Sarkozy Understands the Concept of American Exceptionalism

red states rule

Senior Member
May 30, 2006
The French President understands what makes America great - now if only the left in this country would

It is also shows how the left is full of it when they say the US is hated around the world

From his speech before Congress

SARKOZY (via translator): To the millions of men and women who came from every country of the world and who -- with their own hands, their intelligence, and their hearts -- built the greatest nation in the world, America did not say, "Come, and everything will be given to you." Rather, she said, "Come, and the only limits to what you will be able to achieve will be those of your own courage, your boldness, and your talent."

"The America that we love throughout the world impedes this extraordinary ability to grant each and every person a second chance, another chance, because, in America, failure is never the last word. There is always another chance. Here -- in your country, on this soil -- both the humblest and the most illustrious citizens alike know that nothing is owed to them and that everything has to be earned. That is what constitutes the moral value of America"

My. this must have struck a nerve with the Dems sitting in Congress!!!!!
ya thats how it works

Bush book: Chapter -1-In those interwar years, Prescott Bush made the family fortune which George Bush inherited. He piled up the money from an international project which ... - 34k

Leave it to a liberal to go off topic in his first post - seems you can't counter the truth about what makes America great

The President of France gets it - what is your excuse?
He asked you a question, what is exceptionalism?

Our liberal foundations, our diverse society, our attempts at justice and fairness, our separation of church and state, our separation of the powers of government, or for you some Frenchman's rhetorical homily?

And France is a nice country with nice people.
He asked you a question, what is exceptionalism?

Our liberal foundations, our diverse society, our attempts at justice and fairness, our separation of church and state, our separation of the powers of government, or for you some Frenchman's rhetorical homily?

And France is a nice country with nice people.

He was also telling his country what they have to do if they want to compete with us and be as wealthy as we are

America is NOT a liberal country. Liberalism is a failure and Mr Sarkozy knows it - and so does France. They tossed out a liberal and elected a conservative
America is so liberal a country we fail to see it as it is the wallpaper that is us. Consider only the freedoms we have, they are not conservative, conservative is traditional and holds on to its privilege. Iran is conservative as are most of the middle east countries. Philip Agre pretty sums up conservatism below.

What Is Conservatism and What Is Wrong with It?

Philip E. Agre

Liberals in the United States have been losing political debates to conservatives for a quarter century. In order to start winning again, liberals must answer two simple questions: what is conservatism, and what is wrong with it? As it happens, the answers to these questions are also simple:

Q: What is conservatism?
A: Conservatism is the domination of society by an aristocracy.

Q: What is wrong with conservatism?
A: Conservatism is incompatible with democracy, prosperity, and civilization in general. It is a destructive system of inequality and prejudice that is founded on deception and has no place in the modern world.

These ideas are not new. Indeed they were common sense until recently. Nowadays, though, most of the people who call themselves "conservatives" have little notion of what conservatism even is. They have been deceived by one of the great public relations campaigns of human history. Only by analyzing this deception will it become possible to revive democracy in the United States.
America is so liberal a country we fail to see it as it is the wallpaper that is us. Consider only the freedoms we have, they are not conservative, conservative is traditional and holds on to its privilege. Iran is conservative as are most of the middle east countries. Philip Agre pretty sums up conservatism below.

What Is Conservatism and What Is Wrong with It?

Philip E. Agre

Liberals in the United States have been losing political debates to conservatives for a quarter century. In order to start winning again, liberals must answer two simple questions: what is conservatism, and what is wrong with it? As it happens, the answers to these questions are also simple:

Q: What is conservatism?
A: Conservatism is the domination of society by an aristocracy.

Q: What is wrong with conservatism?
A: Conservatism is incompatible with democracy, prosperity, and civilization in general. It is a destructive system of inequality and prejudice that is founded on deception and has no place in the modern world.

These ideas are not new. Indeed they were common sense until recently. Nowadays, though, most of the people who call themselves "conservatives" have little notion of what conservatism even is. They have been deceived by one of the great public relations campaigns of human history. Only by analyzing this deception will it become possible to revive democracy in the United States.

Cpnservatism unlocks people from the chains of dependence. The overall goal of liberals is to get as many people as possible dependent on government for their needs

In the last 40 years, libs have taken $9 trillion from the producers and have given it to the nonproducers
L'histoire se répète - I believe it was a Frenchman, de Toqueville, who first observed and commented on American exceptionalism.

And of course Sarkozy is going to say what his hosts want to hear. Bah, it's as bad as our journalists asking visiting celebs who haven't even cleared Customs what they think of Australia.
L'histoire se répète - I believe it was a Frenchman, de Toqueville, who first observed and commented on American exceptionalism.

And of course Sarkozy is going to say what his hosts want to hear. Bah, it's as bad as our journalists asking visiting celebs who haven't even cleared Customs what they think of Australia.

