What do you think of Obama's foreign policy?

What do you think of Obama's handling of foreign policy?

  • Excellent

    Votes: 7 14.6%
  • Great

    Votes: 3 6.3%
  • Good

    Votes: 4 8.3%
  • Okay

    Votes: 5 10.4%
  • Bad

    Votes: 6 12.5%
  • Terrible

    Votes: 23 47.9%

  • Total voters


Democratic Socialist
Nov 10, 2011
Please only answer if you actually have an informed opinion on the subject.

Take into consideration the hot button issues surrounding Isreal, Iran, and Libya.
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I like the part where's he's being burned in effigy.
I don't. I don't like the office of the President being shown such disrespect.

Regardless of that, I find Obama's grade is failing in foreign policy. He had zero experience in that. Many presidents have had little experience in it.

But, they learned quickly. He hasn't.

Libya is a clusterfuck. He has lost respect from several of our key allies - UK, Israel, for example. Pakistan, a very difficult situation for many years, has escalated under him. That's foolhardy and extremely dangerous.

Ugh. Seriously.
QUOTE=Si modo;4472136]
I like the part where's he's being burned in effigy.
I don't. I don't like the office of the President being shown such disrespect.

Regardless of that, I find Obama's grade is failing in foreign policy. He had zero experience in that. Many presidents have had little experience in it.

But, they learned quickly. He hasn't.

Libya is a clusterfuck. He has lost respect from several of our key allies - UK, Israel, for example. Pakistan, a very difficult situation for many years, has escalated under him. That's foolhardy and extremely dangerous.

Ugh. Seriously.[/QUOTE]

I do agree with you. He wasn't equipped to be the leader everyone expected. He surrounded himslef with friends who were equally ill equipped in every aspect of policies for this nation. Let's hope we don't make the same mistake again.
His foreign policy is accomplishing about as much as his domestic policy, fuck all that's good. He ran out of talent when it came time to fulfill his utopian promises.
obama's foreign policy is a disaster than could well lead to yet another war. Pakistan might do him in. So far instead of apologizing like a decent leader and decent human being would do, he has blamed others. Specifically, he blamed faulty intelligence. Sort of like the faulty intelligence responsible in part for Iraq.

If he gets a pass for the intelligence that was not his fault, he will not get as pass for his behavior during this crisis.
This man was a "community organizer" and now we're somehow 'surprised' that this guy doesn't have a clue when it comes to dealing with other nations?

Barry said during the campaign that he had every intention to just 'talk' to the likes of Iran and North Korea. I said it then and I'll say it again: Talking to despot little regimes like this does only one thing and that is to show them that you're weak. But it didn't surprise me. The far left has this utopian view that everyone wants to just "get along." Bullshit. If 9/11 should have taught you anything it is the fact that there are those in this world who HATE YOU and want YOU DEAD only because you are an American. The very fact that you can get up in the morning and listen to Fox OR MSNBC, either go or not go to a religious service sometime during the week, or stand around in a group and gripe about the complete and utter incompetence of the United States government is incomprehensible to some. Those freedoms very existence in this country undermines the power that they hold in theirs. Couple that with the Internet and the power of the 24/7 press in this nation, and you find the basis for all of the venom that is felt by some towards America.

Americans do not stand in line well. That very fact of our national identity is not only frustrating but very threatening to those who can only hold onto power in their country through tyranny. Look at Iran. Have you read any of the crap that these people put out as hard news? Their national 'approved' news agency never lets a day go by when they don't report on the mass killings being perpetrated by the United States military on it's own citizens in the streets. You can't read anything from this third-world little shit hole without laughing outloud. And Barry thinks that we can just 'talk' to this government and reason with them? And that piss-ignorant Ron Paul thinks it's okay that these maniacs can have a nuke?

Israel is one of this nations top five allies. Yep, we get pissed at them and they get pissed at us. They do not tow the line we want them to and we don't do exactly what they want us to do every time either. But this nation is the only democratic government in the middle east that doesn't have a GI standing on the street corner in it's capital holding an M4. And Barry wants to piss down Netanyahu's back and then try to tell him it's raining? Pull back to the '67 borders? And how many times does Israel have to go to war with its neighbors until people realize that they want Israel gone?

