Republicans and Poverty

Aside for that i don't care if yo can't feed yourself and that's my right.

Yes, you do have a right to adopt a selfish puerile attitude towards your fellow Americans and they in turn can shun you for what you are. What you don't have is a right to impose your selfish greed agenda on your fellow Americans.

Define "greed." Greed is voting for the money of others to enter your pockets which is simply robbery by another name. Live and let live is not greed. Greed is when you think that the rights of others is subject to your ability to feed yourself. I'm here to tell you they aren't and this is an axiom. When you vote money from one person away in order to fill the pockets of another based on no other reason than your own benevolence then you are necessarily tilting the balance of liberty in a land where everyone is supposed to be equal before the law. You have no right to another mans produce for a service that benefits one group of people at the expense of others. To insist otherwise is the true definition of greed. Since when did the definition of greed become the very opposite?

Your convoluted distortion of the concept of greed doesn't alter that it is still nothing more than selfish greed on your part to not care about those less fortunate than yourself and to set up your Libertarian Uptopia in a manner that will seriously harm the most vulnerable members of society.

There is no justification for your selfish greed because you don't have a viable alternative for those who would suffer and die under your regime.

I'm not a libertarian but that's neither here nor there. Your position is not grounded in logic but ideology completely separated from logic. no amount of name-calling will change that fact.

Ironic that you blindly support Libertarianism while denying that you are a Libertarian.

And your own posts condemned you as being selfish and greedy. That is your problem, not mine.

Still waiting for the logical argument to spew from your cock-holster. Until then consider yourself ignored.
Republicans want to help those who really need help and it sounds like you do.....and it isn't a misconception that minimum wage jobs are primarily for are the exception in that you say you are disabled and can only hold onto a minimum wage job....

The problem comes from the government encouraging healthy people to become dependent on the lowest level of success.....and democrats do this by destroying public education, creating graduates who can't read, write or do math...and that creates people who can't support themselves or advance in life....'

You mention 40 hours a week...if democrats love 40 hours a week...why did obama care create an incentive to reduce the hours of full time workers....?

Democrats need more people in your situation, but they need healthy, capable people on the government rolls because when people can succeed...they don't need democrats....

And because the government wastes so much money...that takes money away from people who really need it...back in the 90s the number was only 26 cents out of every dollar spent for the poor actually made it to people who needed it....26 cents.....the waste, fraud and abuse burns up all the tax money meant to help the really needy....we need to fix that...and more government...the people who created this mess, will not fix it....

You were wrong when you said ".....and it isn't a misconception that minimum wage jobs are primarily for teenagers"

  • The average age of affected workers is 35 years old;
  • 88 percent of all affected workers are at least 20 years old;
  • 35.5 percent are at least 40 years old;
  • 56 percent are women;
  • 28 percent have children;
  • 55 percent work full-time (35 hours per week or more);
  • 44 percent have at least some college experience.
Low-wage Workers Are Older Than You Think 88 Percent of Workers Who Would Benefit From a Higher Minimum Wage Are Older Than 20 One Third Are Over 40 Economic Policy Institute

A gross miss-characterization. No inference is given to the minimum wage worker who is not the primary bread winner in the house. Women with children often prioritize their children over work while the husband remains the primary bread winner. They therefore make minimum wage in part time work/work that accepts a flexible schedule. Second, those statistics only account for "everyone who earns between the current minimum wage and the proposed new one, as well as workers earning just above the new minimum wage" Those minimum wage workers you have in your stats are therefore not all minimum wage workers.

Your implication that our lowest paid workers are all kids who only work for Saturday night money is absurd, A full time job should be enough to keep at least the person working with food, clothing, healthcare, and all the other basic necessities of life without the government having to subsidize their low wages. Don't like welfare? Make the businesses pay a fair wage..

I like how you set up and knocked down that straw-man via the word "implication." Do you always go around purposely miss-characterizing arguments by adding words never said and arguing against an argument never made by the person you're replying to?

