Percentage of Young People Who Vote Democrat is Shrinking Precipitously


Diamond Member
Aug 28, 2022
Doesn't mean they're all becoming Republicans. Most are probably not.

But the honeymoon with ole' Joey is clearly dead and buried.

Republicans don't need their votes, but Dems desperately need them to show up.

Thus the mail-in ballot/early voting schemes.

More time to round up otherwise apathetic voters.

The number of 18 to 29-year-old who identify as Democrats has slipped from 64 percent to 49 percent since 2019, and the Biden White House is bringing on new advisors and seeking partnerships with influencers and celebrities to win them back. The left-wing alarm bells have been rung by John Della Volpe, an advisor and pollster to President Joe Biden himself.
The number of young people who believe politics cannot meet the country’s challenges has risen from 36 percent to 52 percent over the same period, suggesting serious dissatisfaction with the 80-year-old President.
“These voters gotta buy into the values of the party and the candidates… You can’t do that in a full-week ad buy after Labor Day,” Volpe said, warning that if the Democrats’ share of the youth vote drops below 60 percent things will get “ugly” for them.

Things could get interesting, folks.
Doesn't mean they're all becoming Republicans. Most are probably not.

But the honeymoon with ole' Joey is clearly dead and buried.

Republicans don't need their votes, but Dems desperately need them to show up.

Thus the mail-in ballot/early voting schemes.

More time to round up otherwise apathetic voters.

Things could get interesting, folks.

If it comes down to Biden and Trump. Joey is going to beat him even worse this time.

Young people are a lot of things.

99% of them are Liberal.
Doesn't mean they're all becoming Republicans. Most are probably not.

But the honeymoon with ole' Joey is clearly dead and buried.

Republicans don't need their votes, but Dems desperately need them to show up.

Thus the mail-in ballot/early voting schemes.

More time to round up otherwise apathetic voters.

Things could get interesting, folks.
the Biden White House is bringing on new advisors and seeking partnerships with influencers

Hey, maybe Dylan Mulvaney can do for them what he did for Bud Light.

Things could get interesting, folks.

I don't know about that. Voting blue in the last general election for this age group was far higher than 49%.
Not so many years ago, I remember reading articles about the Democratic Party losing members in large numbers, and yet the democrats did very well in 2020 and better than many expected in 2022. One can blame it on election fraud, but it appears a whole lot of people voted for democrats despite the apparent loss of support. So, I read this stuff with a grain of salt and BTW there's a lot of time between now and Nov 2024. Will all those young people vote or not? They may not like Biden or the democrats, but maybe they don't like Trump and the GOP either.
Despite public schools emphasizing feelings over knowledge, most young minds want to learn rather than being bottled up about how they and others feel or wish.
And yet those voters whooped your asses last year.

And we still won the House - thanks to the places where we played the Dems' dirty ballot harvesting game; in deep blue territory to boot.

Without California and NY victories, McCarthy would not be speaker.

It's almost as if the point I was making about mail-ins/early voting was a valid one.

But, hey, if you wanna whistle past the grave yard - all the better says I.
In 2020 they didn't yet have to deal with the reality of China Joe's inflation addled economy.

It's a lot easier to vote stupid when you're fat and happy.
They also didn’t have to deal with the reality of what Trump did on and leading up to Jan 6.

That certainly didn’t help their perception of him.
And we still won the House - thanks to the places where we played the Dems' dirty ballot harvesting game; in deep blue territory to boot.

Without California and NY victories, McCarthy would not be speaker.

It's almost as if the point I was making about mail-ins/early voting was a valid one.
It’s almost as if people just REALLY don’t like Trump.

Weird. Who could have possibly predicted that?
Will all those young people vote or not? They may not like Biden or the democrats, but maybe they don't like Trump and the GOP either.

Yeah, that's fine.

If they stay home, GOP wins.

And it's not just young voters.

Look for MAGA Republicans to continue to make gains with Hispanics, Asians, and even black voters.

All they have to do is move the needle a few more percentage points to immolate the Dems' rickety house of cards coalition - and Biden's advisers seem to know this.

Another Lefty who gets it is Ruy Teixeira. His Substack is compulsory reading.
And we still won the House - thanks to the places where we played the Dems' dirty ballot harvesting game; in deep blue territory to boot.

Whoopdie fucking doo. You won a paltry majority in the House (you were projected to win many more seats) that you may very well lose again next year. You failed to take back the Senate, which you were projected to do. In fact, you lost a seat. You managed to pick off only one Dem incumbent governor (my state) when you should have been able to take a few more and ultimately you had a net loss of one gubernatorial seat nationwide. You lost several majorities in state assemblies across the country handing complete control over to the Democrats for the first time in years in some of them.

Spin that as a victory all you want, cultist, but it doesn't change reality that you got ruined and so far you aren't doing anything to prevent that again next year. You've been dealt three consecutive election cycles of losses. Keep up the good work.
It’s almost as if people just REALLY don’t like Trump.

Weird. Who could have possibly predicted that?

Yes, which is why he got around 10 million more votes in 2020 than he did in 2016.

We just didn't count on Joe Biden's surge among inner city black voters turning out more than they did for Obama by millions.

I mean, that makes perfect sense.

*cough* ballot harvesting *cough*

Anyway, I know you're a partisan shill incapable of genuinely nuanced discussion, so I don't expect you to actually contemplate any of these striking details.

Just raise the blue pom pom, turn on MSDNC, and go back to your drooling/unquestioning subservience. ;)
Whoopdie fucking doo. You won a paltry majority in the House (you were projected to win many more seats) that you may very well lose again next year. You failed to take back the Senate, which you were projected to do. In fact, you lost a seat. You managed to pick off only one Dem incumbent governor (my state) when you should have been able to take a few more and ultimately you had a net loss of one gubernatorial seat nationwide. You lost several majorities in state assemblies across the country handing complete control over to the Democrats for the first time in years in some of them.

Spin that as a victory all you want, cultist, but it doesn't change reality that you got ruined and so far you aren't doing anything to prevent that again next year.

Oh, so now I'm a cultist.

Meow. Kitty gettin' grumpy.

Which is all the more ironic given the fact it was the COVID/BLM cult supported by the MSM and Democrat Party that finally put me off the Left once and for all a mere three years ago.

But sure, I'm the cultist here. The guy who managed to question his entire perception of reality and extricate himself from the clutches of media mind-meld.


As for the votes: Like I said, BALLOT HARVESTING.

If the Republicans had emulated their approaches in CA and NY across the rest of the country, no doubt McCarthy's lead would be significantly larger.

That's what happens when you win the popular vote by 3 points.

But that last detail is one not often discussed on the Left, huh?

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