The Ten Plagues Of California


Platinum Member
Mar 27, 2012
That header belongs to PJ Media, not to me. But it is totally appropriate.

We've been talking about (at least I have) what happens when your State or City, or anywhere else, when it gets taken over by dims.

THIS is what happens people.

The only reason you don't know about it is, quite frankly, if you're a dim you only get your 'news' from the fake news media.

People; California is the most beautiful place on the Planet. Nobody else even gets close. You can go surfing in the morning and Snow Skiing that same afternoon.

They have the best agricultural climate in the world, fantastic location for shipping, trade, etc.....

But dims are turning it into -- Well, into a shithole.

What they are doing for California, they want to do for you.

Maybe you like one or two things abut the dim platform. Actually, so do I.

But people, here's the Honest To God Truth.......

They are THE most incompetent party the Planet has ever known. If you're a single-issue voter (most dims are) you need to decide whether your one, single, selfish need or desire is worth what dims will do to this Country

Ten Plagues of California Are Turning The Golden State into a Third-World Hell Hole

Ten Plagues of California Are Turning The Golden State into a Third-World Hell Hole


A homeless man stands amongst a trash lined street in downtown Los Angeles on Thursday, May 30, 2019. (AP Photo/Richard Vogel)

In your typical Third-World megalopolis, basic city functions fall into disrepair, while once-eradicated diseases run rampant -- and the local bigwig boasts about saving the world.

Los Angeles is quickly becoming a typical Third-World megalopolis, and the rest of the state isn't far behind.

Yesterday the New York Post reported "rats running everywhere among piles of decaying garbage," in a "sprawling 50-block area that is believed to be the base for around 4,200 homeless people."

Local columnist Steve Lopez called his city a "giant trash receptacle" and asked, "Did someone turn back the calendar a few hundred years?” No, Steve, the city government turned hard left is all. Although debate fans might note that that's a distinction without a difference.

So where did all that trash come from? Los Angelenos are dumping it out in the streets -- and the city isn't collecting it. Two weeks ago Fox News reported that the problem goes back at least to last October, when the city noticed nine cases of typhus. The city "cleaned up some of the worst piles of garbage," but then they slacked right back off. The huge pile returned quickly, but officials at first said that it "could take up to 90 days before it's cleaned up." The same local news report described it this way:

Even the city's most notorious trash pile, located between downtown LA's busy Fashion and Produce districts, continues to be a magnet for rats after it was cleaned up months ago. The rodents can carry typhus-infected fleas, which can spread the disease to humans through bacteria rubbed into the eyes or cuts and scrapes on the skin, resulting in severe flu-like symptoms.

The story also noted that an "out-of-control rat population can even lead to the spread of dangerous strains of salmonella and bubonic plague.".........................................
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Soros's democrat Party absolutely fucking hates everything about Western Civilization
they need a rat control program like NY, Boston ,and Chicago
gotta have it

LA doesnt have one
they like to make believe theyre a real city they should at least try and act like one


That header belongs to PJ Media, not to me. But it is totally appropriate.

We've been talking about (at least I have) what happens when your State or City, or anywhere else, when it gets taken over by dims.

THIS is what happens people.

The only reason you don't know about it is, quite frankly, if you're a dim you only get your 'news' from the fake news media.

People; California is the most beautiful place on the Planet. Nobody else even gets close. You can go surfing in the morning and Snow Skiing that same afternoon.

They have the best agricultural climate in the world, fantastic location for shipping, trade, etc.....

But dims are turning it into -- Well, into a shithole.

What they are doing for California, they want to do for you.

Maybe you like one or two things abut the dim platform. Actually, so do I.

But people, here's the Honest To God Truth.......

They are THE most incompetent party the Planet has ever known. If you're a single-issue voter (most dims are) you need to decide whether your one, single, selfish need or desire is worth what dims will do this Country

Ten Plagues of California Are Turning The Golden State into a Third-World Hell Hole

Ten Plagues of California Are Turning The Golden State into a Third-World Hell Hole


A homeless man stands amongst a trash lined street in downtown Los Angeles on Thursday, May 30, 2019. (AP Photo/Richard Vogel)

In your typical Third-World megalopolis, basic city functions fall into disrepair, while once-eradicated diseases run rampant -- and the local bigwig boasts about saving the world.

Los Angeles is quickly becoming a typical Third-World megalopolis, and the rest of the state isn't far behind.