I mistakenly assigned your post to the previous answer I received who said specifically "it isn't a misconception that minimum wage jobs are primarily for teenagers" . My mistake, and I apologize, but to your post, this does include families that specifically DO depend on low income workers

60 Million People Depend on the Incomes of Low-Wage Workers in America Increasing the federal minimum wage would benefit on average more than 135 000 people in each Congressional district Economic Policy Institute
More than 60 million people, including more than 15 million children, live in American households that depend on the earnings of a low-wage worker, according to new research by Oxfam America and the Economic Policy Institute released today. These numbers account for about one quarter of all workers, family members, and children in working households in the United States.

Define "depend" as those studies define it and lets talk. Oh, and I have little sympathy for those who have children while in poverty. it made since when families always lived under the same roof and supported each other as farmers and day laborers but it makes absolutely not sense today. If you're squirting out babies you cannot afford then don't pull on my heart strings with the word "families." With that said I realize that they're families that had every right to assume that their standard of living would not drop. but they are too few and far between.
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The same people who shout that one doesn't need a college education are the same ones who believe a person can survive on $15 an hour. They are for cutting and gutting education as they know American companies need a low wage work force so the company can make their profits with nobody asking "how about a raise". They stick their trust that corporate America is such a wonderful place.... when in reality.... Its all about getting a degree in a needed field... and holding that over your employers head. Make them believe you will get up and leave at any time. They will come around. A good worker does NOT in any way shape or form need to be loyal to his/her employee. No 2 weekis notice. Nothing. Find a better job at all times and walk away whenever you want. There are ways to get ahead of the crookedness of corporate America. One must always remember that a company does not like even their best employees and one must FORCE them to get ahead. This can be done with a college degree.
This is something else that bothers me. If your employer treats you like garbage it is assumed that you can just leave. I haven't seen this to be the case. Even people in low end jobs can't just up and leave to find greener pastures. Most people are grateful to have any kind of work, and do backflips if they can get decent hours.
My question to you is, why are you a Republican?
Hey, I'm new. One of the things that confuses me the most about the Republican Party is its stance on poverty. I want to start out by saying that I am an Indiana Republican and I grew up middle class. We lived by two common rules. Work Hard, Believe in God. These two things were not a bad thing to grow up on. I had early success in school, and I got a college degree, but my OCD became increasingly worse. I am now disabled and I am well versed in poverty.

I admit that I like watching Fox News, but people like O'Reily and Hannity seem completely clueless when discussing the poor. They think that if you have two parents and a good attitude that everyone can be successful. This is both naive and quite untrue. I think the biggest misconception is that minimum wage jobs are just for teenagers. The idea of working yourself up some kind of ladder is nice, but it is not reality for millions of people. I know many adults who would be grateful for any kind of work, not just some dream job. I want to focus on the mentally ill and those who have various forms of low IQ. If you have never been before a judge for a disability hearing, then you don't know that getting help for a mental disability is nearly impossible. For every person who cheats, there is at least another person who can't get help.

I'm going to tie everything up by going to the wage debate. I firmly believe that if you work hard for 40 hours a week, then you deserve a living wage. I'm not talking raising a family on one income, I'm talking food, gas, and health care for one person. I don't believe in "bad jobs" or meaningless jobs. I think the first step is to get everyone back to 40 hours a week. It is ridiculous that people have to work three part time jobs. I also think that wages can go up without the world coming to an end. I'm sick of hearing about the 100$ cheeseburger and half of all jobs as we know it will disappear. Instead of clinging so tightly to current wages, I do not think it is too difficult for fellow Republicans to treat minimum wage earners with respect. Bye the way, It is not just Fox, I have yet to see any Republican candidate or political expert view minimum wage jobs as anything other than high school kids who don't really matter.
Exactly why I am an EX republican. Their policies harm the poor,their policies keep the poor poor and they couldn't care less.
Hey, I'm new. One of the things that confuses me the most about the Republican Party is its stance on poverty. I want to start out by saying that I am an Indiana Republican and I grew up middle class. We lived by two common rules. Work Hard, Believe in God. These two things were not a bad thing to grow up on. I had early success in school, and I got a college degree, but my OCD became increasingly worse. I am now disabled and I am well versed in poverty.

