it? Planet X? It’s so far out and dark we don’t even know. It could be the mother ship. Five times the size of earth. They could be in the moon. We wouldn’t know. We don’t even know what’s in the waters of europa.
I wondered what agency he worked for and for how long before they let him go, myself.
If he worked for the ufo division of course there’s going to be some nuts on that team who believe the government is covering something up
If he worked for the ufo division of course there’s going to be some nuts on that team who believe the government is covering something up
Pretty sure the government has suppressed information on unexplained aerial phenomena for years. There is no telling what they know, as I ma sure you know.

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