Rolling Stones Journalist Assassinated?

The real eyewitnesses said the car burst into flames on its own, not by impact with a tree. You got the revised story, Zoom.... which is why they had the front end of car covered with a sheet for photos.

Wait until his family members start looking into it. I'm sure something is going to come out later on concerning what he told Wikileaks.

Do you have a link? The stories I saw gave the info I posted and this pic:


Did find more pics and a bomb theory here:

Proof That A Car Bomb Killed Michael Hastings? | OffSpectrum with James Farganne
Is it still a conspiracy when the evidence points to it being truth covered up by those who have something to lose?

Methinks somebody has to look up a definition of conspiracy.
About time. Gee wiz! The silence is deafening! You'd think these people were in fear for their lives, Katz! Ha! Ha!

I'm sorry, I just don't know what it is to be a coward. I think it has something to do with my upbringing. I never had the opportunity to be learn to become one of those. I was deprived!

The real eyewitnesses said the car burst into flames on its own, not by impact with a tree. You got the revised story, Zoom.... which is why they had the front end of car covered with a sheet for photos.

Wait until his family members start looking into it. I'm sure something is going to come out later on concerning what he told Wikileaks.

Do you have a link? The stories I saw gave the info I posted and this pic:


Did find more pics and a bomb theory here:

Proof That A Car Bomb Killed Michael Hastings? | OffSpectrum with James Farganne

Good thing that tree wasn't damaged!

What this eye witness said.

Witness: Hastings? speeding car ?shook my car like a freight truck going by?

I was stopped at the light at Santa Monica [Boulevard], headed south on Highland [Avenue]. I looked down to turn my radio down, and this car just blasted past me through the red light—it shook my car. No telling how fast the driver was going. A taxi driver was in the far right lane and we looked at each other, both saying, "What the hell was that?"... By the time the light changed, I could only see the tail lights of the white Mercedes—it was probably past Willoughby by then which was the next red light that I got stopped at. The Mercedes was flying down Highland. The same cab driver pulled up to the light at Willoughby [Avenue] and I looked over at him again in disbelief. Right as I did, the cab driver said something to the effect of, "He didn't make it." The [Mercedes] was all the way south of Melrose [Avenue] at this point.
I looked down Highland and saw a giant fireball at the base of one of the palms that line the medians on Highland. It was surreal. Even from as far away as I was, I could see how violent an impact it had been. I live in the area so parked near my place and sprinted over the the scene of the accident. As I was running, a couple of workers from the service station at the corner of Melrose and Highland were also running over. In broken English, one of them and I traded stories of what we saw as we ran. From what I could understand, he saw the car come off the ground at some point—maybe when [it] crossed Melrose.
A Hancock Park resident was already spraying the car with his water hose when we got to it, but wasn't making any progress. The car was engulfed. I couldn't see inside it. Fire trucks and police cars were at the scene almost immediately, it seemed.
I stayed and watched firefighters extinguish the the blaze. Bummed a cigarette from a guy named Jeremy and traded stories about what we saw. He was right around Melrose and Highland when it happened. I gave a statement to police and walked home.

There is no account that the car burst into flames before it hit the tree, or that hitting the tree caused it to explode.

This was NO accident. Hastings was far too paranoid to have committed suicide which is what it would have had to have been.
This thread belongs in the Conspiracy section.

Is it still a conspiracy when the evidence points to it being truth covered up by those who have something to lose?

When there is a pattern such as the gun manufacturer that was also found dead in his car after blogging about pyschotronic drugs being behind all the mass shootings - then he mysteriously dies and they claim he hit a tree with his car?

How about Andrew Breitbart and when the story broke on his death being caused by arsenic poisoning?

How about right afterwards when the Coroner who did his autopsy came out confirming it was arsenic poisoning?

Don't you find it odd the Coroner died of arsenic poisoning shortly after going public with his story?

What about the presidential impersonator comedian who used to mimic GWB Jr at WH events? When he was told to stop making jokes about Obama and he didn't? He ended up dead too. Dropped dead out of the blue at age 40 something? Hows' that?

Is it a coinicidence that all of these people were uncovering secrets the govt didn't want uncovered and were on an enemy list?

I say where there's smoke there's fire. - Jeri

I remember when Senator Paul Wellstone died in a small airplane accident in 2002. I was posting on The Atlantic Monthly's boards at the time. Naturally a few far left wing nutters were claiming GWB was behind it. Wellstone was way ahead of the Bush-Cheney hand picked opponent when the accident happened about 10 days before the election and Wellstone had been a thorn in the Bush Administrations side. Well that was enough for those folks to claim it was an assassination.
It wasn't. Once the FAA report was released the nutter's still didn't shut up because the FAA was run by some Republican you know! :lol:

The big winner of the accidental death of Senator Paul Wellstone was NOT anyone in the GOP.
The real eyewitnesses said the car burst into flames on its own, not by impact with a tree. You got the revised story, Zoom.... which is why they had the front end of car covered with a sheet for photos.

