There Is No Such Thing As White Privilege

ROFLMAO. You can't produce any statistics because your imagination is your reality and the root cause of your psychosis. When someone disagrees with your rantings you throw temper tantrums. You are foolish fair game, Deflectionist.
Only YOU think statistics are needed - or at least you pretend that. everyone knows there is no need for statistics for what is self-evident. It's impossible for there to not be hundreds of Millions of Whites being discriminated against during the period 1964-2014.

All that is needed to know is that of course there were hundreds of Millions of Whites who entered the labor force, coming out of school, replacing the 100 Million or so already there. With all that turnover for 50 years, of course there were hundreds of Millions of Whites in the labor force, all added up together, and all while AA was fully in force.
It's impossible to say that they were not discriminated against. Just by being there in the labor force, THEY WERE ALL DISCRIMINATED AGAINST.

And they should all be paid reparations for this discrimination, out of the pockets of the pushers of AA, and those pushers should be arrested for violation of the 1964 Civil Rights Act, tried, convicted, and imprisoned, on a bread & water diet. No TV. No computer. No radio, stereo, MP3, no books, no magazines, no telephone, and no mail.
So you dont have any proof? :laugh:
We ALL have proof. YOU too. And YOU KNOW it.
See Post # 325.
All we have is your assertions which everyone already knows are the ravings of a lunatic. In your case I need some data.
That's a LIE. Nobody needs "data" to show what is self-evident. Typical ultra-liberal talking tactic. And an insult to our intelligence. Nobody here is that stupid.

Crazy people such as yourself always say things are self evident. You are only speaking about what you think which is already highly suspect in your best moments. This outlandish claim needs to be backed up or no one is convinced.
Want some evidence, that hundreds of millions of people are being hurt by AA.

Want some evidence that WP does not exist.

Theres some white people who are privledged but I see the whole thing as a way to further divide us into groups. Its something most likeley a
college proffesor dreamed up in African American Studies. People should spend more time studying something productive to get better jobs
in stead of studying crap that teaches them why they may not be doing as well as other racial groups.

there may be a place for AA when it comes to advancing smart kids through college who dont have the money, but I dont think its the best idea
in the work force. Unless you like everything taking twice as long to accomplish.
I disagree. All white people are privileged. You live in a world where you are the majority owners of all the resources. Your families were allowed to build legacy from the beginning of this countries founding. The social conditioning effect of the media paints whites in a primarily good light. Your very language is geared towards associating white with righteousness, purity, and cleanliness. Rarely is Black used to denote anything good. We know this conditioning works due to the examples of rabid racists on this very board. My belief is given the same circumstances, work drive, etc a white person has more opportunity because the people providing him/her the opportunities are more than likely going to be white. I know I simply have to outwork any white person to gain the same level which I dont mind doing but facts are facts.
Listen to the pathetic, panic-stricken, frightened, hysterical, Affirmative Action pusher desperately clinging to his AA DRUG, that he is addicted to, and can't survive without.
Here he is, saying nothing of any substance, but just ranting on and on in a terrified frenzy, that I, the Protectionist, protector of the American people, am now EXPOSING his racist SCAM, for all the world to see on the internet.

The massive attack on White people perpetrated by the AA racists, needs no confirmation. We all know it's there. And we all know it's BEEN there for 50 years. And we all know that hundreds of Millions of Whites (and other non-Blacks) have been discriminated against by it. This is American historical FACT. But that has no bearing on the panic-stricken, No bearing on the drug-addicted pathetics, who must have their AA, or they would have no way of competing in America on their own merits. No way to compete, when they HAVE NO MERITS to compete with.

Post some statistics or case studies that reveal the reality of this "massive attack" on white people. As of yet you have not done anything except pull made up numbers out of your dumb ass. "Hundreds of millions" of white AA are nuts.

I think it is obvious when one reads your posts that you have obvious anger issues and the emotional make up of a spoiled child.
It is a common tactic of ulta-liberals to rant about statistics. But the American people are wise to that. There are no statistics needed to show what is 100% obvious. Should we present statistics on how many fish are good swimmers to prove that fish are good swimmers.

We've been through this, and to repeat over and over what has already been answered, constitutes harassment, in violation of forum rules. Further badgering will result in penalties.

ROFLMAO. You can't produce any statistics because your imagination is your reality and the root cause of your psychosis. When someone disagrees with your rantings you throw temper tantrums. You are foolish fair game, Deflectionist.
Only YOU think statistics are needed - or at least you pretend that. everyone knows there is no need for statistics for what is self-evident. It's impossible for there to not be hundreds of Millions of Whites being discriminated against during the period 1964-2014.

All that is needed to know is that of course there were hundreds of Millions of Whites who entered the labor force, coming out of school, replacing the 100 Million or so already there. With all that turnover for 50 years, of course there were hundreds of Millions of Whites in the labor force, all added up together, and all while AA was fully in force.
It's impossible to say that they were not discriminated against. Just by being there in the labor force, THEY WERE ALL DISCRIMINATED AGAINST.