Ronald Reagan AND William Jefferson Clinton had it right: Peace through STRENGTH. If we let those automatic cuts go through for the Defense Department we will pay with the blood of American GI's.
Barack Obama is just another Big Government Neocon. I know his followers will take exception to my assessment but it is the truth. Are his policies really any different than what McCain's would have been? He's making Big Government much bigger and he's bombing & killing all over the World. He's just a Big Government Neocon. There hasn't been any change.
Please only answer if you actually have an informed opinion on the subject.

Take into consideration the hot button issues surrounding Isreal, Iran, and Libya.

Trying to suck up to our enemies, and pissing off our former friends, is not what I call good foreign policy.

Seems only thing Obama is good at is pissing people off. Just ask Pakistan.
I strongly urge people to check out 'The Obama Deception.' Obama works for the same people Bush did. It's all about Big Government/Corporate control. Check the movie out.
I like the part where's he's being burned in effigy.
I don't. I don't like the office of the President being shown such disrespect.

Regardless of that, I find Obama's grade is failing in foreign policy. He had zero experience in that. Many presidents have had little experience in it.

But, they learned quickly. He hasn't.

Libya is a clusterfuck. He has lost respect from several of our key allies - UK, Israel, for example. Pakistan, a very difficult situation for many years, has escalated under him. That's foolhardy and extremely dangerous.

Ugh. Seriously.

I do agree with you. He wasn't equipped to be the leader everyone expected. He surrounded himslef with friends who were equally ill equipped in every aspect of policies for this nation. Let's hope we don't make the same mistake again.

Yes, let's give him another chance and see if he doesn't cause Armageddon.
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I strongly urge people to check out 'The Obama Deception.' Obama works for the same people Bush did. It's all about Big Government/Corporate control. Check the movie out.

Yea movies are always factually accurate. :cuckoo:

It's not my movie. It's just a movie i saw recently. And your predictable insult isn't even funny. You're no comedic genius. I watch all sorts of movies because i try to keep an open mind. And 'The Obama Deception' does actually make some sense. I don't buy into everything in the movie but i do buy into some of it. In my opinion Obama & Bush do work for the same Bosses. But you don't have to watch the movie or agree with me. I'm not asking you to. Have a good life. See ya. :)
If Congress had the cajones, Obama would have been impeached for his illegal war (without congressional approval) in Libya.

Strengthening the Muslim Brotherhood and their ilk is not a good thing at all if one desires world peace and freedom.
I like the part where's he's being burned in effigy.
I don't. I don't like the office of the President being shown such disrespect.

Regardless of that, I find Obama's grade is failing in foreign policy. He had zero experience in that. Many presidents have had little experience in it.

But, they learned quickly. He hasn't.

Libya is a clusterfuck. He has lost respect from several of our key allies - UK, Israel, for example. Pakistan, a very difficult situation for many years, has escalated under him. That's foolhardy and extremely dangerous.

Ugh. Seriously.


The effigy is a shot at America. I may not agree with Obama, but the office he holds represents my country.

As far as Obama, he thought he could charm our enemies into liking us, and got played like a fiddle. In the process, he's alienated our allies and given comfort to our enemies.

Now that it's pretty clear his ambitious won't be met, he's just winging it, which is exactly what we DON'T want in foreign policy.
The Obama Presidency has been very successful in terms of foreign policy.

The removal of bin Laden, of course, is a huge success.

He pushed a policy in Libya that was questioned by many, but his policy has been vindicated. It was also legal, so the impeachment talk is just rhetoric.

Opinion of the US, around the world, has improved since Obama took office, and that translates into good news for our economy.

We are out of Iraq as of Christmas, according to the timeline laid out by the previous administration.

The START Treaty was ratified.

As for Israel, listen to Ehud Barak.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WXHt7Ns0PsQ]Ehud Barak on 1967 borders - YouTube[/ame]

Obama is extremely well informed on foreign policy, and was generally considered to be extremely well informed prior to his election.

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