The Cosmos

Before I watch any more of Cosmos, I would like to know how many gigabytes I am using up.
I am only allowed 40 gigabytes a month and I can download at the speed of one megabyte a second.
Is one thousand megabytes one gigabyte? If so I figure that I am using approximately 3.6 gigabytes to watch one episode lasting an hour.
Anybody know if I am right?
Anyone who believes in God needs to watch the Cosmos. Watch the new one with Neil Degrasse Tyson and the old one with Carl Sagan. Once you learn the history of man, science and religion you will realize god(s) were made up long before we decided to just go with one god. Religious ignorance has held us back thousands of years. Religious people love to brag that it was on their watch that we came up with cures and that it was religious people who got us on the moon. They expose their ignorance to the fact that many of the scientists were/are atheists. They try to ignore the history of how many scientists were put to death for heresy by the churches for things that turned out to be correct. But today the church doesn't get so upset if you suggest the earth isn't the center of the universe or that the sun revolves around the earth because churches change with the times. They've learned not to fight science and instead ignore your anti scientific history and embrace science. Keep your friends close and your enemies closer.

300 years before Christ, Aristarchus of Samos discovered the earth was not the center of the universe. But it wasn't until the year 1500 of our lord that someone dared suggest it again. Who squashed this fact for 1800 years? Religion.

Think about instead of the 50 year cold war and all the other wars we fought if we would have put the time and energy into colonizing Mars. Take all the nukes we have built since the 1950's and tell me how much money that is. Human beings are stupid. One way to tell how dumb someone is, ask them if they believe in god.

Except that many brilliant scientists are perfectly willing to acknowledge that the very inception of the Universe is an unknowable for science. And lots of them therefore feel free to admit the possibility of a Creator.

What kind of scientist are they if they believe in something that can't be scientifically verified? That's just cognitive dissonance and wishful thinking and usually because they want to believe or they don't want to go to hell. Or a lot of people say they believe but don't really. Look at how many christians say they believe but admit the stories are just allegories. So there are many different levels of belief. And as a scientist. Could there be? Sure there could be. We didn't even know how big our universe was until the invention of the telescope. And do you realize the next closest star is 70,000 years from us? One day science will get us there in 40 years. Don't ask god to help
Before I watch any more of Cosmos, I would like to know how many gigabytes I am using up.
I am only allowed 40 gigabytes a month and I can download at the speed of one megabyte a second.
Is one thousand megabytes one gigabyte? If so I figure that I am using approximately 3.6 gigabytes to watch one episode lasting an hour.
Anybody know if I am right?

Google cosmos transcripts and you can read it. Broken down by episodes
I just watched the cosmos, episode 1 and I immediately disagreed with Sagan's opening statement.
"The cosmos is all that is, or was, or ever will be" What a banal statement.

If you watch the old and new cosmos they will explain when and why primitive man invented god. They will explain how the Greeks and Babylons had competing gods both thinking they're god was real and the other made up. But why not both? Your philosophical reasons why god exists aren't better than sciences reasons he's not.
God reveals Himself in His creation. Thus, the evidence for God existence is the Universe.

Therefore there is no excuse when you face God since the evidence for His existence is self-evident.

A real god would think how arrogant you are for thinking you are any better than an ant or whale. There are billions of planets in the universe. We don't even know where life is beyond our planet because we are so small yet we know or hope we are special
Actually Sagan was explaining how we might be able to speed up our travel in the future. Maybe 40 years to the nearest star is possible. But with ships the size of small cities.

What proof do you have there is a god? If you realized how ancient and primitive your religion is. The universe is infinite. Just take the god theory out of your equation and you got it.
The proof is way simple than what you've expected.
Every father always want his child to walk his way, and so since the very first generations that received the Tables of Testimony (est. 1, 000, 000) people who witnessed everything passed it on to their children up until today.

That's the story you're swallowing. The story I heard is that it was forced upon us. So who knows if your ancestors even 300 years ago believed let alone you're saying your ancestors 3000 generations supposedly saw something. This is what I mean. Your stories don't even carry scientific weight. No wonder science gives religion so little thought. It gives it what it deserves.

And most of the people who supposedly saw Jesus are not even the start of Christianity. Jesus' desciples went to Greece and told the poorest and dumbest the legends and they bought into it. We see Christians today go to the poorest in India and spread the gospel. I don't care how many generations you are removed. You can be that bright if you take these stories as fact without proof. Most of you are just using cognitive dissonance. You choose to believe because you want to and you can't see any other way. I get it.
This is the difference between you and me, I go for the logic (modern and rational) explanation against you whose guessing - this is the difference between the way we assume.
It is not that you have a solid proof that God doesn't exist, you're just assuming so with no logic but incapability of understanding so.

I use the scientific process.

(1) Question authority. No idea is true just because someone says so, including your parents and preachers.

(2) Think for yourself. Question yourself. Don't believe anything just because you want to. Believing something doesn't make it so. Are you sure you just don't WANT to believe? Because you really have no good reasons for believing. Not factual or scientific anyways.

(3) Test ideas by the evidence gained from observation and experiment. If a favorite idea fails a well-designed test, it's wrong. Get over it. Virgin births? People living 600 years? Talking snakes? FAIL!

(4) Follow the evidence wherever it leads. If you have no evidence, reserve judgment. But I have lots of evidence. The history of man and religion.

And perhaps the most important rule of all...