Wait until his family members start looking into it. I'm sure something is going to come out later on concerning what he told Wikileaks.

Do you have a link? The stories I saw gave the info I posted and this pic:


Did find more pics and a bomb theory here:

Proof That A Car Bomb Killed Michael Hastings? | OffSpectrum with James Farganne

Well this is too strange! No. That is not the photo I saw, Zoom. Completely different - even the location is different - the hood was covered with a sheet and a blogger on the site said he thought they were hiding it from reporters photo lense as they were busy staging it to look like something else.
Hours Before His Death Michael Hastings Contacted Wikileaks Attorney Said FBI Was Investigating Him - 12160

Was he assassinated? Or not? According to sources, Hastings had uncovered something huge about the CIA / FBI and was about to go public. There are two versions of how he died and one version has been silenced it appears.

The first version comes from eyewitnesses who say the car exploded into a huge ball of fire - BEFORE it went off road and hit a tree.

The second version is al lie. They covered up front end of car until they could remove engine claiming it was placed 200 yards from tree in accident. Now Mercedes are reliable cars. Doubtful this man who was in fear for his life - was driving high speed into a tree - he wasn't on a suicide mission.

The interesting thing I note is that they claim the gun manufacturer who died after outing psychotropic drugs as responsible in mass gun shootings ( SOLVAY PHARMACEUTICAL makers of Prozac, Zoloft and other mind altering drugs has never been successfully prosecuted for manufacturing these drugs ) and they claim he drove off the road and his car hit a tree. Lots of cars hitting trees these days! Wow. What a coincidence that they all happened to be exposing something shady at the time of their deaths. Do I believe this police report he hit a tree and died? Ha! NOT A CHANCE.

- Jeri

(My bold)

It's basic tradecraft - if he thought he was in danger because of a story he was covering, he should have made copies of notes, photos, whatever he had - & drafts of the articles or story ideas - & salted them around, with friends, relatives, lawyers, in vaults, safety-deposit boxes. & especially if he suspected FBI involvement, that means wiretapping, NSA snooping in cell phone, Internet, e-mail, fax, his PCs @ work & @ home, & on & on.

We'll just have to wait & see what surfaces.
The real eyewitnesses said the car burst into flames on its own, not by impact with a tree. You got the revised story, Zoom.... which is why they had the front end of car covered with a sheet for photos.

Wait until his family members start looking into it. I'm sure something is going to come out later on concerning what he told Wikileaks.

often when they are recovering a body from a vehicle a sheet is thrown over it.
Who wooda thunk the VW driving raggedy ass pot promoting Rolling Stone reporters would become "journalists" and drive around in brand new Mercedes? Next thing you know revolutionary terrorist Bill Ayers will be a respected mover and shaker of the democrat party.
The real eyewitnesses said the car burst into flames on its own, not by impact with a tree. You got the revised story, Zoom.... which is why they had the front end of car covered with a sheet for photos.

Wait until his family members start looking into it. I'm sure something is going to come out later on concerning what he told Wikileaks.

Do you have a link? The stories I saw gave the info I posted and this pic:


Did find more pics and a bomb theory here:

Proof That A Car Bomb Killed Michael Hastings? | OffSpectrum with James Farganne

Well this is too strange! No. That is not the photo I saw, Zoom. Completely different - even the location is different - the hood was covered with a sheet and a blogger on the site said he thought they were hiding it from reporters photo lense as they were busy staging it to look like something else.

Okay the photo I saw with sheet over it is in your link Proof that a car bomb killed Michael Hastings... see the photo with fire engine and all the people surrounding car? That doesn't look at all like the first location, does it? I copied this....

The blanket was there to hide the fact that almost the entire front end of the car is gone.

Only a bomb could have done that.

Perhaps this explains the flight of the engine down the street. I leave that to the more technically-minded to decide.

Jim Stone’s analysis: - The new root of truth.


A member at the Jim Stone Forum argues that such damage is consistent with a normal high-speed tree impact. That may very well be. But Stone’s analysis has already shown that this was no ordinary car fire.

That raging fire, in my opinion, would not happen from a bomb-free impact. Car experts agree.

That is his comment. I have a good friend a Major in Europe - whose expertise is bombs. He knows all about them, diffused many bombs over his military career. I'll let you know what he says about it. - Jeri

#8. Mercedes SLK 135 MPH
This is what a Mercedes SLK looks like after slamming into a tree at 135 MPH in Germany.



