The 10 year old Ohio girl who DOESN’T exist

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Although some Americans have absolutist views on abortion, most believe that its acceptability depends on circumstances.

Roughly speaking, between 25% and 35% of Americans think that abortion should always be legal, 10% to 15% think it should never be legal, and the remaining 50% to 65% are split between those who think that it should be mostly legal with some exceptions and mostly illegal but with exceptions.
Partisan idjit said what?
The GOP consists of a smaller minority of the People than the Democrats. That will get worse for you thanks to your current judicial activism -- which the VAST majority of Americans don't agree with! Best brace for the coming backlash, Junior. Ah, strike that, you wouldn't know what hit you in any case. Oh well, I tried. :itsok:
more people self Id as conservative then liberal in this country
they aren’t the minority as the poster suggested
Sorry, the poster was comparing major political Party affiliations and had already copped to being behind the times. How many Earth spins should we expect before you cop to your errors here?
You guys doubt this, a story reported by multiple credible sources but swear the election was stolen from trump based on no evidence.
The "credible sources" were exposed to be lying.
You guys doubt this, a story reported by multiple credible sources but swear the election was stolen from trump based on no evidence.
Multiple credible sources = One paper reported it and multiple papers copied and pasted it.

Seventeen intelligence agencies = the DCI announced, and seventeen heads of agencies agreed that their boss was right!

What was the first step that the Indianapolis Start took to verify the veracity of this story about a 10 year-old rape victim?
Be sure to gulp down at least one more beer before responding..

Found any evidence that this 10 year girl doesn't exist yet?
haha how can someone prove something that doesn’t exist? prove this one exist
There is no scenario where a confirmed RAPE of a 10 year old doesn’t end in an arrest. Even a fucking 11 year old would be arrested and charged (as a juvenile
simply not true. Parents can make those decisions together, if both young juveniles where both children freely participated..... is my understanding.

I wouldn't label that rape, though..... As the Header in the article calls it rape, so it's possible the guy is over the age of consent, while still a minor.....??

I agree there is a lot we don't know and need to find out, through thorough investigation....especially if it was an adult or family member, they should be charged.

what I don't agree with, is seeding another story, contradicting the first, without proof..... That just gives us two WRONGS.

Get physical proof, and show it, in your reporting on it.....

And finally, fake story or not....the situation is what it is....

a pregnant, very young girl, is or will be forced by Ohio state government to go through a dangerous 9 months of pregnancy, if she has no means to get to another state to have an abortion.

the parents should make that decision...and have the abortion option, in their own state.
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"Even a fucking 11 year old would be arrested and charged"
Because that's what's really important here. Not forcing children to travel to other States for an abortion. No, the arrest of a hypothetical 11 year old sperm donor and treating him like an adult rapist regardless of circumstances -- that's paramount. Never mind also treating the egg donor like an adult criminal.. As Carlin brilliantly noted, "Once they're born, fuck 'em!" It would take a chainsaw to even begin cutting through all the inherent irony.
simply not true. Parents can make those decisions together, if both young juveniles where both children freely participated..... is my understanding.
If both children "freely participated" then it is not "rape" 🤦‍♂️

Please stop talking. I'm begging you. You lack the humility to simply admit you believed a fake story, and it's causing you to keep digging a deeper and deeper hole. Just stop talking.
a pregnant, very young girl, is or will be forced by Ohio state government to go through a dangerous 9 months of pregnancy, if she has no means to get to another state to have an abortion.
Pregnancy isn't "dangerous" sweetie. Billions and billions of women have gone through it hundreds of billions of times throughout history. A very small percentage died - most of which was before the current era of medicine and technology.

Just admit that you people want to kill babies so you don't have to be mildly inconvenienced for a few months.
"Even a fucking 11 year old would be arrested and charged"
Because that's what's really important here.
When the left continues to lie about everything (as you people do 24x7), getting the facts correct is really important.
Not forcing children to travel to other States for an abortion.
Big fucking deal. They had to travel? Oh the horrors. Don't like it? Fucking move to another state that allows for murder and you won't have to travel. See how easy that is, fascist?
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