should we abandon the catholic religion?

For what it's worth, Pope Francis is criticized by the left for not doing more to oppose the Junta's execution of kids in Argentina's dirty war.
The left is fickle that way. They don't his stand on abortion either.
I don't think that's really the case. The vast majority of America doesn't like abortion. But, most of us are unwilling to say it should never be available in any instance. Pope Francis just said that if a woman regrets it, she should be forgiven. I'd guess most women who had abortions regretted it, but they probably accept it was the best option available at the time. He's just a human being. I don't think he'll have much luck in reforming the hierarchy in Rome.
It is not his job to reform the hierarchy in Rome. Part of his job is, however, to forgive sins. Jesus gave Peter the power to forgive sins, Francis has Peter's job now.

Yes of course :uhoh3:
As a non-Roman Catholic, I don't have much of an opinion on the matter.

The Liberal media always exalt those they agree with. Look at this imbecilic President we have. The media loved him. And he's turned out to be a dud, even by their standards.

John-Paul II was a great Pope IMO, this one, not so much.

Luckily for me, he's not my I'll ignore him until he goes away.
For what it's worth, Pope Francis is criticized by the left for not doing more to oppose the Junta's execution of kids in Argentina's dirty war.
The left is fickle that way. They don't his stand on abortion either.
I don't think that's really the case. The vast majority of America doesn't like abortion. But, most of us are unwilling to say it should never be available in any instance. Pope Francis just said that if a woman regrets it, she should be forgiven. I'd guess most women who had abortions regretted it, but they probably accept it was the best option available at the time. He's just a human being. I don't think he'll have much luck in reforming the hierarchy in Rome.
It is not his job to reform the hierarchy in Rome. Part of his job is, however, to forgive sins. Jesus gave Peter the power to forgive sins, Francis has Peter's job now.

Yes of course :uhoh3:
Thanks for the disrespect.
The Pope is a socialist, coming out of the Latin American "Liberation Theology" school of thought. Given the extremes in wealth and poverty that South American capitalism has brought about, it is not surprising that a cleric in that part of the world would embrace socialism - even though recent world history clearly indicates what a horror socialism is to all organized religion, including especially Christianity.

Furthermore, he typically buys into the Left-wing narrative on other subjects like "climate change," and environmental extremism. Like U.S. Federal judges, Bishops are appointed for life and gradually (or quickly) lose touch with social and economic realities, so naivete is the rule, not the exception.

He has been good at saying things that sound pleasing to the left, while not explicitly repudiating the Catholic moral beliefs that the Left wing abhors - mainly in connection with homosexual sodomy.

Unfortunately, we Catholics have NO SAY in how much of our donations go to the Vatican, but it is a relative pittance in any event. Stopping donations to one's parish over a problem with il Papa is a good way to save $10/wk, but it is illogical and stupid.

jesus was a socialist.

he said an awful lot about feeding the poor and how hard it would be fcr a rich man to get into heaven. but guess what, he didn't say a single word about gays.

now go tell us how christlike you are.

Where did Jesus tell any of His disciples to get the Roman government hand out money to the poor?
The Acts is replete with instructions to donate one's wealth to the community, so that it can be distributed on a need basis. This is socialism. Many Catholic religious communities actively practice socialism and require a vow of poverty (giving up all wealth and material possessions other than purely personal items). Francis (not "Frances") cut his teeth in such a community.

The U.S. Constitution forbids Congress from taxing for the purpose or redistributing wealth, and it was simply not done until the relatively recent past, when the Supreme Court was co-opted by Liberals. Indeed, most Liberals have no idea that there are any constraints on Congress at all, provided they want to do something that they think promotes the "general welfare" of the country.
The Acts is replete with instructions to donate one's wealth to the community, so that it can be distributed on a need basis. This is socialism. Many Catholic religious communities actively practice socialism and require a vow of poverty (giving up all wealth and material possessions other than purely personal items). Francis (not "Frances") cut his teeth in such a community.

