SJW Warriors are the Faith Militant


Uppity Water Nymph from the Land of Funk
Gold Supporting Member
Feb 12, 2007
Brett Weinstein's recent testimony before Congress on the SJW warriors' actions on the Evergreen campus a year ago are spot on. The SJW Warriors are members of a religious-like cult; and to those of us who are GOT fans, they bear a striking resemblance to the Faith Militant.

Weinstein issues a warning that this intolerance, which started at "soft target" campuses is moving mainstream via Tech and Media. This is a Power Play, which if the SJW Warriors win, means the end of free speech, equality under the law and all the other things that Totalitarian Always Destroy.

What is occurring on college campuses is about power and control–speech is impeded as a last resort, used when people fail to self-censor in response to a threat of crippling stigma and the destruction of their capacity to earn.

These tools are being used to unhook the values that bind us together as a nation–equal protection under the law, the presumption of innocence, a free marketplace of ideas, the concept that people should be judged by the content of their character rather than the color of their skin. Yes, even that core tenet of the civil rights movement is being dismantled.

Am I alleging a conspiracy? No. What I have seen functions much more like a cult in which the purpose is only understood by the leaders and the rest have been seduced into a carefully architechted fiction. Most of the people involved in this movement earnestly believe that they are acting nobly to end oppression. Only the leaders understand that the true goal is to turn the tables of oppression...

Prof. Bret Weinstein: 'What I have seen a cult'
Dear boedicca
If this is like a cult takeover
Why not just agree to separate funding? Why not mentor these religiously strict groups to fund and run their own campuses and programs for members who agree to practice these beliefs?

This should liberate Christian's and Conservatives who also want to fund and run schools that have God and prayer, right to guns and free speech.

Everyone agrees to fund their own cult practices, then everyone gets what they want and pay for. Perfect! End of problem...
Dear boedicca
If this is like a cult takeover
Why not just agree to separate funding? Why not mentor these religiously strict groups to fund and run their own campuses and programs for members who agree to practice these beliefs?

This should liberate Christian's and Conservatives who also want to fund and run schools that have God and prayer, right to guns and free speech.

Everyone agrees to fund their own cult practices, then everyone gets what they want and pay for. Perfect! End of problem...

That's not a solution. The Cult isn't interested in practicing their ideology in isolation. Like all cults, they seek to dominate, oppress and eradicate the "heretics" who refuse to convert.
I live in one of the most liberal parts of America, yet the only time I've ever seen or heard anything about SJW's doing anything is on here or conservative conspiracy sites where they've taken an obscure local story and blown it far out of proportion; spreading it across all media as if it's a crisis, all to dupe their dwindling base.
I live in one of the most liberal parts of America, yet the only time I've ever seen or heard anything about SJW's doing anything is on here or conservative conspiracy sites where they've taken an obscure local story and blown it far out of proportion; spreading it across all media as if it's a crisis, all to dupe their dwindling base.

Well, I live at ground central for SJW lunacy (Oakland/Berkeley border). I have regularly observed the violence and oppression the Prog/Antifa thugs perform. It's horrifying. It's real. You may not be interested in it, but it is very interested in you.
Dear boedicca
If this is like a cult takeover
Why not just agree to separate funding? Why not mentor these religiously strict groups to fund and run their own campuses and programs for members who agree to practice these beliefs?

This should liberate Christian's and Conservatives who also want to fund and run schools that have God and prayer, right to guns and free speech.

Everyone agrees to fund their own cult practices, then everyone gets what they want and pay for. Perfect! End of problem...

You might want to seek out the origins of the "Social Justice" movement. You'll find that it's more of a political movement than a "religious" movement. You'll also be surprised where it was started and by whom.
I live in one of the most liberal parts of America, yet the only time I've ever seen or heard anything about SJW's doing anything is on here or conservative conspiracy sites where they've taken an obscure local story and blown it far out of proportion; spreading it across all media as if it's a crisis, all to dupe their dwindling base.

Your lack of any real type of awareness surprises no one.
I live in one of the most liberal parts of America, yet the only time I've ever seen or heard anything about SJW's doing anything is on here or conservative conspiracy sites where they've taken an obscure local story and blown it far out of proportion; spreading it across all media as if it's a crisis, all to dupe their dwindling base.

Well, I live at ground central for SJW lunacy (Oakland/Berkeley border). I have regularly observed the violence and oppression the Prog/Antifa thugs perform. It's horrifying. It's real. You may not be interested in it, but it is very interested in you.
Yet you don't move. You must like living there. I wonder why you would try to impose your views, which are completely opposite of what made your area a fine place to live, on the people who made it that way. Best of luck to the people, including Antifa, that are trying to stop you.
I live in one of the most liberal parts of America, yet the only time I've ever seen or heard anything about SJW's doing anything is on here or conservative conspiracy sites where they've taken an obscure local story and blown it far out of proportion; spreading it across all media as if it's a crisis, all to dupe their dwindling base.

Good to know you stay so informed...must be from watching too much CNN.
SJW Melt Down - Bing video
I live in one of the most liberal parts of America, yet the only time I've ever seen or heard anything about SJW's doing anything is on here or conservative conspiracy sites where they've taken an obscure local story and blown it far out of proportion; spreading it across all media as if it's a crisis, all to dupe their dwindling base.

