The Real America vs 'Thought Crimes'

1. One can only be shocked at what has happened to America if one knows what the real America is about....and government school doesn't appear to provide that knowledge.
Real Americanism focuses on freedom of speech and of thought, not the punishing of any that doesn't parrot the current orthodoxy.

2. Reading Jung Chang's 'Wild Swans,' I found this:

"Dr. Xia’s youngest son was working as a schoolteacher in Yixian. As in every school in Manchukuo, there was a big portrait of Pu Yi in the office of the Japanese headmaster, which everyone had to salute when they entered the room.
One day Dr. Xia’s son forgot to bow to Pu Yi. The headmaster shouted at him to bow at once and slapped him so hard across the face he knocked him off balance. Dr. Xia’s son was enraged: “Do I have to bend double every day? Can I not stand up straight even for a moment? I have just done my obeisance in morning assembly….” The headmaster slapped him again and barked: “This is your emperor! You Manchurians need to be taught elementary propriety!”

Dr. Xia’s son shouted back: “Big deal! It’s only a piece of paper!” At that moment two other teachers, both locals, came by and managed to stop him from saying anything more incriminating. He recovered his self-control and eventually forced himself to perform a bow of sorts to the portrait. That evening a friend came to his house and told him that word was out that he had been branded a “thought criminal”—an offense which was punishable by imprisonment, and possibly death. He ran away, and his family never heard of him again. Probably he was caught and died in prison, or else in a labor camp. Dr. Xia never recovered from the blow, which turned him into a determined foe of Manchukuo and of Pu Yi."

3. And was struck by the similarity to this:

"A Virginia teacher was fired for refusing to use a trans student’s pronouns.
... the instructor, Peter Vlaming, did not comply, he said in a lawsuit. Citing his religious beliefs, he promised to use only the student’s name and avoid pronouns entirely. Administrators, he said, eventually gave the teacher an ultimatum: use the student’s correct pronouns or face disciplinary action."

Where have you gone, Joe DiMaggio?
Our nation turns its lonely eyes to you
Woo, woo, woo
What's that you say, Mrs. Robinson?
Jolting Joe has left and gone away
Hey, hey, hey
Hey, hey, hey

What I chafe at is this idiotic notion of so called hate crime that's so popular today. Hate crime and thought crime are in fact exactly the very same fucking thing. Yet most of the drooling morons running around today don't seem to have intelligence enough to pick up on it. I suspect it's a symptom of what our great public education has wrought.
While I too was a potential victim of our public education system, I also took it upon myself to educate myself to a large extent by reading on my own. In addition to the encyclopedia I also read a lot of political stuff by Orwell, Rand, Bradbury, Huxley etc. And of course a lot on electronics and technology. I wonder where I found the time to get up to so much mischief.

Darn right!!!!

I've gone to the best schools, but found that my real education took place outside of those universities.

This is the major problem:


We either take it back, or America is done.
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1. One can only be shocked at what has happened to America if one knows what the real America is about....and government school doesn't appear to provide that knowledge.
Real Americanism focuses on freedom of speech and of thought, not the punishing of any that doesn't parrot the current orthodoxy.

2. Reading Jung Chang's 'Wild Swans,' I found this:

"Dr. Xia’s youngest son was working as a schoolteacher in Yixian. As in every school in Manchukuo, there was a big portrait of Pu Yi in the office of the Japanese headmaster, which everyone had to salute when they entered the room.
One day Dr. Xia’s son forgot to bow to Pu Yi. The headmaster shouted at him to bow at once and slapped him so hard across the face he knocked him off balance. Dr. Xia’s son was enraged: “Do I have to bend double every day? Can I not stand up straight even for a moment? I have just done my obeisance in morning assembly….” The headmaster slapped him again and barked: “This is your emperor! You Manchurians need to be taught elementary propriety!”

Dr. Xia’s son shouted back: “Big deal! It’s only a piece of paper!” At that moment two other teachers, both locals, came by and managed to stop him from saying anything more incriminating. He recovered his self-control and eventually forced himself to perform a bow of sorts to the portrait. That evening a friend came to his house and told him that word was out that he had been branded a “thought criminal”—an offense which was punishable by imprisonment, and possibly death. He ran away, and his family never heard of him again. Probably he was caught and died in prison, or else in a labor camp. Dr. Xia never recovered from the blow, which turned him into a determined foe of Manchukuo and of Pu Yi."

