Cult of party vs cult of personality

I don't believe Trump to be a rapist, much like I don't believe him to be a racist.

Trump dated a Black woman for years and asked Oprah to be his running mate decades ago, you dolts like you expect me to believe he is a racist. But then, your cult paints every GOP Presidential a racist no matter who it is, ever since Eike ran.

McCain was an interesting exception. Sure, you painted him as a racist while he ran against Obama, but once he turned on Trump, he became a statesman worthy of respect. LOL.

But your kind deserve no respect of any kind as everything you do is based on obtaining power for your little cult.

Do I think Trump may have broken some laws? Sure, we all do, including the clown in charge right now. No one debates the fact the Biden's broke the law, the only question is whether anything should be done about it.

You obviously would do anything for the Bidens and would never be as honest as I've been about things.
Yeah, Tell us again how you don't support the orange douchebag. Never gets old! :auiqs.jpg:
Why is the DNC not going after Trump then on it?
You are gullible if you believe half of what Democrats have accused him of.

You do realize the dossier was pure fantasy, right?

You are talking with someone who is completely devoid of any intelligence, perspective, or common sense.
It repeats the Cult narrative without hesitation or thought.
That one is hopelessly gone.
Americans are endowed with the greatest freedoms ever bestowed on a country and some peculiar factions prefer to spin the 1st Amendment into allegations of "cults". It's embarrassing and disrespectful .
Why is the DNC not going after Trump then on it?
You are gullible if you believe half of what Democrats have accused him of.

You do realize the dossier was pure fantasy, right?

Funny when Trump breaks laws you either say "why are you going after him" to "why aren't you going after him?". Too funny.

Who said we aren't or weren't going after him? And this is why I told you idiots to vote for Hillary. You do not want a right wing court giving Trump a pass when he breaks the law.

Amidst the turmoil that began 2021 — insurrection, impeachment, inauguration, and acquittal — some consequential Supreme Court news fell under the radar. In January, the justices dismissed two cases about then-President Trump’s alleged violations of the Emoluments Clauses

Did you not know this is/was happening?

Now you probably like it when the Supreme Court or Senate turns a blind eye when Trump breaks the laws/rules. Right?
You are talking with someone who is completely devoid of any intelligence, perspective, or common sense.
It repeats the Cult narrative without hesitation or thought.
That one is hopelessly gone.
You're a fucking brainwashed idiot who thinks anyone not in your cult is an idiot.

Trump violated both Emoluments Clauses from day one, in part because he never truly relinquished his businesses, and in fact could “withdraw profits” from his not-so-blind trust whenever he pleased. This presented ongoing conflicts of interest. For example, the governor of Maine stayed at the Trump International Hotel in DC on the Maine taxpayers’ dime. This would certainly seem to violate the Domestic Emoluments Clause. And then there were the Saudi lobbyists, bankrolled by their government, who also paid for rooms at the Trump International Hotel, spending almost $300,000 in three months

And then 4 months after Trump left office the Saudi's gave Jared $2 billion dollars? I hear Trump made 2 billion 100 million dollars off the Saudi's. And how much has he made off you suckers? You guys are so fucking stupid.
You're a fucking brainwashed idiot who thinks anyone not in your cult is an idiot.

Trump violated both Emoluments Clauses from day one, in part because he never truly relinquished his businesses, and in fact could “withdraw profits” from his not-so-blind trust whenever he pleased. This presented ongoing conflicts of interest. For example, the governor of Maine stayed at the Trump International Hotel in DC on the Maine taxpayers’ dime. This would certainly seem to violate the Domestic Emoluments Clause. And then there were the Saudi lobbyists, bankrolled by their government, who also paid for rooms at the Trump International Hotel, spending almost $300,000 in three months

And then 4 months after Trump left office the Saudi's gave Jared $2 billion dollars? I hear Trump made 2 billion 100 million dollars off the Saudi's. And how much has he made off you suckers? You guys are so fucking stupid.

Too far gone.
I dismiss you.
Too far gone.
I dismiss you.
You asked why Democrats didn't go after him for breaking the Emoluments Clause (LAW) and I showed you they did. The right wingers on the Supreme Court allowed it.

We already know how they feel about the rich taking over our government. They passed Citizens United didn't they? So we know they don't care if the rich rule and make money off their positions. As long as their first name isn't Hunter.
You asked why Democrats didn't go after him for breaking the Emoluments Clause (LAW) and I showed you they did. The right wingers on the Supreme Court allowed it.

We already know how they feel about the rich taking over our government. They passed Citizens United didn't they? So we know they don't care if the rich rule and make money off their positions. As long as their first name isn't Hunter.

I didn't ask you anything.
I have placed zero value on your opinions.
I didn't ask you anything.
I have placed zero value on your opinions.
And that's why you are a partisan hack impossible to have a serious conversation with. I realize you're too far gone. You've already drunk the coolaid.


Even this cult leader is smarter than Trump
I didn't ask you anything.
I have placed zero value on your opinions.
I didn't ask you anything.
I have placed zero value on your opinions.
I forgot my policy of not getting into it with people who thought 2020 was stolen. And if you support Trump today, you must be one of those idiots. So if you are not a Christy or

Vivek Ramaswamy supporter, I have no respect for you. I don't take on thing you say seriously. As far as I'm concerned your as dumb as a German who voted for Hitler in 1939.​

Or Nikki Haley. Why don't you like her? Why are you supporting the guy who tried to rig our last election? It's creepy.
I forgot my policy of not getting into it with people who thought 2020 was stolen. And if you support Trump today, you must be one of those idiots. So if you are not a Christy or

Vivek Ramaswamy supporter, I have no respect for you. I don't take on thing you say seriously. As far as I'm concerned your as dumb as a German who voted for Hitler in 1939.​

Or Nikki Haley. Why don't you like her? Why are you supporting the guy who tried to rig our last election? It's creepy.

So now I place no value on your opinion, or your memory.
So now I place no value on your opinion, or your memory.
Global warming isn't real, the insurrection wasn't violent, the vaccines a hoax, the election was stolen, trump is innocent, I am voting for Trump in the primaries not one of the other normal Republicans.

You guys love to say all politicians are liars. So Christie, Nikki, Mike Pence, Vivik. They are all liars too?

Clearly you don't have a plan B. It's Hitler or bust huh?

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