(5) Remember: you could be wrong. Even the best scientists have been wrong about some things. Newton, Einstein, and every other great scientist in history -- they all made mistakes. Of course they did. They were human.

Science is a way to keep from fooling ourselves, and each other.

Sure I could be wrong. But your story is so primitive and outdated I'm willing to bet the farm its all made up. Just like every religion before or after yours.
Despite we both know science is flawed I'll explain again what you're saying.
In the first two phases you are explaining the earliest stages of thinking but here on stage three you fall for the point where you CHOOSE what to believe in out of all the evidence because you're incapable of understanding infinity or in other words God in a manner of thinking(which is a victory for the religion claiming for afterlife judgement based on free choice), although some evidence do point a logic explanation it appears that you try to convince yourself "philosophically" by assuming that if something is not X so it doesn't exist at all, that is not the scientific way, that is called to make an assumption.

How does a smart person believe in miracles? Cognitive dissonance and wishful thinking. Brainwashed? Scared they'll go to hell? Can't imagine otherwise? Humans can be both smart and also superstitious.
Anyone who believes in God needs to watch the Cosmos. Watch the new one with Neil Degrasse Tyson and the old one with Carl Sagan. Once you learn the history of man, science and religion you will realize god(s) were made up long before we decided to just go with one god. Religious ignorance has held us back thousands of years. Religious people love to brag that it was on their watch that we came up with cures and that it was religious people who got us on the moon. They expose their ignorance to the fact that many of the scientists were/are atheists. They try to ignore the history of how many scientists were put to death for heresy by the churches for things that turned out to be correct. But today the church doesn't get so upset if you suggest the earth isn't the center of the universe or that the sun revolves around the earth because churches change with the times. They've learned not to fight science and instead ignore your anti scientific history and embrace science. Keep your friends close and your enemies closer.

300 years before Christ, Aristarchus of Samos discovered the earth was not the center of the universe. But it wasn't until the year 1500 of our lord that someone dared suggest it again. Who squashed this fact for 1800 years? Religion.

Think about instead of the 50 year cold war and all the other wars we fought if we would have put the time and energy into colonizing Mars. Take all the nukes we have built since the 1950's and tell me how much money that is. Human beings are stupid. One way to tell how dumb someone is, ask them if they believe in god.

Pythagoras refuted geocentrism in the 6th Century BC. He was a religious freak and a priest. Aristarchus of Samos studied at the Lyceum (dedicated to the god Apollo). Francis Bacon is said to have invented the scientific method. He was a priest. Copernicus was a Polish priest. Mendels was a priest, and the father of genetics (and a major influence on Darwin). You might say that Dostoyevsky (Jesus freak) is the father of modern psychology (if you read Crime and Punishment). Pascal (Jesus freak) was a mathematical genius and the father of computing. At least 35 craters on the moon are named after Jesuits, all of whom made significant contributions to science. Lemaitre was a priest who first proposed the Big Bang theory. The list goes on and on.

Not sure how you figure that the Cold War can be blamed on religion, or that nukes are a religious invention. It's true that Niels Bohr was an early nuclear physicist. If you read his stuff, or Einstein's, you get the sense that scientific breakthroughs often comes as a result of inspiration, or some sort of epiphany. It's often similar to an experience of the sacred. Einstein's revelation about the theory of relativity sounds like a mystical experience, as he describes it.

The practices of religion serve to break down mental pre-conceptions and constructs, filters and biases, and to enable the practitioner to see with fresh eyes.

Religion is not the cause of war. It can be used as a tool of exploitation, for political ends, just as patriotism or humanism can. Today's wars are sold to the public by appealing to secular humanism. If the entire world were atheistic, the incidences of war would not diminish by one scintilla.

And I think it's helpful to understand that the TV show Cosmos plays very loosely and creatively with history, to the point of willful deceit in my opinion.

  • "The fact that religions through the ages have spoken in images, parables, and paradoxes means simply that there are no other ways of grasping the reality to which they refer. But that does not mean that it is not a genuine reality." - Niels Bohr
Anyone who believes in God needs to watch the Cosmos. Watch the new one with Neil Degrasse Tyson and the old one with Carl Sagan. Once you learn the history of man, science and religion you will realize god(s) were made up long before we decided to just go with one god. Religious ignorance has held us back thousands of years. Religious people love to brag that it was on their watch that we came up with cures and that it was religious people who got us on the moon. They expose their ignorance to the fact that many of the scientists were/are atheists. They try to ignore the history of how many scientists were put to death for heresy by the churches for things that turned out to be correct. But today the church doesn't get so upset if you suggest the earth isn't the center of the universe or that the sun revolves around the earth because churches change with the times. They've learned not to fight science and instead ignore your anti scientific history and embrace science. Keep your friends close and your enemies closer.

300 years before Christ, Aristarchus of Samos discovered the earth was not the center of the universe. But it wasn't until the year 1500 of our lord that someone dared suggest it again. Who squashed this fact for 1800 years? Religion.

Think about instead of the 50 year cold war and all the other wars we fought if we would have put the time and energy into colonizing Mars. Take all the nukes we have built since the 1950's and tell me how much money that is. Human beings are stupid. One way to tell how dumb someone is, ask them if they believe in god.

