Question about the US Revolution


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012
How many left wingers wish that the US had not broken away from the British crown?

I mean, look at what you could have had. You could have had single payer health care all these many years.

Would you and the rest of the country been better off had King George suppressed the rebellion and hung the Founding Fathers for treason?
Most low information union educated lefties have no idea of the American Revolution and how the Founding Fathers really risked their lives and fortunes to create the document that changed the world in the next two centuries.
Of course, you are a total lying dumb fuck. The Conservatives of that era were the Tories. As for single payer universal health care, I will see that within my lifetime, and I am 71. The only reason we have not already had that is that the very wealthy that are milking our disfunctional health care system for their own greed have convinced braindead assholes like you that paying twice as much for half the service that other nations get for their health care dollar is a good idea.

Uh, that is just plain old silly. Are you really THAT bored?

It's a valid question. England is much more left of center than the US today, so would the US have been better off not to revolt against king George?
Of course, you are a total lying dumb fuck. The Conservatives of that era were the Tories. As for single payer universal health care, I will see that within my lifetime, and I am 71. The only reason we have not already had that is that the very wealthy that are milking our disfunctional health care system for their own greed have convinced braindead assholes like you that paying twice as much for half the service that other nations get for their health care dollar is a good idea.

I'm a liar? How am I a liar? Did I promise that you could keep the health care you liked if you voted for Obama? No, you are the Gruber Goober, not me.

So since England is soooo far advanced in comparison, would it have been better if George Washington's boat had sunk in the Delaware River and drown?
Absent the US Revolution...we would be as pathetic as canada...insignificant, immoral, and impotent.
Are you kidding? Every liberal on this board would have ratted out the Founding Fathers and cheered as they were executed.
Absent the US Revolution...we would be as pathetic as canada...insignificant, immoral, and impotent.

Morality? Left wingers despise morality. If England had kept the colonies the US would have been as amoral and irreligious as they are in England.

As a result, I suspect, once again, left wingers would have preferred the King George America to that of what we have today.
Absent the US Revolution...we would be as pathetic as canada...insignificant, immoral, and impotent.

Morality? Left wingers despise morality. If England had kept the colonies the US would have been as amoral and irreligious as they are in England.

As a result, I suspect, once again, left wingers would have preferred the King George America to that of what we have today.
Ummm...that is what I said...reading comprehension failure. Just too full of hate to understand English? Or are you just an idiot.
Sorry to interrupt the circle-jerk but conservatives of the day fought for the British and ended up in Canada.
Are you kidding? Every liberal on this board would have ratted out the Founding Fathers and cheered as they were executed.

As it was, the majority of colonists did not support the Revolution. By all accounts, they were the extremists and not in the majority, much like the Tea Party today.
Absent the US Revolution...we would be as pathetic as canada...insignificant, immoral, and impotent.

Morality? Left wingers despise morality. If England had kept the colonies the US would have been as amoral and irreligious as they are in England.

As a result, I suspect, once again, left wingers would have preferred the King George America to that of what we have today.
Ummm...that is what I said...reading comprehension failure. Just too full of hate to understand English? Or are you just an idiot.

Full of hate? Who is full of hate Mr. KKK man?
Are you kidding? Every liberal on this board would have ratted out the Founding Fathers and cheered as they were executed.

As it was, the majority of colonists did not support the Revolution. By all accounts, they were the extremists and not in the majority, much like the Tea Party today.
I think historians pretty much agree one third of the colonists remained loyal to the crown, one third didn't care, and the final third were the revolutionists.
Absent the US Revolution...we would be as pathetic as canada...insignificant, immoral, and impotent.

Morality? Left wingers despise morality. If England had kept the colonies the US would have been as amoral and irreligious as they are in England.

As a result, I suspect, once again, left wingers would have preferred the King George America to that of what we have today.
Ummm...that is what I said...reading comprehension failure. Just too full of hate to understand English? Or are you just an idiot.

Full of hate? Who is full of hate Mr. KKK man?
Who is too stupid to comprehend a simple post? Stupid people are full of hate, like you...trying to claim teapers own the American Revolution. What absolute nonsense and a ridiculous attempt to rewrite history. What an ignorant thought and statement.
Of course, you are a total lying dumb fuck. The Conservatives of that era were the Tories. As for single payer universal health care, I will see that within my lifetime, and I am 71. The only reason we have not already had that is that the very wealthy that are milking our disfunctional health care system for their own greed have convinced braindead assholes like you that paying twice as much for half the service that other nations get for their health care dollar is a good idea.

Is that WHY single payer Countries have death panels and less care with little to no choice and waiting lists that are years long?
Of course, you are a total lying dumb fuck. The Conservatives of that era were the Tories. As for single payer universal health care, I will see that within my lifetime, and I am 71. The only reason we have not already had that is that the very wealthy that are milking our disfunctional health care system for their own greed have convinced braindead assholes like you that paying twice as much for half the service that other nations get for their health care dollar is a good idea.

Is that WHY single payer Countries have death panels and less care with little to no choice and waiting lists that are years long?

Did they have single payer systems back then? This is the most ignorant thread ever...go figure it is frequented by the resident racists and teapers (not you Gunny).
Yeah the Liberals fought for surrender their life to the US Federal government

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