I admit that I like watching Fox News, but people like O'Reily and Hannity seem completely clueless when discussing the poor. They think that if you have two parents and a good attitude that everyone can be successful. This is both naive and quite untrue. I think the biggest misconception is that minimum wage jobs are just for teenagers. The idea of working yourself up some kind of ladder is nice, but it is not reality for millions of people. I know many adults who would be grateful for any kind of work, not just some dream job. I want to focus on the mentally ill and those who have various forms of low IQ. If you have never been before a judge for a disability hearing, then you don't know that getting help for a mental disability is nearly impossible. For every person who cheats, there is at least another person who can't get help.

I'm going to tie everything up by going to the wage debate. I firmly believe that if you work hard for 40 hours a week, then you deserve a living wage. I'm not talking raising a family on one income, I'm talking food, gas, and health care for one person. I don't believe in "bad jobs" or meaningless jobs. I think the first step is to get everyone back to 40 hours a week. It is ridiculous that people have to work three part time jobs. I also think that wages can go up without the world coming to an end. I'm sick of hearing about the 100$ cheeseburger and half of all jobs as we know it will disappear. Instead of clinging so tightly to current wages, I do not think it is too difficult for fellow Republicans to treat minimum wage earners with respect. Bye the way, It is not just Fox, I have yet to see any Republican candidate or political expert view minimum wage jobs as anything other than high school kids who don't really matter.
Exactly why I am an EX republican. Their policies harm the poor,their policies keep the poor poor and they couldn't care less.

I was unaware that the role of the federal government was to "help" the poor. Still can't find that phrase in the U.S. Constitution. can someone please help me?
I did not intend to hit such a nerve. I never once advocated welfare. I'm talking about people who are working. I honestly did not expect people to be bashing people that are indeed working. It is kind of low to bash people that have jobs. This is kind of the point I was trying to make. I'm not saying everyone should make 100$ an hour. I do not think people are being honest when they say all businesses will fail if they actually paid their employees. I'm not trying to paint republicans with a wide brush of they don't care about the poor, but in this one instance I really don't think they get it.
To MOST republicans if you are on ANY kind of welfare you are a leach doesn't matter if you work 40 hours a week or not its YOUR fault for not making enough money....plain and simple. Republicans turn a blind eye to corporate welfare but welfare for people that need it is bad. Republicans are scumbags course so is the Democratic party they take the shit to far...we need government programs to get people back to work like Roosevelt did.
Hey, I'm new. One of the things that confuses me the most about the Republican Party is its stance on poverty. I want to start out by saying that I am an Indiana Republican and I grew up middle class. We lived by two common rules. Work Hard, Believe in God. These two things were not a bad thing to grow up on. I had early success in school, and I got a college degree, but my OCD became increasingly worse. I am now disabled and I am well versed in poverty.

I admit that I like watching Fox News, but people like O'Reily and Hannity seem completely clueless when discussing the poor. They think that if you have two parents and a good attitude that everyone can be successful. This is both naive and quite untrue. I think the biggest misconception is that minimum wage jobs are just for teenagers. The idea of working yourself up some kind of ladder is nice, but it is not reality for millions of people. I know many adults who would be grateful for any kind of work, not just some dream job. I want to focus on the mentally ill and those who have various forms of low IQ. If you have never been before a judge for a disability hearing, then you don't know that getting help for a mental disability is nearly impossible. For every person who cheats, there is at least another person who can't get help.