Pythagoras refuted geocentrism in the 6th Century BC. He was a religious freak and a priest. Aristarchus of Samos studied at the Lyceum (dedicated to the god Apollo). Francis Bacon is said to have invented the scientific method. He was a priest. Copernicus was a Polish priest. Mendels was a priest, and the father of genetics (and a major influence on Darwin). You might say that Dostoyevsky (Jesus freak) is the father of modern psychology (if you read Crime and Punishment). Pascal (Jesus freak) was a mathematical genius and the father of computing. At least 35 craters on the moon are named after Jesuits, all of whom made significant contributions to science. Lemaitre was a priest who first proposed the Big Bang theory. The list goes on and on.

Not sure how you figure that the Cold War can be blamed on religion, or that nukes are a religious invention. It's true that Niels Bohr was an early nuclear physicist. If you read his stuff, or Einstein's, you get the sense that scientific breakthroughs often comes as a result of inspiration, or some sort of epiphany. It's often similar to an experience of the sacred. Einstein's revelation about the theory of relativity sounds like a mystical experience, as he describes it.

The practices of religion serve to break down mental pre-conceptions and constructs, filters and biases, and to enable the practitioner to see with fresh eyes.

Religion is not the cause of war. It can be used as a tool of exploitation, for political ends, just as patriotism or humanism can. Today's wars are sold to the public by appealing to secular humanism. If the entire world were atheistic, the incidences of war would not diminish by one scintilla.

And I think it's helpful to understand that the TV show Cosmos plays very loosely and creatively with history, to the point of willful deceit in my opinion.

  • "The fact that religions through the ages have spoken in images, parables, and paradoxes means simply that there are no other ways of grasping the reality to which they refer. But that does not mean that it is not a genuine reality." - Niels Bohr

The cosmos even admits that Giordano Bruno believed in god too. But the church burned him because he believed the universe was bigger than the church believed. The cosmos also explained how Newton thought he could figure out hidden messages in the bible. Nothing ever came from it.

Plato decided to hide math and science from the masses. He didn't think they could handle it. He's connected with christianity.

And we know that many of the discoveries you think someone discovered in 1500ad was actually discovered and lost 1000 years earlier.

Don't forget that until America most countries church and state were one and the same.

I don't put all the blame for wars on religion but they sure don't do much to stop them. You think atheist liberals would war more than conservative theists? I doubt that very much. We'd rather spend the money on science and poverty. Instead of stealing Iraq's oil let's figure out how to harness photosynthesis
The proof is way simple than what you've expected.
Every father always want his child to walk his way, and so since the very first generations that received the Tables of Testimony (est. 1, 000, 000) people who witnessed everything passed it on to their children up until today.

That's the story you're swallowing. The story I heard is that it was forced upon us. So who knows if your ancestors even 300 years ago believed let alone you're saying your ancestors 3000 generations supposedly saw something. This is what I mean. Your stories don't even carry scientific weight. No wonder science gives religion so little thought. It gives it what it deserves.

And most of the people who supposedly saw Jesus are not even the start of Christianity. Jesus' desciples went to Greece and told the poorest and dumbest the legends and they bought into it. We see Christians today go to the poorest in India and spread the gospel. I don't care how many generations you are removed. You can be that bright if you take these stories as fact without proof. Most of you are just using cognitive dissonance. You choose to believe because you want to and you can't see any other way. I get it.
This is the difference between you and me, I go for the logic (modern and rational) explanation against you whose guessing - this is the difference between the way we assume.
It is not that you have a solid proof that God doesn't exist, you're just assuming so with no logic but incapability of understanding so.

I use the scientific process.

(1) Question authority. No idea is true just because someone says so, including your parents and preachers.

(2) Think for yourself. Question yourself. Don't believe anything just because you want to. Believing something doesn't make it so. Are you sure you just don't WANT to believe? Because you really have no good reasons for believing. Not factual or scientific anyways.

(3) Test ideas by the evidence gained from observation and experiment. If a favorite idea fails a well-designed test, it's wrong. Get over it. Virgin births? People living 600 years? Talking snakes? FAIL!

(4) Follow the evidence wherever it leads. If you have no evidence, reserve judgment. But I have lots of evidence. The history of man and religion.

And perhaps the most important rule of all...

(5) Remember: you could be wrong. Even the best scientists have been wrong about some things. Newton, Einstein, and every other great scientist in history -- they all made mistakes. Of course they did. They were human.

Science is a way to keep from fooling ourselves, and each other.

Sure I could be wrong. But your story is so primitive and outdated I'm willing to bet the farm its all made up. Just like every religion before or after yours.
Despite we both know science is flawed I'll explain again what you're saying.
In the first two phases you are explaining the earliest stages of thinking but here on stage three you fall for the point where you CHOOSE what to believe in out of all the evidence because you're incapable of understanding infinity or in other words God in a manner of thinking(which is a victory for the religion claiming for afterlife judgement based on free choice), although some evidence do point a logic explanation it appears that you try to convince yourself "philosophically" by assuming that if something is not X so it doesn't exist at all, that is not the scientific way, that is called to make an assumption.

