Russiagate’s Damage To The Country Will Take Years To Realize


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
...even longer for Democrats / snowflakes to ADMIT!

"The probe of Special Counsel Robert Mueller—appointed to investigate conspiracy theories that said President Trump colluded with Russia to steal the 2016 election—officially ended on Friday, March 22, 2019."


“I don’t think it looks good… no further indictments,” said Bill Maher on his Saturday night HBO show. Maher tried to console himself. He repeated the brand-new incantation of the progressive faith: “I don’t need the Mueller report to know he’s a traitor, I have a T.V.


"California Democrat Rep. Eric Swalwell quickly promised Maher that the Democrat chairman of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, Adam Schiff, would haul Mueller in front of Congress with a subpoena."

"No evidence of collusion was found between the Trump campaign and Russia."

"Millions of Americans have been led to believe that President Trump committed treason, and any day he could be led out of the White House in chains. They wake up every day thinking this could be the day that Mueller gets Trump. These poor souls should be facing a tough reality this weekend. But hold the anti-depressants, at least for now. The media and Democrat Party have dug themselves so deeply in a hole, they must keep on digging. That’s absolutely terrible for this country, as has been this entire endeavor."

"If our country is ever to recover from this mess, we can’t forget how we got here. Russians were attempting to hack both the Democratic National Committee and Republican National Committee in late 2015. Whether the DNC was ultimately hacked or suffered an internal leak, the truth remains that the DNC documents and emails obtained by WikiLeaks showed the entire country that Hillary Clinton, and those around her, were corrupt and would bend the rules (or worse) for power. There was never a real and fair contest between her and Bernie Sanders."

"As soon as the Clinton campaign realized its misdeeds toward Bernie had been made public, they blamed Russia. They immediately began putting out a narrative that attempted to say Russia had acted to favor Trump, which included paying Fusion GPS—a notorious propaganda outfit with ties to loads of so-called journalists—to create ties between Trump and Russia."

An All-Out Effort to Pre-Empt, then Undo, 2016

"Once Trump won, all hell broke loose. There was talk of stopping him with the Electoral College, and protestors wrecked parts of DC. Obama’s deputy attorney general Sally Yates sent FBI agents to entrap Mike Flynn, at the time Trump’s national security advisor, using a 200-year-old law that is never enforced, unconstitutional, and routinely violated by every incoming presidential administration.

The mainstream media was just as deranged. For the entire year of 2017, anything that could damage Trump, no matter how outlandish, was published. Journalistic standards collapsed.

Much of the special counsel appointment was based on the false claim that Trump fired Comey to end the Russia investigation, when Trump in fact said the opposite. To MSNBC and CNN, every spurious and anonymously sourced report, which was always called a “bombshell,” was a sign that the “walls were closing in on the Trump presidency. CNN famously reported on a Trump Jr. email, which could have shown collusion, until they realized they got the date of the email wrong. ABC News anchor Brian Ross produced a false report that caused the stock market to drop, and was eventually let go by ABC over the issue. These are but a few examples."

"Democrats have dug themselves so deeply in this hole that they have no choice but to double-down. That may help ensure Trump’s reelection in 2020. And therein lies the answer to all of this. We should certainly reform the intelligence agencies, which are desperately in need of greater oversight, and seek to end selective enforcement of federal law. Trump should run in 2020 talking about this, instead of making the issue solely about his own experience.

But the ultimate solution is deterrence: make those involved in this hoax, especially those in government jobs who hold the public trust, accountable to our laws. Make every unelected official, Democrat or Republican, think twice about abusing his or her power in the future."

The article goes into everything a lot deeper - a GREAT comprehensive read - worth a read!!!!!

Russiagate’s Damage To The Country Will Take Years To Realize

I'm worried about our friends on the left. How many disappointments can they take, before they go off the deep end?
...even longer for Democrats / snowflakes to ADMIT!

"The probe of Special Counsel Robert Mueller—appointed to investigate conspiracy theories that said President Trump colluded with Russia to steal the 2016 election—officially ended on Friday, March 22, 2019."


“I don’t think it looks good… no further indictments,” said Bill Maher on his Saturday night HBO show. Maher tried to console himself. He repeated the brand-new incantation of the progressive faith: “I don’t need the Mueller report to know he’s a traitor, I have a T.V.


"California Democrat Rep. Eric Swalwell quickly promised Maher that the Democrat chairman of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, Adam Schiff, would haul Mueller in front of Congress with a subpoena."

"No evidence of collusion was found between the Trump campaign and Russia."