Yesterday the New York Post reported "rats running everywhere among piles of decaying garbage," in a "sprawling 50-block area that is believed to be the base for around 4,200 homeless people."

Local columnist Steve Lopez called his city a "giant trash receptacle" and asked, "Did someone turn back the calendar a few hundred years?” No, Steve, the city government turned hard left is all. Although debate fans might note that that's a distinction without a difference.

So where did all that trash come from? Los Angelenos are dumping it out in the streets -- and the city isn't collecting it. Two weeks ago Fox News reported that the problem goes back at least to last October, when the city noticed nine cases of typhus. The city "cleaned up some of the worst piles of garbage," but then they slacked right back off. The huge pile returned quickly, but officials at first said that it "could take up to 90 days before it's cleaned up." The same local news report described it this way:

Even the city's most notorious trash pile, located between downtown LA's busy Fashion and Produce districts, continues to be a magnet for rats after it was cleaned up months ago. The rodents can carry typhus-infected fleas, which can spread the disease to humans through bacteria rubbed into the eyes or cuts and scrapes on the skin, resulting in severe flu-like symptoms.

The story also noted that an "out-of-control rat population can even lead to the spread of dangerous strains of salmonella and bubonic plague.".........................................

Things like this happen because quite frankly keeping things running at a suitable baseline is SOOOOO BOOOORRRING to people who have global aspirations of control. They would rather focus on low hanging fruit like banning plastic bags and mandating composting than deal with the nuts and bolts services they were elected to provide.
That header belongs to PJ Media, not to me. But it is totally appropriate.

We've been talking about (at least I have) what happens when your State or City, or anywhere else, when it gets taken over by dims.

THIS is what happens people.

The only reason you don't know about it is, quite frankly, if you're a dim you only get your 'news' from the fake news media.

People; California is the most beautiful place on the Planet. Nobody else even gets close. You can go surfing in the morning and Snow Skiing that same afternoon.

They have the best agricultural climate in the world, fantastic location for shipping, trade, etc.....

But dims are turning it into -- Well, into a shithole.

What they are doing for California, they want to do for you.

Maybe you like one or two things abut the dim platform. Actually, so do I.

But people, here's the Honest To God Truth.......

They are THE most incompetent party the Planet has ever known. If you're a single-issue voter (most dims are) you need to decide whether your one, single, selfish need or desire is worth what dims will do this Country

Ten Plagues of California Are Turning The Golden State into a Third-World Hell Hole

Ten Plagues of California Are Turning The Golden State into a Third-World Hell Hole


A homeless man stands amongst a trash lined street in downtown Los Angeles on Thursday, May 30, 2019. (AP Photo/Richard Vogel)

In your typical Third-World megalopolis, basic city functions fall into disrepair, while once-eradicated diseases run rampant -- and the local bigwig boasts about saving the world.

Los Angeles is quickly becoming a typical Third-World megalopolis, and the rest of the state isn't far behind.

Yesterday the New York Post reported "rats running everywhere among piles of decaying garbage," in a "sprawling 50-block area that is believed to be the base for around 4,200 homeless people."

Local columnist Steve Lopez called his city a "giant trash receptacle" and asked, "Did someone turn back the calendar a few hundred years?” No, Steve, the city government turned hard left is all. Although debate fans might note that that's a distinction without a difference.

So where did all that trash come from? Los Angelenos are dumping it out in the streets -- and the city isn't collecting it. Two weeks ago Fox News reported that the problem goes back at least to last October, when the city noticed nine cases of typhus. The city "cleaned up some of the worst piles of garbage," but then they slacked right back off. The huge pile returned quickly, but officials at first said that it "could take up to 90 days before it's cleaned up." The same local news report described it this way:

Even the city's most notorious trash pile, located between downtown LA's busy Fashion and Produce districts, continues to be a magnet for rats after it was cleaned up months ago. The rodents can carry typhus-infected fleas, which can spread the disease to humans through bacteria rubbed into the eyes or cuts and scrapes on the skin, resulting in severe flu-like symptoms.