3. And was struck by the similarity to this:

"A Virginia teacher was fired for refusing to use a trans student’s pronouns.
... the instructor, Peter Vlaming, did not comply, he said in a lawsuit. Citing his religious beliefs, he promised to use only the student’s name and avoid pronouns entirely. Administrators, he said, eventually gave the teacher an ultimatum: use the student’s correct pronouns or face disciplinary action."

Where have you gone, Joe DiMaggio?
Our nation turns its lonely eyes to you
Woo, woo, woo
What's that you say, Mrs. Robinson?
Jolting Joe has left and gone away
Hey, hey, hey
Hey, hey, hey

"Real Americanism focuses on freedom of speech and of thought, not the punishing of any that doesn't parrot the current orthodoxy."

says the thought nazi who daily espouses systematic elimination of anyone who doesn't parrot her conservative correctness.

and she is too stupid to see the irony.....


and then "but we must SILENCE those who oppose us...."

well...I guess conservatives can.....

I don't want to eliminate you, you moron.....

....your posts are proof of everything I say!!!

Write soon, y'hear!
"I don't belong to a side. I choose to think for myself instead."

Can you provide several of the books that have informed your geopolitical views?

You're admitting the books you read form your opinions- that contradicts thinking for yourself. What's wrong with observation?

Now mull this over....I read books from both sides.

I prefer those with copious footnotes and sources noted....and I check those sources.

Then, add experience and reality.....

That's why I am never wrong.

Be glad to name some reading for you to start your education.

Just say the word.
1. One can only be shocked at what has happened to America if one knows what the real America is about....and government school doesn't appear to provide that knowledge.
Real Americanism focuses on freedom of speech and of thought, not the punishing of any that doesn't parrot the current orthodoxy.

2. Reading Jung Chang's 'Wild Swans,' I found this:

"Dr. Xia’s youngest son was working as a schoolteacher in Yixian. As in every school in Manchukuo, there was a big portrait of Pu Yi in the office of the Japanese headmaster, which everyone had to salute when they entered the room.
One day Dr. Xia’s son forgot to bow to Pu Yi. The headmaster shouted at him to bow at once and slapped him so hard across the face he knocked him off balance. Dr. Xia’s son was enraged: “Do I have to bend double every day? Can I not stand up straight even for a moment? I have just done my obeisance in morning assembly….” The headmaster slapped him again and barked: “This is your emperor! You Manchurians need to be taught elementary propriety!”

Dr. Xia’s son shouted back: “Big deal! It’s only a piece of paper!” At that moment two other teachers, both locals, came by and managed to stop him from saying anything more incriminating. He recovered his self-control and eventually forced himself to perform a bow of sorts to the portrait. That evening a friend came to his house and told him that word was out that he had been branded a “thought criminal”—an offense which was punishable by imprisonment, and possibly death. He ran away, and his family never heard of him again. Probably he was caught and died in prison, or else in a labor camp. Dr. Xia never recovered from the blow, which turned him into a determined foe of Manchukuo and of Pu Yi."

3. And was struck by the similarity to this:

"A Virginia teacher was fired for refusing to use a trans student’s pronouns.
... the instructor, Peter Vlaming, did not comply, he said in a lawsuit. Citing his religious beliefs, he promised to use only the student’s name and avoid pronouns entirely. Administrators, he said, eventually gave the teacher an ultimatum: use the student’s correct pronouns or face disciplinary action."

Where have you gone, Joe DiMaggio?
Our nation turns its lonely eyes to you
Woo, woo, woo
What's that you say, Mrs. Robinson?
Jolting Joe has left and gone away
Hey, hey, hey
Hey, hey, hey

Fantastic post. What the average, "normal" and dare I say "moderate" democrat or non-Trump supporter is missing is that in America today, coast to coast, we Americans are under obligation OR ELSE. We Americans are under obligation not to wear Donald Trump or Republican Party logos, candidate names or symbols; not to proclaim publicly our belief in Jesus Christ or membership in His ancient service, not to openly speak the truth about homosexuality as a civilizational/species destroying rot, not to speak truth about biological sex, true sources of inner city crime, the threat from open borders and/or about a host of other obvious facts and truth. In essence, we Americans are not allowed to openly oppose verbally the new woke religion of the radical left. If we dare to do so, at work, on social media, or wherever—even in our places of worship—there's a chance we could be ruined for life or even attacked, maimed or murdered. For now this communist lockstep is only de facto enforced by the mindless mobs of the brainwashed. If the left wins all or even most come 2020, de facto will become government enforced.

