Around 75% of black American families do not have a father figure at home- Andrew Tate suggests Trump is the one who can fix this and other problems

We do have better medicine and technology today. Yes life is easier. But one point of many to be made… flash mob looting. It’s American phenomenon. Doesn’t exist in many countries in the eastern part of the world.

They know better in Asia or muslim countries. They would not see the light of day again for 20 years of re-education at least. They are also taught early on in kindegarten level...."you don't do that" for just about everything.
OH! I forgot in my other post about P01135809, the person of family "values" that ripped off, with purpose, those from the so-called college with P01135809 name.
Not to mention stealing from a charity and then the lies.
Nice example you try to emulate.

And that’s just one problem of many. But in the early to middle 20th century black kids were born to two parent households. White kids have been affected by this too, but not as much as black kids. Actually from 1880 to about 1920 the black divorce rate was slightly less than that of the white divorce rate.

Tate was also criticizing Christian men who tend to criticize Muslims or they worry about white culture dying or something of that nature. Basically he was saying “shut up and do something about it.”

“ white youth have more children.”

“ oppose gay preachers at church, oppose drag queen story hour for children”

“ do something about the rise of single women, many women who have no interest in having kids, but would rather get likes on Instagram for showing their ass off”

“be proud of white culture”


That first video is from a black Christian conservative. And there’s no doubt whatsoever that there has been a sort of feminization of both black and white men across the country in the USA . What we need in America are black and white men to be proud of their ancestors, proud of where they come from.

Tate thinks Trump is the last hope of Western civilization. He can at least slow down the decay of the west.
They know better in Asia or muslim countries. They would not see the light of day again for 20 years of re-education at least. They are also taught early on in kindegarten level...."you don't do that" for just about everything.
Exactly. Their families would be embarrassed by it.

But you know in the USA in “the hood” there are examples on video of moms and dads, supporting their children in the commission of a crime. as in they are all working together when it comes to stealing or vandalism or something like that. It’s a tragedy , sign of massive dysfunction in communities across the USA.
I predicted in 1990 that if this predominantly fatherless culture continued among blacks, that black females, due to the presence of an ostensibly self-sufficient, like-gendered role model in the home, would eventually surpass black males in academic and professional success.
That reality has sadly come to pass.
They know better in Asia or muslim countries. They would not see the light of day again for 20 years of re-education at least. They are also taught early on in kindegarten level...."you don't do that" for just about everything.
I guess that explains why they’re so prosperous and we’re so poor
I guess that explains why they’re so prosperous and we’re so poor
The uae and Japan are among the wealthiest countries in the world, and among the safest.

Yes, the USA is still a good country. But we have fallen from our Highpoint. It’s gonna keep keep getting worse unless something is done about the degeneracy and filth in our country…. Especially in black majority communities. Again everybody with common sense especially working class blacks and whites know why there are areas called “the hood” throughout our country.

“don’t go down to these areas, lock your doors when you go there. Be safe.”

Such degeneracy doesn’t exist in many countries in the east.

Anyway, there’s been so many valid points made about the fillet degeneracy in the USA. I’ll give you credit for responding to a few…. but the overwhelming number of left-wingers in this thread haven’t responded to any of them. They troll and lie about other peoples positions for example calling them “racist”.
It’s closer to 80% and this is the Number One blight on the black race
The problem isn’t with black folks I would say. Because if you look at Africa, this issue is unheard of. Where they have traditional Christian and Muslim values. The family Bond are very strong. If a youngster tries to steal or attack somebody he is viewed as a disgrace to his entire family. It used to kind of be like that in the USA.

Some of the blame must be assigned to our politicians. For not saying, and doing the right things. They are instilling the hateful evil idea into black folks that they are disadvantage in the country. So in a black person ears that they think to themselves well I should steal because I’m entitled to do it or I have nothing to gain in this country legitimately.

Some of the blame can be assigned to left-wing BLM supporters. They should know better. They know that slavery existed in every country of the world as discrimination. But the USA in the 19th and 20th century was still perhaps the most liberal. But the left-wing BLM supporters act like the United States is unique when it comes to slavery and Jim Crow for example.

I should’ve perhaps worded the original post a little bit different. It’s not just the point about the astronomical rate of single paren households among black folks. But in general, a cultural decay in America and that is hitting white and Black people. There’s many many points that’s been listed by us Trump supporters about the decay in America. People just have to go back to the early posts and look at the many points.

Look at the responses of most of the left wingers. Almost all of them offer up no solution. They keep complaining about racism or discrimination against blacks, even if they do that they offered no solution. Just personal attack controlling
Apparently, the left wing is OK with having filth and degradation in black majority communities. Because they’ve offered up no solution about it …sometimes they don’t even talk about it , they act like it doesn’t exist.

Every working-class person black and white knows and understands that there are so many places throughout the USA known as “the hood” which are dangerous to go to. It’s a phenomenon that is perhaps unique to America. It doesn’t exist in the eastern world. It does exist in some parts of South America and Mexico, but it’s completely unheard of in the eastern world.

Superbadbrutha Curried Goats

How much longer are we going to have filth and garbage neighborhoods in black majority communities. Do you guys think it will never stop? When will we stop having areas known as “the hood” where it’s dangerous to travel through?

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