And they should all be paid reparations for this discrimination, out of the pockets of the pushers of AA, and those pushers should be arrested for violation of the 1964 Civil Rights Act, tried, convicted, and imprisoned, on a bread & water diet. No TV. No computer. No radio, stereo, MP3, no books, no magazines, no telephone, and no mail.

Well of course statistics are typically needed and expected from anyone who is attempting to make a point or a case that "hundreds of millions" are or were affected adversely by something as "wrong" as you claim AA to be, and to support such a claim, they would want facts and evidence, namely the courts that you say should prosecute supporters of the AA initiative, you dumbass.

In this same forum, all day long, EVERYDAY, people talk about per capita rates and statistics to substantiate their debates. What makes you imagine that pulling numbers out of your ass makes you credible?

You obviously do not understand what the public census is. Your "hundreds of millions" fantasy is mathematically impossible after you adjust the U.S. average population numbers from 1964 until 2014 and then back out other ethnic and gender groups who counted in that timeline to get an estimate of white males who were in the workforce during those years, and perform yet another adjustment for those who EXCEEDED the nations average income bracket for those years as well, because they were NOT affected by AA.

A Jr. High student would know that.

Listen to the pathetic, panic-stricken, frightened, hysterical, Affirmative Action pusher desperately clinging to his AA DRUG, that he is addicted to, and can't survive without.
Here he is, saying nothing of any substance, but just ranting on and on in a terrified frenzy, that I, the Protectionist, protector of the American people, am now EXPOSING his racist SCAM, for all the world to see on the internet.

The massive attack on White people perpetrated by the AA racists, needs no confirmation. We all know it's there. And we all know it's BEEN there for 50 years. And we all know that hundreds of Millions of Whites (and other non-Blacks) have been discriminated against by it. This is American historical FACT. But that has no bearing on the panic-stricken, No bearing on the drug-addicted pathetics, who must have their AA, or they would have no way of competing in America on their own merits. No way to compete, when they HAVE NO MERITS to compete with.

Post some statistics or case studies that reveal the reality of this "massive attack" on white people. As of yet you have not done anything except pull made up numbers out of your dumb ass. "Hundreds of millions" of white AA are nuts.

I think it is obvious when one reads your posts that you have obvious anger issues and the emotional make up of a spoiled child.
It is a common tactic of ulta-liberals to rant about statistics. But the American people are wise to that. There are no statistics needed to show what is 100% obvious. Should we present statistics on how many fish are good swimmers to prove that fish are good swimmers.

We've been through this, and to repeat over and over what has already been answered, constitutes harassment, in violation of forum rules. Further badgering will result in penalties.

ROFLMAO. You can't produce any statistics because your imagination is your reality and the root cause of your psychosis. When someone disagrees with your rantings you throw temper tantrums. You are foolish fair game, Deflectionist.
Only YOU think statistics are needed - or at least you pretend that. everyone knows there is no need for statistics for what is self-evident. It's impossible for there to not be hundreds of Millions of Whites being discriminated against during the period 1964-2014.

All that is needed to know is that of course there were hundreds of Millions of Whites who entered the labor force, coming out of school, replacing the 100 Million or so already there. With all that turnover for 50 years, of course there were hundreds of Millions of Whites in the labor force, all added up together, and all while AA was fully in force.
It's impossible to say that they were not discriminated against. Just by being there in the labor force, THEY WERE ALL DISCRIMINATED AGAINST.

And they should all be paid reparations for this discrimination, out of the pockets of the pushers of AA, and those pushers should be arrested for violation of the 1964 Civil Rights Act, tried, convicted, and imprisoned, on a bread & water diet. No TV. No computer. No radio, stereo, MP3, no books, no magazines, no telephone, and no mail.

Well of course statistics are typically needed and expected from anyone who is attempting to make a point or a case that "hundreds of millions" are or were affected adversely by something as "wrong" as you claim AA to be, and to support such a claim, they would want facts and evidence, namely the courts that you say should prosecute supporters of the AA initiative, you dumbass.

In this same forum, all day long, EVERYDAY, people talk about per capita rates and statistics to substantiate their debates. What makes you imagine that pulling numbers out of your ass makes you credible?

You obviously do not understand what the public census is. Your "hundreds of millions" fantasy is mathematically impossible after you adjust the U.S. average population numbers from 1964 until 2014 and then back out other ethnic and gender groups who counted in that timeline to get an estimate of white males who were in the workforce during those years, and perform yet another adjustment for those who EXCEEDED the nations average income bracket for those years as well, because they were NOT affected by AA.A Jr. High student would know that..

Statistics are not expected or needed for many things. I gave a few examples earlier. Fish being good swimmers. Winters being colder than summers. And Affrimative Action harming hundreds of Millions of Whites.

