The Unconscious Mind


VIP Member
Sep 13, 2012
Oak Park, IL.
I came across this math problem I couldn't solve the way I wanted it solved and I became sad. I quickly reacted and started wondering why am I not happy. I've got all these good things going on so paying a little interest shouldn't effect my feelings. This was about a week ago.

I found some paper on the mind. It says there are 3 main parts. I'm not talking the physical brain, but how it learns and processes information.


1. Conscious mind: Everything we are aware of at the moment. It could be anything.
2. Subconscious mind: Things that are consciously heard is broken up in to chunks and processed.
3. Unconscious mind: When processing is done, we learn. Everything we learn is stored here. The alphabet, driving, our jobs. This is also the area where thought, breathing, hearts and everything else our bodies do that we don't have to think about.


1. The unconscious mind sends a "clink" of information to the subconscious.
2. The subconscious mind breaks this clink into "chunks" and send the desired result to the conscious mind.


The unconscious mind sends a clink of "feelings" to the subconscious where the clink is broken into chunks, like good and bad feelings. A feeling is chosen and sent to the conscious where we feel it.

We only make a few conscious decisions per day if we are lucky. I'm okay with it, free will was an illusion anyway.

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