How does a smart person believe in miracles? Cognitive dissonance and wishful thinking. Brainwashed? Scared they'll go to hell? Can't imagine otherwise? Humans can be both smart and also superstitious.
Actually this is the right question, how does one learn-and before discussing inner faiths beliefs lets stick to the main argument first, now lets analyze it;
If you do not agree with me on those lets go over again.
Fool learn only from mistakes.
Wise learn from his own mistakes and others mistakes.
This is what we differs the wise from the fool, the arrogance to consider himself wiser than anyone else until that moment, "fool is wise in his own eyes, but wise learn from anyone" and this is the essence of us - humans - the ability to learn, unlike the rest of the "mindless" life forms that remain the same their entire lives.
So then you ask yourself how come life forms did had their evolutionary process - "learned" and developed over millions of years, hmm..that means both can't be true unless both are not the same, and this is also written in the OT, the humans are not the same as animals, and the OT explains it in Genesis, this is somewhat hidden content that Elder Commentators explain - why is the humans created after the animals, why are we humans distinguished from animals? two reasons.
1.We have the ability to learn.
2.We are arrogant, so the time would come and no human would claim he created the animals but the lesser life forms were created before him.
Those bare the ultimate life lessons for life, to learn from experience and to learn from everyone, to drop the most primitive con in us - arrogance - and to be able to learn from anyone, this is also the reason why I can't take atheistic people seriously, they are arrogant which is the main definition for fool.
So far do we agree?
That's the story you're swallowing. The story I heard is that it was forced upon us. So who knows if your ancestors even 300 years ago believed let alone you're saying your ancestors 3000 generations supposedly saw something. This is what I mean. Your stories don't even carry scientific weight. No wonder science gives religion so little thought. It gives it what it deserves.

And most of the people who supposedly saw Jesus are not even the start of Christianity. Jesus' desciples went to Greece and told the poorest and dumbest the legends and they bought into it. We see Christians today go to the poorest in India and spread the gospel. I don't care how many generations you are removed. You can be that bright if you take these stories as fact without proof. Most of you are just using cognitive dissonance. You choose to believe because you want to and you can't see any other way. I get it.
This is the difference between you and me, I go for the logic (modern and rational) explanation against you whose guessing - this is the difference between the way we assume.
It is not that you have a solid proof that God doesn't exist, you're just assuming so with no logic but incapability of understanding so.

I use the scientific process.

(1) Question authority. No idea is true just because someone says so, including your parents and preachers.

(2) Think for yourself. Question yourself. Don't believe anything just because you want to. Believing something doesn't make it so. Are you sure you just don't WANT to believe? Because you really have no good reasons for believing. Not factual or scientific anyways.

(3) Test ideas by the evidence gained from observation and experiment. If a favorite idea fails a well-designed test, it's wrong. Get over it. Virgin births? People living 600 years? Talking snakes? FAIL!

(4) Follow the evidence wherever it leads. If you have no evidence, reserve judgment. But I have lots of evidence. The history of man and religion.

And perhaps the most important rule of all...

(5) Remember: you could be wrong. Even the best scientists have been wrong about some things. Newton, Einstein, and every other great scientist in history -- they all made mistakes. Of course they did. They were human.

Science is a way to keep from fooling ourselves, and each other.

Sure I could be wrong. But your story is so primitive and outdated I'm willing to bet the farm its all made up. Just like every religion before or after yours.
Despite we both know science is flawed I'll explain again what you're saying.
In the first two phases you are explaining the earliest stages of thinking but here on stage three you fall for the point where you CHOOSE what to believe in out of all the evidence because you're incapable of understanding infinity or in other words God in a manner of thinking(which is a victory for the religion claiming for afterlife judgement based on free choice), although some evidence do point a logic explanation it appears that you try to convince yourself "philosophically" by assuming that if something is not X so it doesn't exist at all, that is not the scientific way, that is called to make an assumption.

How does a smart person believe in miracles? Cognitive dissonance and wishful thinking. Brainwashed? Scared they'll go to hell? Can't imagine otherwise? Humans can be both smart and also superstitious.
Actually this is the right question, how does one learn-and before discussing inner faiths beliefs lets stick to the main argument first, now lets analyze it;
If you do not agree with me on those lets go over again.
Fool learn only from mistakes.
Wise learn from his own mistakes and others mistakes.
This is what we differs the wise from the fool, the arrogance to consider himself wiser than anyone else until that moment, "fool is wise in his own eyes, but wise learn from anyone" and this is the essence of us - humans - the ability to learn, unlike the rest of the "mindless" life forms that remain the same their entire lives.
So then you ask yourself how come life forms did had their evolutionary process - "learned" and developed over millions of years, hmm..that means both can't be true unless both are not the same, and this is also written in the OT, the humans are not the same as animals, and the OT explains it in Genesis, this is somewhat hidden content that Elder Commentators explain - why is the humans created after the animals, why are we humans distinguished from animals? two reasons.
1.We have the ability to learn.
2.We are arrogant, so the time would come and no human would claim he created the animals but the lesser life forms were created before him.
Those bare the ultimate life lessons for life, to learn from experience and to learn from everyone, to drop the most primitive con in us - arrogance - and to be able to learn from anyone, this is also the reason why I can't take atheistic people seriously, they are arrogant which is the main definition for fool.
So far do we agree?

No. You are arrogant to think just because you are the smartest creature on this tiny planet that you are special and one day will basically be a god when you go to heaven.

Living next to us dogs are getting really smart really fast. One day they might talk. Hard to say that's impossible given a few thousand more years.

Your a hypocrite. You said you learn from everyone and have an open mind but can't take atheists seriously. Why when the more probable truth is there is no god? Seems made up to me. And its you who can't see it. Sad
That's the story you're swallowing. The story I heard is that it was forced upon us. So who knows if your ancestors even 300 years ago believed let alone you're saying your ancestors 3000 generations supposedly saw something. This is what I mean. Your stories don't even carry scientific weight. No wonder science gives religion so little thought. It gives it what it deserves.

