Summer vacation Obama style versus George Bush

The thing about threads like this is that while they are fun to find and post, you know, without a doubt, that Libs will fall over themselves to call the OP names, divert if possible, attack the source, and make comparisons they feel are in their favor.

Their problem is that they simply cannot understand the viewpoint of the vast majority of Americans who see stuff like this and simply shaking their heads - going back to trying to get by in their own lives.

The problem with Conservatives is that they simply cannnot understand that the vast majority of Americans understand that Bush took 3 times as many vacation days as Obama, and don't begrudge President's going on vacation- and understand that not all President's come from wealthy families who have large estates to vacation on.

But Obama has a home in Chicago. Why doesn't he spend ANY vacation time as GWB spent at his home?

I truly don't begrudge Obama's vacation time... frankly I wish he'd spend MORE time away from messing up the country!
What I do really think is hypocritical are people like YOU!
You have NO problem defending Obama spending money at posh $12 million estates while he touts his care and concern for the "poor" i.e. brother's keeper!
Don't you see the hypocrisy here?
Yes Bush was staying at his home. So even more so wouldn't at least Obama mitigate the image by at least spending in summer time some time at his "home"?

I have no problem with either Bush or Obama going on vacation- I don't even have an issue with Bush spending 3 times as much time on vacation as Obama.

Why doesn't Obama spend his vacation at his Chicago home- perhaps because it is not secure enough by Secret Service standards, perhaps it is not large enough to set up his operations away from the White House- I don't really care.

Like I said- not all Presidents come from wealthy families like the Bush's and have lavish family estates to retreat to.

This whole thread just comes off as another petty attack on Obama and his family.

So let's boil this down.
Obama can't afford to stay in Chicago.
Obama deserves vacations right?
Surely the perception, the imagery of a President who brags about being his "brother's keeper" while his own lives in a $12/year hut while
Obama spends ten times that amount on a round of golf?
The real hypocrisy here is people like you!
You defend this phony image of Obama being for the people while he spends 10 times what it would take to pay his brother's rent on one round of golf!
Just total hypocrisy on people especially FFOs that still don't comprehend this gross phony president and the damages he's done to the USA!
That $12 million vacation spot is costing each of us tax payers like 12 cents.

Pettiness is a sacrament to the conservatards.

It is the perception more then anything else!
With 93 million Americans NOT working... with more people on food stamps in history we have President that can't go back to his own home for a
vacation like gWB did?
Hypocrisy. That is what I'm showing is you guys seem to think it is OK for the idiot-in-chief to brag about "brother's keeper" who's own brother lives
in a $12 hut all the while he vacations at taxpayer expense on a $12 million vacation spot!
Are you guys that stupid not to see the hypocrisy?

I think we are all seeing your hypocrisy.

Your own OP shows Bush spending 3 times as much vacation time as Obama- but you are upset with Obama.

The OP says that Bush spent 381 days AT HOME, not on vacation. Bush worked from his ranch quite a bit. That's not the same as the vacation binge the Obama's have celebrated for the past few years.
The thing about threads like this is that while they are fun to find and post, you know, without a doubt, that Libs will fall over themselves to call the OP names, divert if possible, attack the source, and make comparisons they feel are in their favor.

Their problem is that they simply cannot understand the viewpoint of the vast majority of Americans who see stuff like this and simply shaking their heads - going back to trying to get by in their own lives.

The problem with Conservatives is that they simply cannnot understand that the vast majority of Americans understand that Bush took 3 times as many vacation days as Obama, and don't begrudge President's going on vacation- and understand that not all President's come from wealthy families who have large estates to vacation on.

But Obama has a home in Chicago. Why doesn't he spend ANY vacation time as GWB spent at his home?

I truly don't begrudge Obama's vacation time... frankly I wish he'd spend MORE time away from messing up the country!
What I do really think is hypocritical are people like YOU!
You have NO problem defending Obama spending money at posh $12 million estates while he touts his care and concern for the "poor" i.e. brother's keeper!
Don't you see the hypocrisy here?
Yes Bush was staying at his home. So even more so wouldn't at least Obama mitigate the image by at least spending in summer time some time at his "home"?

I have no problem with either Bush or Obama going on vacation- I don't even have an issue with Bush spending 3 times as much time on vacation as Obama.

