The President with the worst average unemployment rate since World War II is?

One proof would be the severe drop in oil production when Biden took over, as compares to what companies were producing with Trump.

Is there anything you are not wrong about?

Average number of barrels produced per day in the US (in thousands)

U.S. Field Production of Crude Oil (Thousand Barrels per Day)

Show where there was a recession under Trump.

Note that I've already posted proof of several recessions under Obama and Biden.

Using your fucked up definitoin we were in a recession for in 2018-2019 as the GDP growth 3 straight quarters

I didnt say GDP going down was a recession, dumbass. In fact, I did say what a recession is - a succession of 2+ quarters of falling GDP. Trump had none. Obama and Biden both have had multiples of them.

Thanks for bringing the subject up. It's an important point showing what dismal failures Democrat presidents have been on the economy.


Poor gramps, making up his own moronic definitions of what comprises a recession. Then crying out loud because no one else uses his definition.
Yes it is, stupid brainwashed one. When an economy experiences two consecutive quarters of economic decline. This occurs when GDP falls in comparison to the previous quarter - as shown in the charts I posted.

Back to the 8th grade for you (to deprogram you from all that CNN/MSNBC jibberish (sent directly to low information DUPES)

In 1974, economist Julius Shiskin came up with a few rules of thumb to define a recession: The most popular was two consecutive quarters of declining GDP. A healthy economy expands over time, so two quarters in a row of contracting output suggests there are serious underlying problems, according to Shiskin. This definition of a recession became a common standard over the years.


Your own link calls yiu an idiot. It says "negative" GDP is required..

Experts declare a recession when a nation’s economy experiences negative gross domestic product (GDP)
The calendar is enough for most people. When Trump left office, gas in my neighborhood was $1.89/gallon. 😐

That's not evidence Biden caused it. Thanks for tryin'. Be sure to collect your participation trophy on the way out.
FALSE! Not that this is much of a relevant stat, but you are wrong. GDP was HIGHER in 2020-Q4, than in 2019-Q4.
2019 Q4 - 1.8
2020 Q4 - 3.9
Faun slips again.

Nope, no slip. Post #5546 proves me right and proves you're senile.
Trump crashed US oil production & bankrupted US oil drillers.

Under Biden US oil production has steadily increased.
That is the exact OPPOSITE of the truth. What leftwing propaganda mill did you dredge that up from ?

Pretty amazing the slop that left media is feeding to their DUPES. Here's your deprogramming >>>

Here's the whole scoop from top to bottom. It shows Trump, by far, outperforming Biden on oil production.
Biden's production is a major reduction from what Trump's production was, and even much more major, when we extrapolate Trump's rising line to January 2023, if he had retained the presidency.

Oil production overall not only increased, during the Trump administration, it soared, and was vastly greater than the production we've gotten with Biden.
Trump production
December 2019 - 402.3 Million Barrels/month
January 2020 - 398.4
And Trump exceeded Biden's top month of 371.2 Million Barrels/month NINE TIMES, despite the Obama low production influences and later, the pandemic months reductions. And note also that Biden's top production month of 371.2, was recently in August of 2022, when he started increasing production, to try to lower gas prices, as we started getting closer to the 2022 ELECTION.

Biden's 2021 average is 341 Million Barrels/month compared to Trump's 374.
Biden's 2022 average (when he ramped up production as the 2022 election drew closer) wasn't much better > 354.


U.S. Field Production of Crude Oil (Thousand Barrels)

AND, if we extrapolate the EIA graph curve of Trump to now (Dec. 2022) if Trump were still president, it would be whopping 580 Million Barrels/month - HUNDREDS of Barrels/month more than Biden ever allowed produced.

U.S. Field Production of Crude Oil (Thousand Barrels)


Look at the graph line where it peaked at 402 Million Barrels/mo in December of 2019. Because of the climb up to that point, there is every reason to believe, that had the pandemic shutdowns not occured, that rising line would have continued rising exactly as it was already doing. And if Trump had remained president, and we thereby extend-extrapolate the line to as far as December 2022, we can easily see that it would be at about 580 Million Barrels/mo

(209 million Barrels/mo more than Biden's measly 371 Million).

Go ahead - put a ruler on the line that starts at 2017 when Trump took over, and look at where it goes to for December 2022 > 580 Million

All one need do to see the stark difference between the oil-friendly Trump and the oil-hostile Biden, is look at the NOSEDIVE oil production took between Trump's last month, and Biden's first month (when he issued an EO to halt oil drilling)
Trump's last month in office was January 2021 - production was 344 MB/mo. Bidens first month was 277.
A DROP of a whopping 67 MB/mo Sure, because that was right after Biden issued EOs cancelling oil leases

Biden signs executive order pausing federal drilling leases
Are you really this fucking stupid?

A declining GDP means that GDP growth is in the negative, that that growth slowed down for two quarters. Your definition does not say declining growth, it say "decline" which means it went down and not up.

I am truly embarrassed for you.
You should be embarrassed for YOURSELF. Have you been taking doubletalk lessons from Faun, on how to twist words/reality to adhere to your agenda ? Pheeeew! Leftists are truly deranged.

Declining GDP means lower GDP in a quarter compared to the previous quarter. That's the same thing as what I posted repeatedly in Post # 5522. So now you wasted a perfectly good post #, to say NOTHING.

ADP: Private employers added 497,000 jobs in June​

Oh, so now we are supposed to take the word of a leftist think tank over the US Bureau of Labor Statistics of the US Dept of Labor, huh ? :doubt:
Here's the BLS report >>>

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