Rabbi Richard Jacobs is a Total Jerk


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2013
The president of the Union for Reform Judaism, Rabbi Richard Jacobs is exactly the kind of fool that the international jihad that we are at war with, is depending on, to advance their sick cause, in America.

By attacking Pamela Geller and the AFDI (American Freedom Defense Initiative), as fearmongers and hatemongers, he is putting himself squarely on the side of the jihadists. In fact, this blithering idiot is among the fools who are developing interfaith (including Muslims) organizations, key to the plans of the Muslim Brotherhood, and their Explanatory Memorandum, which calls for destroying America from within.

Jacobs, claims that the Jewish community is built on tolerance and understanding. Well, if Jacobs had any "understanding" of Islam at all, he would know it is the epitome of INtolerance, and that is what he apparently has decided to tolerate. In contrast, Pamela Geller and the AFDI has correctly chosen to follow the path of intolerance of the intolerance of Islam, and the international jihad that is at war with every freedom-loving, decent, and sane person in the world.

Rabbi Jacobs is a very confused, young man who is finding it difficult to come to terms with the defining the good and the bad. In the article I linked to here, he writes about Nazi Germany and how bad it was to Jews. Strange how this guy cannot discern the similarity between Islam and Nazi Germany.

He refers to the biblical Leviticus telling "never to hate our neighbors even in our hearts". Trouble is, if you don't hate hatred (ie. Islam), then you are accepting it. American soldiers on the World War II battlefied, did not try to love their enemies. Rabbi Jacobs should not do that either.

Rick Jacobs Jews must reject Geller s anti-Muslim venom - NY Daily News

Who is Pamela Geller the Muhammad drawing contest host - NY Daily News
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Pam Geller is in the business to create as many Muslim haters as can be, its her life quest. She is hatred and has hate organizations. All this Islamophobic stuff is spread by her kind. Of course there are some radical Muslims just like the Jewish Defense League, and Pam Geller taunted Muslims and is the instigator of the happenings in Texas. She is the one who should be charged.
Pam Geller is in the business to create as many Muslim haters as can be, its her life quest. She is hatred and has hate organizations. All this Islamophobic stuff is spread by her kind. Of course there are some radical Muslims just like the Jewish Defense League, and Pam Geller taunted Muslims and is the instigator of the happenings in Texas. She is the one who should be charged.
So says one of USMB prime Islamapologists, if not Islamists, If not flat-out JIHADIST. Are you these things ? (all with your phony American-sounding name.) I'm ready to accept your full confession.

PS - there is no such thing as Islamaphobia. Not after 20,000 jihadist attacks around the world since 2001, and over 100 here in the USA and Canada.

PPS - there is nothing wrong with hating hatred (Islam/the Koran), and everything right with it.
Pam Geller is in the business to create as many Muslim haters as can be, its her life quest. She is hatred and has hate organizations. All this Islamophobic stuff is spread by her kind. Of course there are some radical Muslims just like the Jewish Defense League, and Pam Geller taunted Muslims and is the instigator of the happenings in Texas. She is the one who should be charged.
So says one of USMB prime Islamapologists, if not Islamists, If not flat-out JIHADIST. Are you these things ? (all with your phony American-sounding name.) I'm ready to accept your full confession.

PS - there is no such thing as Islamaphobia. Not after 20,000 jihadist attacks around the world since 2001, and over 100 here in the USA and Canada.

PPS - there is nothing wrong with hating hatred (Islam/the Koran), and everything right with it.

You fell for the propaganda hook line and sinker. The OT is much worst than the Koran, and I'm not a Muslim.
The Muslim's could have intervened by law, and no one had to die...

The court ruled in favor for the ads on the busses and every thing else. Who are the Muslims going to go to the Southern Poverty group headed by a Jew, the ACLU, headed by a Jew, the ADL headed by a Jew. Where should they go.

All while the Jews want anti Semitism ruled criminal globally.
Pam Geller is in the business to create as many Muslim haters as can be, its her life quest. She is hatred and has hate organizations. All this Islamophobic stuff is spread by her kind. Of course there are some radical Muslims just like the Jewish Defense League, and Pam Geller taunted Muslims and is the instigator of the happenings in Texas. She is the one who should be charged.
So says one of USMB prime Islamapologists, if not Islamists, If not flat-out JIHADIST. Are you these things ? (all with your phony American-sounding name.) I'm ready to accept your full confession.

PS - there is no such thing as Islamaphobia. Not after 20,000 jihadist attacks around the world since 2001, and over 100 here in the USA and Canada.