The courts don't need statistics to prosecute offenders of the 1964 Civil Rights Act. All they need do is read the Act and read the AA rule. Put those together. Instant conviction. If it was done right, that's what it would be.

What makes you thinks that insisting on statistics for what is self-evident, makes you credible ? That's a rhetorical question. I'll give you the answer. You're an ultra-liberal. :laugh:

Hundreds of Millions of whites in the workforce over a span of 50 years is impossible, you want us to believe ?
How could it NOT be hundreds of millions ? With constant turnover in the workforce, and young people entering the workforce constantly stacking on top of older workers, for 50 years, this would easily surpass 200 Million (ie, "Hundreds" of Millions)

But the real question here is not do we have "hundreds of Millions" or one hundred Million, or tens of Millions. It is obvious that there have been a HUGE number of Whites in the workforce over the past 50 years, while AA was in force this entire time, and therefore, that number of White workers has been discriminated against by AA, and obviously, they easily outnumber whatever minorities may have been discriminated against in this same time period. And they are, as I said earlier, the largest group of discrimination victims in America, over the past 50 years, by a wide margin.

And many more being drawn up right now, in state legislatures with Republican majorities and Republican governors, and all with the approval of the US Supreme Court, which has repeatedly ruled against affirmative action.

Ex. Ricci vs. DeStefano
They could outlaw AA tomorrow nationwide and thats not going to help your circumstances. You are still going to be broke and poor because you are lazy.
I am NOT broke. NOT poor. And NOT lazy.

And when you can play even ONE musical instrument, even on an amateur level, you can then be in the clear from not being called lazy. You don't have to be able to play FIVE instruments all on a professional level as I do.
Yes you are broke. If you werent you would not be jealous of other people having a car. You are lazy as well. You think you can lie down while your white priviledge does all the work for you.Sorry but it doesnt work that way.
First of all, you DON'T KNOW my finances, and are not qualified to judge that, so you shut your mouth about what you have no clue.

Secondly, as the title of this OP (which I authored) states, there is no such thing as "White Privilege", so I couldn't have what doesn't exist, work for me. And as I just told you > when you can play even ONE musical instrument, even on an amateur level, you can then be in the clear from not being called lazy. You don't have to be able to play FIVE instruments all on a professional level as I do. You also don't need to have drawn and painted 100 pictures like me, or authored 100+ poems. Regarding laziness, compared to me you look like a sloth.
Only YOU think statistics are needed - or at least you pretend that. everyone knows there is no need for statistics for what is self-evident. It's impossible for there to not be hundreds of Millions of Whites being discriminated against during the period 1964-2014.

All that is needed to know is that of course there were hundreds of Millions of Whites who entered the labor force, coming out of school, replacing the 100 Million or so already there. With all that turnover for 50 years, of course there were hundreds of Millions of Whites in the labor force, all added up together, and all while AA was fully in force.
It's impossible to say that they were not discriminated against. Just by being there in the labor force, THEY WERE ALL DISCRIMINATED AGAINST.

And they should all be paid reparations for this discrimination, out of the pockets of the pushers of AA, and those pushers should be arrested for violation of the 1964 Civil Rights Act, tried, convicted, and imprisoned, on a bread & water diet. No TV. No computer. No radio, stereo, MP3, no books, no magazines, no telephone, and no mail.
So you dont have any proof? :laugh:
We ALL have proof. YOU too. And YOU KNOW it.
See Post # 325.
All we have is your assertions which everyone already knows are the ravings of a lunatic. In your case I need some data.
That's a LIE. Nobody needs "data" to show what is self-evident. Typical ultra-liberal talking tactic. And an insult to our intelligence. Nobody here is that stupid.

Crazy people such as yourself always say things are self evident. You are only speaking about what you think which is already highly suspect in your best moments. This outlandish claim needs to be backed up or no one is convinced.
What is convinced is that you are LYING, because you obviously know that every thing I've claimed is self-evident, and you are pretending to need data, statistics, evidence, and whatever other cool catchwords you ultra-liberals use in this so typical methodology of yours, that you amazingly think we're not wise to.
Want some evidence, that hundreds of millions of people are being hurt by AA.

Want some evidence that WP does not exist.

Theres some white people who are privledged but I see the whole thing as a way to further divide us into groups. Its something most likeley a
college proffesor dreamed up in African American Studies. People should spend more time studying something productive to get better jobs
in stead of studying crap that teaches them why they may not be doing as well as other racial groups.

there may be a place for AA when it comes to advancing smart kids through college who dont have the money, but I dont think its the best idea
in the work force. Unless you like everything taking twice as long to accomplish.

I disagree. All white people are privileged. You live in a world where you are the majority owners of all the resources. Your families were allowed to build legacy from the beginning of this countries founding. The social conditioning effect of the media paints whites in a primarily good light. Your very language is geared towards associating white with righteousness, purity, and cleanliness. Rarely is Black used to denote anything good. We know this conditioning works due to the examples of rabid racists on this very board. My belief is given the same circumstances, work drive, etc a white person has more opportunity because the people providing him/her the opportunities are more than likely going to be white. I know I simply have to outwork any white person to gain the same level which I dont mind doing but facts are facts.