#10. Ferrari 360 Modena 130 MPH
The driver of this 2004 Ferrari 360 Modena was trying to show off to his girlfriend when he lost control at 130 MPH on a country road in France. The car ran into power lines, bringing down live cables and snapping the car in two
Do you have a link? The stories I saw gave the info I posted and this pic:


Did find more pics and a bomb theory here:

Proof That A Car Bomb Killed Michael Hastings? | OffSpectrum with James Farganne

Well this is too strange! No. That is not the photo I saw, Zoom. Completely different - even the location is different - the hood was covered with a sheet and a blogger on the site said he thought they were hiding it from reporters photo lense as they were busy staging it to look like something else.

Okay the photo I saw with sheet over it is in your link Proof that a car bomb killed Michael Hastings... see the photo with fire engine and all the people surrounding car? That doesn't look at all like the first location, does it? I copied this....

The blanket was there to hide the fact that almost the entire front end of the car is gone.

Only a bomb could have done that.

Perhaps this explains the flight of the engine down the street. I leave that to the more technically-minded to decide.

Jim Stone’s analysis: - The new root of truth.


A member at the Jim Stone Forum argues that such damage is consistent with a normal high-speed tree impact. That may very well be. But Stone’s analysis has already shown that this was no ordinary car fire.

That raging fire, in my opinion, would not happen from a bomb-free impact. Car experts agree.

That is his comment. I have a good friend a Major in Europe - whose expertise is bombs. He knows all about them, diffused many bombs over his military career. I'll let you know what he says about it. - Jeri

sometimes believing others on the internet, well...
Who wooda thunk the VW driving raggedy ass pot promoting Rolling Stone reporters would become "journalists" and drive around in brand new Mercedes? Next thing you know revolutionary terrorist Bill Ayers will be a respected mover and shaker of the democrat party.

There is a more affordable version of the Mercedes out now. They were advertising it on AOL news yesterday. Did you miss that, Whitehall? What does Rolling Stone Magazine and Pot have to do with one of their journalists being murdered? Are you saying that because the Journalist worked for a magazine that was for the legalization of marijuana he deserved to be murdered?

I don't quite get why you'd bring that up. It has nothing to do with the story. - Jeri
Is it still a conspiracy when the evidence points to it being truth covered up by those who have something to lose?

When there is a pattern such as the gun manufacturer that was also found dead in his car after blogging about pyschotronic drugs being behind all the mass shootings - then he mysteriously dies and they claim he hit a tree with his car?

How about Andrew Breitbart and when the story broke on his death being caused by arsenic poisoning?

How about right afterwards when the Coroner who did his autopsy came out confirming it was arsenic poisoning?

Don't you find it odd the Coroner died of arsenic poisoning shortly after going public with his story?

What about the presidential impersonator comedian who used to mimic GWB Jr at WH events? When he was told to stop making jokes about Obama and he didn't? He ended up dead too. Dropped dead out of the blue at age 40 something? Hows' that?

Is it a coinicidence that all of these people were uncovering secrets the govt didn't want uncovered and were on an enemy list?

I say where there's smoke there's fire. - Jeri

I remember when Senator Paul Wellstone died in a small airplane accident in 2002. I was posting on The Atlantic Monthly's boards at the time. Naturally a few far left wing nutters were claiming GWB was behind it. Wellstone was way ahead of the Bush-Cheney hand picked opponent when the accident happened about 10 days before the election and Wellstone had been a thorn in the Bush Administrations side. Well that was enough for those folks to claim it was an assassination.
It wasn't. Once the FAA report was released the nutter's still didn't shut up because the FAA was run by some Republican you know! :lol:

The big winner of the accidental death of Senator Paul Wellstone was NOT anyone in the GOP.

I could have sworn that Norm Coleman won, after all, I voted for the man. He did a great job as mayor of St. Paul as he brought a lot of business to the city. I could of sworn he was a Republican! :confused:
Well this is too strange! No. That is not the photo I saw, Zoom. Completely different - even the location is different - the hood was covered with a sheet and a blogger on the site said he thought they were hiding it from reporters photo lense as they were busy staging it to look like something else.

Okay the photo I saw with sheet over it is in your link Proof that a car bomb killed Michael Hastings... see the photo with fire engine and all the people surrounding car? That doesn't look at all like the first location, does it? I copied this....

The blanket was there to hide the fact that almost the entire front end of the car is gone.

Only a bomb could have done that.

Perhaps this explains the flight of the engine down the street. I leave that to the more technically-minded to decide.

Jim Stone’s analysis: - The new root of truth.


A member at the Jim Stone Forum argues that such damage is consistent with a normal high-speed tree impact. That may very well be. But Stone’s analysis has already shown that this was no ordinary car fire.

That raging fire, in my opinion, would not happen from a bomb-free impact. Car experts agree.

That is his comment. I have a good friend a Major in Europe - whose expertise is bombs. He knows all about them, diffused many bombs over his military career. I'll let you know what he says about it. - Jeri

sometimes believing others on the internet, well...