PPS - there is nothing wrong with hating hatred (Islam/the Koran), and everything right with it.

You fell for the propaganda hook line and sinker. The OT is much worst than the Koran, and I'm not a Muslim.
I don't care what the OT is. The OT doesn't have lunatics running around mass murdering people, and having done that to 270 million people around the globe for 1400 years. Islam does. And I don't fall for propaganda. I acquire and understand FACTS. Many of them.

I will guess that either you haven't done that, and are clueless about the Islamizaiton that the AFDI is fighting against, or your are one of the Islamists that is pushing that Islamization.
The Muslim's could have intervened by law, and no one had to die...

The court ruled in favor for the ads on the busses and every thing else. Who are the Muslims going to go to the Southern Poverty group headed by a Jew, the ACLU, headed by a Jew, the ADL headed by a Jew. Where should they go.

All while the Jews want anti Semitism ruled criminal globally.
Your anti-Semitism is showing (and glowing). You are looking very much like an Islamist (or worse). As for where the Muslims can go.......if they immigrated here, they can go back where they came from > and stay there.
Iran is carrying on a WORLD WIDE jew-hating cartoon contest --------geller responded to the filth that Penelope,
sunni et al SUPPORT WITH THE SUM OF THEIR BLACK SPLEENS. Of course the main difference is that jooos ain't running around trying to blow anybody's brains out over it. the muzzie shit that drew up the cartoons for the muzzie shit in
Iran---------COULD BE SHOT------but somehow they are not being shot. I wonder with what islamo Nazi 'penelope'
would like to charge Pam Geller since she OBVIOUSLY
would like to charge the Iranians with the same "CRIME"

I support a world wide CARTOON day involving the gathering of all cartoons deemed offensive to either
jews or muslims -------and a contest to see who stinks
the most in both volume and intensity
The Muslim's could have intervened by law, and no one had to die...
Pam Geller is in the business to create as many Muslim haters as can be, its her life quest. She is hatred and has hate organizations. All this Islamophobic stuff is spread by her kind. Of course there are some radical Muslims just like the Jewish Defense League, and Pam Geller taunted Muslims and is the instigator of the happenings in Texas. She is the one who should be charged.

So says one of USMB prime Islamapologists, if not Islamists, If not flat-out JIHADIST. Are you these things ? (all with your phony American-sounding name.) I'm ready to accept your full confession.

PS - there is no such thing as Islamaphobia. Not after 20,000 jihadist attacks around the world since 2001, and over 100 here in the USA and Canada.

PPS - there is nothing wrong with hating hatred (Islam/the Koran), and everything right with it.

You fell for the propaganda hook line and sinker. The OT is much worst than the Koran, and I'm not a Muslim.

I don't care what the OT is. The OT doesn't have lunatics running around mass murdering people, and having done that to 270 million people around the globe for 1400 years. Islam does. And I don't fall for propaganda. I acquire and understand FACTS. Many of them.

I will guess that either you haven't done that, and are clueless about the Islamizaiton that the AFDI is fighting against, or your are one of the Islamists that is pushing that Islamization.

I have often described the Nazi propaganda I read as a child
circa 1960-----as ISLAMO NAZI ---because that is what it
was-------The stuff that was written post world war II----was largely written by Nazi war criminals in Syria and Egypt. At age 10- 11-- 12 ----I was not quite sure what those coutnries were-------All the Syrians I knew back then were Christians. The fact is that the propaganda I read in the USA----was being promulgated by people like Penelope---BUT also being taught to muslim children thruout the world.
I learned about that part when I ran into lots and lots of
muslims from southeast asia---and other parts of the world
circa 1970 and since. The bottom line is this-----Nazis in the USA -------and muslims whether in the USA or immigrants to the USA------"KNOW" precisely the same
stuff--------it comes from common sources. Based on
education----today------islam = nazi in reference to
JOOOOS in reference to Christians ---islam = nazi in
some places and in reference to Hindus islam =
nazi in some places in reference to Zoroastrians, Bahai, Christians,, jews ---islam = nazi in Iran and in
The Muslim's could have intervened by law, and no one had to die...
They could not have intervened by law. The AFDI has every right to hold their meeting, and engage in free speech.
holding a counter-rally to draw attention to their cause..is with in the law...
Absolutely right. However this April meeting was, in part, a counter-rally to an earlier rally that the jihadists held in January, in exactly the same building.
Pam Geller is in the business to create as many Muslim haters as can be, its her life quest. She is hatred and has hate organizations. All this Islamophobic stuff is spread by her kind. Of course there are some radical Muslims just like the Jewish Defense League, and Pam Geller taunted Muslims and is the instigator of the happenings in Texas. She is the one who should be charged.
So says one of USMB prime Islamapologists, if not Islamists, If not flat-out JIHADIST. Are you these things ? (all with your phony American-sounding name.) I'm ready to accept your full confession.