And most of the people who supposedly saw Jesus are not even the start of Christianity. Jesus' desciples went to Greece and told the poorest and dumbest the legends and they bought into it. We see Christians today go to the poorest in India and spread the gospel. I don't care how many generations you are removed. You can be that bright if you take these stories as fact without proof. Most of you are just using cognitive dissonance. You choose to believe because you want to and you can't see any other way. I get it.
This is the difference between you and me, I go for the logic (modern and rational) explanation against you whose guessing - this is the difference between the way we assume.
It is not that you have a solid proof that God doesn't exist, you're just assuming so with no logic but incapability of understanding so.

I use the scientific process.

(1) Question authority. No idea is true just because someone says so, including your parents and preachers.

(2) Think for yourself. Question yourself. Don't believe anything just because you want to. Believing something doesn't make it so. Are you sure you just don't WANT to believe? Because you really have no good reasons for believing. Not factual or scientific anyways.

(3) Test ideas by the evidence gained from observation and experiment. If a favorite idea fails a well-designed test, it's wrong. Get over it. Virgin births? People living 600 years? Talking snakes? FAIL!

(4) Follow the evidence wherever it leads. If you have no evidence, reserve judgment. But I have lots of evidence. The history of man and religion.

And perhaps the most important rule of all...

(5) Remember: you could be wrong. Even the best scientists have been wrong about some things. Newton, Einstein, and every other great scientist in history -- they all made mistakes. Of course they did. They were human.

Science is a way to keep from fooling ourselves, and each other.

Sure I could be wrong. But your story is so primitive and outdated I'm willing to bet the farm its all made up. Just like every religion before or after yours.
Despite we both know science is flawed I'll explain again what you're saying.
In the first two phases you are explaining the earliest stages of thinking but here on stage three you fall for the point where you CHOOSE what to believe in out of all the evidence because you're incapable of understanding infinity or in other words God in a manner of thinking(which is a victory for the religion claiming for afterlife judgement based on free choice), although some evidence do point a logic explanation it appears that you try to convince yourself "philosophically" by assuming that if something is not X so it doesn't exist at all, that is not the scientific way, that is called to make an assumption.

How does a smart person believe in miracles? Cognitive dissonance and wishful thinking. Brainwashed? Scared they'll go to hell? Can't imagine otherwise? Humans can be both smart and also superstitious.
Actually this is the right question, how does one learn-and before discussing inner faiths beliefs lets stick to the main argument first, now lets analyze it;
If you do not agree with me on those lets go over again.
Fool learn only from mistakes.
Wise learn from his own mistakes and others mistakes.
This is what we differs the wise from the fool, the arrogance to consider himself wiser than anyone else until that moment, "fool is wise in his own eyes, but wise learn from anyone" and this is the essence of us - humans - the ability to learn, unlike the rest of the "mindless" life forms that remain the same their entire lives.
So then you ask yourself how come life forms did had their evolutionary process - "learned" and developed over millions of years, hmm..that means both can't be true unless both are not the same, and this is also written in the OT, the humans are not the same as animals, and the OT explains it in Genesis, this is somewhat hidden content that Elder Commentators explain - why is the humans created after the animals, why are we humans distinguished from animals? two reasons.
1.We have the ability to learn.
2.We are arrogant, so the time would come and no human would claim he created the animals but the lesser life forms were created before him.
Those bare the ultimate life lessons for life, to learn from experience and to learn from everyone, to drop the most primitive con in us - arrogance - and to be able to learn from anyone, this is also the reason why I can't take atheistic people seriously, they are arrogant which is the main definition for fool.
So far do we agree?
You can't even imagine the possibility that humans invented god. You're gullible. I however was brainwashed from a very young age just like everyone else and was able to overcomebit. May have taken 40;yes but better late than never. And I don't care if most people believe in gods. So what? Most people believe in UFOs and ghosts too. Humans are superstitious and very imaginative.
Anyone who believes in God needs to watch the Cosmos. Watch the new one with Neil Degrasse Tyson and the old one with Carl Sagan. Once you learn the history of man, science and religion you will realize god(s) were made up long before we decided to just go with one god. Religious ignorance has held us back thousands of years. Religious people love to brag that it was on their watch that we came up with cures and that it was religious people who got us on the moon. They expose their ignorance to the fact that many of the scientists were/are atheists. They try to ignore the history of how many scientists were put to death for heresy by the churches for things that turned out to be correct. But today the church doesn't get so upset if you suggest the earth isn't the center of the universe or that the sun revolves around the earth because churches change with the times. They've learned not to fight science and instead ignore your anti scientific history and embrace science. Keep your friends close and your enemies closer.

300 years before Christ, Aristarchus of Samos discovered the earth was not the center of the universe. But it wasn't until the year 1500 of our lord that someone dared suggest it again. Who squashed this fact for 1800 years? Religion.

Think about instead of the 50 year cold war and all the other wars we fought if we would have put the time and energy into colonizing Mars. Take all the nukes we have built since the 1950's and tell me how much money that is. Human beings are stupid. One way to tell how dumb someone is, ask them if they believe in god.

Except that many brilliant scientists are perfectly willing to acknowledge that the very inception of the Universe is an unknowable for science. And lots of them therefore feel free to admit the possibility of a Creator.

What kind of scientist are they if they believe in something that can't be scientifically verified? That's just cognitive dissonance and wishful thinking and usually because they want to believe or they don't want to go to hell. Or a lot of people say they believe but don't really. Look at how many christians say they believe but admit the stories are just allegories. So there are many different levels of belief. And as a scientist. Could there be? Sure there could be. We didn't even know how big our universe was until the invention of the telescope. And do you realize the next closest star is 70,000 years from us? One day science will get us there in 40 years. Don't ask god to help

They cannot scientifically verify where the initial "thing" that "caused" the Big Bang came from.