Right you are:

The term was first used in respect of the United States by Alexis de Tocqueville in 1831.[1] American exceptionalism is close to the idea of Manifest Destiny, a term used by Jacksonian Democrats in the 1840s to promote the annexation of much of what is now the Western United States (the Oregon Territory, the Texas Annexation, and the Mexican Cession). The term was later used in the 1890s by Republicans as a theoretical justification for U.S. expansion outside of North America.

The term has also come to describe the belief that the United States has an exceptional position among countries, and should not be bound by international law except where it serves American interests. This position is driven by a (usually implicit) premise that the United States cannot violate international law (and in particular international human rights norms) because of the view that America itself was largely responsible for instigating those norms in the first place. This view has come under stress due to international condemnation of U.S. human rights practices under the doctrine of War on Terror. (Also see: Human rights and the United States.)

The basis most commonly cited for American exceptionalism is the idea that the United States and its people hold a special place in the world, by offering opportunity and hope for humanity, derived from a unique balance of public and private interests governed by constitutional ideals that are focused on personal and economic freedom [citation needed]. It is therefore used by United States citizens to indicate a moral superiority of America or Americans. Others use it to refer to the American concept as itself an exceptional ideal which gives the country a privileged position, and which may or may not always be upheld by the actual people and government of the nation. Researchers and academics, however, generally use the term to strictly mean sharp and measurable differences in public opinion and political behavior between Americans and their counterparts in other developed democracies.

Manifest destiny??? Creepy... exceptionally creepy...

BS to the max....
The French President understands what makes America great - now if only the left in this country would

It is also shows how the left is full of it when they say the US is hated around the world

From his speech before Congress

SARKOZY (via translator): To the millions of men and women who came from every country of the world and who -- with their own hands, their intelligence, and their hearts -- built the greatest nation in the world, America did not say, "Come, and everything will be given to you." Rather, she said, "Come, and the only limits to what you will be able to achieve will be those of your own courage, your boldness, and your talent."

My. this must have struck a nerve with the Dems sitting in Congress!!!!!

is a suck up and a replacement for the British lap dog Prime Minister recently departed. W needed a new sycophant and he has it in Sarkozy.

How is it that conservatives (in their minds) have come to reconsider the French who within a few breathes ago were the Gollums of the inner Earth. You are a fickle flip-floppy bunch. You give relativism a run for its utility.

Grow up!

You have already called me a liberal in the derogatory sense so save it for another day, you floppers.
Sarkozy represents the dissance between what was and is now the Anglo-European pov. We may not hit every note, but the rest of the world would be remiss in discounting out commonalities:

...What’s particularly interesting is that, years ago when the Bush presidency was new and Iraq was a fresh issue, the left told us constantly that George Bush was making America less popular in the world. Yet during the President’s term in office three of our traditional allies (Canada, Germany and now France) elected leaders that displaced virulently anti-Bush and anti-American leaders with people more of Sarkozy’s temperament (Stephen Harper in Canada and Angela Merkel in Germany).

Sort of almost seems like...that whole “less popular America” thing just isn’t true.
He asked you a question, what is exceptionalism?

Our liberal foundations, our diverse society, our attempts at justice and fairness, our separation of church and state, our separation of the powers of government, or for you some Frenchman's rhetorical homily?

And France is a nice country with nice people.

Perhaps you can quote the question? with a link to the post?
Sarkozy represents the dissance between what was and is now the Anglo-European pov. We may not hit every note, but the rest of the world would be remiss in discounting out commonalities:

Bush is not well liked here in Australia. One of the constant criticisms of our PM is that he is far to close to Bush - not to the US, we appreciate the alliance. We just don't like Bush and we really don't like Cheney.

While I can't speak for the Brits I can observe that they are pretty much like us perhaps even more so as regards their disdain for Bush. They appreciate the alliance, they can't stomach Bush and Blair got a hiding because he thought he could persuade Bush and Bush flicked him off, Blair couldn't do a thing even with the "special relationship."

But soon Bush will be gone and whoever is in the White House can start cleaning up the mess he made of international relations.

Sarko only has to suck up to Bush for a while, he will continue to suck up to whoever is in the White House.
Bush is not well liked here in Australia. One of the constant criticisms of our PM is that he is far to close to Bush - not to the US, we appreciate the alliance. We just don't like Bush and we really don't like Cheney.

While I can't speak for the Brits I can observe that they are pretty much like us perhaps even more so as regards their disdain for Bush. They appreciate the alliance, they can't stomach Bush and Blair got a hiding because he thought he could persuade Bush and Bush flicked him off, Blair couldn't do a thing even with the "special relationship."

But soon Bush will be gone and whoever is in the White House can start cleaning up the mess he made of international relations.

Sarko only has to suck up to Bush for a while, he will continue to suck up to whoever is in the White House.

and like Pres Bush - your PM was reelected.