I'm going to tie everything up by going to the wage debate. I firmly believe that if you work hard for 40 hours a week, then you deserve a living wage. I'm not talking raising a family on one income, I'm talking food, gas, and health care for one person. I don't believe in "bad jobs" or meaningless jobs. I think the first step is to get everyone back to 40 hours a week. It is ridiculous that people have to work three part time jobs. I also think that wages can go up without the world coming to an end. I'm sick of hearing about the 100$ cheeseburger and half of all jobs as we know it will disappear. Instead of clinging so tightly to current wages, I do not think it is too difficult for fellow Republicans to treat minimum wage earners with respect. Bye the way, It is not just Fox, I have yet to see any Republican candidate or political expert view minimum wage jobs as anything other than high school kids who don't really matter.
Exactly why I am an EX republican. Their policies harm the poor,their policies keep the poor poor and they couldn't care less.

I was unaware that the role of the federal government was to "help" the poor. Still can't find that phrase in the U.S. Constitution. can someone please help me?
Oh you mean that old ass piece of paper I wipe my ass with? Tough shit. No one CARES what YOUR opinion of it is.
Exactly why I am an EX republican. Their policies harm the poor,their policies keep the poor poor and they couldn't care less.

yeah, you're an ex Republican and I'm the EX queen of England

lol, If you are poor BLAME YOURSLEF. LOSER. and throw in that Party (Democrat) who wants to make 15MILLION Illegal immigrants citizens with one swoop of their magic wands, who has put 2000 new regulations on us and small businesses, raised TAXES on everything they could think of. etc
Hey, I'm new. One of the things that confuses me the most about the Republican Party is its stance on poverty. I want to start out by saying that I am an Indiana Republican and I grew up middle class. We lived by two common rules. Work Hard, Believe in God. These two things were not a bad thing to grow up on. I had early success in school, and I got a college degree, but my OCD became increasingly worse. I am now disabled and I am well versed in poverty.

I admit that I like watching Fox News, but people like O'Reily and Hannity seem completely clueless when discussing the poor. They think that if you have two parents and a good attitude that everyone can be successful. This is both naive and quite untrue. I think the biggest misconception is that minimum wage jobs are just for teenagers. The idea of working yourself up some kind of ladder is nice, but it is not reality for millions of people. I know many adults who would be grateful for any kind of work, not just some dream job. I want to focus on the mentally ill and those who have various forms of low IQ. If you have never been before a judge for a disability hearing, then you don't know that getting help for a mental disability is nearly impossible. For every person who cheats, there is at least another person who can't get help.

I'm going to tie everything up by going to the wage debate. I firmly believe that if you work hard for 40 hours a week, then you deserve a living wage. I'm not talking raising a family on one income, I'm talking food, gas, and health care for one person. I don't believe in "bad jobs" or meaningless jobs. I think the first step is to get everyone back to 40 hours a week. It is ridiculous that people have to work three part time jobs. I also think that wages can go up without the world coming to an end. I'm sick of hearing about the 100$ cheeseburger and half of all jobs as we know it will disappear. Instead of clinging so tightly to current wages, I do not think it is too difficult for fellow Republicans to treat minimum wage earners with respect. Bye the way, It is not just Fox, I have yet to see any Republican candidate or political expert view minimum wage jobs as anything other than high school kids who don't really matter.
Exactly why I am an EX republican. Their policies harm the poor,their policies keep the poor poor and they couldn't care less.

I was unaware that the role of the federal government was to "help" the poor. Still can't find that phrase in the U.S. Constitution. can someone please help me?
Oh you mean that old ass piece of paper I wipe my ass with? Tough shit. No one CARES what YOUR opinion of it is.

Oooooooooo he broke out the caps lock. Unleash the fury baby. That certainly makes up for your lack of a logical argument.
Hey, I'm new. One of the things that confuses me the most about the Republican Party is its stance on poverty. I want to start out by saying that I am an Indiana Republican and I grew up middle class. We lived by two common rules. Work Hard, Believe in God. These two things were not a bad thing to grow up on. I had early success in school, and I got a college degree, but my OCD became increasingly worse. I am now disabled and I am well versed in poverty.