All Black people are privileged. You live in a world where you got preference ahead of Whites. The social conditioning of the media is excessively kind to Blacks, at the expense of Whites (except Fox News). Given the same circumstances, work drive, etc a Black person has more opportunity because he gets Affirmative Action, and simply has jobs, promotions, etc handed to him on a silver platter, whether earning them or not (usually not).

When I was in the workforce, it didn't matter if I outworked the Blacks, they still would get the promotions ahead of me, no matter who did the better work. This is illustrated in the US Supreme Court decision against AA, in the Ricci vs DeStefano case, where dum-dum Black firefighters with low test scores, were promoted ahead of White firefighters with higher test scores. The Black dum-dums had the audacity to fight this in the courts, and they lost.

Ricci v. DeStefano 07-1428 Ricci v. DeStefano 08-328 LII Supreme Court Bulletin LII Legal Information Institute

Ricci v. DeStefano - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Only YOU think statistics are needed - or at least you pretend that. everyone knows there is no need for statistics for what is self-evident. It's impossible for there to not be hundreds of Millions of Whites being discriminated against during the period 1964-2014.

All that is needed to know is that of course there were hundreds of Millions of Whites who entered the labor force, coming out of school, replacing the 100 Million or so already there. With all that turnover for 50 years, of course there were hundreds of Millions of Whites in the labor force, all added up together, and all while AA was fully in force.
It's impossible to say that they were not discriminated against. Just by being there in the labor force, THEY WERE ALL DISCRIMINATED AGAINST.

And they should all be paid reparations for this discrimination, out of the pockets of the pushers of AA, and those pushers should be arrested for violation of the 1964 Civil Rights Act, tried, convicted, and imprisoned, on a bread & water diet. No TV. No computer. No radio, stereo, MP3, no books, no magazines, no telephone, and no mail.
So you dont have any proof? :laugh:
We ALL have proof. YOU too. And YOU KNOW it.
See Post # 325.
All we have is your assertions which everyone already knows are the ravings of a lunatic. In your case I need some data.
That's a LIE. Nobody needs "data" to show what is self-evident. Typical ultra-liberal talking tactic. And an insult to our intelligence. Nobody here is that stupid.

Crazy people such as yourself always say things are self evident. You are only speaking about what you think which is already highly suspect in your best moments. This outlandish claim needs to be backed up or no one is convinced.
Many things ARE self-evident. Would you say that fish being good swimmers is not self-evident ? You think you need a study, and "data", and "evidence" ?
How about man on bike is faster than man on foot ? Need "statistics" ? How about broken glass is sharp and can cut human skin ? Need evidence ? How about water moves from higher elevations to lower ones ? Need data ? Need to be "backed up" ? How about oceans contain salt ? Want t cal that an "assertion" ?

I'll tell you what else is self-evident. That by trying to employ your age-old liberal tactic of demanding data, statistics, evidence, for that which, obviously, no evidence is needed, you have made a grade-A fool out of yourself in this thread. Sometimes statistics are needed and useful. But in those cases where they are not needed, to come in here demanding them, only makes you look like a fool.

And many more being drawn up right now, in state legislatures with Republican majorities and Republican governors, and all with the approval of the US Supreme Court, which has repeatedly ruled against affirmative action.

Ex. Ricci vs. DeStefano
They could outlaw AA tomorrow nationwide and thats not going to help your circumstances. You are still going to be broke and poor because you are lazy.
I am NOT broke. NOT poor. And NOT lazy.

And when you can play even ONE musical instrument, even on an amateur level, you can then be in the clear from not being called lazy. You don't have to be able to play FIVE instruments all on a professional level as I do.
Yes you are broke. If you werent you would not be jealous of other people having a car. You are lazy as well. You think you can lie down while your white priviledge does all the work for you.Sorry but it doesnt work that way.
First of all, you DON'T KNOW my finances, and are not qualified to judge that, so you shut your mouth about what you have no clue.

Secondly, as the title of this OP (which I authored) states, there is no such thing as "White Privilege", so I couldn't have what doesn't exist, work for me. And as I just told you > when you can play even ONE musical instrument, even on an amateur level, you can then be in the clear from not being called lazy. You don't have to be able to play FIVE instruments all on a professional level as I do. You also don't need to have drawn and painted 100 pictures like me, or authored 100+ poems. Regarding laziness, compared to me you look like a sloth.
I do know your finances. You complained about not having a car when the Black people in your apartment complex have shiny ones. That tells me you have a broke mentality which is echoed in your financial situation.

