The story of Mohammad: Islam unveiled.


Gold Member
Oct 22, 2015
Most people do not know the story of the founder of Islam but it is essential that one understand it, if they wish to understand Islam and what motivates it's followers. In light of the spread of Islamic influence around the globe, and the many atrocities committed by Islamic Jihadists, it behooves one to know their enemy. Here is the unvarnished truth about Mohammed. It presents facts. Not opinions. Read the facts and make up your own mind. It's several chapters long, but it is anything but boring. Please set aside some time to read it and tell me what you think. Thank you.

The Story of Mohammed: 1 Early Life
Most people do not know the story of the founder of Islam but it is essential that one understand it, if they wish to understand Islam and what motivates it's followers. In light of the spread of Islamic influence around the globe, and the many atrocities committed by Islamic Jihadists, it behooves one to know their enemy. Here is the unvarnished truth about Mohammed. It presents facts. Not opinions. Read the facts and make up your own mind. It's several chapters long, but it is anything but boring. Please set aside some time to read it and tell me what you think. Thank you.

The Story of Mohammed: 1 Early Life

nice-----a kind of CLIFF's notes over view of islam
Very different culture and time. Remember it was the dark age of Europe. Rome, for all intents and purposes, was dead. The plague was decimating Europe and Levant. Christianity was just come into its own.

CLIFF notes of CLIFF notes
The Pedophile Prophet was a rapist, slaver, thief, liar, and murderer.

He highjacked the Arabs' pagan god, Allah, in order to get them to buy into his bullshit religion. Allah was their moon god, one of many gods. That's why Muslims have the saying "there is only one god, and his name is Allah", because they had to try to get the Arabs to forget about the many other gods they had. It's also why the Islamic symbol is a moon.

It's a religion based on the lies of a maniac. And people wonder why every Muslim country is a wasteland full of war or tyranny, rape, slavery, and of course pedophilia.
The world will be a better place when people stop pretending that magical beliefs from thousands of years ago are still relevant today.

AVG-Optimist: The world is becoming a better place as more and more people stop pretending that magical beliefs from thousands of years ago are still relevant today.

Very different culture and time. Remember it was the dark age of Europe. Rome, for all intents and purposes, was dead. The plague was decimating Europe and Levant. Christianity was just come into its own.

CLIFF notes of CLIFF notes

Still Cliff's notes-------the lands invaded by "islam" were established "cultural centeres" none were "made" by the invaders
Most people do not know the story of the founder of Islam but it is essential that one understand it, if they wish to understand Islam and what motivates it's followers. In light of the spread of Islamic influence around the globe, and the many atrocities committed by Islamic Jihadists, it behooves one to know their enemy. Here is the unvarnished truth about Mohammed. It presents facts. Not opinions. Read the facts and make up your own mind. It's several chapters long, but it is anything but boring. Please set aside some time to read it and tell me what you think. Thank you.

The Story of Mohammed: 1 Early Life

Meanwhile, the Jews and Christians collaborated together and created nuclear weapons then actually used them against people. But Muslims are the 'bad guys.'
The Pedophile Prophet was a rapist, slaver, thief, liar, and murderer.

He highjacked the Arabs' pagan god, Allah, in order to get them to buy into his bullshit religion. Allah was their moon god, one of many gods. That's why Muslims have the saying "there is only one god, and his name is Allah", because they had to try to get the Arabs to forget about the many other gods they had. It's also why the Islamic symbol is a moon.

It's a religion based on the lies of a maniac. And people wonder why every Muslim country is a wasteland full of war or tyranny, rape, slavery, and of course pedophilia.

Should flip through a Bible sometime. Permits rape, slavery, thievery (from spoils of war,) lying, and killing for numerous reasons.
The Pedophile Prophet was a rapist, slaver, thief, liar, and murderer.