So you are saying it is impossible to verify whether a car bomb would have to create such an explosion in order to explain it? I find right here in the article that it has already been agreed by car experts that he was right. I'm merely confirming what he is claiming with my own sources.

Military men are not "internet" ghosts... Don't know who you are talking to these days but they don't live in cyber space. These are real people who have jobs and know more than you or I........ Mossad, Caesara, M16,CIA - retired - special forces- Insiders for cartel guys, many different ways to check something out. I believe in a multitude of counselors because King Solomon said it was the wise way to go. :eusa_angel: - Jeri
A car going fast enough to become airborne would have damaged anything it crashed into. Including this tree. I know these trees. I see these trees every day. See that discoloration at the base of the tree. That's loose bark. It flakes off. A car hitting it would have left a huge scar if it didn't take the tree down with that level of force. The loose bark would have caught fire. The car did not touch the tree and is not touching the tree in this picture either. Police and the fire department were on the scene immediately.

Michael Hastings was murdered by a government that silences whistleblowers and journalists, they did it to Andrew Breitbart and now to Michael Hastrings.

#8. Mercedes SLK 135 MPH
This is what a Mercedes SLK looks like after slamming into a tree at 135 MPH in Germany.



#10. Ferrari 360 Modena 130 MPH
The driver of this 2004 Ferrari 360 Modena was trying to show off to his girlfriend when he lost control at 130 MPH on a country road in France. The car ran into power lines, bringing down live cables and snapping the car in two

thank you for proving my point. The car never caught fire. Look at the paint. Looks new. Again, the only thing that makes sense is the car bomb theory. Otherwise it couldn't have burst into flames like that. You just proved it right here with these photos. No fire. - Jeri
Okay the photo I saw with sheet over it is in your link Proof that a car bomb killed Michael Hastings... see the photo with fire engine and all the people surrounding car? That doesn't look at all like the first location, does it? I copied this....

The blanket was there to hide the fact that almost the entire front end of the car is gone.

Only a bomb could have done that.

Perhaps this explains the flight of the engine down the street. I leave that to the more technically-minded to decide.

Jim Stone’s analysis: - The new root of truth.


A member at the Jim Stone Forum argues that such damage is consistent with a normal high-speed tree impact. That may very well be. But Stone’s analysis has already shown that this was no ordinary car fire.

That raging fire, in my opinion, would not happen from a bomb-free impact. Car experts agree.

That is his comment. I have a good friend a Major in Europe - whose expertise is bombs. He knows all about them, diffused many bombs over his military career. I'll let you know what he says about it. - Jeri

sometimes believing others on the internet, well...

So you are saying it is impossible to verify whether a car bomb would have to create such an explosion in order to explain it? I find right here in the article that it has already been agreed by car experts that he was right. I'm merely confirming what he is claiming with my own sources.

Military men are not "internet" ghosts... Don't know who you are talking to these days but they don't live in cyber space. These are real people who have jobs and know more than you or I........ Mossad, Caesara, M16,CIA - retired - special forces- Insiders for cartel guys, many different ways to check something out. I believe in a multitude of counselors because King Solomon said it was the wise way to go. :eusa_angel: - Jeri

you have no idea who those purporting to be experts are. Anyone can say they are anyone.
Here is another one for you -


Also notice the sheet.

Driver Killed in High-Speed Car Crash, Fire | NBC New York
vehicle speeding on the Van Wyck Expressway in Queens crashed into a tree early Sunday morning, bursting into flames and killing the driver, police say.

Police were called to the scene at 91st Avenue and Van Wyck Expressway State Road West in Jamaica at about 3:30 a.m., according to police. Emergency responders found the BMW sedan in a tree and on fire, police say. The driver was pronounced dead at the scene
Last edited:
A car going fast enough to become airborne would have damaged anything it crashed into. Including this tree. I know these trees. I see these trees every day. See that discoloration at the base of the tree. That's loose bark. It flakes off. A car hitting it would have left a huge scar if it didn't take the tree down with that level of force. The loose bark would have caught fire. The car did not touch the tree and is not touching the tree in this picture either. Police and the fire department were on the scene immediately.

Michael Hastings was murdered by a government that silences whistleblowers and journalists, they did it to Andrew Breitbart and now to Michael Hastrings.

Yeah that is what I'm thinking too, Katz. This guy was assassinated. Truth is they want this news out there to "initimidate" other journalists that would dare to do what Snowden and Hastings and Breitbart did....

Good news is they will never catch Snowden.
They will never find him. If they could have they would have done it by now. It's all over but the shout now. - Jeri
Funny how people think a car that obviously ran into a tree at high speed is some sort of a conspiracy just because a "journalist" was killed and yet they accept the FBI's story about flight 800 which blew to pieces at 13,000 ft. in 1996.

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