The Negro Disease.

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Aug 13, 2019
Are negroes a disease? You don't have to take my word on the matter. Let's go right to the experts on disease. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. I will show you something THEY put out. So don't blame me.

2007 Murders by race - age.jpg

Now if you want to talk more about negroes and disease, here are some facts for you.

Negroes are:
60% more likely to develop Diabetes as Whites.
3 times more likely to die from Asthma.
16 times more likely to die from Sarcoidosis.
Twice as likely to die from smoking related Lung Cancer.
20 times more likely to die before the age of 50 from Heart Failure.
At a higher risk of Kidney Failure than any other species of human.
About twice as likely to develop Alzheimer's or other Dementia.
15 times more likely to carry Chlamydia.
8 times more likely to get HIV.
3 times more likely to carry Herpes.
Responsible for spreading both HIV and Ebola.
Largely or completely responsible for creating the first drug resistant form of Tuberculosis.

Also, White women are at a very slightly higher risk of developing Breast Cancer. But negro women are more than twice as likely to develop the deadliest form of the disease. Now I have heard these things being blamed on blacks receiving inferior health care. But they have as much right to any health care that the government provides as White people.

Here is the thing. What do you do with disease. You destroy it! Or at the very least quarantine yourself from it. Which as a White separatist, I am in favor of. Screw segregation. That just doesn't work. What we need is actual physical separation.
You, being such a prominent Trump supporter, I'm interested in your opinion on a wide range of things. Please continue.
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