PS - there is no such thing as Islamaphobia. Not after 20,000 jihadist attacks around the world since 2001, and over 100 here in the USA and Canada.

PPS - there is nothing wrong with hating hatred (Islam/the Koran), and everything right with it.

You fell for the propaganda hook line and sinker. The OT is much worst than the Koran, and I'm not a Muslim.

for the record---Penelope has read neither the Koran nor the
Old Testament. She is not a muslim, nor is she a reader---
she is a parrot of islamo nazi propaganda. She probably did not learn English in the USA -------in the USA we learn----somewhere around the third grade, to correct the grammar errors of infancy.. Regarding not reading the Koran or the
Bible------my impression based on the hundreds of americans including scores of muslims I have known-----most never read either of those two books
holding a counter-rally to draw attention to their cause..is with in the law...[/QUOTE]
Absolutely right. However this April meeting was, in part, a counter-rally to an earlier rally that the jihadists held in January, in exactly the same building.[/QUOTE]

OH----I did not know-----you got a link to describe that meeting ----or something I can google?
What exactly is "reform Judaism"?

there is no exact In general it is a movement ---vaguely started in Germany and by german jews in the USA---sometime
in the the early 20th century------which rids Judaism of lots of
its rituals and prohibitions----mostly for the sake of accommodation to whatever is the life in the country in
which jews are living at the time and to make things
very easy. Sometimes it gets very SCHOLARLY
(better get an answer from someone else)
The Muslim's could have intervened by law, and no one had to die...

The court ruled in favor for the ads on the busses and every thing else. Who are the Muslims going to go to the Southern Poverty group headed by a Jew, the ACLU, headed by a Jew, the ADL headed by a Jew. Where should they go.

All while the Jews want anti Semitism ruled criminal globally.

Penelope----in the USA when you want to bring a case to
court-----YOU HIRE A LAWYER or if you want to hold a
demonstration----you tell the local police (usually responsible people do that) What would the "southern poverty group" or the ACLU or the ADL have to do with
anything? "...the jews want anti Semitism ruled criminal
globally" ????? news to me-------you got a link?

The thing you DON'T do -------even if you are an islamo Nazi-----is OBTAIN ASSAULT RIFLES----DRIVE UP
to the event and start shooting. I hope you understand
I posted about in another thread, and you can bing cache for their web page. They took it down now.
Who tried to provoke it? Couldn't be a speaker from that same building in Jan where Islam held their event labeled Stand with the Prophet, could it? The lead speaker being radical Imam Siraj Wahhaj
known for saying-
“America is the most wicked government on the face of the planet Earth”
If only Muslims were clever politically, they could take over the United States and replace its constitutional government with a caliphate.”
He was also suspected as a co-conspirator of the first wtc bombing

OH----I did not know-----you got a link to describe that meeting ----or something I can google?
The Muslim's could have intervened by law, and no one had to die...

The court ruled in favor for the ads on the busses and every thing else. Who are the Muslims going to go to the Southern Poverty group headed by a Jew, the ACLU, headed by a Jew, the ADL headed by a Jew. Where should they go.

All while the Jews want anti Semitism ruled criminal globally.

Penelope----in the USA when you want to bring a case to
court-----YOU HIRE A LAWYER or if you want to hold a
demonstration----you tell the local police (usually responsible people do that) What would the "southern poverty group" or the ACLU or the ADL have to do with
anything? "...the jews want anti Semitism ruled criminal
globally" ????? news to me-------you got a link?

The thing you DON'T do -------even if you are an islamo Nazi-----is OBTAIN ASSAULT RIFLES----DRIVE UP
to the event and start shooting. I hope you understand

OH lucky us!!!!!! Penelope has provided for us A KEY---to a whole host of islamo Nazi shit websites. It seems
that there have been some meetings in the UN on the
events so close to Penelope's heart------murder of jooooos here and there in the world by her fellow islamo Nazi sluts and dogs. ALL SORTS OF ISLAMO NAZI SHIT websites have popped in to disparage the talks with an
ACCUSATION -----JOOOOOS DEMAND CRIMINALIZATION OF 'alleged' ANTISEMITISM--------the bitch parroted her fave Nazi pigs AGAIN.
one of her sources is "FLOPHOUSE"

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