I dont care what you stated. You havent proved your case. The only thing you have proven is that you are broke, lazy, loser at the end of your life span and you are bitter you dont have a car and Black people do.
So you dont have any proof? :laugh:
We ALL have proof. YOU too. And YOU KNOW it.
See Post # 325.
All we have is your assertions which everyone already knows are the ravings of a lunatic. In your case I need some data.
That's a LIE. Nobody needs "data" to show what is self-evident. Typical ultra-liberal talking tactic. And an insult to our intelligence. Nobody here is that stupid.

Crazy people such as yourself always say things are self evident. You are only speaking about what you think which is already highly suspect in your best moments. This outlandish claim needs to be backed up or no one is convinced.
What is convinced is that you are LYING, because you obviously know that every thing I've claimed is self-evident, and you are pretending to need data, statistics, evidence, and whatever other cool catchwords you ultra-liberals use in this so typical methodology of yours, that you amazingly think we're not wise to.
Of course you are convinced I am lying. Youre a nut case. Most nut cases make claims and have no supporting evidence.
So you dont have any proof? :laugh:
We ALL have proof. YOU too. And YOU KNOW it.
See Post # 325.
All we have is your assertions which everyone already knows are the ravings of a lunatic. In your case I need some data.
That's a LIE. Nobody needs "data" to show what is self-evident. Typical ultra-liberal talking tactic. And an insult to our intelligence. Nobody here is that stupid.

Crazy people such as yourself always say things are self evident. You are only speaking about what you think which is already highly suspect in your best moments. This outlandish claim needs to be backed up or no one is convinced.
Many things ARE self-evident. Would you say that fish being good swimmers is not self-evident ? You think you need a study, and "data", and "evidence" ?
How about man on bike is faster than man on foot ? Need "statistics" ? How about broken glass is sharp and can cut human skin ? Need evidence ? How about water moves from higher elevations to lower ones ? Need data ? Need to be "backed up" ? How about oceans contain salt ? Want t cal that an "assertion" ?

I'll tell you what else is self-evident. That by trying to employ your age-old liberal tactic of demanding data, statistics, evidence, for that which, obviously, no evidence is needed, you have made a grade-A fool out of yourself in this thread. Sometimes statistics are needed and useful. But in those cases where they are not needed, to come in here demanding them, only makes you look like a fool.
Yes many things are self evident. Your claim happens to be one that is not. Sorry. Your monkeyshine is not self evident. Provide some factual data for me to consider.

And many more being drawn up right now, in state legislatures with Republican majorities and Republican governors, and all with the approval of the US Supreme Court, which has repeatedly ruled against affirmative action.

Ex. Ricci vs. DeStefano
They could outlaw AA tomorrow nationwide and thats not going to help your circumstances. You are still going to be broke and poor because you are lazy.
I am NOT broke. NOT poor. And NOT lazy.

And when you can play even ONE musical instrument, even on an amateur level, you can then be in the clear from not being called lazy. You don't have to be able to play FIVE instruments all on a professional level as I do.
Yes you are broke. If you werent you would not be jealous of other people having a car. You are lazy as well. You think you can lie down while your white priviledge does all the work for you.Sorry but it doesnt work that way.
First of all, you DON'T KNOW my finances, and are not qualified to judge that, so you shut your mouth about what you have no clue.

Secondly, as the title of this OP (which I authored) states, there is no such thing as "White Privilege", so I couldn't have what doesn't exist, work for me. And as I just told you > when you can play even ONE musical instrument, even on an amateur level, you can then be in the clear from not being called lazy. You don't have to be able to play FIVE instruments all on a professional level as I do. You also don't need to have drawn and painted 100 pictures like me, or authored 100+ poems. Regarding laziness, compared to me you look like a sloth.
I do know your finances. You complained about not having a car when the Black people in your apartment complex have shiny ones. That tells me you have a broke mentality which is echoed in your financial situation.

I dont care what you stated. You havent proved your case. The only thing you have proven is that you are broke, lazy, loser at the end of your life span and you are bitter you dont have a car and Black people do.
I also wrote that I have thousands of dollars worth of musical instruments., BTW, my 99 Buick has a new paint job, new seat covers, all new interior, and runs perfect, with a ton of accessories.

And I haven't NEEDED to prove any case. It is self-evident, and you have proven that you are a liar, and too lazy to learn to play a musical instrument, even with you-tube tutorials all over the internet, which I didn't have, when I taught myself my FIVE instruments. Now get off that couch, and get to work on that guitar, you lazy bum.
We ALL have proof. YOU too. And YOU KNOW it.
See Post # 325.
All we have is your assertions which everyone already knows are the ravings of a lunatic. In your case I need some data.
That's a LIE. Nobody needs "data" to show what is self-evident. Typical ultra-liberal talking tactic. And an insult to our intelligence. Nobody here is that stupid.

Crazy people such as yourself always say things are self evident. You are only speaking about what you think which is already highly suspect in your best moments. This outlandish claim needs to be backed up or no one is convinced.
Many things ARE self-evident. Would you say that fish being good swimmers is not self-evident ? You think you need a study, and "data", and "evidence" ?
How about man on bike is faster than man on foot ? Need "statistics" ? How about broken glass is sharp and can cut human skin ? Need evidence ? How about water moves from higher elevations to lower ones ? Need data ? Need to be "backed up" ? How about oceans contain salt ? Want t cal that an "assertion" ?