Why doesn't Obama spend his vacation at his Chicago home- perhaps because it is not secure enough by Secret Service standards, perhaps it is not large enough to set up his operations away from the White House- I don't really care.

Like I said- not all Presidents come from wealthy families like the Bush's and have lavish family estates to retreat to.

This whole thread just comes off as another petty attack on Obama and his family.

So let's boil this down.
Obama can't afford to stay in Chicago.
Obama deserves vacations right?
Surely the perception, the imagery of a President who brags about being his "brother's keeper" while his own lives in a $12/year hut while
Obama spends ten times that amount on a round of golf?
The real hypocrisy here is people like you!
You defend this phony image of Obama being for the people while he spends 10 times what it would take to pay his brother's rent on one round of golf!
Just total hypocrisy on people especially FFOs that still don't comprehend this gross phony president and the damages he's done to the USA!

He could go to Camp David.

Just sayin'.
That $12 million vacation spot is costing each of us tax payers like 12 cents.

Pettiness is a sacrament to the conservatards.

It is the perception more then anything else!
With 93 million Americans NOT working... with more people on food stamps in history we have President that can't go back to his own home for a
vacation like gWB did?
Hypocrisy. That is what I'm showing is you guys seem to think it is OK for the idiot-in-chief to brag about "brother's keeper" who's own brother lives
in a $12 hut all the while he vacations at taxpayer expense on a $12 million vacation spot!
Are you guys that stupid not to see the hypocrisy?

No, we have a President who realizes the White House is his home and takes annual 3 week vacations

Bush was the laziest President on record taking over 800 days vacation from work
View attachment 44022
Where in the hell do you get "800 days"?????
At least GWB's brothers don't live in a $12 a year hut while he brags about his "brother's keeper"!
View attachment 44025

Obama has no responsibility for a brother he has never met
That $12 million vacation spot is costing each of us tax payers like 12 cents.

Pettiness is a sacrament to the conservatards.

It is the perception more then anything else!
With 93 million Americans NOT working... with more people on food stamps in history we have President that can't go back to his own home for a
vacation like gWB did?
Hypocrisy. That is what I'm showing is you guys seem to think it is OK for the idiot-in-chief to brag about "brother's keeper" who's own brother lives
in a $12 hut all the while he vacations at taxpayer expense on a $12 million vacation spot!
Are you guys that stupid not to see the hypocrisy?

I think we are all seeing your hypocrisy.

Your own OP shows Bush spending 3 times as much vacation time as Obama- but you are upset with Obama.

The OP says that Bush spent 381 days AT HOME, not on vacation. Bush worked from his ranch quite a bit. That's not the same as the vacation binge the Obama's have celebrated for the past few years.

There is no question that Obama takes better vacations than Bush. Who the fuck would prefer to go to Crawford Texas over Hawaii

But, there is also no question that Bush took significantly more vacations regardless of how he wasted his vacation
As the weather heats up in Washington, DC, the Obamas as planning their summer vacation.
Inside the Obamas' $12m summer vacation spot:
Seven bedrooms, a tennis court, an infinity pool and a manicurist on call

The Boston Herald reports that President Barack Obama, first lady Michelle and daughters Sasha and Malia will be staying on Martha's Vineyard from August 8-23.

The Obamas have spent almost every single summer on the tony island off the coast of Massachusetts' Cape Cod except for 2012 - when the president was running for re-election.

Continuing yet another tradition of their annual retreat, the Obamas are also expected to stay at the same $12 million 'cottage' in Chilmark they rented last year.

View attachment 44004

President Barack Obama will spend summer vacation on Martha s Vineyard Daily Mail Online

On the other hand Bush spent 381 days at his HOME in Crawford,Tx
On Aug. 8,2014 the day before Obama left for Martha’s Vineyard, Knoller tweeted that Obama had spent 125 full or partial days on vacation, and at the same point in Bush’s presidency, he had spent 381 days at his Texas ranch plus 26 days at his parents’ home in Kennebunkport, Maine, for a total of 407.
View attachment 44005
Which president best illustrates the appearance of what a "for the people", a "brother's keeper" mentality, a President that understands perceptions and the American Tax payers money?
Which President decided his vacations would be better at his primary home where the President can
lead a life like most Americans, working and playing at HOME?

Presidential Vacations
Lets compare the work Carter and Clinton have done since leaving office compared to what HW and GW have done.

GW paints by the numbers and HW jumps out of airplanes once a year. Two great Americans. LOL.
I hope the obama's have a blast.