I admit that I like watching Fox News, but people like O'Reily and Hannity seem completely clueless when discussing the poor. They think that if you have two parents and a good attitude that everyone can be successful. This is both naive and quite untrue. I think the biggest misconception is that minimum wage jobs are just for teenagers. The idea of working yourself up some kind of ladder is nice, but it is not reality for millions of people. I know many adults who would be grateful for any kind of work, not just some dream job. I want to focus on the mentally ill and those who have various forms of low IQ. If you have never been before a judge for a disability hearing, then you don't know that getting help for a mental disability is nearly impossible. For every person who cheats, there is at least another person who can't get help.

I'm going to tie everything up by going to the wage debate. I firmly believe that if you work hard for 40 hours a week, then you deserve a living wage. I'm not talking raising a family on one income, I'm talking food, gas, and health care for one person. I don't believe in "bad jobs" or meaningless jobs. I think the first step is to get everyone back to 40 hours a week. It is ridiculous that people have to work three part time jobs. I also think that wages can go up without the world coming to an end. I'm sick of hearing about the 100$ cheeseburger and half of all jobs as we know it will disappear. Instead of clinging so tightly to current wages, I do not think it is too difficult for fellow Republicans to treat minimum wage earners with respect. Bye the way, It is not just Fox, I have yet to see any Republican candidate or political expert view minimum wage jobs as anything other than high school kids who don't really matter.

Without a doubt, if a person works 40 hours per week, they should be able to afford a roof over their head, food on the table, and have an assurance that they will receive proper healthcare should they become sick. I don't care if their job is shoveling shit or shoveling burgers; if they do it full-time, they should be able to afford the simple basics. Republicans seem to have a real big problem with this concept and believe if you cannot better yourself through education, then you have no value to society.
But here's the funny thing about that, Republicans don't have respect for education and views it a "librul bastion".

Funny that.
Hey, I'm new. One of the things that confuses me the most about the Republican Party is its stance on poverty. I want to start out by saying that I am an Indiana Republican and I grew up middle class. We lived by two common rules. Work Hard, Believe in God. These two things were not a bad thing to grow up on. I had early success in school, and I got a college degree, but my OCD became increasingly worse. I am now disabled and I am well versed in poverty.

I admit that I like watching Fox News, but people like O'Reily and Hannity seem completely clueless when discussing the poor. They think that if you have two parents and a good attitude that everyone can be successful. This is both naive and quite untrue. I think the biggest misconception is that minimum wage jobs are just for teenagers. The idea of working yourself up some kind of ladder is nice, but it is not reality for millions of people. I know many adults who would be grateful for any kind of work, not just some dream job. I want to focus on the mentally ill and those who have various forms of low IQ. If you have never been before a judge for a disability hearing, then you don't know that getting help for a mental disability is nearly impossible. For every person who cheats, there is at least another person who can't get help.

I'm going to tie everything up by going to the wage debate. I firmly believe that if you work hard for 40 hours a week, then you deserve a living wage. I'm not talking raising a family on one income, I'm talking food, gas, and health care for one person. I don't believe in "bad jobs" or meaningless jobs. I think the first step is to get everyone back to 40 hours a week. It is ridiculous that people have to work three part time jobs. I also think that wages can go up without the world coming to an end. I'm sick of hearing about the 100$ cheeseburger and half of all jobs as we know it will disappear. Instead of clinging so tightly to current wages, I do not think it is too difficult for fellow Republicans to treat minimum wage earners with respect. Bye the way, It is not just Fox, I have yet to see any Republican candidate or political expert view minimum wage jobs as anything other than high school kids who don't really matter.
Exactly why I am an EX republican. Their policies harm the poor,their policies keep the poor poor and they couldn't care less.