I'll tell you what else is self-evident. That by trying to employ your age-old liberal tactic of demanding data, statistics, evidence, for that which, obviously, no evidence is needed, you have made a grade-A fool out of yourself in this thread. Sometimes statistics are needed and useful. But in those cases where they are not needed, to come in here demanding them, only makes you look like a fool.
Yes many things are self evident. Your claim happens to be one that is not. Sorry. Your monkeyshine is not self evident. Provide some factual data for me to consider.
Of course it's self-evident, You look like a fool.
All we have is your assertions which everyone already knows are the ravings of a lunatic. In your case I need some data.
That's a LIE. Nobody needs "data" to show what is self-evident. Typical ultra-liberal talking tactic. And an insult to our intelligence. Nobody here is that stupid.

Crazy people such as yourself always say things are self evident. You are only speaking about what you think which is already highly suspect in your best moments. This outlandish claim needs to be backed up or no one is convinced.
Many things ARE self-evident. Would you say that fish being good swimmers is not self-evident ? You think you need a study, and "data", and "evidence" ?
How about man on bike is faster than man on foot ? Need "statistics" ? How about broken glass is sharp and can cut human skin ? Need evidence ? How about water moves from higher elevations to lower ones ? Need data ? Need to be "backed up" ? How about oceans contain salt ? Want t cal that an "assertion" ?

I'll tell you what else is self-evident. That by trying to employ your age-old liberal tactic of demanding data, statistics, evidence, for that which, obviously, no evidence is needed, you have made a grade-A fool out of yourself in this thread. Sometimes statistics are needed and useful. But in those cases where they are not needed, to come in here demanding them, only makes you look like a fool.
Yes many things are self evident. Your claim happens to be one that is not. Sorry. Your monkeyshine is not self evident. Provide some factual data for me to consider.
Of course it's self-evident, You look like a fool.
No. Its not self evident. Here is the definition so you wont look so stupid proclaiming it is.
Self evident
:not needing to be demonstrated or explained; obvious.
They could outlaw AA tomorrow nationwide and thats not going to help your circumstances. You are still going to be broke and poor because you are lazy.
I am NOT broke. NOT poor. And NOT lazy.

And when you can play even ONE musical instrument, even on an amateur level, you can then be in the clear from not being called lazy. You don't have to be able to play FIVE instruments all on a professional level as I do.
Yes you are broke. If you werent you would not be jealous of other people having a car. You are lazy as well. You think you can lie down while your white priviledge does all the work for you.Sorry but it doesnt work that way.
First of all, you DON'T KNOW my finances, and are not qualified to judge that, so you shut your mouth about what you have no clue.

Secondly, as the title of this OP (which I authored) states, there is no such thing as "White Privilege", so I couldn't have what doesn't exist, work for me. And as I just told you > when you can play even ONE musical instrument, even on an amateur level, you can then be in the clear from not being called lazy. You don't have to be able to play FIVE instruments all on a professional level as I do. You also don't need to have drawn and painted 100 pictures like me, or authored 100+ poems. Regarding laziness, compared to me you look like a sloth.
I do know your finances. You complained about not having a car when the Black people in your apartment complex have shiny ones. That tells me you have a broke mentality which is echoed in your financial situation.

I dont care what you stated. You havent proved your case. The only thing you have proven is that you are broke, lazy, loser at the end of your life span and you are bitter you dont have a car and Black people do.
I also wrote that I have thousands of dollars worth of musical instruments., BTW, my 99 Buick has a new paint job, new seat covers, all new interior, and runs perfect, with a ton of accessories.

And I haven't NEEDED to prove any case. It is self-evident, and you have proven that you are a liar, and too lazy to learn to play a musical instrument, even with you-tube tutorials all over the internet, which I didn't have, when I taught myself my FIVE instruments. Now get off that couch, and get to work on that guitar, you lazy bum.
No one believes you because you already admitted you didnt have a car and you were upset Black people had shiny ones. Give me a break moron. If you really had some money you wouldnt be whining.

You have needed to prove your case. Your claims are not self evident. Thats why we call them claims and assertion and requite some supporting documentation. Your failure to support your claims makes this more monkeyshine from a monkey.
We ALL have proof. YOU too. And YOU KNOW it.
See Post # 325.
All we have is your assertions which everyone already knows are the ravings of a lunatic. In your case I need some data.
That's a LIE. Nobody needs "data" to show what is self-evident. Typical ultra-liberal talking tactic. And an insult to our intelligence. Nobody here is that stupid.