But lots of them believe in it.

Scientists don't pretend to know everything. Some things are premised on either belief or are merely assumed pending further proof.
Anyone who believes in God needs to watch the Cosmos. Watch the new one with Neil Degrasse Tyson and the old one with Carl Sagan. Once you learn the history of man, science and religion you will realize god(s) were made up long before we decided to just go with one god. Religious ignorance has held us back thousands of years. Religious people love to brag that it was on their watch that we came up with cures and that it was religious people who got us on the moon. They expose their ignorance to the fact that many of the scientists were/are atheists. They try to ignore the history of how many scientists were put to death for heresy by the churches for things that turned out to be correct. But today the church doesn't get so upset if you suggest the earth isn't the center of the universe or that the sun revolves around the earth because churches change with the times. They've learned not to fight science and instead ignore your anti scientific history and embrace science. Keep your friends close and your enemies closer.

300 years before Christ, Aristarchus of Samos discovered the earth was not the center of the universe. But it wasn't until the year 1500 of our lord that someone dared suggest it again. Who squashed this fact for 1800 years? Religion.

Think about instead of the 50 year cold war and all the other wars we fought if we would have put the time and energy into colonizing Mars. Take all the nukes we have built since the 1950's and tell me how much money that is. Human beings are stupid. One way to tell how dumb someone is, ask them if they believe in god.

New show on TLC think it is called "Child Genius." Among the contestants is a kid from Oklahoma who's devout Christian (or at least being so young, a devout parent-appeaser echoing his mother's feelings not yet forming his own.) Bit I caught had him expressing concern about the contest asking him anything about astronomy since correct answers of the big bang, and such would conflict with his religious beliefs.

Was left thinking of you're so devout and disbelieve science, why are you in such a contest in the first place? Your mom so desparate to live vicariously through you she'll submit you to that ridicule? Isn't there a Creation Museum sponsored alternative somewhere? :)

If you wish to compete in academic trivia contests, and you have a problem with science and science-related answers, don't enter those contests. Saying on tv, "Anyone who believes in the big bang is wrong...God made the universe" is a good way to make your name Mudd for the rest of your life. "Aren't that stupid kid from that show...?"
Anyone who believes in God needs to watch the Cosmos. Watch the new one with Neil Degrasse Tyson and the old one with Carl Sagan. Once you learn the history of man, science and religion you will realize god(s) were made up long before we decided to just go with one god. Religious ignorance has held us back thousands of years. Religious people love to brag that it was on their watch that we came up with cures and that it was religious people who got us on the moon. They expose their ignorance to the fact that many of the scientists were/are atheists. They try to ignore the history of how many scientists were put to death for heresy by the churches for things that turned out to be correct. But today the church doesn't get so upset if you suggest the earth isn't the center of the universe or that the sun revolves around the earth because churches change with the times. They've learned not to fight science and instead ignore your anti scientific history and embrace science. Keep your friends close and your enemies closer.

300 years before Christ, Aristarchus of Samos discovered the earth was not the center of the universe. But it wasn't until the year 1500 of our lord that someone dared suggest it again. Who squashed this fact for 1800 years? Religion.

Think about instead of the 50 year cold war and all the other wars we fought if we would have put the time and energy into colonizing Mars. Take all the nukes we have built since the 1950's and tell me how much money that is. Human beings are stupid. One way to tell how dumb someone is, ask them if they believe in god.

Except that many brilliant scientists are perfectly willing to acknowledge that the very inception of the Universe is an unknowable for science. And lots of them therefore feel free to admit the possibility of a Creator.

What kind of scientist are they if they believe in something that can't be scientifically verified? That's just cognitive dissonance and wishful thinking and usually because they want to believe or they don't want to go to hell. Or a lot of people say they believe but don't really. Look at how many christians say they believe but admit the stories are just allegories. So there are many different levels of belief. And as a scientist. Could there be? Sure there could be. We didn't even know how big our universe was until the invention of the telescope. And do you realize the next closest star is 70,000 years from us? One day science will get us there in 40 years. Don't ask god to help

They cannot scientifically verify where the initial "thing" that "caused" the Big Bang came from.

But lots of them believe in it.

Scientists don't pretend to know everything. Some things are premised on either belief or are merely assumed pending further proof.
Dr oz is talking about angels. He's explaining belief scientifically. Why people think angels exist
Anyone who believes in God needs to watch the Cosmos. Watch the new one with Neil Degrasse Tyson and the old one with Carl Sagan. Once you learn the history of man, science and religion you will realize god(s) were made up long before we decided to just go with one god. Religious ignorance has held us back thousands of years. Religious people love to brag that it was on their watch that we came up with cures and that it was religious people who got us on the moon. They expose their ignorance to the fact that many of the scientists were/are atheists. They try to ignore the history of how many scientists were put to death for heresy by the churches for things that turned out to be correct. But today the church doesn't get so upset if you suggest the earth isn't the center of the universe or that the sun revolves around the earth because churches change with the times. They've learned not to fight science and instead ignore your anti scientific history and embrace science. Keep your friends close and your enemies closer.

300 years before Christ, Aristarchus of Samos discovered the earth was not the center of the universe. But it wasn't until the year 1500 of our lord that someone dared suggest it again. Who squashed this fact for 1800 years? Religion.

