People Are Less Selfish Under Capitalism


Platinum Member
Dec 18, 2011
So true. No doubt that America is the most generous country. Our poor resemble middle class in many other countries. We have more charities. People can quickly raise money for any cause, from helping victims of a disaster to helping animal shelters.

Socialism and communism are what make people selfish. When you have so little, you don't share because you can't afford to. When government allows people to get what government thinks they need, people cling to what they have. If someone needs something, they are supposed to turn to government.

Leftists encourage people to be rude and selfish. They divide people into groups and pit them against each other. That fosters resentment and dehumanizes anyone who doesn't think the way they do. No wonder there is so much theft and violence. The looters are greedy. The rioters are hateful. Are any of these leftists groups starting charities to help others? No. They expect government to rob on their behalf because they feel entitled to other people's money. There is no basis for that entitlement. Hard to be charitable when someone who could work and have as much as you would rather demand that you hand it to them. It's no different than mugging someone and demanding their wallet.

We have a lot of charities. We welcome refugees who need help. We give generously to other countries after disasters. That is kindness. We don't demand that government take from others, we reach into our own pockets because we care about total strangers. I am sick of the left pretending that only they care when all they do is demand that others foot the bill. They are the selfish ones.

Leftists also think they are being kind by demanding open borders. They don't think it through or imagine what this country would turn into if citizens here were suddenly outnumbered 4 to 1, and that's a conservative estimate. Leftists don't stop and think about thousands of human trafficking victims going through the border. They would never question whether an individual is a criminal or whether the children with them are their own. It matters not to leftists that they may be aiding and abetting kidnappers. They think ignoring the evil and allowing them to run rampant is caring when the truth is that our lack of security threatens all innocent people on both sides of the border. They demand policies that would do more harm than good and yet call themselves humanitarians. Real compassion is caring for people, not demanding things that would cause them harm.

Republicans are shown to give more to charities than Democrats. You can't count it when Dems steal a million dollars from tax payers and only $10,000 of it reaches the people it was taken to help. It's not benevolent to make money disappear as it goes through the bureaucracies. It is benevolent to give of yourself to help others, something the left rarely does. The right clearly supports capitalism because that made this the best country. It allows people to earn money to care for themselves and for them to donate to help others. The money doesn't run out because capitalism creates wealth and continues to do so. The left clearly supports socialism because it gives them the power to redistribute the existing wealth, until it runs out. Socialism does not create wealth. Once spent, no one can receive the help they need.

"Years ago, an MBA student of mine had immigrated from Albania after growing up under Communism. She shared with her classmates what she observed to be the most unexpected mindset difference between Americans and Albanians.

She got emotional as she explained how in Albania, charity was rare—caring for anyone other than yourself and your family was uncommon. In contrast, she experienced Americans as generous and caring.

My student described how exasperated she felt hearing the claim that capitalism leads to a survival of the fittest mentality. In her experience, it was the opposite; under communism, the mindset was to not care for others."

People Are Less Selfish Under Capitalism… Especially Compared to Socialism | Barry Brownstein
Maybe political science professors should spend some time with anthropology professors. Every living creature including humans is selfish and that's how we survive. A couple of thousand years of human experience has shown that you can be selfish and generous at the same time and capitalism is the best venue.
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So true. No doubt that America is the most generous country. Our poor resemble middle class in many other countries. We have more charities. People can quickly raise money for any cause, from helping victims of a disaster to helping animal shelters.

Socialism and communism are what make people selfish. When you have so little, you don't share because you can't afford to. When government allows people to get what government thinks they need, people cling to what they have. If someone needs something, they are supposed to turn to government.

Leftists encourage people to be rude and selfish. They divide people into groups and pit them against each other. That fosters resentment and dehumanizes anyone who doesn't think the way they do. No wonder there is so much theft and violence. The looters are greedy. The rioters are hateful. Are any of these leftists groups starting charities to help others? No. They expect government to rob on their behalf because they feel entitled to other people's money. There is no basis for that entitlement. Hard to be charitable when someone who could work and have as much as you would rather demand that you hand it to them. It's no different than mugging someone and demanding their wallet.

We have a lot of charities. We welcome refugees who need help. We give generously to other countries after disasters. That is kindness. We don't demand that government take from others, we reach into our own pockets because we care about total strangers. I am sick of the left pretending that only they care when all they do is demand that others foot the bill. They are the selfish ones.

Leftists also think they are being kind by demanding open borders. They don't think it through or imagine what this country would turn into if citizens here were suddenly outnumbered 4 to 1, and that's a conservative estimate. Leftists don't stop and think about thousands of human trafficking victims going through the border. They would never question whether an individual is a criminal or whether the children with them are their own. It matters not to leftists that they may be aiding and abetting kidnappers. They think ignoring the evil and allowing them to run rampant is caring when the truth is that our lack of security threatens all innocent people on both sides of the border. They demand policies that would do more harm than good and yet call themselves humanitarians. Real compassion is caring for people, not demanding things that would cause them harm.

Republicans are shown to give more to charities than Democrats. You can't count it when Dems steal a million dollars from tax payers and only $10,000 of it reaches the people it was taken to help. It's not benevolent to make money disappear as it goes through the bureaucracies. It is benevolent to give of yourself to help others, something the left rarely does. The right clearly supports capitalism because that made this the best country. It allows people to earn money to care for themselves and for them to donate to help others. The money doesn't run out because capitalism creates wealth and continues to do so. The left clearly supports socialism because it gives them the power to redistribute the existing wealth, until it runs out. Socialism does not create wealth. Once spent, no one can receive the help they need.