Crazy people such as yourself always say things are self evident. You are only speaking about what you think which is already highly suspect in your best moments. This outlandish claim needs to be backed up or no one is convinced.
What is convinced is that you are LYING, because you obviously know that every thing I've claimed is self-evident, and you are pretending to need data, statistics, evidence, and whatever other cool catchwords you ultra-liberals use in this so typical methodology of yours, that you amazingly think we're not wise to.
Of course you are convinced I am lying. Youre a nut case. Most nut cases make claims and have no supporting evidence.

Debate losers descend into name-calling and demanding evidence, in self-evident cases. You lost this debate a long time age, and you continue to punch away, foolishly thinking it's doing you some good. Simply pathetic.
All we have is your assertions which everyone already knows are the ravings of a lunatic. In your case I need some data.
That's a LIE. Nobody needs "data" to show what is self-evident. Typical ultra-liberal talking tactic. And an insult to our intelligence. Nobody here is that stupid.

Crazy people such as yourself always say things are self evident. You are only speaking about what you think which is already highly suspect in your best moments. This outlandish claim needs to be backed up or no one is convinced.
What is convinced is that you are LYING, because you obviously know that every thing I've claimed is self-evident, and you are pretending to need data, statistics, evidence, and whatever other cool catchwords you ultra-liberals use in this so typical methodology of yours, that you amazingly think we're not wise to.
Of course you are convinced I am lying. Youre a nut case. Most nut cases make claims and have no supporting evidence.

Debate losers descend into name-calling and demanding evidence, in self-evident cases. You lost this debate a long time age, and you continue to punch away, foolishly thinking it's doing you some good. Simply pathetic.

When you submit some evidence that supports your claim then I might give you permission to claim victory. As it stands you have submitted nothing so the only thing left to do is make fun of you. There is no debate. You never supported your argument. Until you do that your position is highly suspect.
I am NOT broke. NOT poor. And NOT lazy.

And when you can play even ONE musical instrument, even on an amateur level, you can then be in the clear from not being called lazy. You don't have to be able to play FIVE instruments all on a professional level as I do.
Yes you are broke. If you werent you would not be jealous of other people having a car. You are lazy as well. You think you can lie down while your white priviledge does all the work for you.Sorry but it doesnt work that way.
First of all, you DON'T KNOW my finances, and are not qualified to judge that, so you shut your mouth about what you have no clue.

Secondly, as the title of this OP (which I authored) states, there is no such thing as "White Privilege", so I couldn't have what doesn't exist, work for me. And as I just told you > when you can play even ONE musical instrument, even on an amateur level, you can then be in the clear from not being called lazy. You don't have to be able to play FIVE instruments all on a professional level as I do. You also don't need to have drawn and painted 100 pictures like me, or authored 100+ poems. Regarding laziness, compared to me you look like a sloth.
I do know your finances. You complained about not having a car when the Black people in your apartment complex have shiny ones. That tells me you have a broke mentality which is echoed in your financial situation.

I dont care what you stated. You havent proved your case. The only thing you have proven is that you are broke, lazy, loser at the end of your life span and you are bitter you dont have a car and Black people do.
I also wrote that I have thousands of dollars worth of musical instruments., BTW, my 99 Buick has a new paint job, new seat covers, all new interior, and runs perfect, with a ton of accessories.

And I haven't NEEDED to prove any case. It is self-evident, and you have proven that you are a liar, and too lazy to learn to play a musical instrument, even with you-tube tutorials all over the internet, which I didn't have, when I taught myself my FIVE instruments. Now get off that couch, and get to work on that guitar, you lazy bum.
No one believes you because you already admitted you didnt have a car and you were upset Black people had shiny ones. Give me a break moron. If you really had some money you wouldnt be whining.

You have needed to prove your case. Your claims are not self evident. Thats why we call them claims and assertion and requite some supporting documentation. Your failure to support your claims makes this more monkeyshine from a monkey.

HA HA HA!! Dude, are you losing it ? I never said I didn't have a car. Is aid I have a 99 Buick. Pheeeeeww!! Are you all right ? There must be an emergency room near you someplace.

I also explained my financial situation in quite candid detail (more than most people do here). and it's nothing like what you said. And you can go on with this idiotic, liberal tactic of PRETENDING TO demand documentation, but no one (except your ultra-liberal loonies) are with you on it. We all know that is your pathetic tactic, when you know you are BEATEN.

You are just repeating yourself, and frankly, you're doing it so much now that I'm having to consider it HARASSMENT, worthy of report. You've stated your case, and I've responded to it. If you don't like the response, tough! But that doesn't give you the right to BADGER.

That's a LIE. Nobody needs "data" to show what is self-evident. Typical ultra-liberal talking tactic. And an insult to our intelligence. Nobody here is that stupid.

Crazy people such as yourself always say things are self evident. You are only speaking about what you think which is already highly suspect in your best moments. This outlandish claim needs to be backed up or no one is convinced.
Many things ARE self-evident. Would you say that fish being good swimmers is not self-evident ? You think you need a study, and "data", and "evidence" ?
How about man on bike is faster than man on foot ? Need "statistics" ? How about broken glass is sharp and can cut human skin ? Need evidence ? How about water moves from higher elevations to lower ones ? Need data ? Need to be "backed up" ? How about oceans contain salt ? Want t cal that an "assertion" ?

