Rolling Stones Journalist Assassinated?

Book of Jeremiah

Platinum Member
Nov 3, 2012
Hours Before His Death Michael Hastings Contacted Wikileaks Attorney Said FBI Was Investigating Him - 12160

Was he assassinated? Or not? According to sources, Hastings had uncovered something huge about the CIA / FBI and was about to go public. There are two versions of how he died and one version has been silenced it appears.

The first version comes from eyewitnesses who say the car exploded into a huge ball of fire - BEFORE it went off road and hit a tree.

The second version is al lie. They covered up front end of car until they could remove engine claiming it was placed 200 yards from tree in accident. Now Mercedes are reliable cars. Doubtful this man who was in fear for his life - was driving high speed into a tree - he wasn't on a suicide mission.

The interesting thing I note is that they claim the gun manufacturer who died after outing psychotropic drugs as responsible in mass gun shootings ( SOLVAY PHARMACEUTICAL makers of Prozac, Zoloft and other mind altering drugs has never been successfully prosecuted for manufacturing these drugs ) and they claim he drove off the road and his car hit a tree. Lots of cars hitting trees these days! Wow. What a coincidence that they all happened to be exposing something shady at the time of their deaths. Do I believe this police report he hit a tree and died? Ha! NOT A CHANCE.

- Jeri
Never been on them. My doctor knows that. Yes.

While I agree that Ridicule is a potent weapon for shutting down an argument it won't work here because although truth is ridiculed, viciously attacked it in the end becomes self evident to the most clueless individuals. Including yourself. Stay tuned.

How's the South treating you, Joe? Are you enjoying yourself or is the heat getting to you?
How's the South treating you, Joe? Are you enjoying yourself or is the heat getting to you?

I don't know, I don't live in the South.

While I agree that Ridicule is a potent weapon for shutting down an argument it won't work here because although truth is ridiculed, viciously attacked it in the end becomes self evident to the most clueless individuals. Including yourself. Stay tuned.

No, ridicule is reserved for the ridiculous. Paranoid loons like you WOULD be funny if you weren't so dangerous.

That you think people are being killed because they are about to expose something that dovetails nicely into your paranoid fantasies... that's fucking ridiculous and deserves ridicule.
How's the South treating you, Joe? Are you enjoying yourself or is the heat getting to you?

I don't know, I don't live in the South.

While I agree that Ridicule is a potent weapon for shutting down an argument it won't work here because although truth is ridiculed, viciously attacked it in the end becomes self evident to the most clueless individuals. Including yourself. Stay tuned.

No, ridicule is reserved for the ridiculous. Paranoid loons like you WOULD be funny if you weren't so dangerous.

That you think people are being killed because they are about to expose something that dovetails nicely into your paranoid fantasies... that's fucking ridiculous and deserves ridicule.

Joe, you are either from the South or from some 3rd world nation on the other side of who knows what. Get real. I'm from Brooklyn and there is no way that you are from the North. You are far too slow. In fact, if I thought as slow as you did my brain would shut down. ( for lack of activity )

So let me give you some free advice, Joe. Drop the Chicago address, no one is buying it, get a grip on your own paranoid delusions of Christian terrorists and the rest of your goofy theories and check yourself into a nice Alabama Rest home. You're about done here.

Well that story proves one thing... a Rolling Stones journalist gathers no moss.

I think they may want to play that Rolling Stones rendition of Sympathy for the Devil for O and Company. Doesn't sound as if they have much sympathy for their employee, does it? No investigation? No big news story? Why not?

This thread belongs in the Conspiracy section.

Is it still a conspiracy when the evidence points to it being truth covered up by those who have something to lose?

When there is a pattern such as the gun manufacturer that was also found dead in his car after blogging about pyschotronic drugs being behind all the mass shootings - then he mysteriously dies and they claim he hit a tree with his car?

How about Andrew Breitbart and when the story broke on his death being caused by arsenic poisoning?

How about right afterwards when the Coroner who did his autopsy came out confirming it was arsenic poisoning?

Don't you find it odd the Coroner died of arsenic poisoning shortly after going public with his story?

What about the presidential impersonator comedian who used to mimic GWB Jr at WH events? When he was told to stop making jokes about Obama and he didn't? He ended up dead too. Dropped dead out of the blue at age 40 something? Hows' that?

Is it a coinicidence that all of these people were uncovering secrets the govt didn't want uncovered and were on an enemy list?

I say where there's smoke there's fire. - Jeri
This thread belongs in the Conspiracy section.