Sorry I can't give two stars!

Yup....the totalitarians of the Democrat party have only two modes for governance: ban or mandate.

No place for liberty or freedom in their firmament.
Both Sanders and Warren have admitted they would impose their socialism by executive order, probably recognizing that it would not be approved by congress.

Now....which of the Ten Commandments has humanity outgrown, Vladimir?

Humanity doesn't need the old testament to know murder, rape and theft are wrong.

But humanity needs a belief in a Creator who states the correct way to behave....'else it is merely an opinion.
And rationalization can support any...ANY...belief.

Now for the idea that the rational, the common sense method is better than religious morality. Can a human being be good without reference to God? As the saying goes, ‘Going to church doesn’t make you a good Christian any more than standing in a garage makes you a car.’ Sure….there could be good pagans….or bad religious folks. While it is true that one can be moral and good and not religious, the idea does not work for all or even most.

Why? Because there is no force behind reason.
Take slavery as an example. There is no rational way to convince the slaveholder that he shouldn’t own and sell his fellow man: it makes a great profit, makes his life easier. He can even claim that his slaves live longer and better than many free men. “Having been created as a free society, the concepts required to support slavery required ideological justifications that other slave societies had not found necessary. The most essential justification was the assertion that the enslaved were so different that the principles and ideals of the country didn’t apply to them. Imagine the contortions that had to go into the idea that the slaves lacked the feelings that would cause them suffering from degradation, hard work, or the destruction of family ties.” Thomas Sowell, “Ethnic America,” chapter eight.

Take as an example, a sadist who gets satisfaction from murdering children. If there is no God who declares that such an act is wrong, then my arguing such is simply my opinion versus that of the murderer. Without God, good and evil are a matter of taste.

See how we've proven that conservatives eat Liberal's lunch in debate?
1. One can only be shocked at what has happened to America if one knows what the real America is about....and government school doesn't appear to provide that knowledge.
Real Americanism focuses on freedom of speech and of thought, not the punishing of any that doesn't parrot the current orthodoxy.

2. Reading Jung Chang's 'Wild Swans,' I found this:

"Dr. Xia’s youngest son was working as a schoolteacher in Yixian. As in every school in Manchukuo, there was a big portrait of Pu Yi in the office of the Japanese headmaster, which everyone had to salute when they entered the room.
One day Dr. Xia’s son forgot to bow to Pu Yi. The headmaster shouted at him to bow at once and slapped him so hard across the face he knocked him off balance. Dr. Xia’s son was enraged: “Do I have to bend double every day? Can I not stand up straight even for a moment? I have just done my obeisance in morning assembly….” The headmaster slapped him again and barked: “This is your emperor! You Manchurians need to be taught elementary propriety!”

Dr. Xia’s son shouted back: “Big deal! It’s only a piece of paper!” At that moment two other teachers, both locals, came by and managed to stop him from saying anything more incriminating. He recovered his self-control and eventually forced himself to perform a bow of sorts to the portrait. That evening a friend came to his house and told him that word was out that he had been branded a “thought criminal”—an offense which was punishable by imprisonment, and possibly death. He ran away, and his family never heard of him again. Probably he was caught and died in prison, or else in a labor camp. Dr. Xia never recovered from the blow, which turned him into a determined foe of Manchukuo and of Pu Yi."

3. And was struck by the similarity to this:

"A Virginia teacher was fired for refusing to use a trans student’s pronouns.
... the instructor, Peter Vlaming, did not comply, he said in a lawsuit. Citing his religious beliefs, he promised to use only the student’s name and avoid pronouns entirely. Administrators, he said, eventually gave the teacher an ultimatum: use the student’s correct pronouns or face disciplinary action."

