

Diamond Member
Feb 26, 2012
...Will Egypt ask Israel for some time to remove Gaza's non-combatants from the Strip?
Just askin'... :D
Hamas will not remove non combatants from the strip no matter who asks them to. They are needed for human shields, especially the Palestinian children so Hamas can show pictures of dead Palestinian children. It's called Palestinian mentality.

...Will Egypt ask Israel for some time to remove Gaza's non-combatants from the Strip?
Just askin'... :D
I am willing (as if anyone is going to ask me) to insure a few hours of
absolutely no bombs-----so the kids can walk over the border into Egypt ---
ALL IN FAVOR............. ?? do something appropriate to cyberspace
...Will Egypt ask Israel for some time to remove Gaza's non-combatants from the Strip?
Just askin'... :D

There are non combatants? Since most of the Arab world considers the rocket attacks on Israel, all of which target civilians, legitimate, it's not clear the Egyptians or Gazans understand the concept of non combatants.
I'm expecting Because to show up and nix the idea.

how about a nice big SIGN-----placed up----so that it can easily be seen by people entering the UN BUILDING?

ATTENTION GAZANS----take your kids for a walk over the border to sinai!!!!!
singing ~~~~ la la la 100 bottles of beer on the wall,
100 bottles of beer~~~
Take one down, pass it around
99 bottles of beer on the wall.....etc

considering the distance they have to walk----they
would probably never knock all the bottles off the wall
...Will Egypt ask Israel for some time to remove Gaza's non-combatants from the Strip?
Just askin'... :D

There are non combatants? Since most of the Arab world considers the rocket attacks on Israel, all of which target civilians, legitimate, it's not clear the Egyptians or Gazans understand the concept of non combatants.

MORE THAN 40 years ago AL AZHAR UNIVERSITY (recognized by the sunni
its esteemed faculty of koranic scholars ----a FATWAH ----stating that
ALL ISRAELIS ARE to be treated as COMBATANTS regardless of age or
gender --------gee----TRY TO KEEP UP.... more good news....the fatwah
has been extended to all jews BE PROUD..... sorta

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