I was unaware that the role of the federal government was to "help" the poor. Still can't find that phrase in the U.S. Constitution. can someone please help me?
Oh you mean that old ass piece of paper I wipe my ass with? Tough shit. No one CARES what YOUR opinion of it is.

Oooooooooo he broke out the caps lock. Unleash the fury baby. That certainly makes up for your lack of a logical argument.
There is no talking logic with someone like you. Period. That's my argument. I don't care if you don't like it.
Hey, I'm new. One of the things that confuses me the most about the Republican Party is its stance on poverty. I want to start out by saying that I am an Indiana Republican and I grew up middle class. We lived by two common rules. Work Hard, Believe in God. These two things were not a bad thing to grow up on. I had early success in school, and I got a college degree, but my OCD became increasingly worse. I am now disabled and I am well versed in poverty.

I admit that I like watching Fox News, but people like O'Reily and Hannity seem completely clueless when discussing the poor. They think that if you have two parents and a good attitude that everyone can be successful. This is both naive and quite untrue. I think the biggest misconception is that minimum wage jobs are just for teenagers. The idea of working yourself up some kind of ladder is nice, but it is not reality for millions of people. I know many adults who would be grateful for any kind of work, not just some dream job. I want to focus on the mentally ill and those who have various forms of low IQ. If you have never been before a judge for a disability hearing, then you don't know that getting help for a mental disability is nearly impossible. For every person who cheats, there is at least another person who can't get help.

I'm going to tie everything up by going to the wage debate. I firmly believe that if you work hard for 40 hours a week, then you deserve a living wage. I'm not talking raising a family on one income, I'm talking food, gas, and health care for one person. I don't believe in "bad jobs" or meaningless jobs. I think the first step is to get everyone back to 40 hours a week. It is ridiculous that people have to work three part time jobs. I also think that wages can go up without the world coming to an end. I'm sick of hearing about the 100$ cheeseburger and half of all jobs as we know it will disappear. Instead of clinging so tightly to current wages, I do not think it is too difficult for fellow Republicans to treat minimum wage earners with respect. Bye the way, It is not just Fox, I have yet to see any Republican candidate or political expert view minimum wage jobs as anything other than high school kids who don't really matter.
Exactly why I am an EX republican. Their policies harm the poor,their policies keep the poor poor and they couldn't care less.

I was unaware that the role of the federal government was to "help" the poor. Still can't find that phrase in the U.S. Constitution. can someone please help me?
Oh you mean that old ass piece of paper I wipe my ass with? Tough shit. No one CARES what YOUR opinion of it is.

Oooooooooo he broke out the caps lock. Unleash the fury baby. That certainly makes up for your lack of a logical argument.
There is no talking logic with someone like you. Period. That's my argument. I don't care if you don't like it.

You're right. Because all you spew is TALKING points someone else fed you. and don't like it when the TRUTH is thrown at you. typical liberal/EX Republican
Exactly why I am an EX republican. Their policies harm the poor,their policies keep the poor poor and they couldn't care less.

I was unaware that the role of the federal government was to "help" the poor. Still can't find that phrase in the U.S. Constitution. can someone please help me?
Oh you mean that old ass piece of paper I wipe my ass with? Tough shit. No one CARES what YOUR opinion of it is.

Oooooooooo he broke out the caps lock. Unleash the fury baby. That certainly makes up for your lack of a logical argument.
There is no talking logic with someone like you. Period. That's my argument. I don't care if you don't like it.

You're right. Because all you spew is TALKING points someone else fed you. and don't like it when the TRUTH is thrown at you. typical liberal/EX Republican
LIFE is not a talking point...its fact.
Hey, I'm new. One of the things that confuses me the most about the Republican Party is its stance on poverty. I want to start out by saying that I am an Indiana Republican and I grew up middle class. We lived by two common rules. Work Hard, Believe in God. These two things were not a bad thing to grow up on. I had early success in school, and I got a college degree, but my OCD became increasingly worse. I am now disabled and I am well versed in poverty.

