"They are not terrorists"? South under Hamas' fire, AGAIN

Single I.Q Palestinians are responsible for their situation. Palestinian mentality = When you are in a hole, keep digging.
A population under the occupation of a foreign force is not responsible for their situation, the occupying power is.

That's a pathetic excuse. Palestinians attack Israel constantly and then whine when Israel hits back 10 times harder
Palestinians created this shit by attacking Israel in 1948. All rest is result of their agression.
And for 20 years before that...

They treat the Arabs with hostility and cruelty, deprive them of their rights, offend them without cause and even boast of these deeds; and nobody among us opposes this despicable and dangerous inclination.
- Ahad Ha'am
...if you hadn't driven over 700,000 residents away with you Jewish terrorist groups, there wouldn't have been an Arab attack.
Moron, they were driven out AFTER the Arab attack !
P F Tinmore, et al,

As usual, you are being very tricky.

Where does it say that Israel was attacked?

Provide the quote.

The Arab-Israeli War of 1948 broke out when five Arab nations invaded territory in the former Palestinian mandate immediately following the announcement of the independence of the state of Israel on May 14, 1948

The only land that was territory in the former Palestinian mandate was Israel, seeing as the arab muslims declined the offers.

Could you post a 1948 map of Israel? Then we could discuss where Israel was invaded.

The question is not a matter of borders for Israel. It is the matter of were did the Arab Armies go once they crossed their borders and entered UN Trusteeship Territory under arms. No Israeli Force crossed into Sovereign Arab Territory (Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, Egypt). Thus in order for the forces to engage, the aggressor crossing over its borders and entering into military engagements with Israeli Forces must have been the invaders.
You really do not need to confuse the issue.

The Arab armies crossed Palestine's international borders and engaged Israeli forces inside Palestine. By the time the Arab armies entered Palestine, Israeli forces had already driven over 300,000 unarmed Palestinian civilians from their homes and occupied that land. Israeli forces continued to do so all through the war and continued even after the armistice agreements.

Israel declared statehood without land or borders. Since it is illegal to acquire land through force, Israel signed the armistice agreements acknowledging that it had no land or borders.
  • No pro-Arab-Palestinian is going to accept any depiction of the war that demonstrated the Arab as the Aggressor. They have, for more than half a century, made it a practice to be the virtual victim.
Remember, that Jordanian Forces captured the West Bank and the Egyptian Forces captured the Gaza Strip. At the termination of hostilities, neither the Egyptians or Jordanians returned the captured territories to trustee status. Jordan annex the territory with Palestinians acceptance and the Egyptians established the All-Palestine Government and a Military Governorship. The conflict was --- an invasion for the purpose of territorial expansion --- under the disguised political aim of protecting the Arab Palestinians.


There is no question then, as a matter of history, the conflict of 1948-1949 between the Israelis and the four Arab Nations that participated in the conflict against Israel, is merely a reference. There are Peace Treaties between the Israel and the two major war Arab States (Jordan and Egypt). While a state of war still exists between Israel and the remaining tow adjacent Arab States (Lebanon and Syria); the likelihood that Syria will survive under its present form of government is doubtfully. And that will impact the state of war between Syria and Israel. If IS (Islamic State) takes Syria, and the Assad Regime falls, then Lebanon and Jordan will be in peril.

The other Arab States see this. And the realize that the West Bank and Gaza Strip will become the side-show for a much greater --- unfolding drama.

IF you are truly concerned about the Arab Palestinian people, then --- work for a settlement --- as opposed to --- justifications for a continuation of armed struggle. A greater shadow is coming. And the Arab Palestinian risks loosing any support it has with the West and the Arab World as it turns to face the oncoming threat of Jihadists.

Most Respectfully,
Even thought the Arab armies changed the outcome of the war they had no bearing on Palestine's legal status.

"Since it is illegal to acquire land through force, Israel signed the armistice agreements acknowledging that it had no land or borders."

This is easily in the top 3 of the dumbest comments you've made. Israel signed Armistice lines but has no land ? Do you understand what those line were for? The lines were between Israel and Arab states, not Palestine and Arab states,

Where are your links that back up these ridiculous claims ?
Sure I do.

2. The Armistice Demarcation Line is not to be construed in any sense as a political or territorial boundary, and is delineated without prejudice to rights, claims and positions of either Party to the Armistice as regards ultimate settlement of the Palestine question.

3. The basic purpose of the Armistice Demarcation Line is to delineate the line beyond which the armed forces of the respective Parties shall not move except as provided in Article III of this Agreement.