"Millions of Americans have been led to believe that President Trump committed treason, and any day he could be led out of the White House in chains. They wake up every day thinking this could be the day that Mueller gets Trump. These poor souls should be facing a tough reality this weekend. But hold the anti-depressants, at least for now. The media and Democrat Party have dug themselves so deeply in a hole, they must keep on digging. That’s absolutely terrible for this country, as has been this entire endeavor."

"If our country is ever to recover from this mess, we can’t forget how we got here. Russians were attempting to hack both the Democratic National Committee and Republican National Committee in late 2015. Whether the DNC was ultimately hacked or suffered an internal leak, the truth remains that the DNC documents and emails obtained by WikiLeaks showed the entire country that Hillary Clinton, and those around her, were corrupt and would bend the rules (or worse) for power. There was never a real and fair contest between her and Bernie Sanders."

"As soon as the Clinton campaign realized its misdeeds toward Bernie had been made public, they blamed Russia. They immediately began putting out a narrative that attempted to say Russia had acted to favor Trump, which included paying Fusion GPS—a notorious propaganda outfit with ties to loads of so-called journalists—to create ties between Trump and Russia."

An All-Out Effort to Pre-Empt, then Undo, 2016

"Once Trump won, all hell broke loose. There was talk of stopping him with the Electoral College, and protestors wrecked parts of DC. Obama’s deputy attorney general Sally Yates sent FBI agents to entrap Mike Flynn, at the time Trump’s national security advisor, using a 200-year-old law that is never enforced, unconstitutional, and routinely violated by every incoming presidential administration.

The mainstream media was just as deranged. For the entire year of 2017, anything that could damage Trump, no matter how outlandish, was published. Journalistic standards collapsed.

Much of the special counsel appointment was based on the false claim that Trump fired Comey to end the Russia investigation, when Trump in fact said the opposite. To MSNBC and CNN, every spurious and anonymously sourced report, which was always called a “bombshell,” was a sign that the “walls were closing in on the Trump presidency. CNN famously reported on a Trump Jr. email, which could have shown collusion, until they realized they got the date of the email wrong. ABC News anchor Brian Ross produced a false report that caused the stock market to drop, and was eventually let go by ABC over the issue. These are but a few examples."

"Democrats have dug themselves so deeply in this hole that they have no choice but to double-down. That may help ensure Trump’s reelection in 2020. And therein lies the answer to all of this. We should certainly reform the intelligence agencies, which are desperately in need of greater oversight, and seek to end selective enforcement of federal law. Trump should run in 2020 talking about this, instead of making the issue solely about his own experience.

But the ultimate solution is deterrence: make those involved in this hoax, especially those in government jobs who hold the public trust, accountable to our laws. Make every unelected official, Democrat or Republican, think twice about abusing his or her power in the future."

The article goes into everything a lot deeper - a GREAT comprehensive read - worth a read!!!!!

Russiagate’s Damage To The Country Will Take Years To Realize


Excellent piece, and spot on!
Whole thing stinks, no doubt about that, and has since Minute 1.

It's been the perfect tactic to follow up the #notmypresident #resist stuff, all of which started virtually the day after the election.

It's not something that can be conclusively disproven, you can't prove a negative. That means they can keep it going literally forever, and a good portion of the dems want it to continue if for no other reason than obstruction on their part, IMO. We're seeing signs of that already and were prior to the release of this report.

I hope they do investigate the other side of the coin, as someone started this shit and a lot of someones fed it, however, I don't expect it to actually be pursued with any actual teeth comparable to what was unleashed by Mueller over the past 2 years. The beltway will protect its own, IMO.
The whole nation pretty much agrees a corrupt Trump ordered the AG to cover up his crimes.

You're right, that kind of corruption will take years to root out. For the good of the nation, the Republican party as it stands needs to go. A whole lot of Republicans need to see jail time for obstruction of justice.

2020 will suffice for that. Given the stink of corruption around Trump, there's little chance of a GOP win. With Democrats holding all 3 branches, the Republicans won't have any ability to cover up crimes.
The whole nation pretty much agrees a corrupt Trump ordered the AG to cover up his crimes.

You're right, that kind of corruption will take years to root out. The whole GOP needs to go. A whole lot of them need to see jail time for obstruction of justice.

Keep up with those fantasies. It must be blissful.
The whole nation pretty much agrees a corrupt Trump ordered the AG to cover up his crimes.

You're right, that kind of corruption will take years to root out. The whole GOP needs to go. A whole lot of Republicans need to see jail time for obstruction of justice.

2020 will suffice for that. Given the stink of corruption around Trump, there's little chance of a GOP win. With Democrats holding all 3 branches, the Republicans won't have any ability to cover up crimes.

You sure are a whinny little shit ain't ya??

Trump didn't collude with the Russians and Mueller report, which you all thought would show he did, proves that he didn't.

