Rolling Stones Journalist Assassinated?

I wouldn't put assassination past the Obama Admin, but at this point, they appear to incompetent to actually pull it off.
I never think along those lines, Bodecea. You are talking about "I" talk. I stands for Intimidation. Intimidation begs one question and one question only-------------->What will happen to me if I speak up for the Jews?

What will happen to me if I speak up for Israel?

What will happen to me if I speak up for dead journalists I suspect were assasssinated?

What will happen to me if I speak out against the two most evil companies on the planet? Monsanto and Lucent Technologies (ATT )

Oh dear! Oh my!

What will happen to me, me, me, me, me, ME?!!!

What a small package people make when their world revolves around me, myself and I. I find the very thought of it would bore me to tears!!! Thank God I refuse to go there! It's mind over matter, Bodecea. If you don't mind? It won't matter!

Thanks for your concern, Bodecea. You are a sweetie!

- Jeri

What will happen if they finally make you take your meds?
According to eye witnesses, Hastings was traveling at an extremely high rate of speed. He lost control of his car and smashed into a tree, car burst into flames, he was instant toast.

Why was he traveling at such a high rate of speed in the first place? The accident took place around 4:30am. Empty roads and the temptation of flying in his car? Someone tailing him? Were drugs/alcohol involved? Something else? Don't know, many unanswered questions.

I must admit that I wondered if he was 'targeted' when I first heard the news.

If he was, we'll never know so we may as well keep on rolling
According to eye witnesses, Hastings was traveling at an extremely high rate of speed. He lost control of his car and smashed into a tree, car burst into flames, he was instant toast.

Why was he traveling at such a high rate of speed in the first place? The accident took place around 4:30am. Empty roads and the temptation of flying in his car? Someone tailing him? Were drugs/alcohol involved? Something else? Don't know, many unanswered questions.

I must admit that I wondered if he was 'targeted' when I first heard the news.

If he was, we'll never know so we may as well keep on rolling

That's the spirit!

The car was rigged and the brakes disabled. It was 4:30 in the morning. In Los Angeles. The roads were not empty.
I believe you, Katz. Funny thing is when you hear a story that doesn't sound right? Your gut instinct tells you something is off. Now - people across the board - say they had the same thoughts when they first heard the news. So that alone tells us that people are aware something is going on. Otherwise they would never even entertain the thought. We'll see what happens down the road here. Snowden is gone. They can forget about him. They will never find the guy. - Jeri
Do you have a link? The stories I saw gave the info I posted and this pic:


Did find more pics and a bomb theory here:

Proof That A Car Bomb Killed Michael Hastings? | OffSpectrum with James Farganne

Well this is too strange! No. That is not the photo I saw, Zoom. Completely different - even the location is different - the hood was covered with a sheet and a blogger on the site said he thought they were hiding it from reporters photo lense as they were busy staging it to look like something else.

Okay the photo I saw with sheet over it is in your link Proof that a car bomb killed Michael Hastings... see the photo with fire engine and all the people surrounding car? That doesn't look at all like the first location, does it? I copied this....

The blanket was there to hide the fact that almost the entire front end of the car is gone.

Only a bomb could have done that.

Perhaps this explains the flight of the engine down the street. I leave that to the more technically-minded to decide.

Jim Stone’s analysis: - The new root of truth.


A member at the Jim Stone Forum argues that such damage is consistent with a normal high-speed tree impact. That may very well be. But Stone’s analysis has already shown that this was no ordinary car fire.

That raging fire, in my opinion, would not happen from a bomb-free impact. Car experts agree.

That is his comment. I have a good friend a Major in Europe - whose expertise is bombs. He knows all about them, diffused many bombs over his military career. I'll let you know what he says about it. - Jeri

I completely forgot to include the link to the pic I posted. I'm sick with a fever, mah brain is flat.

Email Sent by Michael Hastings Hours Before His Death Mentions ?Big Story? and a Need to ?Go Off the Radar? |
I believe you, Katz. Funny thing is when you hear a story that doesn't sound right? Your gut instinct tells you something is off. Now - people across the board - say they had the same thoughts when they first heard the news. So that alone tells us that people are aware something is going on. Otherwise they would never even entertain the thought. We'll see what happens down the road here. Snowden is gone. They can forget about him. They will never find the guy. - Jeri

You seem to get those gut feelings a lot. Maybe you've had a mind-control chip already implanted in you that's causing that? :eek:
well if they did, then they would have to rest assured that he never shared any of the info with anyone else, nor has any papers hidden that could be found with that info in case of his untimely death wouldn't they?

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