As to Dubya, it would have been hugely disrespectful for him to take a big vacation while sending thousands of Americans to their deaths.

Yeah...weekends included.

Oh....and Obama has presided over the deaths of as many troops and civilians as Bush. Nevermind all of the folks he helped kill in the ME since the Arab Spring.
Wow, that's terrible. Could you post your link. Cuz the last info I have showed that nearly 7,000 troops died under Bush and only about 2,000 under Obama.
That $12 million vacation spot is costing each of us tax payers like 12 cents.

Pettiness is a sacrament to the conservatards.

It is the perception more then anything else!
With 93 million Americans NOT working... with more people on food stamps in history we have President that can't go back to his own home for a
vacation like gWB did?
Hypocrisy. That is what I'm showing is you guys seem to think it is OK for the idiot-in-chief to brag about "brother's keeper" who's own brother lives
in a $12 hut all the while he vacations at taxpayer expense on a $12 million vacation spot!
Are you guys that stupid not to see the hypocrisy?

I think we are all seeing your hypocrisy.

Your own OP shows Bush spending 3 times as much vacation time as Obama- but you are upset with Obama.

The OP says that Bush spent 381 days AT HOME, not on vacation. Bush worked from his ranch quite a bit. That's not the same as the vacation binge the Obama's have celebrated for the past few years.

There is no question that Obama takes better vacations than Bush. Who the fuck would prefer to go to Crawford Texas over Hawaii

But, there is also no question that Bush took significantly more vacations regardless of how he wasted his vacation

Working from home is not a vacation.

And it says quite a bit about Obama that he doesn't have a home where he is happy to just spend time with his family.
That $12 million vacation spot is costing each of us tax payers like 12 cents.

Pettiness is a sacrament to the conservatards.

It is the perception more then anything else!
With 93 million Americans NOT working... with more people on food stamps in history we have President that can't go back to his own home for a
vacation like gWB did?
Hypocrisy. That is what I'm showing is you guys seem to think it is OK for the idiot-in-chief to brag about "brother's keeper" who's own brother lives
in a $12 hut all the while he vacations at taxpayer expense on a $12 million vacation spot!
Are you guys that stupid not to see the hypocrisy?

I think we are all seeing your hypocrisy.

Your own OP shows Bush spending 3 times as much vacation time as Obama- but you are upset with Obama.

The OP says that Bush spent 381 days AT HOME, not on vacation. Bush worked from his ranch quite a bit. That's not the same as the vacation binge the Obama's have celebrated for the past few years.

There is no question that Obama takes better vacations than Bush. Who the fuck would prefer to go to Crawford Texas over Hawaii

But, there is also no question that Bush took significantly more vacations regardless of how he wasted his vacation

Working from home is not a vacation.

And it says quite a bit about Obama that he doesn't have a home where he is happy to just spend time with his family.

Sure is

He is not at work....where he chose to spend his vacation is not relevant

Just because Obama has more style than Bush in how he chooses to spend his free time does not negate that Bush took three times as much free time
And how many of Obumbler's vacations include his family? How many times to Michele and the girls go on their own?

And, I'll bet both Presidents Bush never went on any vacation without their wives!!!!!!
That $12 million vacation spot is costing each of us tax payers like 12 cents.

Pettiness is a sacrament to the conservatards.

It is the perception more then anything else!
With 93 million Americans NOT working... with more people on food stamps in history we have President that can't go back to his own home for a
vacation like gWB did?
Hypocrisy. That is what I'm showing is you guys seem to think it is OK for the idiot-in-chief to brag about "brother's keeper" who's own brother lives
in a $12 hut all the while he vacations at taxpayer expense on a $12 million vacation spot!
Are you guys that stupid not to see the hypocrisy?

No, we have a President who realizes the White House is his home and takes annual 3 week vacations

Bush was the laziest President on record taking over 800 days vacation from work
View attachment 44022
Where in the hell do you get "800 days"?????
At least GWB's brothers don't live in a $12 a year hut while he brags about his "brother's keeper"!
View attachment 44025

Obama has no responsibility for a brother he has never met
But he does when HE BRAGS about being "I am my brother's keeper"... such hypocrisy!
It is the perception more then anything else!
With 93 million Americans NOT working... with more people on food stamps in history we have President that can't go back to his own home for a
vacation like gWB did?
Hypocrisy. That is what I'm showing is you guys seem to think it is OK for the idiot-in-chief to brag about "brother's keeper" who's own brother lives
in a $12 hut all the while he vacations at taxpayer expense on a $12 million vacation spot!
Are you guys that stupid not to see the hypocrisy?