Trump will win in 2020 and I doubt the Dems hang onto the House either.

The shit show the Dem led House is currently showing the voters how ineffectual and biased they all are.

Good luck ya whinny shit. You are sure going to need it.
I have a question: everyone on both sides is saying that the Russians tried to influence our election in 2016.

Could someone please tell me exactly what they did?

second question:

Obama tried to influence the election in Israel, was that OK?
The whole nation pretty much agrees a corrupt Trump ordered the AG to cover up his crimes.

You're right, that kind of corruption will take years to root out. For the good of the nation, the Republican party as it stands needs to go. A whole lot of Republicans need to see jail time for obstruction of justice.

2020 will suffice for that. Given the stink of corruption around Trump, there's little chance of a GOP win. With Democrats holding all 3 branches, the Republicans won't have any ability to cover up crimes.
You are exactly like those on the right who STILL believe in WMD in Iraq and BO's Kenyan birth.

I have a question: everyone on both sides is saying that the Russians tried to influence our election in 2016.

Could someone please tell me exactly what they did?

You might want to check out the 37 indictments, most of which were against Russians. Claiming the Russians weren't involved is delusional.

Obama tried to influence the election in Israel, was that OK?

No, he didn't. That's a kook conspiracy theory.
I have a question: everyone on both sides is saying that the Russians tried to influence our election in 2016.

Could someone please tell me exactly what they did?

second question:

Obama tried to influence the election in Israel, was that OK?

They hacked the DNC servers and released the e-mails they hacked. The only thing released was the stuff off the DNC servers. A servers the DNC would not let the FBI have to investigate.

They didn't do anything to any voting machines or do anything to effect peoples ability to vote.

Hell from what I've read Obama's cyber and intelligence people watched them hack the DNC servers and did nothing.

The FBI also warned the DNC IT people to watch for hacks and they did nothing.
[You sure are a whinny little shit ain't ya??

You sure are desperate to hide that report. Even you know your side is guilty.

Trump didn't collude with the Russians and Mueller report, which you all thought would show he did, proves that he didn't.

As you haven't seen the report, you're clearly lying there.

The only desperate being I see is you and the other lefty loons on this board.

You've been screaming bloody murder about the Mueller report and that it would show Trump colluded with the Russians.


The Mueller report shows nothing of the kind.

You sure are a whinny little shit.
I have a question: everyone on both sides is saying that the Russians tried to influence our election in 2016.

Could someone please tell me exactly what they did?

You might want to check out the 37 indictments, most of which were against Russians. Claiming the Russians weren't involved is delusional.

Obama tried to influence the election in Israel, was that OK?

No, he didn't. That's a kook conspiracy theory.

the only things that those Russians are accused of doing is spending less than 100K on facebook ads. Tell us how many votes that changed and how it was illegal.

and yes, Obama did try to help Netanyahu's opponent. He failed, just like he failed as president.
[You sure are a whinny little shit ain't ya??

You sure are desperate to hide that report. Even you know your side is guilty.

Trump didn't collude with the Russians and Mueller report, which you all thought would show he did, proves that he didn't.

As you haven't seen the report, you're clearly lying there.

Hmmm, has Nadler seen it? Pelosi? Chris Matthews? Maddow? AOC? crazy Maxine? NO, they haven't but they are trying to tell us what it says.

Trump wants it all released to the public, that will happen with the exception of any classified parts.
The damage that Trump has done and is doing...will take years to fully understand and longer to repair.

We're STILL dealing with the effects of the LAST 8 year Republican Administration and they were "sane" by the standards set by Trump Inc.
The damage that Trump has done and is doing...will take years to fully understand and longer to repair.

We're STILL dealing with the effects of the LAST 8 year Republican Administration and they were "sane" by the standards set by Trump Inc.


Oh you mean a great economy and UE the lowest its been since 69.

Oh and jobs, jobs and more jobs??

You can't possibly mean the Mueller report which shows absolutely no collusion between Trump and Russia??

Oh and Bush had all kinds of help with that recession. The Dems are just a culpable as he is.

You sure are a devoted sheeple.
The damage that Trump has done and is doing...will take years to fully understand and longer to repair.

We're STILL dealing with the effects of the LAST 8 year Republican Administration and they were "sane" by the standards set by Trump Inc.


Oh you mean a great economy and UE the lowest its been since 69.

Oh and jobs, jobs and more jobs??

You can't possibly mean the Mueller report which shows absolutely no collusion between Trump and Russia??

Oh and Bush had all kinds of help with that recession. The Dems are just a culpable as he is.

You sure are a devoted sheeple.
Keep drinking that Kool Aid babe

And no...I mean the disaster that was Iraq...and the rise of ISIS which GREW from that.

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