Public Sector Unions and the Great Collapse


Diamond Member
Feb 26, 2012
Public sector unions may well be the cause not only of big city bankruptcies but of the decline of the labor union movement as the resentment grows.

It serves both the unions and the gov't to add workers. The unions get more revenue (and power) and the pols get to exercise their patronage and nepotism "rights."

As an added bonus they get votes, campaign workers and contributions. Both sides win but the taxpayers footing the bill are getting the shaft.,d.cWw

"According to conventional indicators, such as government spending as a share of gross
domestic product, the public sector in America at the federal and state levels has grown over the past century, and there is no sign of government growth slowing down...

Since the Walker recall attempt, the September 2012 teachers strike in Chicago has sparked a
broader narrative about Chicago’s dire fiscal situation and the role union power plays in compromising the city’s overall finances."

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