Zone1 White Affirmative action is most prominent

You are just making the assumption that a disparity is due to discrimination. If that is your thesis, my high IQ friend, then the burden of proof is on you.
I'm not assuming anything. I see disparity, I research the disparity, and I invariably find racism( in my Ibram X Kendi Voice). The study I cited you about discrimination against Asians is enough. The burden of proof in on white people to prove they stopped doing the things they've always done for the last 500 years(and then some). To your point, I know firsthand what that discrimination is real. I discriminate against white in my own business handlings. If I go on their social media and see maga hats, or any American flags, that's an instant no. So, you're right in a sense, racist white employers will discriminate against blacks who won't submit and acquiesce to racism. I just, like, want to dominate white people, you know? Not be apart of their system or buddy buddy. White validation means absolutely nothing to me. I see myself as "racially" superior to most whites I meet. I see them no differently than you see homeless people.
I'm not assuming anything. I see disparity, I research the disparity, and I invariably find racism( in my Ibram X Kendi Voice). The study I cited you about discrimination against Asians is enough. The burden of proof in on white people to prove they stopped doing the things they've always done for the last 500 years(and then some). To your point, I know firsthand what that discrimination is real. I discriminate against white in my own business handlings. If I go on their social media and see maga hats, or any American flags, that's an instant no. So, you're right in a sense, racist white employers will discriminate against blacks who won't submit and acquiesce to racism. I just, like, want to dominate white people, you know? Not be apart of their system or buddy buddy. White validation means absolutely nothing to me. I see myself as "racially" superior to most whites I meet. I see them no differently than you see homeless people.
You need to get over blaming others for the failure of blacks globally. The truth lies elsewhere. You cannot be failures for millennia as the fault of others.

Genetics is a bitch and gives no quarter to political correctness, idealism and self-righteousness.
You need to get over blaming others for the failure of blacks globally. The truth lies elsewhere. You cannot be failures for millennia as the fault of others.

Genetics is a bitch and gives no quarter to political correctness, idealism and self-righteousness.
Whites were slaves. Whites lived in caves. Whites had a higher crime rate than modern south american S-hole countries known for how violent they are right now. You aint tellin' me sh*$ lol. I'm superior to you in every single way.
All the data is out there, most whites just want to protect white privilege and power. As African Americans, we must raise our collective IQ, demographics, social capital, and weaponize it in the same way our enemies do.

Whites don't want white privilege, which doesn't exist, they want blacks to shut up and act like equals if they want to be equal. That means stop blaming whites for their own personal decisions in life. Whites on average raise their kids better. We make sure they study after school, we take them to swim lessons, we teach them about manners, we teach them to be responsible for their actions, we encourage them, we try to pass our knowledge to them, we teach them to work for their allowance, and so on. So those kids grow up more ready to have a career, save for a house and so on. There is no white privilege, someone raised in a average white household will go into the world they will have an advantage than one raised by hoodrats and taught to live the black culture lifestyle. Just like people that are well to do black doctors or politicians will raise kids better than a white inner city family.

You're not African Americans. You're American because you were born here. African also doesn't mean black. Charlize theron and Elon musk are African. Africa for a very very very long time now has a lot of white people and Indian people living there. Calling yourself African Americans shows you want to be special and different, you don't want to be equal.

And enemies? Well that furthers the argument you are the real racist because you just referred to non blacks as the enemy. Why would anyone welcome you into the told you call an enemy? And you want to weaponize things?

If you think raising your is makes you better than you don't know what an IQ is. There is a reason why in the history of the country there is no formal iq test nor has one ever been used for even the president, a doctor, or astro physicist. No application ever has had a spot for an IQ because it's a vauge and unproven metric no one can establish.

Just one little paragraph is a lot to unpack and shows you aren't fit to speak on the topic because it's all untrue, misconceived, assuming and sprinkled with race based hate.
Whites don't want white privilege, which doesn't exist, they want blacks to shut up and act like equals if they want to be equal. That means stop blaming whites for their own personal decisions in life. Whites on average raise their kids better. We make sure they study after school, we take them to swim lessons, we teach them about manners, we teach them to be responsible for their actions, we encourage them, we try to pass our knowledge to them, we teach them to work for their allowance, and so on. So those kids grow up more ready to have a career, save for a house and so on. There is no white privilege, someone raised in a average white household will go into the world they will have an advantage than one raised by hoodrats and taught to live the black culture lifestyle. Just like people that are well to do black doctors or politicians will raise kids better than a white inner city family.

