Rules "Don't mention other discussion sites"


Gold Member
Dec 12, 2013
Something I'm noticing more and more so it's becomming a thing is when people's threads involve discussion about some event they link to a site discussing it. But they don't include an excerpt. Thus they're as much as directing traffic from here to there (or ya don't get to find out what the threads about.)

Not only is not giving a clue what you're talking about annoying to people looking at your threads, but I'm fairly sure it's against the Rules.


Thread Title: Major controversy brewing!

Thread Body: link to site

but nothing else.

That's supremely annoying :)
Technically, we're forbidden from mentioning other message boards, but that doesn't stop the usual suspects from mentioning Stormfront in an attempt to stigmatise your position.
Technically, we're forbidden from mentioning other message boards, but that doesn't stop the usual suspects from mentioning Stormfront in an attempt to stigmatise your position.

I believe the reason they let Stormfront slide is that it's such an infamous site. Especially when discussing race related issues it's going to come up now and again.
Technically, we're forbidden from mentioning other message boards, but that doesn't stop the usual suspects from mentioning Stormfront in an attempt to stigmatise your position.

I believe the reason they let Stormfront slide is that it's such an infamous site. Especially when discussing race related issues it's going to come up now and again.

Think the reason they let it sldie is they don't wanna say Stormfront, Jihadwatch, Jewatch and the like are competitors. :)
Technically, we're forbidden from mentioning other message boards, but that doesn't stop the usual suspects from mentioning Stormfront in an attempt to stigmatise your position.

I believe the reason they let Stormfront slide is that it's such an infamous site. Especially when discussing race related issues it's going to come up now and again.

Think the reason they let it sldie is they don't wanna say Stormfront, Jihadwatch, Jewatch and the like are competitors. :)

Hmm... good point. :lol:
Technically, we're forbidden from mentioning other message boards, but that doesn't stop the usual suspects from mentioning Stormfront in an attempt to stigmatise your position.

I believe the reason they let Stormfront slide is that it's such an infamous site. Especially when discussing race related issues it's going to come up now and again.

B**ybuil* is equally "infamous", yet mention it and you'll be sanctioned.
There is no prohibition from "mentioning" other message boards.

We recognize that other boards exist, and that in many cases, posters here may also post on other boards, have friends from other boards, and so on. We do not pretend that other boards do not exist.

The problem occurs when posters link to other boards, bring drama from other boards, or in any way promote them. This site is a business, and we do not provide free advertising for our competitors - and we particularly don't like it when people recruit posters for other boards using our bandwidth.
There is no prohibition from "mentioning" other message boards.

We recognize that other boards exist, and that in many cases, posters here may also post on other boards, have friends from other boards, and so on. We do not pretend that other boards do not exist.

The problem occurs when posters link to other boards, bring drama from other boards, or in any way promote them. This site is a business, and we do not provide free advertising for our competitors - and we particularly don't like it when people recruit posters for other boards using our bandwidth.

What about using your bandwidth to make fun of other message boards?

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