The story also noted that an "out-of-control rat population can even lead to the spread of dangerous strains of salmonella and bubonic plague.".........................................
I’ve posted numerous times about the situation in SF

I honestly can not understand why
Nancy Pelosi and Maxine Waters aren’t held accountable

Where the hell are the Congressional hearings
concerning the utter lack of leadership
and misuse of federal funds in SF & LA
In case you missed it first time around Los Angelenos are dumping garbage in the streets. These are households that empty garbage cans in the streets. These are small mom and pop restaurants that throw filled trash bags out of the backs of pick up trucks. This is medieval. Slop jars emptied out of second floor windows. Do they not know? Or do they just not care? Is this how they lived back home?
I’ve posted numerous times about the situation in SF

I honestly can not understand why
Nancy Pelosi and Maxine Waters aren’t held accountable

The answer is simple.....

Because the DISGUSTING FILTH in the media doesn't care what dimocraps do wrong, only when it's a (perceived wrong by a) Republican.

Trump is right, the media IS the enemy of The People.

THAT is simply a no bullshit statement. And what I've been saying for decades.

You watch; once the situation gets out of control, once somebody (most likely a Republican) steps in to solve the problem, they'll take notice.

Ever notice that the DISGUSTING FILTH is years behind actual events?

Unless it's Fake News. Then they're out in front of it
In case you missed it first time around Los Angelenos are dumping garbage in the streets. These are households that empty garbage cans in the streets. These are small mom and pop restaurants that throw filled trash bags out of the backs of pick up trucks. This is medieval. Slop jars emptied out of second floor windows. Do they not know? Or do they just not care? Is this how they lived back home?

Is it because the City isn't picking up the trash or is it because the people are pigs??
The thing is; Mexicrats have finally grown the populous of Mexifornia to the point where it’s comprised of filthy pieces of shits...therefore the vast majority isn’t bothered by filth and other filthy pieces of fact, many encourage the filth....The Party Of Filth And Foreigners has done a fantastic job executing their plan here.
In case you missed it first time around Los Angelenos are dumping garbage in the streets. These are households that empty garbage cans in the streets. These are small mom and pop restaurants that throw filled trash bags out of the backs of pick up trucks. This is medieval. Slop jars emptied out of second floor windows. Do they not know? Or do they just not care? Is this how they lived back home?

Is it because the City isn't picking up the trash or is it because the people are pigs??

Usually it's a combination of both, People being pigs increases the need for street cleaning and spot cleanups, which impact the budget as these tasks are usually outside of normal collection schedules (that means Overtime)
That header belongs to PJ Media, not to me. But it is totally appropriate.

We've been talking about (at least I have) what happens when your State or City, or anywhere else, when it gets taken over by dims.

THIS is what happens people.

The only reason you don't know about it is, quite frankly, if you're a dim you only get your 'news' from the fake news media.

People; California is the most beautiful place on the Planet. Nobody else even gets close. You can go surfing in the morning and Snow Skiing that same afternoon.

They have the best agricultural climate in the world, fantastic location for shipping, trade, etc.....

But dims are turning it into -- Well, into a shithole.

What they are doing for California, they want to do for you.

Maybe you like one or two things abut the dim platform. Actually, so do I.

But people, here's the Honest To God Truth.......

They are THE most incompetent party the Planet has ever known. If you're a single-issue voter (most dims are) you need to decide whether your one, single, selfish need or desire is worth what dims will do to this Country

Ten Plagues of California Are Turning The Golden State into a Third-World Hell Hole

Ten Plagues of California Are Turning The Golden State into a Third-World Hell Hole


A homeless man stands amongst a trash lined street in downtown Los Angeles on Thursday, May 30, 2019. (AP Photo/Richard Vogel)

In your typical Third-World megalopolis, basic city functions fall into disrepair, while once-eradicated diseases run rampant -- and the local bigwig boasts about saving the world.

Los Angeles is quickly becoming a typical Third-World megalopolis, and the rest of the state isn't far behind.

Yesterday the New York Post reported "rats running everywhere among piles of decaying garbage," in a "sprawling 50-block area that is believed to be the base for around 4,200 homeless people."

Local columnist Steve Lopez called his city a "giant trash receptacle" and asked, "Did someone turn back the calendar a few hundred years?” No, Steve, the city government turned hard left is all. Although debate fans might note that that's a distinction without a difference.