The Avalon Project Egyptian-Israeli General Armistice Agreement February 24 1949

They were specifically not to be borders.
That's a pathetic excuse. Palestinians attack Israel constantly and then whine when Israel hits back 10 times harder
You whine like a little kiss-ass bitch, anytime someone criticizes Israel. So go fuck yourself!

End the occupation and blockade and you won't get attacked.
Moron, they were driven out AFTER the Arab attack !
Well, according to the UN...

During the period of the Mandate, the Zionist Organization worked to secure the establishment of a Jewish national home in Palestine. The indigenous people of Palestine, whose forefathers had inhabited the land for virtually the two preceding millennia felt this design to be a violation of their natural and inalienable rights. They also viewed it as an infringement of assurances of independence given by the Allied Powers to Arab leaders in return for their support during the war. The result was mounting resistance to the Mandate by Palestinian Arabs, followed by resort to violence by the Jewish community as the Second World War drew to a close.
...when the Arabs resisted the Mandate, the Jewish community resorted to violence. This went on for 20 years before the Arab attack in '48.
Palestinians created this shit by attacking Israel in 1948. All rest is result of their agression.
And for 20 years before that...

They treat the Arabs with hostility and cruelty, deprive them of their rights, offend them without cause and even boast of these deeds; and nobody among us opposes this despicable and dangerous inclination.
- Ahad Ha'am
...if you hadn't driven over 700,000 residents away with you Jewish terrorist groups, there wouldn't have been an Arab attack.

And sixty years before? and a century before?

I didn't know you find the truth humorous.....
It is just an Israeli talking point. Nobody has ever proved it to be true.

Sure we have. But you are allergic to the truth.

I could provide you with 20 valid links all which prove the point, and you would STILL deny it. That's just who you are. You don't abide by facts, you abide by Tinmore facts.
So, who attacked who first in the 1948 war ?
Good question.

Was it the Palestinians in their own country?


The foreigners who came to take over the land?

BTW, there was no country to take over, that is a Palestinian lie. Jews came to establish a state like had been promised to them by the British. There was NO OTHER COUNTRY THEIR AT THE TIME.
Sure there was. The Mandate for Palestine charter called Palestine a country ten times. Then it passed the citizenship order saying that the Palestinians were citizens of Palestine.

This should give you a hint as to whose country it is.


Which is why they were given British passports isn't it
I didn't know you find the truth humorous.....
It is just an Israeli talking point. Nobody has ever proved it to be true.

Sure we have. But you are allergic to the truth.

I could provide you with 20 valid links all which prove the point, and you would STILL deny it. That's just who you are. You don't abide by facts, you abide by Tinmore facts.
So, who attacked who first in the 1948 war ?
Good question.

Was it the Palestinians in their own country?


The foreigners who came to take over the land?

BTW, there was no country to take over, that is a Palestinian lie. Jews came to establish a state like had been promised to them by the British. There was NO OTHER COUNTRY THEIR AT THE TIME.
Sure there was. The Mandate for Palestine charter called Palestine a country ten times. Then it passed the citizenship order saying that the Palestinians were citizens of Palestine.

This should give you a hint as to whose country it is.

Well back in the day only the Jews were referred to as Palestinians, so I guess it was a Jewish country. It was only in the 1960's that the arab muslim Syrians took up the name to give their claims some legitimacy.
I didn't know you find the truth humorous.....
It is just an Israeli talking point. Nobody has ever proved it to be true.

Care to change your POV

The Arab-Israeli War of 1948 - 1945 1952 - Milestones - Office of the Historian

The Arab-Israeli War of 1948
The Arab-Israeli War of 1948 broke out when five Arab nations invaded territory in the former Palestinian mandate immediately following the announcement of the independence of the state of Israel on May 14, 1948. In 1947, and again on May 14, 1948, the United States had offered de facto recognition of the Israeli Provisional Government, but during the war, the United States maintained an arms embargo against all belligerents.

The United Nations resolution sparked conflict between Jewish and Arab groups within Palestine. Fighting began with attacks by irregular bands of Palestinian Arabs attached to local units of the Arab Liberation Army composed of volunteers from Palestine and neighboring Arab countries
Where does it say that Israel was attacked?

Provide the quote.

" Immediately on being granted its independence, Israel was attacked by a number of Arab nations"

Israel and the 1948 War
After Israel declared its independence on May 14, 1948, the fighting intensified with other Arab forces joining the Palestinian Arabs in attacking territory in the former Palestinian mandate. On the eve of May 14, the Arabs launched an air attack on Tel Aviv, which the Israelis resisted. This action was followed by the invasion of the former Palestinian mandate by Arab armies from Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, and Egypt.