Think about instead of the 50 year cold war and all the other wars we fought if we would have put the time and energy into colonizing Mars. Take all the nukes we have built since the 1950's and tell me how much money that is. Human beings are stupid. One way to tell how dumb someone is, ask them if they believe in god.

Except that many brilliant scientists are perfectly willing to acknowledge that the very inception of the Universe is an unknowable for science. And lots of them therefore feel free to admit the possibility of a Creator.

What kind of scientist are they if they believe in something that can't be scientifically verified? That's just cognitive dissonance and wishful thinking and usually because they want to believe or they don't want to go to hell. Or a lot of people say they believe but don't really. Look at how many christians say they believe but admit the stories are just allegories. So there are many different levels of belief. And as a scientist. Could there be? Sure there could be. We didn't even know how big our universe was until the invention of the telescope. And do you realize the next closest star is 70,000 years from us? One day science will get us there in 40 years. Don't ask god to help

They cannot scientifically verify where the initial "thing" that "caused" the Big Bang came from.

But lots of them believe in it.

Scientists don't pretend to know everything. Some things are premised on either belief or are merely assumed pending further proof.

Science doesn't believe what can't be verified. It admits it doesn't know. Show me a peer reviewed report of sciences belief in a god.

If a scientist also believes that's cognitive dissonance.
Anyone who believes in God needs to watch the Cosmos. Watch the new one with Neil Degrasse Tyson and the old one with Carl Sagan. Once you learn the history of man, science and religion you will realize god(s) were made up long before we decided to just go with one god. Religious ignorance has held us back thousands of years. Religious people love to brag that it was on their watch that we came up with cures and that it was religious people who got us on the moon. They expose their ignorance to the fact that many of the scientists were/are atheists. They try to ignore the history of how many scientists were put to death for heresy by the churches for things that turned out to be correct. But today the church doesn't get so upset if you suggest the earth isn't the center of the universe or that the sun revolves around the earth because churches change with the times. They've learned not to fight science and instead ignore your anti scientific history and embrace science. Keep your friends close and your enemies closer.

300 years before Christ, Aristarchus of Samos discovered the earth was not the center of the universe. But it wasn't until the year 1500 of our lord that someone dared suggest it again. Who squashed this fact for 1800 years? Religion.

Think about instead of the 50 year cold war and all the other wars we fought if we would have put the time and energy into colonizing Mars. Take all the nukes we have built since the 1950's and tell me how much money that is. Human beings are stupid. One way to tell how dumb someone is, ask them if they believe in god.

New show on TLC think it is called "Child Genius." Among the contestants is a kid from Oklahoma who's devout Christian (or at least being so young, a devout parent-appeaser echoing his mother's feelings not yet forming his own.) Bit I caught had him expressing concern about the contest asking him anything about astronomy since correct answers of the big bang, and such would conflict with his religious beliefs.

Was left thinking of you're so devout and disbelieve science, why are you in such a contest in the first place? Your mom so desparate to live vicariously through you she'll submit you to that ridicule? Isn't there a Creation Museum sponsored alternative somewhere? :)

If you wish to compete in academic trivia contests, and you have a problem with science and science-related answers, don't enter those contests. Saying on tv, "Anyone who believes in the big bang is wrong...God made the universe" is a good way to make your name Mudd for the rest of your life. "Aren't that stupid kid from that show...?"

OK 5 minutes into Dr oz and this woman who believes in angels is making no sense.

Now another woman is saying how gramma was in hospital but fine and something or someone told them to go see her and she died soon after.

Now she's saying angels appear when you see 111 or 555.

Now she's saying write down your feelings and an angel will help you. I hope oz is going to explain scientifically how all these things just make them feel better about themselves.
I just watched the cosmos, episode 1 and I immediately disagreed with Sagan's opening statement.
"The cosmos is all that is, or was, or ever will be" What a banal statement.

If you watch the old and new cosmos they will explain when and why primitive man invented god. They will explain how the Greeks and Babylons had competing gods both thinking they're god was real and the other made up. But why not both? Your philosophical reasons why god exists aren't better than sciences reasons he's not.

My beliefs are not theories but the result of practical experience.
I have encountered many psychic people who claim to communicate with the spirit world. I sat in two spiritualist psychic developing circles myself before deciding it was not for me. But I had a friend who became a medium and I watched him develop his psychic capabilities. I know he was not lying and he went on to give regular demonstrations of clairvoyance, and in any case I did have some personal psychic experiences.
This is the difference between you and me, I go for the logic (modern and rational) explanation against you whose guessing - this is the difference between the way we assume.
It is not that you have a solid proof that God doesn't exist, you're just assuming so with no logic but incapability of understanding so.

I use the scientific process.

(1) Question authority. No idea is true just because someone says so, including your parents and preachers.

(2) Think for yourself. Question yourself. Don't believe anything just because you want to. Believing something doesn't make it so. Are you sure you just don't WANT to believe? Because you really have no good reasons for believing. Not factual or scientific anyways.

(3) Test ideas by the evidence gained from observation and experiment. If a favorite idea fails a well-designed test, it's wrong. Get over it. Virgin births? People living 600 years? Talking snakes? FAIL!

(4) Follow the evidence wherever it leads. If you have no evidence, reserve judgment. But I have lots of evidence. The history of man and religion.

And perhaps the most important rule of all...