So where did all that trash come from? Los Angelenos are dumping it out in the streets -- and the city isn't collecting it. Two weeks ago Fox News reported that the problem goes back at least to last October, when the city noticed nine cases of typhus. The city "cleaned up some of the worst piles of garbage," but then they slacked right back off. The huge pile returned quickly, but officials at first said that it "could take up to 90 days before it's cleaned up." The same local news report described it this way:

Even the city's most notorious trash pile, located between downtown LA's busy Fashion and Produce districts, continues to be a magnet for rats after it was cleaned up months ago. The rodents can carry typhus-infected fleas, which can spread the disease to humans through bacteria rubbed into the eyes or cuts and scrapes on the skin, resulting in severe flu-like symptoms.

The story also noted that an "out-of-control rat population can even lead to the spread of dangerous strains of salmonella and bubonic plague.".........................................
More California envy from those CRCs who live in places like Mississippi, Alabama, and Arkansas.....:71:
That header belongs to PJ Media, not to me. But it is totally appropriate.

We've been talking about (at least I have) what happens when your State or City, or anywhere else, when it gets taken over by dims.

THIS is what happens people.

The only reason you don't know about it is, quite frankly, if you're a dim you only get your 'news' from the fake news media.

People; California is the most beautiful place on the Planet. Nobody else even gets close. You can go surfing in the morning and Snow Skiing that same afternoon.

They have the best agricultural climate in the world, fantastic location for shipping, trade, etc.....

But dims are turning it into -- Well, into a shithole.

What they are doing for California, they want to do for you.

Maybe you like one or two things abut the dim platform. Actually, so do I.

But people, here's the Honest To God Truth.......

They are THE most incompetent party the Planet has ever known. If you're a single-issue voter (most dims are) you need to decide whether your one, single, selfish need or desire is worth what dims will do this Country

Ten Plagues of California Are Turning The Golden State into a Third-World Hell Hole

Ten Plagues of California Are Turning The Golden State into a Third-World Hell Hole


A homeless man stands amongst a trash lined street in downtown Los Angeles on Thursday, May 30, 2019. (AP Photo/Richard Vogel)

In your typical Third-World megalopolis, basic city functions fall into disrepair, while once-eradicated diseases run rampant -- and the local bigwig boasts about saving the world.

Los Angeles is quickly becoming a typical Third-World megalopolis, and the rest of the state isn't far behind.

Yesterday the New York Post reported "rats running everywhere among piles of decaying garbage," in a "sprawling 50-block area that is believed to be the base for around 4,200 homeless people."

Local columnist Steve Lopez called his city a "giant trash receptacle" and asked, "Did someone turn back the calendar a few hundred years?” No, Steve, the city government turned hard left is all. Although debate fans might note that that's a distinction without a difference.

So where did all that trash come from? Los Angelenos are dumping it out in the streets -- and the city isn't collecting it. Two weeks ago Fox News reported that the problem goes back at least to last October, when the city noticed nine cases of typhus. The city "cleaned up some of the worst piles of garbage," but then they slacked right back off. The huge pile returned quickly, but officials at first said that it "could take up to 90 days before it's cleaned up." The same local news report described it this way:

Even the city's most notorious trash pile, located between downtown LA's busy Fashion and Produce districts, continues to be a magnet for rats after it was cleaned up months ago. The rodents can carry typhus-infected fleas, which can spread the disease to humans through bacteria rubbed into the eyes or cuts and scrapes on the skin, resulting in severe flu-like symptoms.

The story also noted that an "out-of-control rat population can even lead to the spread of dangerous strains of salmonella and bubonic plague.".........................................
I’ve posted numerous times about the situation in SF

I honestly can not understand why
Nancy Pelosi and Maxine Waters aren’t held accountable

Where the hell are the Congressional hearings
concerning the utter lack of leadership
and misuse of federal funds in SF & LA
What federals funds?
That header belongs to PJ Media, not to me. But it is totally appropriate.

We've been talking about (at least I have) what happens when your State or City, or anywhere else, when it gets taken over by dims.

THIS is what happens people.

The only reason you don't know about it is, quite frankly, if you're a dim you only get your 'news' from the fake news media.

People; California is the most beautiful place on the Planet. Nobody else even gets close. You can go surfing in the morning and Snow Skiing that same afternoon.

They have the best agricultural climate in the world, fantastic location for shipping, trade, etc.....

But dims are turning it into -- Well, into a shithole.

What they are doing for California, they want to do for you.

Maybe you like one or two things abut the dim platform. Actually, so do I.

But people, here's the Honest To God Truth.......