I'll tell you what else is self-evident. That by trying to employ your age-old liberal tactic of demanding data, statistics, evidence, for that which, obviously, no evidence is needed, you have made a grade-A fool out of yourself in this thread. Sometimes statistics are needed and useful. But in those cases where they are not needed, to come in here demanding them, only makes you look like a fool.
Yes many things are self evident. Your claim happens to be one that is not. Sorry. Your monkeyshine is not self evident. Provide some factual data for me to consider.
Of course it's self-evident, You look like a fool.
No. Its not self evident. Here is the definition so you wont look so stupid proclaiming it is.
Self evident
:not needing to be demonstrated or explained; obvious.

Of course it's self-evident, You look like a fool.
That's a LIE. Nobody needs "data" to show what is self-evident. Typical ultra-liberal talking tactic. And an insult to our intelligence. Nobody here is that stupid.

Crazy people such as yourself always say things are self evident. You are only speaking about what you think which is already highly suspect in your best moments. This outlandish claim needs to be backed up or no one is convinced.
What is convinced is that you are LYING, because you obviously know that every thing I've claimed is self-evident, and you are pretending to need data, statistics, evidence, and whatever other cool catchwords you ultra-liberals use in this so typical methodology of yours, that you amazingly think we're not wise to.
Of course you are convinced I am lying. Youre a nut case. Most nut cases make claims and have no supporting evidence.

Debate losers descend into name-calling and demanding evidence, in self-evident cases. You lost this debate a long time age, and you continue to punch away, foolishly thinking it's doing you some good. Simply pathetic.

When you submit some evidence that supports your claim then I might give you permission to claim victory. As it stands you have submitted nothing so the only thing left to do is make fun of you. There is no debate. You never supported your argument. Until you do that your position is highly suspect.
Lies and stupid ones at that.
Yawn ****
Yes you are broke. If you werent you would not be jealous of other people having a car. You are lazy as well. You think you can lie down while your white priviledge does all the work for you.Sorry but it doesnt work that way.
First of all, you DON'T KNOW my finances, and are not qualified to judge that, so you shut your mouth about what you have no clue.

Secondly, as the title of this OP (which I authored) states, there is no such thing as "White Privilege", so I couldn't have what doesn't exist, work for me. And as I just told you > when you can play even ONE musical instrument, even on an amateur level, you can then be in the clear from not being called lazy. You don't have to be able to play FIVE instruments all on a professional level as I do. You also don't need to have drawn and painted 100 pictures like me, or authored 100+ poems. Regarding laziness, compared to me you look like a sloth.
I do know your finances. You complained about not having a car when the Black people in your apartment complex have shiny ones. That tells me you have a broke mentality which is echoed in your financial situation.

I dont care what you stated. You havent proved your case. The only thing you have proven is that you are broke, lazy, loser at the end of your life span and you are bitter you dont have a car and Black people do.
I also wrote that I have thousands of dollars worth of musical instruments., BTW, my 99 Buick has a new paint job, new seat covers, all new interior, and runs perfect, with a ton of accessories.

And I haven't NEEDED to prove any case. It is self-evident, and you have proven that you are a liar, and too lazy to learn to play a musical instrument, even with you-tube tutorials all over the internet, which I didn't have, when I taught myself my FIVE instruments. Now get off that couch, and get to work on that guitar, you lazy bum.
No one believes you because you already admitted you didnt have a car and you were upset Black people had shiny ones. Give me a break moron. If you really had some money you wouldnt be whining.

You have needed to prove your case. Your claims are not self evident. Thats why we call them claims and assertion and requite some supporting documentation. Your failure to support your claims makes this more monkeyshine from a monkey.

HA HA HA!! Dude, are you losing it ? I never said I didn't have a car. Is aid I have a 99 Buick. Pheeeeeww!! Are you all right ? There must be an emergency room near you someplace.

I also explained my financial situation in quite candid detail (more than most people do here). and it's nothing like what you said. And you can go on with this idiotic, liberal tactic of PRETENDING TO demand documentation, but no one (except your ultra-liberal loonies) are with you on it. We all know that is your pathetic tactic, when you know you are BEATEN.

You are just repeating yourself, and frankly, you're doing it so much now that I'm having to consider it HARASSMENT, worthy of report. You've stated your case, and I've responded to it. If you don't like the response, tough! But that doesn't give you the right to BADGER.

My bad. I misread your post. Your neighbor is the one without a car. You own a crappy 99 Buick and you are mad that you dont have a shiny car like the Black people you are envious of. Dont be upset that I am calling your posts monkey shine. When you submit some evidence to support your post then I will give you credit as a serious debator. Since you cant your position is just more monkey shine.

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