The U.S. Constitution forbids Congress from taxing for the purpose or redistributing wealth, and it was simply not done until the relatively recent past, when the Supreme Court was co-opted by Liberals. Indeed, most Liberals have no idea that there are any constraints on Congress at all, provided they want to do something that they think promotes the "general welfare" of the country.

the Acts as you say tell people to "donate one's wealth"

that isnt socialism, and you just admitted it. but you are absolutely correct about the rest
Jesus said "Render unto Caesar what is Caesar's; render unto God what is God's"

Jesus never said it was the role of government to "take care of " people; and Progressives DO A SHITTY JOB OF THAT ANYWAY


ANYWAY............ it's pathetic the way the Left pulls religion out when they are trying to make an intellectually dishonest argument, then stuff Jesus back in the closet and tell him to keep his big fat homophobic mouth closed
I Believe that people should abandon their Romantic Catholic faith.
And Islamic Faith as well.

It is a faith that is bent on overpopulating the planet with as many poor Catholic babies as possibly. * ( Note ) Islam does the Same eXact thing. ! In CATHOLISLAMIC faith - Birth Control and Family Planning is considered evil or bad. They mass produce Millions and Millions of Little children, with no Plans, No Future, No Money for these Millions and Millions of Children.

But they all need to be fed and educated. They Live in Hunger, Disease and Poverty for all their Lives. Ignorance and Shame. Asking for An Eternal Hand OUT - is their only Purpose they serve,

To be Born Catholic / Muslim - and to Ask You for charity, Aid and Help. America is Dishing out billions and billions of dollars of Your Money, Every Year to Feed, Educate and Medicate these CATHOLISLMIC Children. I deeply Love Children but I waited until I was able to provide a future for my 2 Children. I saved my money, Did not have unprotected sex and was responsible.

Birth Control and Responsibility is Considered a Satanic, Evil act according to the CATHOLISLAMIC Law. They Make a Living Gathering all Your money, sifting it through their system and distributing it to their Born Converts. I do love Family, Children. I love Catholics and Muslims too. However I believe that if they abandon their faith, the world would be a better place for themselves and others.

More than 90 percent of recent refugees from Middle Eastern nations are on food stamps and nearly 70 percent receive cash assistance, according to government data.
According to Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR) data highlighted by the immigration subcommittee staff - in 2013, 91.4 percent of Middle Eastern refugees (accepted to the U.S. between 2008-2013) received food stamps, - 73.1 percent were on Medicaid or Refugee Medical Assistance and 68.3 percent were on cash welfare.

The high welfare rates among Middle Eastern refugees comes as the Obama administration considers increasing the number of refugees — who are immediately eligible for public benefits — to the U.S., particularly Syrian refugees.

Also Roman Catholic women are Coming to the USA, Just to have a baby on American territory because they know that You will be paying the bill and for the future of the Catholic Child.

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This pope is called the people's pope by the left. this is a strange term that the left wing communist media is using to describe this pope. They didn't care about previous popes and many lefty communist deride Christian as crazy zealots but this pope is welcomed by all. Why? It is because this pope is a communist just like nbc and a whole bunch of other people in this country (I'm talking about you Obama). This people's pope gets an invite to speak at congress. Natenyau...nope. He was scorned! Are the left bitching about separation of church and state? Nope! This pope is a communist and I wonder if Catholics should just stop donating money to the Vatican until this man is removed.
All cults should be abandoned...
We need to abandon the Evangelical, Fundamental, 7th day Adventist, and Pentecostals first and see how we do. Some Baptist as well. JW and Mormons. Anyone who bangs on my door and tells me I'm not saved.
I Believe that people should abandon their Romantic Catholic faith.
It is a faith that is bent on overpopulating the planet with as many poor Catholic babies as possibly. * ( Note ) Islam does the Same eXact thing. ! In CATHOLISLAMIC faith - Birth Control and Family Planning is considered evil or bad. They mass produce Millions and Millions of Little children, with no Plans, No Future, No Money for these Millions and Millions of Children.

But they all need to be fed and educated. They Live in Hunger, Disease and Poverty for all their Lives. Ignorance and Shame. Asking for An Eternal Hand OUT - is their only Purpose they serve,

To be Born Catholic / Muslim - and to Ask You for charity, Aid and Help. America is Dishing out billions and billions of dollars of Your Money, Every Year to Feed, Educate and Medicate these CATHOLISLMIC Children. I deeply Love Children but I waited until I was able to provide a future for my 2 Children. I saved my money, Did not have unprotected sex and was responsible.