He highjacked the Arabs' pagan god, Allah, in order to get them to buy into his bullshit religion. Allah was their moon god, one of many gods. That's why Muslims have the saying "there is only one god, and his name is Allah", because they had to try to get the Arabs to forget about the many other gods they had. It's also why the Islamic symbol is a moon.

It's a religion based on the lies of a maniac. And people wonder why every Muslim country is a wasteland full of war or tyranny, rape, slavery, and of course pedophilia.

Should flip through a Bible sometime. Permits rape, slavery, thievery (from spoils of war,) lying, and killing for numerous reasons.
Big difference is that Muslims follow those parts in their book, Christians and Jews no longer do. Now you know.
The Pedophile Prophet was a rapist, slaver, thief, liar, and murderer.

He highjacked the Arabs' pagan god, Allah, in order to get them to buy into his bullshit religion. Allah was their moon god, one of many gods. That's why Muslims have the saying "there is only one god, and his name is Allah", because they had to try to get the Arabs to forget about the many other gods they had. It's also why the Islamic symbol is a moon.

It's a religion based on the lies of a maniac. And people wonder why every Muslim country is a wasteland full of war or tyranny, rape, slavery, and of course pedophilia.

Should flip through a Bible sometime. Permits rape, slavery, thievery (from spoils of war,) lying, and killing for numerous reasons.
Your ignorance knows no bounds. I would try to educate you on this subject, but I know it would be a waste of my time, since fools despise wisdom.
Your ignorance knows no bounds. I would try to educate you on this subject, but I know it would be a waste of my time, since fools despise wisdom.
I don't see you displaying any wisdom........just over the top hyperbole and misinformation. ....... :cuckoo:
Really? And yet YOU are the one who has failed to refute anything mentioned in the book. Care to give it a try? This is not an attack on Islam. It simply states the facts, taken from Islams own holy books. Can you refute any of it, assuming you even read it? Pick anything, and tell us all how it is inaccurate. Tell what chapter it's in, and we'll take a look at it and see if you are correct.
Really? And yet YOU are the one who has failed to refute anything mentioned in the book. Care to give it a try? This is not an attack on Islam. It simply states the facts, taken from Islams own holy books. Can you refute any of it, assuming you even read it? Pick anything, and tell us all how it is inaccurate. Tell what chapter it's in, and we'll take a look at it and see if you are correct.
I quit reading by the 5th paragraph when it started talking about the crescent moon on the top of mosques.

Totally incorrect and full of misinformation. ....... :cool:
Really? And yet YOU are the one who has failed to refute anything mentioned in the book. Care to give it a try? This is not an attack on Islam. It simply states the facts, taken from Islams own holy books. Can you refute any of it, assuming you even read it? Pick anything, and tell us all how it is inaccurate. Tell what chapter it's in, and we'll take a look at it and see if you are correct.
I quit reading by the 5th paragraph when it started talking about the crescent moon on the top of mosques.

Totally incorrect and full of misinformation. ....... :cool:
Then you should have no problem proving him wrong. Why don't you do that. I'll wait.
I have read the unholy Quran and a fair number of hadiths. I formed my views of Muhammad based on his own words and actions, and I ain't wasting my time reading any more books about him.
I saw from my earliest reading of the Quran that is all dirty lies about God designed to make silly Arabs fight Muhammad's battles for him. The tragedy is they are still doing it today, long after Muhammad no longer needs his one fifth of the spoils of war.
Then you should have no problem proving him wrong. Why don't you do that. I'll wait.
The crescent moon on top of some mosques has zero to do with Islam.

The practice started in Turkey by muslim rulers several centuries after the death of Muhammad and has no religious basis in either the Quran or Hadiths. ...... :cool:
Most people do not know the story of the founder of Islam but it is essential that one understand it, if they wish to understand Islam and what motivates it's followers. In light of the spread of Islamic influence around the globe, and the many atrocities committed by Islamic Jihadists, it behooves one to know their enemy. Here is the unvarnished truth about Mohammed. It presents facts. Not opinions. Read the facts and make up your own mind. It's several chapters long, but it is anything but boring. Please set aside some time to read it and tell me what you think. Thank you.