(5) Remember: you could be wrong. Even the best scientists have been wrong about some things. Newton, Einstein, and every other great scientist in history -- they all made mistakes. Of course they did. They were human.

Science is a way to keep from fooling ourselves, and each other.

Sure I could be wrong. But your story is so primitive and outdated I'm willing to bet the farm its all made up. Just like every religion before or after yours.
Despite we both know science is flawed I'll explain again what you're saying.
In the first two phases you are explaining the earliest stages of thinking but here on stage three you fall for the point where you CHOOSE what to believe in out of all the evidence because you're incapable of understanding infinity or in other words God in a manner of thinking(which is a victory for the religion claiming for afterlife judgement based on free choice), although some evidence do point a logic explanation it appears that you try to convince yourself "philosophically" by assuming that if something is not X so it doesn't exist at all, that is not the scientific way, that is called to make an assumption.

How does a smart person believe in miracles? Cognitive dissonance and wishful thinking. Brainwashed? Scared they'll go to hell? Can't imagine otherwise? Humans can be both smart and also superstitious.
Actually this is the right question, how does one learn-and before discussing inner faiths beliefs lets stick to the main argument first, now lets analyze it;
If you do not agree with me on those lets go over again.
Fool learn only from mistakes.
Wise learn from his own mistakes and others mistakes.
This is what we differs the wise from the fool, the arrogance to consider himself wiser than anyone else until that moment, "fool is wise in his own eyes, but wise learn from anyone" and this is the essence of us - humans - the ability to learn, unlike the rest of the "mindless" life forms that remain the same their entire lives.
So then you ask yourself how come life forms did had their evolutionary process - "learned" and developed over millions of years, hmm..that means both can't be true unless both are not the same, and this is also written in the OT, the humans are not the same as animals, and the OT explains it in Genesis, this is somewhat hidden content that Elder Commentators explain - why is the humans created after the animals, why are we humans distinguished from animals? two reasons.
1.We have the ability to learn.
2.We are arrogant, so the time would come and no human would claim he created the animals but the lesser life forms were created before him.
Those bare the ultimate life lessons for life, to learn from experience and to learn from everyone, to drop the most primitive con in us - arrogance - and to be able to learn from anyone, this is also the reason why I can't take atheistic people seriously, they are arrogant which is the main definition for fool.
So far do we agree?

No. You are arrogant to think just because you are the smartest creature on this tiny planet that you are special and one day will basically be a god when you go to heaven.

Living next to us dogs are getting really smart really fast. One day they might talk. Hard to say that's impossible given a few thousand more years.

Your a hypocrite. You said you learn from everyone and have an open mind but can't take atheists seriously. Why when the more probable truth is there is no god? Seems made up to me. And its you who can't see it. Sad
The only more probable truth is that everything has a beginning and end, except infinity which always existed - and cannot start on its own, this is the more probable truth.
Let me ask you this - what would be the first thought of a person that finds for example an iPhone on the moon knowingly he was the first to ever land on the moon? - what would be YOUR first thought?
-How would it got there, or who made it, something in between.
So when you see not just a marvelous creation like the human body or nature systems - you don't ever wonder so? let me give you a better example;
The Cosmos itself, how did it got their in the first place?
Anyone who believes in God needs to watch the Cosmos. Watch the new one with Neil Degrasse Tyson and the old one with Carl Sagan. Once you learn the history of man, science and religion you will realize god(s) were made up long before we decided to just go with one god. Religious ignorance has held us back thousands of years. Religious people love to brag that it was on their watch that we came up with cures and that it was religious people who got us on the moon. They expose their ignorance to the fact that many of the scientists were/are atheists. They try to ignore the history of how many scientists were put to death for heresy by the churches for things that turned out to be correct. But today the church doesn't get so upset if you suggest the earth isn't the center of the universe or that the sun revolves around the earth because churches change with the times. They've learned not to fight science and instead ignore your anti scientific history and embrace science. Keep your friends close and your enemies closer.

300 years before Christ, Aristarchus of Samos discovered the earth was not the center of the universe. But it wasn't until the year 1500 of our lord that someone dared suggest it again. Who squashed this fact for 1800 years? Religion.

Think about instead of the 50 year cold war and all the other wars we fought if we would have put the time and energy into colonizing Mars. Take all the nukes we have built since the 1950's and tell me how much money that is. Human beings are stupid. One way to tell how dumb someone is, ask them if they believe in god.

Except that many brilliant scientists are perfectly willing to acknowledge that the very inception of the Universe is an unknowable for science. And lots of them therefore feel free to admit the possibility of a Creator.

What kind of scientist are they if they believe in something that can't be scientifically verified? That's just cognitive dissonance and wishful thinking and usually because they want to believe or they don't want to go to hell. Or a lot of people say they believe but don't really. Look at how many christians say they believe but admit the stories are just allegories. So there are many different levels of belief. And as a scientist. Could there be? Sure there could be. We didn't even know how big our universe was until the invention of the telescope. And do you realize the next closest star is 70,000 years from us? One day science will get us there in 40 years. Don't ask god to help

They cannot scientifically verify where the initial "thing" that "caused" the Big Bang came from.

But lots of them believe in it.

Scientists don't pretend to know everything. Some things are premised on either belief or are merely assumed pending further proof.
Dr oz is talking about angels. He's explaining belief scientifically. Why people think angels exist


Dr. Oz may be a good surgeon, but he also espouses some pretty dubious medical practices and diet fads.

What the fuck does anything he says have to do with anything?

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