They are THE most incompetent party the Planet has ever known. If you're a single-issue voter (most dims are) you need to decide whether your one, single, selfish need or desire is worth what dims will do to this Country

Ten Plagues of California Are Turning The Golden State into a Third-World Hell Hole

Ten Plagues of California Are Turning The Golden State into a Third-World Hell Hole


A homeless man stands amongst a trash lined street in downtown Los Angeles on Thursday, May 30, 2019. (AP Photo/Richard Vogel)

In your typical Third-World megalopolis, basic city functions fall into disrepair, while once-eradicated diseases run rampant -- and the local bigwig boasts about saving the world.

Los Angeles is quickly becoming a typical Third-World megalopolis, and the rest of the state isn't far behind.

Yesterday the New York Post reported "rats running everywhere among piles of decaying garbage," in a "sprawling 50-block area that is believed to be the base for around 4,200 homeless people."

Local columnist Steve Lopez called his city a "giant trash receptacle" and asked, "Did someone turn back the calendar a few hundred years?” No, Steve, the city government turned hard left is all. Although debate fans might note that that's a distinction without a difference.

So where did all that trash come from? Los Angelenos are dumping it out in the streets -- and the city isn't collecting it. Two weeks ago Fox News reported that the problem goes back at least to last October, when the city noticed nine cases of typhus. The city "cleaned up some of the worst piles of garbage," but then they slacked right back off. The huge pile returned quickly, but officials at first said that it "could take up to 90 days before it's cleaned up." The same local news report described it this way:

Even the city's most notorious trash pile, located between downtown LA's busy Fashion and Produce districts, continues to be a magnet for rats after it was cleaned up months ago. The rodents can carry typhus-infected fleas, which can spread the disease to humans through bacteria rubbed into the eyes or cuts and scrapes on the skin, resulting in severe flu-like symptoms.

The story also noted that an "out-of-control rat population can even lead to the spread of dangerous strains of salmonella and bubonic plague.".........................................
More California envy from those CRCs who live in places like Mississippi, Alabama, and Arkansas.....:71:
Where shitholes and poverty come naturally...You left out Southern Mizzouri..
That header belongs to PJ Media, not to me. But it is totally appropriate.

We've been talking about (at least I have) what happens when your State or City, or anywhere else, when it gets taken over by dims.

THIS is what happens people.

The only reason you don't know about it is, quite frankly, if you're a dim you only get your 'news' from the fake news media.

People; California is the most beautiful place on the Planet. Nobody else even gets close. You can go surfing in the morning and Snow Skiing that same afternoon.

They have the best agricultural climate in the world, fantastic location for shipping, trade, etc.....

But dims are turning it into -- Well, into a shithole.

What they are doing for California, they want to do for you.

Maybe you like one or two things abut the dim platform. Actually, so do I.

But people, here's the Honest To God Truth.......

They are THE most incompetent party the Planet has ever known. If you're a single-issue voter (most dims are) you need to decide whether your one, single, selfish need or desire is worth what dims will do to this Country

Ten Plagues of California Are Turning The Golden State into a Third-World Hell Hole

Ten Plagues of California Are Turning The Golden State into a Third-World Hell Hole


A homeless man stands amongst a trash lined street in downtown Los Angeles on Thursday, May 30, 2019. (AP Photo/Richard Vogel)

In your typical Third-World megalopolis, basic city functions fall into disrepair, while once-eradicated diseases run rampant -- and the local bigwig boasts about saving the world.

Los Angeles is quickly becoming a typical Third-World megalopolis, and the rest of the state isn't far behind.

Yesterday the New York Post reported "rats running everywhere among piles of decaying garbage," in a "sprawling 50-block area that is believed to be the base for around 4,200 homeless people."

Local columnist Steve Lopez called his city a "giant trash receptacle" and asked, "Did someone turn back the calendar a few hundred years?” No, Steve, the city government turned hard left is all. Although debate fans might note that that's a distinction without a difference.

So where did all that trash come from? Los Angelenos are dumping it out in the streets -- and the city isn't collecting it. Two weeks ago Fox News reported that the problem goes back at least to last October, when the city noticed nine cases of typhus. The city "cleaned up some of the worst piles of garbage," but then they slacked right back off. The huge pile returned quickly, but officials at first said that it "could take up to 90 days before it's cleaned up." The same local news report described it this way:

Even the city's most notorious trash pile, located between downtown LA's busy Fashion and Produce districts, continues to be a magnet for rats after it was cleaned up months ago. The rodents can carry typhus-infected fleas, which can spread the disease to humans through bacteria rubbed into the eyes or cuts and scrapes on the skin, resulting in severe flu-like symptoms.