The Arab-Israeli War of 1948 - 1945 1952 - Milestones - Office of the Historian

Post a 1948 map of Israel showing where anyone entered Israel.

Probably because the IDF censors out all their violations for "national security reasons"

Israel was in breach of the ceasefire agreement from the moment they signed it, and they are still in breach of the agreement....

And they wonder why Hamas fire rockets into Israel!

LINK ? from a non partisan source ?

Not that it hasn't been posted enough times already...

94 Israeli Ceasefire Violations Since August - International Middle East Media Center

A partisan source that will LIE to suit its ISLAMONAZI agenda

Too lazy to seek out the truth Phoney... Thats your problem!

It's not hard, I'm sure you could manage it...

Copy a few words, paste into Google and then you can read all the "non partisan" links to your hearts content!

You see, I posted a link now you go off and disprove it with YOUR links.... Thats how it works!

So will you accept that when you demand a link. This one is heavily pro Palestinian and relies on LIES and FANTASY to bolster Palestinian propaganda. The majority of the alleged infringements did not happen in the way they are presented. Just as the alleged firing on a fishing boat from after the fighting this summer was also presented this spring.

Like team Palestine scream hasbara well this is ISLAMONAZI PROPAGANDA and LIES
P F Tinmore, et al,

As usual, you are being very tricky.

Care to change your POV

The Arab-Israeli War of 1948 - 1945 1952 - Milestones - Office of the Historian

The Arab-Israeli War of 1948
The Arab-Israeli War of 1948 broke out when five Arab nations invaded territory in the former Palestinian mandate immediately following the announcement of the independence of the state of Israel on May 14, 1948. In 1947, and again on May 14, 1948, the United States had offered de facto recognition of the Israeli Provisional Government, but during the war, the United States maintained an arms embargo against all belligerents.

The United Nations resolution sparked conflict between Jewish and Arab groups within Palestine. Fighting began with attacks by irregular bands of Palestinian Arabs attached to local units of the Arab Liberation Army composed of volunteers from Palestine and neighboring Arab countries
Where does it say that Israel was attacked?

Provide the quote.

The Arab-Israeli War of 1948 broke out when five Arab nations invaded territory in the former Palestinian mandate immediately following the announcement of the independence of the state of Israel on May 14, 1948

The only land that was territory in the former Palestinian mandate was Israel, seeing as the arab muslims declined the offers.

Could you post a 1948 map of Israel? Then we could discuss where Israel was invaded.

The question is not a matter of borders for Israel. It is the matter of were did the Arab Armies go once they crossed their borders and entered UN Trusteeship Territory under arms. No Israeli Force crossed into Sovereign Arab Territory (Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, Egypt). Thus in order for the forces to engage, the aggressor crossing over its borders and entering into military engagements with Israeli Forces must have been the invaders.
You really do not need to confuse the issue.

The Arab armies crossed Palestine's international borders and engaged Israeli forces inside Palestine. By the time the Arab armies entered Palestine, Israeli forces had already driven over 300,000 unarmed Palestinian civilians from their homes and occupied that land. Israeli forces continued to do so all through the war and continued even after the armistice agreements.

Israel declared statehood without land or borders. Since it is illegal to acquire land through force, Israel signed the armistice agreements acknowledging that it had no land or borders.
  • No pro-Arab-Palestinian is going to accept any depiction of the war that demonstrated the Arab as the Aggressor. They have, for more than half a century, made it a practice to be the virtual victim.
Remember, that Jordanian Forces captured the West Bank and the Egyptian Forces captured the Gaza Strip. At the termination of hostilities, neither the Egyptians or Jordanians returned the captured territories to trustee status. Jordan annex the territory with Palestinians acceptance and the Egyptians established the All-Palestine Government and a Military Governorship. The conflict was --- an invasion for the purpose of territorial expansion --- under the disguised political aim of protecting the Arab Palestinians.


There is no question then, as a matter of history, the conflict of 1948-1949 between the Israelis and the four Arab Nations that participated in the conflict against Israel, is merely a reference. There are Peace Treaties between the Israel and the two major war Arab States (Jordan and Egypt). While a state of war still exists between Israel and the remaining tow adjacent Arab States (Lebanon and Syria); the likelihood that Syria will survive under its present form of government is doubtfully. And that will impact the state of war between Syria and Israel. If IS (Islamic State) takes Syria, and the Assad Regime falls, then Lebanon and Jordan will be in peril.

The other Arab States see this. And the realize that the West Bank and Gaza Strip will become the side-show for a much greater --- unfolding drama.