You're not African Americans. You're American because you were born here. African also doesn't mean black. Charlize theron and Elon musk are African. Africa for a very very very long time now has a lot of white people and Indian people living there. Calling yourself African Americans shows you want to be special and different, you don't want to be equal.

And enemies? Well that furthers the argument you are the real racist because you just referred to non blacks as the enemy. Why would anyone welcome you into the told you call an enemy? And you want to weaponize things?

If you think raising your is makes you better than you don't know what an IQ is. There is a reason why in the history of the country there is no formal iq test nor has one ever been used for even the president, a doctor, or astro physicist. No application ever has had a spot for an IQ because it's a vauge and unproven metric no one can establish.

Just one little paragraph is a lot to unpack and shows you aren't fit to speak on the topic because it's all untrue, misconceived, assuming and sprinkled with race based hate.
Whites do have white privilege. A white person created the term. People like you tell us how we should read particular blacks in order to learn something. How about you do some reading about what white privilege really is? The fact you think you can lecture someone black about what they are or how what they see is not so, is white privilege.

Second why do whites try teling us were aren't African American? Whites can say they are Irish America, Polish American, Italian American and nobody says a thing. But we call ourseves African American and we get a lecture from some white idiot about how we aren't what we say we are. Maga12 is no racist, he is descrbing how many blacs feel because of what we must endure. You have no right to call him a racist because of that. You need to learn that just because you are white, yu don't get to definie the life experiences of others.
You are 100 percent right about how whites have everything they do becauise of Affirmative Action for whites. And you are also right in the fact that we must use every tool at our disposal to equalize this situation.
White people have thrrived on affirmative action
  • Fact
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White people have thrrived on affirmative action
True. But in this country there is a part of the white population who have chosen to beieve that what has been happening is just because whites work harder and are smarter. They don't see themselves as a race.
True. But in this country there is a part of the white population who have chosen to beieve that what has been happening is just because whites work harder and are smarter. They don't see themselves as a race.
Historicaly they have been lucky people. And of course if black folk do get on they just kill them and steal their land and property.
They rigged the game by passing laws that favored whites and excluded people who were black.
Yes. When the land of the free was created where all men were equal the locals tried to escape to britain. It wasnt much better here.

Have you heard of Bill Richmond ? He was celebrated all over London and took a pub there where he coached in later life. Of course his celevrity gave him a leg up. I would like to see a film of his life An american hero but I suspect Desantis would ban it if it made him feel uncomfortable.
They rigged the game by passing laws that favored whites and excluded people who were black.
Blacks are poor in America, Haiti, Jamaica, Africa. We're poor and easily dominated because we have no ingenuity, social capital, skills and intelligence. It doesn't matter if there are whites or not. Are failures are our own, other groups take full advantage of it. Ni##ers still don't even own one nuke.

But you, too, are a colonizer. Ask the millions of chickens we enslave and devour. If you were to ask the chicken, he would say he is oppressed. We can do whatever we want to the chicken, because the chicken is weak and lacks even the intelligence to know that it is oppressed. If you can't defend yourself, you're going to get got. It is what it is. Blacks need to accept reality, stop being weak, and kill any cracker trying to enslave us.
Blacks are poor in America, Haiti, Jamaica, Africa. We're poor and easily dominated because we have no ingenuity, social capital, skills and intelligence. It doesn't matter if there are whites or not. Are failures are our own, other groups take full advantage of it. Ni##ers still don't even own one nuke.

But you, too, are a colonizer. Ask the millions of chickens we enslave and devour. If you were to ask the chicken, he would say he is oppressed. We can do whatever we want to the chicken, because the chicken is weak and lacks even the intelligence to know that it is oppressed. If you can't defend yourself, you're going to get got. It is what it is. Blacks need to accept reality, stop being weak, and kill any cracker trying to enslave us.
You're wrong. Son, you need to get educated. You're talking stupid.
You're wrong. Son, you need to get educated. You're talking stupid.
The truth hurts. The wheel wasn't invented by the time whites came. They didn't have an sea faring ships. It's IQ and culture. You cannot expect a dog to learn how to build a rocket ship, even if you give it millions of resources, and change it's environment. Genetics will always be the limiting factor. Blacks are not endowed with the same properties as other races, due to millions of years of evolution. The black bear and polar bear may appear to share many similarities, but they have two different skills sets to thrive in two different environments. True, this is why most of the top athletes are black. You cannot have it both ways-it would be silly to suggest that the brain was somehow exempt from environmental, evolutionary change. But my focus has always been to correct course and change those things. It may take thousands of years, especially with weak black men who deny reality, but It can be done. Whites and Asians were low IQ at one point as well.

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