The story also noted that an "out-of-control rat population can even lead to the spread of dangerous strains of salmonella and bubonic plague.".........................................
More California envy from those CRCs who live in places like Mississippi, Alabama, and Arkansas.....:71:
Where shitholes and poverty come naturally...You left out Southern Mizzouri..
So. Mizzouri has a potential for upside if what you type is true. L.A. is purposely downgrading itself from the heights you spout it to be. The people move to these places.
Let things go and those who live in places like Mississippi, Alabama and Arkansas will be healthy and alive.

I moved to Orange County from Los Angeles. We have complicated land ownership and leasehold rules. We have a myriad of HOAs. In fact one of our two HOAs just sent out a notice that parking passes will be required to park on the streets of the community. We have our own security service. We have no homeless. No trash in our streets. No needles in our parks. Unless you belong here drive on through. California is beoming walled cities.
That header belongs to PJ Media, not to me. But it is totally appropriate.

We've been talking about (at least I have) what happens when your State or City, or anywhere else, when it gets taken over by dims.

THIS is what happens people.

The only reason you don't know about it is, quite frankly, if you're a dim you only get your 'news' from the fake news media.

People; California is the most beautiful place on the Planet. Nobody else even gets close. You can go surfing in the morning and Snow Skiing that same afternoon.

They have the best agricultural climate in the world, fantastic location for shipping, trade, etc.....

But dims are turning it into -- Well, into a shithole.

What they are doing for California, they want to do for you.

Maybe you like one or two things abut the dim platform. Actually, so do I.

But people, here's the Honest To God Truth.......

They are THE most incompetent party the Planet has ever known. If you're a single-issue voter (most dims are) you need to decide whether your one, single, selfish need or desire is worth what dims will do to this Country

Ten Plagues of California Are Turning The Golden State into a Third-World Hell Hole

Ten Plagues of California Are Turning The Golden State into a Third-World Hell Hole


A homeless man stands amongst a trash lined street in downtown Los Angeles on Thursday, May 30, 2019. (AP Photo/Richard Vogel)

In your typical Third-World megalopolis, basic city functions fall into disrepair, while once-eradicated diseases run rampant -- and the local bigwig boasts about saving the world.

Los Angeles is quickly becoming a typical Third-World megalopolis, and the rest of the state isn't far behind.

Yesterday the New York Post reported "rats running everywhere among piles of decaying garbage," in a "sprawling 50-block area that is believed to be the base for around 4,200 homeless people."

Local columnist Steve Lopez called his city a "giant trash receptacle" and asked, "Did someone turn back the calendar a few hundred years?” No, Steve, the city government turned hard left is all. Although debate fans might note that that's a distinction without a difference.

So where did all that trash come from? Los Angelenos are dumping it out in the streets -- and the city isn't collecting it. Two weeks ago Fox News reported that the problem goes back at least to last October, when the city noticed nine cases of typhus. The city "cleaned up some of the worst piles of garbage," but then they slacked right back off. The huge pile returned quickly, but officials at first said that it "could take up to 90 days before it's cleaned up." The same local news report described it this way:

Even the city's most notorious trash pile, located between downtown LA's busy Fashion and Produce districts, continues to be a magnet for rats after it was cleaned up months ago. The rodents can carry typhus-infected fleas, which can spread the disease to humans through bacteria rubbed into the eyes or cuts and scrapes on the skin, resulting in severe flu-like symptoms.

The story also noted that an "out-of-control rat population can even lead to the spread of dangerous strains of salmonella and bubonic plague.".........................................
More California envy from those CRCs who live in places like Mississippi, Alabama, and Arkansas.....:71:
Where shitholes and poverty come naturally...You left out Southern Mizzouri..
So. Mizzouri has a potential for upside if what you type is true. L.A. is purposely downgrading itself from the heights you spout it to be. The people move to these places.
Not only is poverty a problem in the rural areas so is housing and healthcare....Damn humans...there are literally people living in deplorable housing conditions that are dilapidated, out of code and insect infested which rent for around $700 dollars a month.
That header belongs to PJ Media, not to me. But it is totally appropriate.

We've been talking about (at least I have) what happens when your State or City, or anywhere else, when it gets taken over by dims.

