Warren Believes She Can Bypass Law / Legal Agreements With Microsoft Word Doc She Authored


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Watching Elizabeth Warren's continued attempt to destroy Bloomberg - which she started in the last Democrat Debate - by engaging in such pathetic political theatrics is nauseating and an insult to the intelligence of the majority of Americans.


Warren creates document to release
people from NDAs with Bloomberg

Demonstrating she shares the same belief as Barak Obama that she can bypass law and make up her own by simply writing her own, Warren has created her own personal 'legal' document that would void the legal agreements between Bloomberg and others, releasing them from contracts they willingly entered into.

It's a 'visual' theatrical performance intended to keep media attention and harm Bloomberg. Even she is not DUMB enough to believe Bloomberg would agree to this, .He will most likely do what we should all do - just IGNORE Warren. If we continue to do so, she will eventually just GO AWAY.

Warren creates document to release people from NDAs with Bloomberg
I got a lot of chuckles out or the the debate (if you can call it that) and much of it in the "gotcha" politics for the public cameras. Possibly damned if you do / publicly damned if you don't and how the victim responds is usually worth a chuckle. Not a debater, I have no clue how you get out of that with any dignity or without a loss. If your not invested, you can't help but laugh, and that sounds kinda sick in some way, even as I type it.

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