I admit that I like watching Fox News, but people like O'Reily and Hannity seem completely clueless when discussing the poor. They think that if you have two parents and a good attitude that everyone can be successful. This is both naive and quite untrue. I think the biggest misconception is that minimum wage jobs are just for teenagers. The idea of working yourself up some kind of ladder is nice, but it is not reality for millions of people. I know many adults who would be grateful for any kind of work, not just some dream job. I want to focus on the mentally ill and those who have various forms of low IQ. If you have never been before a judge for a disability hearing, then you don't know that getting help for a mental disability is nearly impossible. For every person who cheats, there is at least another person who can't get help.

I'm going to tie everything up by going to the wage debate. I firmly believe that if you work hard for 40 hours a week, then you deserve a living wage. I'm not talking raising a family on one income, I'm talking food, gas, and health care for one person. I don't believe in "bad jobs" or meaningless jobs. I think the first step is to get everyone back to 40 hours a week. It is ridiculous that people have to work three part time jobs. I also think that wages can go up without the world coming to an end. I'm sick of hearing about the 100$ cheeseburger and half of all jobs as we know it will disappear. Instead of clinging so tightly to current wages, I do not think it is too difficult for fellow Republicans to treat minimum wage earners with respect. Bye the way, It is not just Fox, I have yet to see any Republican candidate or political expert view minimum wage jobs as anything other than high school kids who don't really matter.
Exactly why I am an EX republican. Their policies harm the poor,their policies keep the poor poor and they couldn't care less.

I was unaware that the role of the federal government was to "help" the poor. Still can't find that phrase in the U.S. Constitution. can someone please help me?
Oh you mean that old ass piece of paper I wipe my ass with? Tough shit. No one CARES what YOUR opinion of it is.

Oooooooooo he broke out the caps lock. Unleash the fury baby. That certainly makes up for your lack of a logical argument.
There is no talking logic with someone like you. Period. That's my argument. I don't care if you don't like it.

Then why post here at all if you aren't here to argue logically? Seems like a mental illness to me. The implications are many.
Exactly why I am an EX republican. Their policies harm the poor,their policies keep the poor poor and they couldn't care less.

I was unaware that the role of the federal government was to "help" the poor. Still can't find that phrase in the U.S. Constitution. can someone please help me?
Oh you mean that old ass piece of paper I wipe my ass with? Tough shit. No one CARES what YOUR opinion of it is.

Oooooooooo he broke out the caps lock. Unleash the fury baby. That certainly makes up for your lack of a logical argument.
There is no talking logic with someone like you. Period. That's my argument. I don't care if you don't like it.

Then why post here at all if you aren't here to argue logically? Seems like a mental illness to me. The implications are many.
YOU and your ilk aren't logical. I don't argue with stupid people. Simple as that.
I was unaware that the role of the federal government was to "help" the poor. Still can't find that phrase in the U.S. Constitution. can someone please help me?
Oh you mean that old ass piece of paper I wipe my ass with? Tough shit. No one CARES what YOUR opinion of it is.

Oooooooooo he broke out the caps lock. Unleash the fury baby. That certainly makes up for your lack of a logical argument.
There is no talking logic with someone like you. Period. That's my argument. I don't care if you don't like it.

Then why post here at all if you aren't here to argue logically? Seems like a mental illness to me. The implications are many.
YOU and your ilk aren't logical. I don't argue with stupid people. Simple as that.

Ohhh the caps lock again. It hurts it hurts. That aside ... ... your confidence in your argument is clear.
Yes, you do have a right to adopt a selfish puerile attitude towards your fellow Americans and they in turn can shun you for what you are. What you don't have is a right to impose your selfish greed agenda on your fellow Americans.

