Rudy Indicted.....Bout Time.

The people did decide. The laptop story was accessible on all the wingnut sites with all the other conspiracy theories for anybody to see. Learn how to handle a loss. This reaction is pathetic. Like grade schoolers
All you could do was censor and propagandize. You needed a government agency to come in and save your ass . Cowardly is what I call it, you are just like a little weasel. Admit that you are dishonest and apologize. Earn some respect.
All you could do was censor and propagandize. You needed a government agency to come in and save your ass . Cowardly is what I call it, you are just like a little weasel. Admit that you are dishonest and apologize. Earn some respect.
You’re a broken record man. Get some new material. The government didn’t censor anything and the people saw right through trumps pathetic attempt at an October surprise. And he lost. Deal with it
I’ve answered all your BS directly. You can’t answer for any of it. It’s quite comical
All you've done is try to deflect to impeachment. My main issue is the rigged election. Impeachment would be a nice gift to the American people though. What a buffoon Biden is. Did you vote for him? Damn what a sap
You’re a broken record man. Get some new material. The government didn’t censor anything and the people saw right through trumps pathetic attempt at an October surprise. And he lost. Deal with it
Bullshit all you can do is deflect and lie. We saw the censorship and the propaganda. Cowardly
The converse is true.

You libturds don’t give a damn about law or justice. All you care about is protecting the Dim machinery. Lawfare is your holy watchword.
Yeah, the Left does crappy shit, lies, etc. then turns right around and accuses others of what they themselves (the Left) are doing. Typical Marxist tactic, don't fall for it.
All you've done is try to deflect to impeachment. My main issue is the rigged election. Impeachment would be a nice gift to the American people though. What a buffoon Biden is. Did you vote for him? Damn what a sap
Impeachment isn’t a deflection it’s an argument that backs up a point I’m making about the reliability of the information on that laptop. The information that you want to spread as fact that you yourself don’t even know is true. What you’re doing is the definition of propaganda
Bullshit all you can do is deflect and lie. We saw the censorship and the propaganda. Cowardly
I haven’t deflected a single one your points. I’ve directly addressed everything you’ve said. Last time I challenged you to name a point you think I deflected and I pointed to two past posts where I addressed it directly. You need to stop the dishonest broken record bullshit: Smarten up. Do better. Be better.
A thread headlining ShirtTucking Rudy....... so, let's go there.

Rudy got indicted. And served a summons. By the state of Arizona. And yesterday plead Not Guilty to the charges associated with the fraudulent elector conspiracy.

Today's paper offers us this paragraph (among many other paragraphs):

"Those orders came after a state prosecutor detailed for the commissioner the lengths that two agents with the office took to try to serve Giuliani a summons to appear Tuesday. The effort lasted about three weeks, included unanswered calls to multiple phone numbers, word from a doorman at his New York apartment that indicated no one would accept the summons and a trip on Friday to Florida, where Giuliani was eventually served.
“He has shown no intent to comply with the legal process in Arizona for this case,” prosecutor Nicholas Klingerman told the county commis

(In an earlier article, May 20th, there was this reportage of Rudy's behavior:
“If Arizona authorities can’t find me by tomorrow morning: 1. They must dismiss the indictment; 2. They must concede they can’t count votes,” Giuliani wrote on X at 7:06 p.m. on Friday. The post included a picture of Giuliani surrounded by six other people, all smiling.")

ps.....they found him at his birthday party on Sunday. And served him. Karma lurks.
Hunter has a gun charge and tax charges… none of the crap you claim the laptop held. Nothing charged against Joe despite the evidence you claim is there. Barr could have prosecuted. He had a year. Did nothing. That tells me there’s nothing there. But you keep believing and pushing the propaganda. Seems to be what you’re all about
Hunter is a felon. Multiple felons. From our laws. Taking crap from authoritarians in power who can destroy people, there are millions and millions of people who will watch scorched earth occur in this nation. Where nothing will grow on the land for centuries.
Impeachment isn’t a deflection it’s an argument that backs up a point I’m making about the reliability of the information on that laptop. The information that you want to spread as fact that you yourself don’t even know is true. What you’re doing is the definition of propaganda
If you want to look at it that way it's a weak argument. That's for sure. Doesn't make any sense. All I wanted was for the American public to know about the laptop before they voted for the buffoon Biden. Knowledge, my son. It will open doors and save lives. Just think how great America could be without a pedophile like Biden at the helm. You never answered whether you voted for him or not. Just another question you evaded.
I haven’t deflected a single one your points

. I’ve directly addressed everything you’ve said. Last time I challenged you to name a point you think I deflected and I pointed to two past posts where I addressed it directly. You need to stop the dishonest broken record bullshit: Smarten up. Do better. Be better.
Do better be better, advice from a communist Democrat who advocates for censorship and propaganda. That is really funny hahaha. What a hypocrite here's my advice, shut the fuck up LOL.
Hunter is a felon. Multiple felons. From our laws. Taking crap from authoritarians in power who can destroy people, there are millions and millions of people who will watch scorched earth occur in this nation. Where nothing will grow on the land for centuries.
Hahaha. OoooKkkkkk
If you want to look at it that way it's a weak argument. That's for sure. Doesn't make any sense. All I wanted was for the American public to know about the laptop before they voted for the buffoon Biden. Knowledge, my son. It will open doors and save lives. Just think how great America could be without a pedophile like Biden at the helm. You never answered whether you voted for him or not. Just another question you evaded.
We still don’t know about the laptop. You posted a photo saying it was from the laptop. When I pressed whether you were sure about its authenticity you actually admitted that you weren’t. See, shit like that was flying all over the place before the election. It’s called propaganda.

If there was evidence of crimes on that laptop then that’s an issue for law enforcement. The laptop was in Bill Barr’s domain and he could have acted if there was actually something to act on. He didn’t.

Other than that, it’s not your business to go through somebody else’s laptop. I’m sure the Biden campaign would love to see Don Jrs laptop and emails. Not their business.

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