Where have you gone, Joe DiMaggio?
Our nation turns its lonely eyes to you
Woo, woo, woo
What's that you say, Mrs. Robinson?
Jolting Joe has left and gone away
Hey, hey, hey
Hey, hey, hey

Fantastic post. What the average, "normal" and dare I say "moderate" democrat or non-Trump supporter is missing is that in America today, coast to coast, we Americans are under obligation OR ELSE. We Americans are under obligation not to wear Donald Trump or Republican Party logos, candidate names or symbols; not to proclaim publicly our belief in Jesus Christ or membership in His ancient service, not to openly speak the truth about homosexuality as a civilizational/species destroying rot, not to speak truth about biological sex, true sources of inner city crime, the threat from open borders and/or about a host of other obvious facts and truth. In essence, we Americans are not allowed to openly oppose verbally the new woke religion of the radical left. If we dare to do so, at work, on social media, or wherever—even in our places of worship—there's a chance we could be ruined for life or even attacked, maimed or murdered. For now this communist lockstep is only de facto enforced by the mindless mobs of the brainwashed. If the left wins all or even most come 2020, de facto will become government enforced.

Sorry I can't give two stars!

Yup....the totalitarians of the Democrat party have only two modes for governance: ban or mandate.

No place for liberty or freedom in their firmament.
Both Sanders and Warren have admitted they would impose their socialism by executive order, probably recognizing that it would not be approved by congress.


Totalitarianism writ large.
That's why I am never wrong.
In your mind, which is, subjective, to say the least-

I get my opinions from reading and observation and Big Picture thinking = results vs lies told and bullshit slung.

Sooo....why can't you write that sans the juvenile vulgarity?

Better reading produces better writing.
Soooo.....why is it you can't produce any examples of me being wrong???
You were wrong in your assessment of me being angry and that was the second of two in one thread- I don't remember the other- don't need to, your posts are all very subjective with an objective which is not being objective, which is wrong in a political arena espousing right over wrong as ALL politics is based on emotional preference, not intellectual discourse-
BTW, I think Asian women look good in black- or nothing ;)
Why? Because there is no force behind reason.
Force is immoral no matter what excuse is used.

That's just absurd.

The anti-Semite Gandhi would agree with your nonsense....
Gandhi stated, “Hitler killed five million Jews. It is the greatest crime of our time. But the Jews should have offered themselves to the butcher’s knife. They should have thrown themselves into the sea from cliffs. As it is, they succumbed anyway in their millions.” He also said that had the Jews committed collective suicide, that would have been “heroism.”

Stop sounding like a moron.
Better reading produces better writing.
I don't read or write to please you or anyone else. Maybe considering the world doesn't revolve around your desres would be a good starting point.


The league batting average in MLB for the 2018 season was . 248, with the highest modern-era MLB average being .
Batting average (baseball) - Wikipedia

You're ALMOST at that level.
1. One can only be shocked at what has happened to America if one knows what the real America is about....and government school doesn't appear to provide that knowledge.
Real Americanism focuses on freedom of speech and of thought, not the punishing of any that doesn't parrot the current orthodoxy.

2. Reading Jung Chang's 'Wild Swans,' I found this:

"Dr. Xia’s youngest son was working as a schoolteacher in Yixian. As in every school in Manchukuo, there was a big portrait of Pu Yi in the office of the Japanese headmaster, which everyone had to salute when they entered the room.
One day Dr. Xia’s son forgot to bow to Pu Yi. The headmaster shouted at him to bow at once and slapped him so hard across the face he knocked him off balance. Dr. Xia’s son was enraged: “Do I have to bend double every day? Can I not stand up straight even for a moment? I have just done my obeisance in morning assembly….” The headmaster slapped him again and barked: “This is your emperor! You Manchurians need to be taught elementary propriety!”

Dr. Xia’s son shouted back: “Big deal! It’s only a piece of paper!” At that moment two other teachers, both locals, came by and managed to stop him from saying anything more incriminating. He recovered his self-control and eventually forced himself to perform a bow of sorts to the portrait. That evening a friend came to his house and told him that word was out that he had been branded a “thought criminal”—an offense which was punishable by imprisonment, and possibly death. He ran away, and his family never heard of him again. Probably he was caught and died in prison, or else in a labor camp. Dr. Xia never recovered from the blow, which turned him into a determined foe of Manchukuo and of Pu Yi."