Pres Sarkozy is a conservatives elected by the French who are fed up with the failures of liberalism. He beat a Hillary Clinton clone - much to the shock of the liberal media

The same thing happened in Germany.
Sarkozy represents the dissance between what was and is now the Anglo-European pov. We may not hit every note, but the rest of the world would be remiss in discounting out commonalities:

and like Pres Bush - your PM was reelected.

Pres Sarkozy is a conservatives elected by the French who are fed up with the failures of liberalism. He beat a Hillary Clinton clone - much to the shock of the liberal media

The same thing happened in Germany.

Thankfully the government party is facing the loss of the next election on November 24th. We don't actually elect the PM, we elect our own MP and the leader of the party with the highest number of seats is invited to form a government and becomes the Prime Minister. Despite the tendency to presidential-style elections that's still the legal situation. Yes, this government was re-elected but each time the electorate did it, it held its nose. Anyway the PM is history, he may even lose his own seat on 24th November.

His party's policies are now being repudiated. Since this thread isn't about Australian politics I won't go on but please don't make the mistake of thinking a vote for the Liberals in Australia was in any way an endorsement of Howard's sycophantic relationship with Bush.

Sarkozy wasn't up against a Hillary clone. He was up against the candidate of the Socialists. The Socialist's agenda was rejected. But Sarkozy was elected to replace Chirac, who was from the Right. I think the last socialist president in France was Mitterand. The last socialist Prime Minister was, I think, Lionel Jospin. The French have had a conservative presidency and government for many years I believe.

Oh and Hillary is no socialist.
Thankfully the government party is facing the loss of the next election on November 24th. We don't actually elect the PM, we elect our own MP and the leader of the party with the highest number of seats is invited to form a government and becomes the Prime Minister. Despite the tendency to presidential-style elections that's still the legal situation. Yes, this government was re-elected but each time the electorate did it, it held its nose. Anyway the PM is history, he may even lose his own seat on 24th November.

His party's policies are now being repudiated. Since this thread isn't about Australian politics I won't go on but please don't make the mistake of thinking a vote for the Liberals in Australia was in any way an endorsement of Howard's sycophantic relationship with Bush.

Sarkozy wasn't up against a Hillary clone. He was up against the candidate of the Socialists. The Socialist's agenda was rejected. But Sarkozy was elected to replace Chirac, who was from the Right. I think the last socialist president in France was Mitterand. The last socialist Prime Minister was, I think, Lionel Jospin. The French have had a conservative presidency and government for many years I believe.

Oh and Hillary is no socialist.

Chirac was from the right???:badgrin:

What the left does not like is conservatoves are winning in Europe. Liberalism has been a proven failure and the people are waking up to that fact

Hillary is a power hungry liberal who wants the government to oversee evey aspect of your life. Even who gets drivers licenses

As far as the US being hated - this is another quote from the speech Pres Sarkizy made to Congress

SARKOZY (via translator): We need France to be stronger. I am determined to carry through with the reforms that my country has put off for all too long. I will not turn back. I will implement all of them, because France has turned back for all too long. I have come to present to you today a France that comes out to meet America, to renew the covenant of friendship and alliance that Washington and Lafayette sealed in Yorktown. Together, let us be true to their memories. Yes, ladies and gentlemen, I say this to you on behalf of the French people: Long live the United States of America. Long live France. Long live French-American friendship!"
Chirac was from the right???:badgrin:

Yes, I think he was a Gaullist.

red states rule: said:
What the left does not like is conservatoves are winning in Europe. Liberalism has been a proven failure and the people are waking up to that fact

I wouldn't put it like that. I'd say that the left is on the wane in certain countries in Europe. France, Germany, conservative governments. Spain, Italy, socialist governments. Austria was socialist for many years but I think it's conservative now. So is Greece, once it got out of the military junta it went to Pasok, socialist, but now it's gone to Nea Demokratia which is conservative (you should be in Greece when it's election time, man they go at it). The UK has as left leaning government and has had for many years. That's about all I know without googling. So it's not exactly as you put it RSR.

red states rule: said:
Hillary is a power hungry liberal who wants the government to oversee evey aspect of your life. Even who gets drivers licenses

Hillary is a power-hungry, ambitious person who will say or do anything to promote her political interests. I truly believe she is without ideology and has only personal ambition driving her.

red states rule: said:
As far as the US being hated - this is another quote from the speech Pres Sarkizy made to Congress

SARKOZY (via translator): We need France to be stronger. I am determined to carry through with the reforms that my country has put off for all too long. I will not turn back. I will implement all of them, because France has turned back for all too long. I have come to present to you today a France that comes out to meet America, to renew the covenant of friendship and alliance that Washington and Lafayette sealed in Yorktown. Together, let us be true to their memories. Yes, ladies and gentlemen, I say this to you on behalf of the French people: Long live the United States of America. Long live France. Long live French-American friendship!"

I didn't say the US was hated, I said Bush was disliked/hated. Big difference.

Sarko is sucking up, just doing his job.

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