I think we are all seeing your hypocrisy.

Your own OP shows Bush spending 3 times as much vacation time as Obama- but you are upset with Obama.

The OP says that Bush spent 381 days AT HOME, not on vacation. Bush worked from his ranch quite a bit. That's not the same as the vacation binge the Obama's have celebrated for the past few years.

There is no question that Obama takes better vacations than Bush. Who the fuck would prefer to go to Crawford Texas over Hawaii

But, there is also no question that Bush took significantly more vacations regardless of how he wasted his vacation

Working from home is not a vacation.

And it says quite a bit about Obama that he doesn't have a home where he is happy to just spend time with his family.

Sure is

He is not at work....where he chose to spend his vacation is not relevant

Just because Obama has more style than Bush in how he chooses to spend his free time does not negate that Bush took three times as much free time

Hahaha!!! "Style" you say... more like less a common person then he touts!
Hypocrite is what I call him... No style just a narcissistic idiot!
That $12 million vacation spot is costing each of us tax payers like 12 cents.

Pettiness is a sacrament to the conservatards.

It is the perception more then anything else!
With 93 million Americans NOT working... with more people on food stamps in history we have President that can't go back to his own home for a
vacation like gWB did?
Hypocrisy. That is what I'm showing is you guys seem to think it is OK for the idiot-in-chief to brag about "brother's keeper" who's own brother lives
in a $12 hut all the while he vacations at taxpayer expense on a $12 million vacation spot!
Are you guys that stupid not to see the hypocrisy?

No, you're showing what an imbecile you are.
I hope the obama's have a blast.

As to Dubya, it would have been hugely disrespectful for him to take a big vacation while sending thousands of Americans to their deaths.

Over 1,500 troops have lost their lives in Afghanistan under Obama vs 575 lost under Bush.

Yeah, that's because Bush took 4 years off from Afghanistan to fuck up Iraq for some reason. Oh yeah, WMDs...
And how many of Obumbler's vacations include his family? How many times to Michele and the girls go on their own?

And, I'll bet both Presidents Bush never went on any vacation without their wives!!!!!!

All good comments....
The issue though is hypocrisy!
Here is a president who touts being my brother's keeper while he plays golf at a course that the cost is ten times what his brother pays in annual rent!
Phony baloney and people that support and defend Obama? Just as phony and pompous butts that truly don't comprehend the hypocrisy!
I hope the obama's have a blast.

As to Dubya, it would have been hugely disrespectful for him to take a big vacation while sending thousands of Americans to their deaths.

Yeah...weekends included.

Oh....and Obama has presided over the deaths of as many troops and civilians as Bush. Nevermind all of the folks he helped kill in the ME since the Arab Spring.
Wow, that's terrible. Could you post your link. Cuz the last info I have showed that nearly 7,000 troops died under Bush and only about 2,000 under Obama.
Bush won...Obabble lost.
That $12 million vacation spot is costing each of us tax payers like 12 cents.

Pettiness is a sacrament to the conservatards.

It is the perception more then anything else!
With 93 million Americans NOT working... with more people on food stamps in history we have President that can't go back to his own home for a
vacation like gWB did?
Hypocrisy. That is what I'm showing is you guys seem to think it is OK for the idiot-in-chief to brag about "brother's keeper" who's own brother lives
in a $12 hut all the while he vacations at taxpayer expense on a $12 million vacation spot!
Are you guys that stupid not to see the hypocrisy?

No, you're showing what an imbecile you are.
I hope the obama's have a blast.

As to Dubya, it would have been hugely disrespectful for him to take a big vacation while sending thousands of Americans to their deaths.

Over 1,500 troops have lost their lives in Afghanistan under Obama vs 575 lost under Bush.

Yeah, that's because Bush took 4 years off from Afghanistan to fuck up Iraq for some reason. Oh yeah, WMDs...

Ignoring the premise of the thread i.e. Obama is a phony hypocrite that touts being "for the people"..."us versus them" all the while playing golf on a course
that the cost of one round is ten times what his brother pays in annual rent!
Total hypocrisy on display!

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