THE smallness OF President obama


Locked Account.
Jun 28, 2009
Mansion in Ravi's Head
THE smallness OF President Obama

Think about it.

Do you recall when the late liberal Democrat turd, Senator Teddy Kennedy, had Jimmy Peanuts Carter following him around the stage at the 1980 DNC Convention?

Jimmy Peanuts Carter looked small. Very small.

Think of how hampered an incumbent must be to end up looking small.

Now consider the truth of THIS:
And there is Obama, out there seeming tired and wan, showing up through sheer self discipline. A few weeks ago I saw the president and the governor at the Al Smith dinner, and both were beautiful specimens in their white ties and tails, and both worked the dais. But sitting there listening to the jokes and speeches, the archbishop of New York sitting between them, Obama looked like a young challenger—flinty, not so comfortable. He was distracted, and his smiles seemed forced. He looked like a man who’d just seen some bad internal polling. Romney? Expansive, hilarious, self-spoofing, with a few jokes of finely calibrated meanness that were just perfect for the crowd. He looked like a president. He looked like someone who’d just seen good internals.

Of all people, Obama would know if he is in trouble. When it comes to national presidential races, he is a finely tuned political instrument: He read the field perfectly in 2008. He would know if he’s losing now, and it would explain his joylessness on the stump. He is out there doing what he has to to fight the fight. But he’s still trying to fire up the base when he ought to be wooing the center and speaking their calm centrist talk. His crowds haven’t been big. His people have struggled to fill various venues. This must hurt the president after the trem[en]dous, stupendous crowds of ’08. “Voting’s the best revenge”—revenge against who, and for what? This is not a man who feels himself on the verge of a grand victory. His campaign doesn’t seem president-sized. It is small and sad and lost, driven by formidable will and zero joy.
-- Monday Morning - Peggy Noonan's Blog - WSJ

I think all of us see it. Liberals do not care to admit it. But the incumbent is down to Peanuts size.
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