3. And was struck by the similarity to this:

"A Virginia teacher was fired for refusing to use a trans student’s pronouns.
... the instructor, Peter Vlaming, did not comply, he said in a lawsuit. Citing his religious beliefs, he promised to use only the student’s name and avoid pronouns entirely. Administrators, he said, eventually gave the teacher an ultimatum: use the student’s correct pronouns or face disciplinary action."

Where have you gone, Joe DiMaggio?
Our nation turns its lonely eyes to you
Woo, woo, woo
What's that you say, Mrs. Robinson?
Jolting Joe has left and gone away
Hey, hey, hey
Hey, hey, hey

Fantastic post. What the average, "normal" and dare I say "moderate" democrat or non-Trump supporter is missing is that in America today, coast to coast, we Americans are under obligation OR ELSE. We Americans are under obligation not to wear Donald Trump or Republican Party logos, candidate names or symbols; not to proclaim publicly our belief in Jesus Christ or membership in His ancient service, not to openly speak the truth about homosexuality as a civilizational/species destroying rot, not to speak truth about biological sex, true sources of inner city crime, the threat from open borders and/or about a host of other obvious facts and truth. In essence, we Americans are not allowed to openly oppose verbally the new woke religion of the radical left. If we dare to do so, at work, on social media, or wherever—even in our places of worship—there's a chance we could be ruined for life or even attacked, maimed or murdered. For now this communist lockstep is only de facto enforced by the mindless mobs of the brainwashed. If the left wins all or even most come 2020, de facto will become government enforced.

Sorry I can't give two stars!

Yup....the totalitarians of the Democrat party have only two modes for governance: ban or mandate.

No place for liberty or freedom in their firmament.

And that's precisely because under the rule of radical leftist platforms, ideology and tenets, people cannot be allowed to think much about those policies, laws, etc. or those same people will realize very quickly how insane and anti-human they are. The radical left must enforce its ideology and form of governance with an iron fist or all its citizens will run for the hills. That, or the radical left must remove all aspects of a civilization that holds it together and throw the bottom two thirds of a society into absolute chaos, as we've seen in West Coast sanctuary cities. Radical left governance works in only one of two forms: total control or total chaos. And where the radical left has implemented total chaos the people living there will soon beg for absolute government control, gladly surrendering their freedom for clinical order by totalitarianism. Democide is soon to follow.
1. One can only be shocked at what has happened to America if one knows what the real America is about....and government school doesn't appear to provide that knowledge.
Real Americanism focuses on freedom of speech and of thought, not the punishing of any that doesn't parrot the current orthodoxy.

2. Reading Jung Chang's 'Wild Swans,' I found this:

"Dr. Xia’s youngest son was working as a schoolteacher in Yixian. As in every school in Manchukuo, there was a big portrait of Pu Yi in the office of the Japanese headmaster, which everyone had to salute when they entered the room.
One day Dr. Xia’s son forgot to bow to Pu Yi. The headmaster shouted at him to bow at once and slapped him so hard across the face he knocked him off balance. Dr. Xia’s son was enraged: “Do I have to bend double every day? Can I not stand up straight even for a moment? I have just done my obeisance in morning assembly….” The headmaster slapped him again and barked: “This is your emperor! You Manchurians need to be taught elementary propriety!”

Dr. Xia’s son shouted back: “Big deal! It’s only a piece of paper!” At that moment two other teachers, both locals, came by and managed to stop him from saying anything more incriminating. He recovered his self-control and eventually forced himself to perform a bow of sorts to the portrait. That evening a friend came to his house and told him that word was out that he had been branded a “thought criminal”—an offense which was punishable by imprisonment, and possibly death. He ran away, and his family never heard of him again. Probably he was caught and died in prison, or else in a labor camp. Dr. Xia never recovered from the blow, which turned him into a determined foe of Manchukuo and of Pu Yi."

3. And was struck by the similarity to this:

"A Virginia teacher was fired for refusing to use a trans student’s pronouns.
... the instructor, Peter Vlaming, did not comply, he said in a lawsuit. Citing his religious beliefs, he promised to use only the student’s name and avoid pronouns entirely. Administrators, he said, eventually gave the teacher an ultimatum: use the student’s correct pronouns or face disciplinary action."