The Story of Mohammed: 1 Early Life

Thanks for your post. I had time to read the first six chapters and then I jumped to chapter 26 on Female Genital Mutilation. Incredibly sad and inexplicable. And the fact feminist groups say nothing and the mainstream media and govts in the West and PBS documentaries, et al. stay away from bringing this up means what? It means everyone is afraid of fanatical Islam and they fear for their own skin. Europe is afraid, politicians are afraid, journalists are afraid, Hollywood is afraid --- because there are enough crazed fanatics who might very well seek you out and murder you. Fatwa for cartoons, Fatwa for saying anything negative about Muhammad or Allah.

And still there are a billion Muslims who either swear total allegiance to this false religion or they, like the rest of us, are too afraid to leave it or criticize it.

There are many, many good people who are Muslims and desire peace and no conflict with their neighbor.
There are also many, many Muslims who bear great hatred and intolerance to non-Muslims, most especially Jews and Western "infidels" and most likely are pleased when those non-Muslims are attacked or destroyed. This is unbelievable there are so many who may be in this group.

Finally there is God and there is the devil. The devil influences or tempts all of mankind. Some are more influenced or altered because of this malevolent force. I believe the devil has infiltrated Islam far more than any other religion because of its obvious hatred for Judaism and Christianity, and because there are so many untold millions of fanatical murderers willing to kill anyone that do not agree with them. Prove to me there is no devil and I will retract my statement.
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I have read the unholy Quran and a fair number of hadiths. I formed my views of Muhammad based on his own words and actions, and I ain't wasting my time reading any more books about him.
I saw from my earliest reading of the Quran that is all dirty lies about God designed to make silly Arabs fight Muhammad's battles for him. The tragedy is they are still doing it today, long after Muhammad no longer needs his one fifth of the spoils of war.
That's pretty much what the book says about them. Religion of peace, my left nut.
Most people do not know the story of the founder of Islam but it is essential that one understand it, if they wish to understand Islam and what motivates it's followers. In light of the spread of Islamic influence around the globe, and the many atrocities committed by Islamic Jihadists, it behooves one to know their enemy. Here is the unvarnished truth about Mohammed. It presents facts. Not opinions. Read the facts and make up your own mind. It's several chapters long, but it is anything but boring. Please set aside some time to read it and tell me what you think. Thank you.

The Story of Mohammed: 1 Early Life

Thanks for your post. I had time to read the first six chapters and then I jumped to chapter 26 on Female Genital Mutilation. Incredibly sad and inexplicable. And the fact feminist groups say nothing and the mainstream media and govts in the West and PBS documentaries, et al. stay away from bringing this up means what? It means everyone is afraid of fanatical Islam and they fear for their own skin. Europe is afraid, politicians are afraid, journalists are afraid, Hollywood is afraid --- because there are enough crazed fanatics who might very well seek you out and murder you. Fatwa for cartoons, Fatwa for saying anything negative about Muhammad or Allah.

And still there are a billion Muslims who either swear total allegiance to this false religion or they, like the rest of us, are too afraid to leave it or criticize it.

There are many, many good people who are Muslims and desire peace and no conflict with their neighbor.
There are also many, many Muslims who bear great hatred and intolerance to non-Muslims, most especially Jews and Western "infidels" and most likely are pleased when those non-Muslims are attacked or destroyed. This is unbelievable there are so many who may be in this group.

Finally there is God and there is the devil. The devil influences or tempts all of mankind. Some are more influenced or altered because of this malevolent force. I believe the devil has infiltrated Islam far more than any other religion because of its obvious hatred for Judaism and Christianity, and because there are so many untold millions of fanatical murderers willing to kill anyone that do not agree with them. Prove to me there is no devil and I will retract my statement.
The greatest feat the Devil ever accomplished was to convince the world that he doesn't exist.

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