Go Easy On Joe

That's what I thought but how can he be both stupid and a criminal mastermind at exactly the same time? His handlers are the true brains of the operation.
Criminals aren't like what you see on TV. The vast majority of them are stupid. I mean, not smart people at all.

The biggest difference between normal people and them is -- They're brazen.

And being brazen requires no brains at all.

The ring-leaders are often fairly smart. With 'fairly' being the higher end.

Lawyers spend their entire lives, their whole existence depends on their ability to skirt the Law and to make to make it work for them.

And that, my friends, is what the dimocrap scum Party is -- A gang of Lawyers. Brazen, corrupt, thieving Lawyers. Top to bottom, inside and out -- Lawyers.

Trump was a real estate baron before he ran for office. Bush 43 was a History Major and an MBA. Mittens was an MBA. Ronnie Ray-Gun was an actor.

Bill The Rapist -- Lawyer. His 'wife' Ubercunt -- Lawyer. Kerry -- Lawyer and Gigolo. The Bastard Son of Frank Marshall Davis -- DICKSUCKER extraordinaire and lawyer. His 'wife' The Skunk Ape -- Lawyer. ManBearPig -- Lawyer.

Notice that none of those dimocrap scum ever had a legitimate job in the fucking lives? All of them, full time politicians and dimocrap scum thieves.

How can any self-respecting human being vote for stinking lawyer?

They don't. That's why they're called dimocrap scum. Self-Destructing low-lifes. The problem is -- They want to take down the whole Country with them. Most suicides are by people driven by anger. By people who want to harm others more than themselves. dimocrap scum qualifiy.

NOT the Ruling Class. NOT the Deep State. The voters. They're so filled with hate, all they want to do is ruin everybody else's life. Their lives are so fucked up, they want to make everybody's life like theirs -- Shit

As an 87-year-old, I appreciate people showing respect to us old folks.

President Biden cannot be blamed for his walking problems.


But he can be blamed for running for the job in the first place, knowing his own condition.

And so can his sleazy wife, and every America-hating hanger-on that infests their lowlife cabal.
He might not be fit to be president, but everybody trips sometimes. He's just a victim of elder abuse is all.

This Joe Biden - the same guy who beat your orange douchebag like a dead mule in the last election. So bad that the orange loser is still whining about it. :auiqs.jpg:

No wonder you retards are always so mad. Thoughts & prayers.
He wanted the job, and public appearances are part of it. Not knowing when to quit isn't age specific. He earned his scorn for his hubris.
... as does Trump. And remember Dark Brandon branded MAGA stupidity at SOTU with one arm tied behind his back.
Whenever Trump is in deep trouble, the Trump cult losers are commanded to dial the BDS up to "11".

Thus, weepy BDS threads from the whiny bitch Trump cultists, like this thread, those are always good to see.

See you in November, Trump cult losers. We're looking forward to it.
Whenever Trump is in deep trouble, the Trump cult losers are commanded to dial the BDS up to "11".

Thus, weepy BDS threads from the whiny bitch Trump cultists, like this thread, those are always good to see.

See you in November, Trump cult losers. We're looking forward to it.

Newsflash! This thread is talking about how I sort of almost feel sorry for him. Almost meaning not quite.

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