Birth Control and Responsibility is Considered a Satanic, Evil act according to the CATHOLISLAMIC Law. They Make a Living Gathering all Your money, sifting it through their system and distributing it to their Born Converts. I do love Family, Children. I love Catholics and Muslims too. However I believe that if they abandon their faith, the world would be a better place for themselves and others.
Catholics believe that all people are created by God and have worth. So they don't abort their babies and they have sex only after they are married. When they have sex in marriage, they do not use contraception because that could stop one of God's creations from seeing life. No, they don't believe birth control is "evil" or "satanic". You sound like a lunatic when you spew such blatant falsehoods.

If you did a check on the religion of those sucking on the govt teat you'd no doubt find almost no Catholics. Catholics are big on family and responsibilty. You know, getting married and staying married to the same person. Working to support their family and giving to others in need. The number of Catholic charities is quite large and worldwide. There are far more Catholics giving than taking.

You claim to love everybody. Good for you. But you might consider educating yourself on the Catholic faith before you opine. Maybe then you can avoid making an utter fool of yourself again.
As far as popes go Frank is the best of my lifetime, but if I had my druthers we would abandon all religion.
My Dear friend Compost

Humanae Vitae - Was The 1968 Encyclical that Pope Paul VI published with the help of the future Pope John Paul II - that forbid *( BANNED ) the use of artificial contraception by Catholics.

it is a FACT that - The Romantic Catholic Church views artificial birth control as considered sinful. *( Evil, Satanic and Sinful - !

The 1968 Encyclica Titled Humanae Vitae # 2370 Says that

Periodic continence, that is, the methods of birth regulation .......... as a means, to render procreation impossible" is intrinsically evil. .........................and periodic abstinence are the only ways to space out births - that the Church teaches are okay.
Any and all artificial means are intrinsically evil, which means always evil because of their very nature. People who practice artificial birth control and present themselves for Holy Communion need to talk to their priest ASAP.
It is a sacrilege to receive Holy Communion in the state of mortal sin.

The Pope goes on to say that Birth control is a general lowering of moral standards. and it is an evil thing to make it easy to break that law.

To read a pdf version of Humane Vitae, click here.
You can be sure that Every single Word I STATED in my Post was FACT. The Roman Catholic can trust in emotional Hype. I will trust in Gods word and the FACTs.................. I am sorry that You were proven Wrong. I do love You

But I just may continue to prove You Wrong,
if You continue to tell Your CATHOLISLAMIC untruths.

FACT - Consequences of Artificial Methods is Sin, Damnation and Satanic Evil.
to Roman Catholic Law.
Catholics and Muslims are Literally Mass Producing Children and collecting Your MONEY , to Raise them CATHOLISLAMIC. They take and tear You down and do not Give anything back.
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I abandoned myth belief when I was a boy.i Iadopted a science based belief system instead. It means living with uncertainty, but I'll take not knowing over "knowing" something which just isn't true.
Because Catholics and Muslims Lie. they lie about Everything. this is very bothersome to them, when they are proven wrong. They Throw a Fit and throw a wrench into the conversation. ( Like a Suicide bomber Effect to the whole discussion )

The CATHOLISMAINC Feels that He has the god given right - the DUTY - to Lie to You and deceive You. And when proven wrong, You are literally insulting their god who is the author of their Lies. They go insane.

I am not bothered. I just am a little tired of paying thousands of dollars in taxes to support people who view family planning and birth control as EVIL. So I wrote something about it.

I just pull up My records on file here and show the Fact. The CATHOLISLAMIC is too busy erasing and deleting the facts with one hand and denying the facts to You on the other hand.
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My Dear friend Compost

Humanae Vitae - Was The 1968 Encyclical that Pope Paul VI published with the help of the future Pope John Paul II - that forbid *( BANNED ) the use of artificial contraception by Catholics.

it is a FACT that - The Romantic Catholic Church views artificial birth control as considered sinful. *( Evil, Satanic and Sinful - !

The 1968 Encyclica Titled Humanae Vitae # 2370 Says that

Periodic continence, that is, the methods of birth regulation .......... as a means, to render procreation impossible" is intrinsically evil. .........................and periodic abstinence are the only ways to space out births - that the Church teaches are okay.
Any and all artificial means are intrinsically evil, which means always evil because of their very nature. People who practice artificial birth control and present themselves for Holy Communion need to talk to their priest ASAP.
It is a sacrilege to receive Holy Communion in the state of mortal sin.

The Pope goes on to say that Birth control is a general lowering of moral standards. and it is an evil thing to make it easy to break that law.