Is it still a conspiracy when the evidence points to it being truth covered up by those who have something to lose?

When there is a pattern such as the gun manufacturer that was also found dead in his car after blogging about pyschotronic drugs being behind all the mass shootings - then he mysteriously dies and they claim he hit a tree with his car?

How about Andrew Breitbart and when the story broke on his death being caused by arsenic poisoning?

How about right afterwards when the Coroner who did his autopsy came out confirming it was arsenic poisoning?

Don't you find it odd the Coroner died of arsenic poisoning shortly after going public with his story?

What about the presidential impersonator comedian who used to mimic GWB Jr at WH events? When he was told to stop making jokes about Obama and he didn't? He ended up dead too. Dropped dead out of the blue at age 40 something? Hows' that?

Is it a coinicidence that all of these people were uncovering secrets the govt didn't want uncovered and were on an enemy list?

I say where there's smoke there's fire. - Jeri

You keep talking like this, you'll be high on the list of having"accident", you know.
This thread belongs in the Conspiracy section.

Is it still a conspiracy when the evidence points to it being truth covered up by those who have something to lose?

When there is a pattern such as the gun manufacturer that was also found dead in his car after blogging about pyschotronic drugs being behind all the mass shootings - then he mysteriously dies and they claim he hit a tree with his car?

How about Andrew Breitbart and when the story broke on his death being caused by arsenic poisoning?

How about right afterwards when the Coroner who did his autopsy came out confirming it was arsenic poisoning?

Don't you find it odd the Coroner died of arsenic poisoning shortly after going public with his story?

What about the presidential impersonator comedian who used to mimic GWB Jr at WH events? When he was told to stop making jokes about Obama and he didn't? He ended up dead too. Dropped dead out of the blue at age 40 something? Hows' that?

Is it a coinicidence that all of these people were uncovering secrets the govt didn't want uncovered and were on an enemy list?

I say where there's smoke there's fire. - Jeri

I remember when Senator Paul Wellstone died in a small airplane accident in 2002. I was posting on The Atlantic Monthly's boards at the time. Naturally a few far left wing nutters were claiming GWB was behind it. Wellstone was way ahead of the Bush-Cheney hand picked opponent when the accident happened about 10 days before the election and Wellstone had been a thorn in the Bush Administrations side. Well that was enough for those folks to claim it was an assassination.
It wasn't. Once the FAA report was released the nutter's still didn't shut up because the FAA was run by some Republican you know! :lol:
According to eye witnesses, Hastings was traveling at an extremely high rate of speed. He lost control of his car and smashed into a tree, car burst into flames, he was instant toast.

Why was he traveling at such a high rate of speed in the first place? The accident took place around 4:30am. Empty roads and the temptation of flying in his car? Someone tailing him? Were drugs/alcohol involved? Something else? Don't know, many unanswered questions.
I never think along those lines, Bodecea. You are talking about "I" talk. I stands for Intimidation. Intimidation begs one question and one question only-------------->What will happen to me if I speak up for the Jews?

What will happen to me if I speak up for Israel?

What will happen to me if I speak up for dead journalists I suspect were assasssinated?

What will happen to me if I speak out against the two most evil companies on the planet? Monsanto and Lucent Technologies (ATT )

Oh dear! Oh my!

What will happen to me, me, me, me, me, ME?!!!

What a small package people make when their world revolves around me, myself and I. I find the very thought of it would bore me to tears!!! Thank God I refuse to go there! It's mind over matter, Bodecea. If you don't mind? It won't matter!

Thanks for your concern, Bodecea. You are a sweetie!

- Jeri
The real eyewitnesses said the car burst into flames on its own, not by impact with a tree. You got the revised story, Zoom.... which is why they had the front end of car covered with a sheet for photos.

Wait until his family members start looking into it. I'm sure something is going to come out later on concerning what he told Wikileaks.
A Rolling Stone reporter driving a new Mercedes? My how the times have changed. The post belongs in the conspiracy forum.
Hastings was assassinated. There is no other word to describe it.

Hours before this accident Hastings had told a friend that he knew he was targeted. The car he was driving was going at insane speeds. We know that there are many ways to fix a car so that it cannot be slowed and the brakes are disabled.

This is not an area where someone could build up a high rate of speed. It is not some lonely country road. This is the city with red lights at every major street and there are a lot of major streets. It is an area where there is traffic at all hours.

Hastings might even have been dead long before the crash.

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