Where have you gone, Joe DiMaggio?
Our nation turns its lonely eyes to you
Woo, woo, woo
What's that you say, Mrs. Robinson?
Jolting Joe has left and gone away
Hey, hey, hey
Hey, hey, hey

Fantastic post. What the average, "normal" and dare I say "moderate" democrat or non-Trump supporter is missing is that in America today, coast to coast, we Americans are under obligation OR ELSE. We Americans are under obligation not to wear Donald Trump or Republican Party logos, candidate names or symbols; not to proclaim publicly our belief in Jesus Christ or membership in His ancient service, not to openly speak the truth about homosexuality as a civilizational/species destroying rot, not to speak truth about biological sex, true sources of inner city crime, the threat from open borders and/or about a host of other obvious facts and truth. In essence, we Americans are not allowed to openly oppose verbally the new woke religion of the radical left. If we dare to do so, at work, on social media, or wherever—even in our places of worship—there's a chance we could be ruined for life or even attacked, maimed or murdered. For now this communist lockstep is only de facto enforced by the mindless mobs of the brainwashed. If the left wins all or even most come 2020, de facto will become government enforced.

Sorry I can't give two stars!

Yup....the totalitarians of the Democrat party have only two modes for governance: ban or mandate.

No place for liberty or freedom in their firmament.
Both Sanders and Warren have admitted they would impose their socialism by executive order, probably recognizing that it would not be approved by congress.


Totalitarianism writ large.
Socialism is slavery, confiscating the fruit of one's labor for use by the state. As such it requires at least authoritarianism or even totalitarianism. Only fools (pronounced: "progressives") willingly surrender their freedom.

1. One can only be shocked at what has happened to America if one knows what the real America is about....and government school doesn't appear to provide that knowledge.
Real Americanism focuses on freedom of speech and of thought, not the punishing of any that doesn't parrot the current orthodoxy.

2. Reading Jung Chang's 'Wild Swans,' I found this:

"Dr. Xia’s youngest son was working as a schoolteacher in Yixian. As in every school in Manchukuo, there was a big portrait of Pu Yi in the office of the Japanese headmaster, which everyone had to salute when they entered the room.
One day Dr. Xia’s son forgot to bow to Pu Yi. The headmaster shouted at him to bow at once and slapped him so hard across the face he knocked him off balance. Dr. Xia’s son was enraged: “Do I have to bend double every day? Can I not stand up straight even for a moment? I have just done my obeisance in morning assembly….” The headmaster slapped him again and barked: “This is your emperor! You Manchurians need to be taught elementary propriety!”

Dr. Xia’s son shouted back: “Big deal! It’s only a piece of paper!” At that moment two other teachers, both locals, came by and managed to stop him from saying anything more incriminating. He recovered his self-control and eventually forced himself to perform a bow of sorts to the portrait. That evening a friend came to his house and told him that word was out that he had been branded a “thought criminal”—an offense which was punishable by imprisonment, and possibly death. He ran away, and his family never heard of him again. Probably he was caught and died in prison, or else in a labor camp. Dr. Xia never recovered from the blow, which turned him into a determined foe of Manchukuo and of Pu Yi."

3. And was struck by the similarity to this:

"A Virginia teacher was fired for refusing to use a trans student’s pronouns.
... the instructor, Peter Vlaming, did not comply, he said in a lawsuit. Citing his religious beliefs, he promised to use only the student’s name and avoid pronouns entirely. Administrators, he said, eventually gave the teacher an ultimatum: use the student’s correct pronouns or face disciplinary action."

Where have you gone, Joe DiMaggio?
Our nation turns its lonely eyes to you
Woo, woo, woo
What's that you say, Mrs. Robinson?
Jolting Joe has left and gone away
Hey, hey, hey
Hey, hey, hey

Fantastic post. What the average, "normal" and dare I say "moderate" democrat or non-Trump supporter is missing is that in America today, coast to coast, we Americans are under obligation OR ELSE. We Americans are under obligation not to wear Donald Trump or Republican Party logos, candidate names or symbols; not to proclaim publicly our belief in Jesus Christ or membership in His ancient service, not to openly speak the truth about homosexuality as a civilizational/species destroying rot, not to speak truth about biological sex, true sources of inner city crime, the threat from open borders and/or about a host of other obvious facts and truth. In essence, we Americans are not allowed to openly oppose verbally the new woke religion of the radical left. If we dare to do so, at work, on social media, or wherever—even in our places of worship—there's a chance we could be ruined for life or even attacked, maimed or murdered. For now this communist lockstep is only de facto enforced by the mindless mobs of the brainwashed. If the left wins all or even most come 2020, de facto will become government enforced.