Well, I live at ground central for SJW lunacy (Oakland/Berkeley border). I have regularly observed the violence and oppression the Prog/Antifa thugs perform. It's horrifying. It's real. You may not be interested in it, but it is very interested in you.
Yet you don't move. You must like living there. I wonder why you would try to impose your views, which are completely opposite of what made your area a fine place to live, on the people who made it that way. Best of luck to the people, including Antifa, that are trying to stop you.

You sad derp. 1. I don't impose my views on anyone. Free expression is not an imposition. 2. This is my home. I've lived here since I was a baby. Hateful Progs are not going to drive me away.
I live in one of the most liberal parts of America, yet the only time I've ever seen or heard anything about SJW's doing anything is on here or conservative conspiracy sites where they've taken an obscure local story and blown it far out of proportion; spreading it across all media as if it's a crisis, all to dupe their dwindling base.

Good to know you stay so informed...must be from watching too much CNN.
SJW Melt Down - Bing video
I live in one of the most liberal parts of America, yet the only time I've ever seen or heard anything about SJW's doing anything is on here or conservative conspiracy sites where they've taken an obscure local story and blown it far out of proportion; spreading it across all media as if it's a crisis, all to dupe their dwindling base.

Well, I live at ground central for SJW lunacy (Oakland/Berkeley border). I have regularly observed the violence and oppression the Prog/Antifa thugs perform. It's horrifying. It's real. You may not be interested in it, but it is very interested in you.
Yet you don't move. You must like living there. I wonder why you would try to impose your views, which are completely opposite of what made your area a fine place to live, on the people who made it that way. Best of luck to the people, including Antifa, that are trying to stop you.

You sad derp. 1. I don't impose my views on anyone. Free expression is not an imposition. 2. This is my home. I've lived here since I was a baby. Hateful Progs are not going to drive me away.
They're not going to let you sabotage and transform their homes either.
I live in one of the most liberal parts of America, yet the only time I've ever seen or heard anything about SJW's doing anything is on here or conservative conspiracy sites where they've taken an obscure local story and blown it far out of proportion; spreading it across all media as if it's a crisis, all to dupe their dwindling base.

Well, I live at ground central for SJW lunacy (Oakland/Berkeley border). I have regularly observed the violence and oppression the Prog/Antifa thugs perform. It's horrifying. It's real. You may not be interested in it, but it is very interested in you.
Yet you don't move. You must like living there. I wonder why you would try to impose your views, which are completely opposite of what made your area a fine place to live, on the people who made it that way. Best of luck to the people, including Antifa, that are trying to stop you.

You sad derp. 1. I don't impose my views on anyone. Free expression is not an imposition. 2. This is my home. I've lived here since I was a baby. Hateful Progs are not going to drive me away.
They're not going to let you sabotage and transform their homes either.

Pathetic. Progs/Antifa are the ones engaged in sabotage and destruction.

You really need a new schtick. You've taken the current one to its reduction ad absurdum of bogosity.
I live in one of the most liberal parts of America, yet the only time I've ever seen or heard anything about SJW's doing anything is on here or conservative conspiracy sites where they've taken an obscure local story and blown it far out of proportion; spreading it across all media as if it's a crisis, all to dupe their dwindling base.

Well, I live at ground central for SJW lunacy (Oakland/Berkeley border). I have regularly observed the violence and oppression the Prog/Antifa thugs perform. It's horrifying. It's real. You may not be interested in it, but it is very interested in you.
Yet you don't move. You must like living there. I wonder why you would try to impose your views, which are completely opposite of what made your area a fine place to live, on the people who made it that way. Best of luck to the people, including Antifa, that are trying to stop you.

You sad derp. 1. I don't impose my views on anyone. Free expression is not an imposition. 2. This is my home. I've lived here since I was a baby. Hateful Progs are not going to drive me away.
They're not going to let you sabotage and transform their homes either.

Pathetic. Progs/Antifa are the ones engaged in sabotage and destruction.

You really need a new schtick. You've taken the current one to its reduction ad absurdum of bogosity.
Lies, lies, lies
Well, I live at ground central for SJW lunacy (Oakland/Berkeley border). I have regularly observed the violence and oppression the Prog/Antifa thugs perform. It's horrifying. It's real. You may not be interested in it, but it is very interested in you.
Yet you don't move. You must like living there. I wonder why you would try to impose your views, which are completely opposite of what made your area a fine place to live, on the people who made it that way. Best of luck to the people, including Antifa, that are trying to stop you.

You sad derp. 1. I don't impose my views on anyone. Free expression is not an imposition. 2. This is my home. I've lived here since I was a baby. Hateful Progs are not going to drive me away.
They're not going to let you sabotage and transform their homes either.

Pathetic. Progs/Antifa are the ones engaged in sabotage and destruction.

You really need a new schtick. You've taken the current one to its reduction ad absurdum of bogosity.
Lies, lies, lies

^^^ Diagnosis: Terminal Projection ^^^

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