The Green Jobs Myth: It desn't create jobs, it destroys them


Gold Member
Mar 27, 2010
obs: A Spanish economics professor said attempts by his country to create a green economy would fail. Now a Spanish government report confirms his findings, blunting claims that the professor's report was biased.

The professor, Gabriel Calzada Alvarez of Juan Carlos University in Madrid, produced a 41-page study last year on the European experiment of going full bore on the conservation front. He found that "the Spanish/EU-style 'green jobs' agenda now being promoted in the U.S. in fact destroys jobs."
For every green job created by the Spanish government, Alvarez found that 2.2 jobs were destroyed elsewhere in the economy because resources were directed politically and not rationally, as in a market economy.

"The loss of jobs could be greater if you account for the amount of lost industry that moves out of the country due to higher energy prices," the professor told the press.

Alvarez's findings, of course, were rejected by the environmental left, which tried to smear him as a stooge of the oil industry.
But inconveniently for the eco-conscious, his results have been backed up by Carlo Stagnaro and Luciano Lavecchia, a couple of researchers from the Italian think tank Istituto Bruno Leoni.

They found that in Italy, the losses were worse than they were in Spain: Each green job cost 6.9 jobs in the industrial sector and 4.8 jobs across the entire economy.

"Green investments are an ineffective policy for job creation," they say in their report. Despite the other merits of investments in new energy, "to the extent that the 'green deal' is aimed at creating employment or purported as anti-crisis or stimulus policy, it is a wrong policy choice."
Even more inconvenient for the environmental left is a study by the Spanish government. This leaked document supports the Alvarez report. The green lobby can't claim bias in this analysis because the Zapatero administration that compiled it is a socialist government that sees windmills when more rational people see dragons.

Read it all here:

The Green Jobs Myth - IBD -

Gee, what a suprise. All this "green jobs" crap is just like "global warming." It's nothing but a hoax.

And the people making money off this crap won't CARE if you and I lose money and our jobs over it, because people like Al Gore and T. Boone Pickens will make hand over fist sucking off the government tit.

They will take our tax dollars for this hoakum and what will we get in return? A pat on the head that we are saving the "environment" when in reality, it's all just a con to make "green" czars like Al Gore rich off of our poverty and loss of jobs and THEY KNOW IT.

There is a very hot place in hell reserved for these people. That is when they finall will discover global warming. :evil:

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