IF you are truly concerned about the Arab Palestinian people, then --- work for a settlement --- as opposed to --- justifications for a continuation of armed struggle. A greater shadow is coming. And the Arab Palestinian risks loosing any support it has with the West and the Arab World as it turns to face the oncoming threat of Jihadists.

Most Respectfully,
Even thought the Arab armies changed the outcome of the war they had no bearing on Palestine's legal status.

So the fact they refused to allow the Palestinians to declare independence on the land had no bearing on their legal status. Once the arab muslim Syrians accepted the arab league invader's they lost their legal status as it was a form of free determination.
Care to change your POV

The Arab-Israeli War of 1948 - 1945 1952 - Milestones - Office of the Historian

The Arab-Israeli War of 1948
The Arab-Israeli War of 1948 broke out when five Arab nations invaded territory in the former Palestinian mandate immediately following the announcement of the independence of the state of Israel on May 14, 1948. In 1947, and again on May 14, 1948, the United States had offered de facto recognition of the Israeli Provisional Government, but during the war, the United States maintained an arms embargo against all belligerents.

The United Nations resolution sparked conflict between Jewish and Arab groups within Palestine. Fighting began with attacks by irregular bands of Palestinian Arabs attached to local units of the Arab Liberation Army composed of volunteers from Palestine and neighboring Arab countries
Where does it say that Israel was attacked?

Provide the quote.

" Immediately on being granted its independence, Israel was attacked by a number of Arab nations"

Israel and the 1948 War
After Israel declared its independence on May 14, 1948, the fighting intensified with other Arab forces joining the Palestinian Arabs in attacking territory in the former Palestinian mandate. On the eve of May 14, the Arabs launched an air attack on Tel Aviv, which the Israelis resisted. This action was followed by the invasion of the former Palestinian mandate by Arab armies from Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, and Egypt.

The Arab-Israeli War of 1948 - 1945 1952 - Milestones - Office of the Historian

Post a 1948 map of Israel showing where anyone entered Israel.
You already asked for links that say that the Arabs attacked Israel, and I provided you with many. Now you are just deflecting because you can't handle the truth. You do this all the time.
If they didn't enter Israel, it's because Israeli forces didn't allow them.

But once again, nice duck !
They didn't enter Israel because they could not find it on the map.

Do you have a 1948 map of Israel?

Moron, they were driven out AFTER the Arab attack !
Well, according to the UN...

During the period of the Mandate, the Zionist Organization worked to secure the establishment of a Jewish national home in Palestine. The indigenous people of Palestine, whose forefathers had inhabited the land for virtually the two preceding millennia felt this design to be a violation of their natural and inalienable rights. They also viewed it as an infringement of assurances of independence given by the Allied Powers to Arab leaders in return for their support during the war. The result was mounting resistance to the Mandate by Palestinian Arabs, followed by resort to violence by the Jewish community as the Second World War drew to a close.
...when the Arabs resisted the Mandate, the Jewish community resorted to violence. This went on for 20 years before the Arab attack in '48.

So the Jews killed arab muslims in Hebron did they. Or started the 1931 civil war. How about the Grand Mufties final solution to aid Germany between 1936 and 1945 when he ordered the genocide of the Jews in all arab lands.

Your JEW HATRED is clouding your humanity again
P F Tinmore, et al,

As usual, you are being very tricky.

The Arab-Israeli War of 1948 broke out when five Arab nations invaded territory in the former Palestinian mandate immediately following the announcement of the independence of the state of Israel on May 14, 1948

The only land that was territory in the former Palestinian mandate was Israel, seeing as the arab muslims declined the offers.

Could you post a 1948 map of Israel? Then we could discuss where Israel was invaded.

The question is not a matter of borders for Israel. It is the matter of were did the Arab Armies go once they crossed their borders and entered UN Trusteeship Territory under arms. No Israeli Force crossed into Sovereign Arab Territory (Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, Egypt). Thus in order for the forces to engage, the aggressor crossing over its borders and entering into military engagements with Israeli Forces must have been the invaders.
You really do not need to confuse the issue.

The Arab armies crossed Palestine's international borders and engaged Israeli forces inside Palestine. By the time the Arab armies entered Palestine, Israeli forces had already driven over 300,000 unarmed Palestinian civilians from their homes and occupied that land. Israeli forces continued to do so all through the war and continued even after the armistice agreements.

