Scott Walker Opponents Collect More Than 300,000 Signatures In 12 Days For Recall

Government employees get paid more because they are better educated?? That little 'factoid' still has the Preperation H on it from where it came...

I don't really care if Scott Walker is recalled or not. Quite frankly, if he is and Wisconsin goes the way that Ohio went, it's good for Texas and Oklahoma. We have several businesses that just opened up in Tulsa that have moved from California and Ohio. They're not really big businesses, but I've been told that we've had a large number of inquiries as well. Naturally, we're a 'right to work' state like Texas is and the chamber has been up to Ohio a couple times trying to lure away business.

Want to make any bets that if Wisconsin recalls Walker that Wisconsin will be standing at the White House door with it's hand out asking for money?
Yes, the teachers are our enemy.

And oil companies and coal companies are our friends.

I don't buy it, and neither do the people of Wisconsin.
Yes both sides supported the bailouts ONLY ONE SIDE GAVE THEM BONUSES :eek:

Yeah the Republican, conservative side.

Wrong stupid.

I did say stupid right?

Obama signed them into law.

And the conservatives went ballistic when talk of restricting how the money was to be used was brought up, if you go through life only listening to what the guy on the radio tells you you will never cast off that yoke of ignorance.
Yeah, like the "working people" in the public sector are paid very little and have no benefits. That's a crock and you know it. Public sector employees are paid extremely well, and have lavish benefits...all courtesy of the politicians they've gotten elected. It's the "working people" of the private sector that have to foot the bill for that.

Horse shit, and instead of being jealous other working people should work towards getting better deals out of their employers.

If they got the same deal out of their private sector employers they'd put the companies they work for out of business, genius. Only in the public sector do we allow benefit packages and wages that are economically unfeasable. Duh?

Hey stupid big business is doing better than ever while taking away from its employees, it must be difficult going through life being so intellectually limited.
The working people were paying for the Public Sector bs. The working people were getting hosed by the Dems who ran the State into the ground with the lavish packages they gave the public sector unions.

I guess the only working people your concerned with are those working for unions. The rest of the working people can just foot the bills. That about sums your ass up idiot.

Horse shit, conservatives love to give big money a pass and blame the nations woes on the working people, pathetic, and its a shame that some are so brain dead that a guy on the radio can tell them what they should think.

The only horse shit I see is what your sending.

Who in hell do you think foots the bills for the Public Sector workers brainiac??

The taxpayers of the State. They are the workers getting hosed to provide more and more for the public sector workers.

Of course the only workers your interested in at the Public Sector workers. The other workers, the ones providing the money, arent' important in your eyes. As I said your an idiot.

Conservatives squander government money then try to cast the blame on the working people, such an evil scummy thing.
It's a beautiful thing when people fight back against those who would limit their rights.

And not such a beautiful thing when a bunch of over paid public sector union folks spend millions to try and get people back in power that will keep giving them lavish benefit packages that will put the State they live in into insolvency...

Yes working people should be paid very little and have no benefits, the conservative way, now lets go give a few billion to a bank so they can foreclose on more American homes.

Fuck the union you lying son of a bitch they do not work. 5 guy's standing around watching one guy work is not working people.

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