THIS is what happens people.

The only reason you don't know about it is, quite frankly, if you're a dim you only get your 'news' from the fake news media.

People; California is the most beautiful place on the Planet. Nobody else even gets close. You can go surfing in the morning and Snow Skiing that same afternoon.

They have the best agricultural climate in the world, fantastic location for shipping, trade, etc.....

But dims are turning it into -- Well, into a shithole.

What they are doing for California, they want to do for you.

Maybe you like one or two things abut the dim platform. Actually, so do I.

But people, here's the Honest To God Truth.......

They are THE most incompetent party the Planet has ever known. If you're a single-issue voter (most dims are) you need to decide whether your one, single, selfish need or desire is worth what dims will do to this Country

Ten Plagues of California Are Turning The Golden State into a Third-World Hell Hole

Ten Plagues of California Are Turning The Golden State into a Third-World Hell Hole


A homeless man stands amongst a trash lined street in downtown Los Angeles on Thursday, May 30, 2019. (AP Photo/Richard Vogel)

In your typical Third-World megalopolis, basic city functions fall into disrepair, while once-eradicated diseases run rampant -- and the local bigwig boasts about saving the world.

Los Angeles is quickly becoming a typical Third-World megalopolis, and the rest of the state isn't far behind.

Yesterday the New York Post reported "rats running everywhere among piles of decaying garbage," in a "sprawling 50-block area that is believed to be the base for around 4,200 homeless people."

Local columnist Steve Lopez called his city a "giant trash receptacle" and asked, "Did someone turn back the calendar a few hundred years?” No, Steve, the city government turned hard left is all. Although debate fans might note that that's a distinction without a difference.

So where did all that trash come from? Los Angelenos are dumping it out in the streets -- and the city isn't collecting it. Two weeks ago Fox News reported that the problem goes back at least to last October, when the city noticed nine cases of typhus. The city "cleaned up some of the worst piles of garbage," but then they slacked right back off. The huge pile returned quickly, but officials at first said that it "could take up to 90 days before it's cleaned up." The same local news report described it this way:

Even the city's most notorious trash pile, located between downtown LA's busy Fashion and Produce districts, continues to be a magnet for rats after it was cleaned up months ago. The rodents can carry typhus-infected fleas, which can spread the disease to humans through bacteria rubbed into the eyes or cuts and scrapes on the skin, resulting in severe flu-like symptoms.

The story also noted that an "out-of-control rat population can even lead to the spread of dangerous strains of salmonella and bubonic plague.".........................................
More California envy from those CRCs who live in places like Mississippi, Alabama, and Arkansas.....:71:
Where shitholes and poverty come naturally...You left out Southern Mizzouri..
So. Mizzouri has a potential for upside if what you type is true. L.A. is purposely downgrading itself from the heights you spout it to be. The people move to these places.
Not only is poverty a problem in the rural areas so is housing and healthcare....Damn humans...there are literally people living in deplorable housing conditions that are dilapidated, out of code and insect infested which rent for around $700 dollars a month.
We have spent tens of trillions of dollars on poverty. There has been trillions of dollars if not more on corruption. On stealing. On people playing the system. I don't doubt what you say. I am tired of the Alynsky others side political crap you spew so you can feel good about your agenda failures. Every program of many that money can be gotten is corrupted. Those cities where most of the resources are have massive poverty. Why? Since you know better tell us all. tax for this, tax for that....taxtaxtaxtaxtaxtaxtaxctaxtaxtaxtaxtaxtaxtaxtaxtaxtax and tax some more....and wallah...poverty still exists! So those poor southern areas have an excuse by your words.
More California envy from those CRCs who live in places like Mississippi, Alabama, and Arkansas.....:71:

I live in South Florida. Thinking I am envious of Kalifornia is beyond laughable. While people are fleeing Kalifornia, they're moving here by the Million.

Too much. Too many people. I hate it.

What it was --


What it is now.


Turning into Kalifornication
Yes, the housing affordability gap now stands at $740 billion worldwide. Rental markets easily overtake wage markets. California's walled cities is not the only futuristic wave. The return of the now non-existent single room occupancies (SROs) will help to wall in the homeless. That is what the LA musician was trying to do, to give them some tiny-home privacy to maintain the least bit of dignity. That's hard to do in the face of addiction and drug trafficking coupled to the epidemic of unaffordable housing.

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