Sorry I can't give two stars!

Yup....the totalitarians of the Democrat party have only two modes for governance: ban or mandate.

No place for liberty or freedom in their firmament.

And that's precisely because under the rule of radical leftist platforms, ideology and tenets, people cannot be allowed to think much about those policies, laws, etc. or those same people will realize very quickly how insane and anti-human they are. The radical left must enforce its ideology and form of governance with an iron fist or all its citizens will run for the hills. That, or the radical left must remove all aspects of a civilization that holds it together and throw the bottom two thirds of a society into absolute chaos, as we've seen in West Coast sanctuary cities. Radical left governance works in only one of two forms: total control or total chaos. And where the radical left has implemented total chaos the people living there will soon beg for absolute government control, gladly surrendering their freedom for clinical order by totalitarianism. Democide is soon to follow.

Too many actually believe that the Left will cuddle them from cradle to grave.
I guess it's just easier that way.....
1. One can only be shocked at what has happened to America if one knows what the real America is about....and government school doesn't appear to provide that knowledge.
Real Americanism focuses on freedom of speech and of thought, not the punishing of any that doesn't parrot the current orthodoxy.

2. Reading Jung Chang's 'Wild Swans,' I found this:

"Dr. Xia’s youngest son was working as a schoolteacher in Yixian. As in every school in Manchukuo, there was a big portrait of Pu Yi in the office of the Japanese headmaster, which everyone had to salute when they entered the room.
One day Dr. Xia’s son forgot to bow to Pu Yi. The headmaster shouted at him to bow at once and slapped him so hard across the face he knocked him off balance. Dr. Xia’s son was enraged: “Do I have to bend double every day? Can I not stand up straight even for a moment? I have just done my obeisance in morning assembly….” The headmaster slapped him again and barked: “This is your emperor! You Manchurians need to be taught elementary propriety!”

Dr. Xia’s son shouted back: “Big deal! It’s only a piece of paper!” At that moment two other teachers, both locals, came by and managed to stop him from saying anything more incriminating. He recovered his self-control and eventually forced himself to perform a bow of sorts to the portrait. That evening a friend came to his house and told him that word was out that he had been branded a “thought criminal”—an offense which was punishable by imprisonment, and possibly death. He ran away, and his family never heard of him again. Probably he was caught and died in prison, or else in a labor camp. Dr. Xia never recovered from the blow, which turned him into a determined foe of Manchukuo and of Pu Yi."

3. And was struck by the similarity to this:

"A Virginia teacher was fired for refusing to use a trans student’s pronouns.
... the instructor, Peter Vlaming, did not comply, he said in a lawsuit. Citing his religious beliefs, he promised to use only the student’s name and avoid pronouns entirely. Administrators, he said, eventually gave the teacher an ultimatum: use the student’s correct pronouns or face disciplinary action."

Where have you gone, Joe DiMaggio?
Our nation turns its lonely eyes to you
Woo, woo, woo
What's that you say, Mrs. Robinson?
Jolting Joe has left and gone away
Hey, hey, hey
Hey, hey, hey

"Amazing: This Mind-Reader Can Instantly Guess People's Pronouns With 99.9% Accuracy
October 21st, 2019

What’s the first thing you do when meeting someone new? Exchange pronouns, of course, to make sure you refer to each other accurately. But what if you didn’t have to do that?

Meet Earl Thornton. He has this amazing ability to guess people’s pronouns instantly -- just by looking at them. And he’s almost never wrong.
“I don’t know, it just feels like I’ve always been able to do this,” said Thornton, who is very humble about his nearly supernatural ability. “I just look at somebody, and then before I can even think, I have their pronouns in my head.”
And he is quick. In less than a second after just glancing at someone, BOOM -- he has their pronouns. It’s almost freaky to witness.
Maybe scientists can study how he does that and make a pill or something so the rest of us have that ability. If we were all that quick and that accurate at knowing each other’s pronouns, almost no one would have to announce their pronouns upon first meeting someone. Think of that futuristic utopia!"

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