Define "greed." Greed is voting for the money of others to enter your pockets which is simply robbery by another name. Live and let live is not greed. Greed is when you think that the rights of others is subject to your ability to feed yourself. I'm here to tell you they aren't and this is an axiom. When you vote money from one person away in order to fill the pockets of another based on no other reason than your own benevolence then you are necessarily tilting the balance of liberty in a land where everyone is supposed to be equal before the law. You have no right to another mans produce for a service that benefits one group of people at the expense of others. To insist otherwise is the true definition of greed. Since when did the definition of greed become the very opposite?

Your convoluted distortion of the concept of greed doesn't alter that it is still nothing more than selfish greed on your part to not care about those less fortunate than yourself and to set up your Libertarian Uptopia in a manner that will seriously harm the most vulnerable members of society.

There is no justification for your selfish greed because you don't have a viable alternative for those who would suffer and die under your regime.

I'm not a libertarian but that's neither here nor there. Your position is not grounded in logic but ideology completely separated from logic. no amount of name-calling will change that fact.

Ironic that you blindly support Libertarianism while denying that you are a Libertarian.

And your own posts condemned you as being selfish and greedy. That is your problem, not mine.

Still waiting for the logical argument to spew from your cock-holster. Until then consider yourself ignored.

In other words all you have are vulgarities since you cannot refute the fact that you exposed your own selfish greed in your posts.
Define "greed." Greed is voting for the money of others to enter your pockets which is simply robbery by another name. Live and let live is not greed. Greed is when you think that the rights of others is subject to your ability to feed yourself. I'm here to tell you they aren't and this is an axiom. When you vote money from one person away in order to fill the pockets of another based on no other reason than your own benevolence then you are necessarily tilting the balance of liberty in a land where everyone is supposed to be equal before the law. You have no right to another mans produce for a service that benefits one group of people at the expense of others. To insist otherwise is the true definition of greed. Since when did the definition of greed become the very opposite?

Your convoluted distortion of the concept of greed doesn't alter that it is still nothing more than selfish greed on your part to not care about those less fortunate than yourself and to set up your Libertarian Uptopia in a manner that will seriously harm the most vulnerable members of society.

There is no justification for your selfish greed because you don't have a viable alternative for those who would suffer and die under your regime.

I'm not a libertarian but that's neither here nor there. Your position is not grounded in logic but ideology completely separated from logic. no amount of name-calling will change that fact.

Ironic that you blindly support Libertarianism while denying that you are a Libertarian.

And your own posts condemned you as being selfish and greedy. That is your problem, not mine.

Still waiting for the logical argument to spew from your cock-holster. Until then consider yourself ignored.

In other words all you have are vulgarities since you cannot refute the fact that you exposed your own selfish greed in your posts.

Here we go again. Obviously there is a disconnect with respect to definitions. "Name calling" is not "exposing." See now, that's how you logically argue. This lesson is free but the next ones gonna cost you.
Your convoluted distortion of the concept of greed doesn't alter that it is still nothing more than selfish greed on your part to not care about those less fortunate than yourself and to set up your Libertarian Uptopia in a manner that will seriously harm the most vulnerable members of society.

There is no justification for your selfish greed because you don't have a viable alternative for those who would suffer and die under your regime.

I'm not a libertarian but that's neither here nor there. Your position is not grounded in logic but ideology completely separated from logic. no amount of name-calling will change that fact.

Ironic that you blindly support Libertarianism while denying that you are a Libertarian.

And your own posts condemned you as being selfish and greedy. That is your problem, not mine.

Still waiting for the logical argument to spew from your cock-holster. Until then consider yourself ignored.

In other words all you have are vulgarities since you cannot refute the fact that you exposed your own selfish greed in your posts.

Here we go again. Obviously there is a disconnect with respect to definitions. "Name calling" is not "exposing." See now, that's how you logically argue. This lesson is free but the next ones gonna cost you.


Coming from someone who lacks the basic comprehension to understand that taxation is not "stealing" that is amusing.

Are all Libertarians this childlike in their feeble grasp of reality or is it only confined to USMB members?

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