Israel declared statehood without land or borders. Since it is illegal to acquire land through force, Israel signed the armistice agreements acknowledging that it had no land or borders.
  • No pro-Arab-Palestinian is going to accept any depiction of the war that demonstrated the Arab as the Aggressor. They have, for more than half a century, made it a practice to be the virtual victim.
Remember, that Jordanian Forces captured the West Bank and the Egyptian Forces captured the Gaza Strip. At the termination of hostilities, neither the Egyptians or Jordanians returned the captured territories to trustee status. Jordan annex the territory with Palestinians acceptance and the Egyptians established the All-Palestine Government and a Military Governorship. The conflict was --- an invasion for the purpose of territorial expansion --- under the disguised political aim of protecting the Arab Palestinians.


There is no question then, as a matter of history, the conflict of 1948-1949 between the Israelis and the four Arab Nations that participated in the conflict against Israel, is merely a reference. There are Peace Treaties between the Israel and the two major war Arab States (Jordan and Egypt). While a state of war still exists between Israel and the remaining tow adjacent Arab States (Lebanon and Syria); the likelihood that Syria will survive under its present form of government is doubtfully. And that will impact the state of war between Syria and Israel. If IS (Islamic State) takes Syria, and the Assad Regime falls, then Lebanon and Jordan will be in peril.

The other Arab States see this. And the realize that the West Bank and Gaza Strip will become the side-show for a much greater --- unfolding drama.

IF you are truly concerned about the Arab Palestinian people, then --- work for a settlement --- as opposed to --- justifications for a continuation of armed struggle. A greater shadow is coming. And the Arab Palestinian risks loosing any support it has with the West and the Arab World as it turns to face the oncoming threat of Jihadists.

Most Respectfully,
Even thought the Arab armies changed the outcome of the war they had no bearing on Palestine's legal status.

"Since it is illegal to acquire land through force, Israel signed the armistice agreements acknowledging that it had no land or borders."

This is easily in the top 3 of the dumbest comments you've made. Israel signed Armistice lines but has no land ? Do you understand what those line were for? The lines were between Israel and Arab states, not Palestine and Arab states,

Where are your links that back up these ridiculous claims ?
Sure I do.

2. The Armistice Demarcation Line is not to be construed in any sense as a political or territorial boundary, and is delineated without prejudice to rights, claims and positions of either Party to the Armistice as regards ultimate settlement of the Palestine question.

3. The basic purpose of the Armistice Demarcation Line is to delineate the line beyond which the armed forces of the respective Parties shall not move except as provided in Article III of this Agreement.

The Avalon Project Egyptian-Israeli General Armistice Agreement February 24 1949

They were specifically not to be borders.
Your point ?? It has nothing to do with land. And Israel has internationally recognized borders with Egypt and Jordan now.
Your 'no land' crap is just that...crap. It makes absolutely ZERO sense.
Moron, they were driven out AFTER the Arab attack !
Well, according to the UN...

During the period of the Mandate, the Zionist Organization worked to secure the establishment of a Jewish national home in Palestine. The indigenous people of Palestine, whose forefathers had inhabited the land for virtually the two preceding millennia felt this design to be a violation of their natural and inalienable rights. They also viewed it as an infringement of assurances of independence given by the Allied Powers to Arab leaders in return for their support during the war. The result was mounting resistance to the Mandate by Palestinian Arabs, followed by resort to violence by the Jewish community as the Second World War drew to a close.
...when the Arabs resisted the Mandate, the Jewish community resorted to violence. This went on for 20 years before the Arab attack in '48.

Resisted the mandate ? Is that what you're calling it now ? The violence started way before twenty years and it was initiated by the Arabs.
That's a pathetic excuse. Palestinians attack Israel constantly and then whine when Israel hits back 10 times harder
You whine like a little kiss-ass bitch, anytime someone criticizes Israel. So go fuck yourself!

End the occupation and blockade and you won't get attacked.

Actually, you're the one who constantly whines. I don't complain as long as the criticism is constructive, not propaganda which you and your buddies spew on a daily basis.
Stop attacking Israel, and you won't attacked. Or keep attacking Israel, and you will NEVER get your independent state and you will get attacked ten times harder. The Palestinians are in charge of their future, as oppose to what Palestinian propaganda tells you.
Actually, you're the one who constantly whines. I don't complain as long as the criticism is constructive, not propaganda which you and your buddies spew on a daily basis.
Stop attacking Israel, and you won't attacked. Or keep attacking Israel, and you will NEVER get your independent state and you will get attacked ten times harder. The Palestinians are in charge of their future, as oppose to what Palestinian propaganda tells you.
An occupied population is not in charge of anything.
So the Jews killed arab muslims in Hebron did they. Or started the 1931 civil war. How about the Grand Mufties final solution to aid Germany between 1936 and 1945 when he ordered the genocide of the Jews in all arab lands.

Your JEW HATRED is clouding your humanity again
Why would I hate Jews?

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