Scott Walker blames young voters for GOP losses.


Diamond Member
Jul 22, 2019
This ties in with many threads here. Old people freaking out because things change. That's always something I do not understand as things changed when today's old people were young also and they supported those changes.

But will anyone in the GOP be able to come forward and lead the party into the future or will it remained locked into a non existent past?

As the Republican Party grappled with major losses this week, former Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker sought to pin the blame on young voters, but offered few solutions for how to win them back.

It doesn't appear as that person will be Scott Walker.

Scott Walker blames young voters for GOP's losses in Wisconsin, but offers few solutions for winning them back
So what is your argument? Walker is out of touch?
It's just not as dark a situation as is made out.

The whole rending of garments thing revolves around abortion and that's something I really don't care about as I see the utility in the practice. The sooner the gop gets off that horse the sooner they will start to win big again.
It's just not as dark a situation as is made out.

The whole rending of garments thing revolves around abortion and that's something I really don't care about as I see the utility in the practice. The sooner the gop gets off that horse the sooner they will start to win big again.

On a platform of what?
Wisconsin is a red state with two blue highly populated counties that always vote Democrat.
On a platform of what?
Just consolidating the Prog social justice legislation would be helpful for all people. That is not the goal of Progs. The wholesale change of our government is. And this time it is going to be different than all the rest in human history. Our strength is many cultures. That is our weakness also.
Just consolidating the Prog social justice legislation would be helpful for all people. That is not the goal of Progs. The wholesale change of our government is. And this time it is going to be different than all the rest in human history. Our strength is many cultures. That is our weakness also.

Well shoot. I thought you might actually have something to add to this. I guess not.
Leftism always thrives in an environment of unreality. It dominates Academe, government workers love it, it is always fashionable among the "Hollywood" crowd. In fact, in every segment and micro segment of society where people don't actually work for living, Leftism prevails. Hence, it is very popular among The Young, particularly college students and young adults.

I was fond of many Leftist ideas until I started working to support myself, at which point I saw how much of my money came out in taxes an d began investigating where all that money was going. No more Leftism.

And now, in addition to the natural tendency to wonder why, in such a rich country, some people are suffering (HINT: Because they don't play by the rules), we have probably a majority of our students who were "educated" in public schools, who at the same time were indoctrinated into Leftism.

Seriously, it doesn't look good. Majority rule isn't so attractive when most people are either stupid, inexperienced at life, or compromised (voting their own personal pocket).

We are fucked.
Scott Walker is right.

The under 30 year old voters in America are absolute MORONS who understand NOTHING, PARROT Woke Bullshit, toss isms, and have been "educated" to love communism.

America had a chance in 2001 = GOP WH, House, and Senate, to pass VOUCHERS

What did W do - he porked out a trillion $ to public education with no provision for vouchers, partnering with Teddy Kennedy to do so. W funded the "education" of today's young voters. W blocked parents from school choice.

W enforced the public education monopoly that is packed with LBTGQxyz sickos who rape kids to initialize them as homos.

The W supporters here need to answer for that....
Well shoot. I thought you might actually have something to add to this. I guess not.
Our different cultures are now used between us all. People of power are near always protected while the serfs do battle. All of our cultures, ethnicities, genders, religion and more are weaponized. And hiding the real issues purposely done. To destroy or weaken the males in the Western World. The vicious crimes are expanding, and you do not see it. The ghettos are never going away now. Tv can show the endless propaganda about diversity and understanding and all of that and we still see the same things from many decades ago when the Progs took over. I just added the truth. Start changing the crazy equity system and improve the schools and the number of unmarried teenage mothers. I just fixed it.
Leftism always thrives in an environment of unreality.

Integrating the schools became a reality. Blacks getting the right to vote became a reality. Women getting the right to vote became a reality. Gay couples getting the right to marry became a reality.

It dominates Academe, government workers love it, it is always fashionable among the "Hollywood" crowd. In fact, in every segment and micro segment of society where people don't actually work for living, Leftism prevails. Hence, it is very popular among The Young, particularly college students and young adults.

I was fond of many Leftist ideas until I started working to support myself, at which point I saw how much of my money came out in taxes an d began investigating where all that money was going. No more Leftism.

While Democrats fully participated and I condemn them for it, your tax money went to giant corporations.

Trump's payments to farmers hit all-time high ahead of election

And now, in addition to the natural tendency to wonder why, in such a rich country, some people are suffering (HINT: Because they don't play by the rules), we have probably a majority of our students who were "educated" in public schools, who at the same time were indoctrinated into Leftism.

Seriously, it doesn't look good. Majority rule isn't so attractive when most people are either stupid, inexperienced at life, or compromised (voting their own personal pocket).

We are fucked.

We need to keep our youth out of schools...............keep them uneducated you say so the GOP can win.
This ties in with many threads here. Old people freaking out because things change. That's always something I do not understand as things changed when today's old people were young also and they supported those changes.

But will anyone in the GOP be able to come forward and lead the party into the future or will it remained locked into a non existent past?

As the Republican Party grappled with major losses this week, former Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker sought to pin the blame on young voters, but offered few solutions for how to win them back.

It doesn't appear as that person will be Scott Walker.

Scott Walker blames young voters for GOP's losses in Wisconsin, but offers few solutions for winning them back

The voters are never wrong

You have to adapt to them, they will not adapt to you
As the Republican Party grappled with major losses this week, former Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker sought to pin the blame on young voters, but offered few solutions for how to win them back.
The ‘blame’ doesn’t belong to young voters, the blame belongs solely with a Republican party out of step with the majority of the American people; indeed, a Republican party with nothing but contempt for the majority of the American people.

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