To read a pdf version of Humane Vitae, click here.
You can be sure that Every single Word I STATED in my Post was FACT. The Roman Catholic can trust in emotional Hype. I will trust in Gods word and the FACTs.................. I am sorry that You were proven Wrong. I do love You

But I just may continue to prove You Wrong,
if You continue to tell Your CATHOLISLAMIC untruths.

FACT - Consequences of Artificial Methods is Sin, Damnation and Satanic Evil.
to Roman Catholic Law.
Catholics and Muslims are Literally Mass Producing Children and collecting Your MONEY , to Raise them CATHOLISLAMIC. They take and tear You down and do not Give anything back.
Wow. You feel better now? You've "proved me wrong"? OK. Killing is evil. It's a sin to kill a baby, and stopping the fertilization of an egg is killing a baby. However, tossing out the words "satanic evil" is over the top.

Yes, there are rules about sin and taking Communion. That's what Confession is for. Catholics have traditions that other Christian religions don't have. If you aren't a Catholic, it's really none of your concern.

Catholicism and Islam are not the same thing. This crap about mass producing children and collecting "your money" is out of control propaganda.

I love you too but still think you are a lunatic. Peace be with you.
A distractive Word game is fun to play. I have enjoyed watching many CATHOLISLAMICs go back and forth, jostling, rambling and frothing, foaming about - from one lie to the next lie. Their Objective is not Truth. But rather to tear down the truth and re mold truth, into their own Image.

The words " Satanic evil " was not really Tossed out. For Satan and Evil are a united, ETERNAL Single Combined Part of reality . Satanic and Evil are the Same eXact thing.. My dear precious, loving friend.

Evil is the direct result - of Knowing Right From Wrong. Good and Evil.
Following Satan. ( Knowingly Sinning.......) or Following the god. Obedience.

When the CATHOLISLAMIC male Knowingly disobeys and chooses to use Birth Control or ejaculate himself outside of the womb. He has yielded to the CATHOLISLAMIC version of Satan.

The CATHOLISLAMIC Knows the CATHOLISLAMIC Law / Rule / and Regulations - and He chooses willingly to disobey His CATHOLISLAMIC god. He is following the CATHOLISLAMIC version of Satan... Committing EVIL.

it is not EVIL - If the CATHOLISLAMIC does not Know or Has not been Warned. Once the CATHOLISLAMIC has been Warned, informed and taught.--- then He is accountable and can CHOOSE to follow the CATHOLISLAMIC god or choose to follow Satan.

However a rational, sane person Does not need to see another repeat of the word satanic - to know and understand how that The Romantic Catholic Church - Commands that Using Protection, Birth Control is Evil / .. OR is Satanic . ) The Pope is Telling Everybody in a written commandment. So Those who disobey knowing - are guilty of breaking the CATHOLISLAMIC Law and are committing Evil. Satanic Acts...

Satanic is Evil. - Evil is Satanic. Is there some attribute to Satanic that is Not Evil. ? Of Course not... Is there Some other form of Evil that is not Satanic ? of Course not... ....The Pope Condemns People of SATANIC EVIL.. for knowingly disobeying His Fantasy Self Made law .
...Condemning and Judging people for
Stopping the Egg from being fertilized is a CATHOLISLAMIC Myth Concept. Millions of Sperm and eggs are dying every day. sperm cells that are not ejected from the body are dying day after day. Millions of Eggs are shed every month,

Using Birth Control to prevent the birth of a child is not killing a baby. it is responsibility. Self Control and respectful to all.

saving children from becoming a CATHOLISLAMIC bummy culture of ignorance, dependent upon the gifts, favors, handouts, charity and taXes of others..
The Popes Know this, -- The Islamic Rulers know this.

Millions of Dollars are wasted every day because children are taught as children that it is OK to mass produce as many children as you can, with not a worry or care in the world. Non Catholics and Non Muslims will pay the Bills.

The Evil people. the NON CATHOLISLAMICs. Deserve to pay out of their pockets to bring new converts into the word For the CATHOLISLAMIC god.... Who is himself - in fact, the father of lies.

Lies that tell people in Africa that using Condoms are Evil.
Lies that tell People in Africa that using Condoms will make the Aids virus worse.
The Pope is a Liar. All Popes are total Liars. Africa is one of the worst Aids impacted Continents on Earth. Every man should wear a Condom until he knows his Wife or Girlfriend is not Infected. Or Vice Versa.
I hope and pray that the Office and Position of the Pope will be removed from Earth.
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