"Years ago, an MBA student of mine had immigrated from Albania after growing up under Communism. She shared with her classmates what she observed to be the most unexpected mindset difference between Americans and Albanians.

She got emotional as she explained how in Albania, charity was rare—caring for anyone other than yourself and your family was uncommon. In contrast, she experienced Americans as generous and caring.

My student described how exasperated she felt hearing the claim that capitalism leads to a survival of the fittest mentality. In her experience, it was the opposite; under communism, the mindset was to not care for others."

People Are Less Selfish Under Capitalism… Especially Compared to Socialism | Barry Brownstein
Let me ask you this. Corporate profits are at an all time high as is worker productivity. Despite this, wages for the poor are way behind on the cost of living even if they work 40 hour weeks. Are you really going to tell me profitable businesses don’t pay more because they can’t afford it?
So true. No doubt that America is the most generous country. Our poor resemble middle class in many other countries. We have more charities. People can quickly raise money for any cause, from helping victims of a disaster to helping animal shelters.

Socialism and communism are what make people selfish. When you have so little, you don't share because you can't afford to. When government allows people to get what government thinks they need, people cling to what they have. If someone needs something, they are supposed to turn to government.

Leftists encourage people to be rude and selfish. They divide people into groups and pit them against each other. That fosters resentment and dehumanizes anyone who doesn't think the way they do. No wonder there is so much theft and violence. The looters are greedy. The rioters are hateful. Are any of these leftists groups starting charities to help others? No. They expect government to rob on their behalf because they feel entitled to other people's money. There is no basis for that entitlement. Hard to be charitable when someone who could work and have as much as you would rather demand that you hand it to them. It's no different than mugging someone and demanding their wallet.

We have a lot of charities. We welcome refugees who need help. We give generously to other countries after disasters. That is kindness. We don't demand that government take from others, we reach into our own pockets because we care about total strangers. I am sick of the left pretending that only they care when all they do is demand that others foot the bill. They are the selfish ones.

Leftists also think they are being kind by demanding open borders. They don't think it through or imagine what this country would turn into if citizens here were suddenly outnumbered 4 to 1, and that's a conservative estimate. Leftists don't stop and think about thousands of human trafficking victims going through the border. They would never question whether an individual is a criminal or whether the children with them are their own. It matters not to leftists that they may be aiding and abetting kidnappers. They think ignoring the evil and allowing them to run rampant is caring when the truth is that our lack of security threatens all innocent people on both sides of the border. They demand policies that would do more harm than good and yet call themselves humanitarians. Real compassion is caring for people, not demanding things that would cause them harm.

Republicans are shown to give more to charities than Democrats. You can't count it when Dems steal a million dollars from tax payers and only $10,000 of it reaches the people it was taken to help. It's not benevolent to make money disappear as it goes through the bureaucracies. It is benevolent to give of yourself to help others, something the left rarely does. The right clearly supports capitalism because that made this the best country. It allows people to earn money to care for themselves and for them to donate to help others. The money doesn't run out because capitalism creates wealth and continues to do so. The left clearly supports socialism because it gives them the power to redistribute the existing wealth, until it runs out. Socialism does not create wealth. Once spent, no one can receive the help they need.

"Years ago, an MBA student of mine had immigrated from Albania after growing up under Communism. She shared with her classmates what she observed to be the most unexpected mindset difference between Americans and Albanians.

She got emotional as she explained how in Albania, charity was rare—caring for anyone other than yourself and your family was uncommon. In contrast, she experienced Americans as generous and caring.

My student described how exasperated she felt hearing the claim that capitalism leads to a survival of the fittest mentality. In her experience, it was the opposite; under communism, the mindset was to not care for others."

People Are Less Selfish Under Capitalism… Especially Compared to Socialism | Barry Brownstein
Let me ask you this. Corporate profits are at an all time high as is worker productivity. Despite this, wages for the poor are way behind on the cost of living even if they work 40 hour weeks. Are you really going to tell me profitable businesses don’t pay more because they can’t afford it?

That would depend on how much you feel a burger should cost.
So true. No doubt that America is the most generous country. Our poor resemble middle class in many other countries. We have more charities. People can quickly raise money for any cause, from helping victims of a disaster to helping animal shelters.

Socialism and communism are what make people selfish. When you have so little, you don't share because you can't afford to. When government allows people to get what government thinks they need, people cling to what they have. If someone needs something, they are supposed to turn to government.

Leftists encourage people to be rude and selfish. They divide people into groups and pit them against each other. That fosters resentment and dehumanizes anyone who doesn't think the way they do. No wonder there is so much theft and violence. The looters are greedy. The rioters are hateful. Are any of these leftists groups starting charities to help others? No. They expect government to rob on their behalf because they feel entitled to other people's money. There is no basis for that entitlement. Hard to be charitable when someone who could work and have as much as you would rather demand that you hand it to them. It's no different than mugging someone and demanding their wallet.

We have a lot of charities. We welcome refugees who need help. We give generously to other countries after disasters. That is kindness. We don't demand that government take from others, we reach into our own pockets because we care about total strangers. I am sick of the left pretending that only they care when all they do is demand that others foot the bill. They are the selfish ones.

Leftists also think they are being kind by demanding open borders. They don't think it through or imagine what this country would turn into if citizens here were suddenly outnumbered 4 to 1, and that's a conservative estimate. Leftists don't stop and think about thousands of human trafficking victims going through the border. They would never question whether an individual is a criminal or whether the children with them are their own. It matters not to leftists that they may be aiding and abetting kidnappers. They think ignoring the evil and allowing them to run rampant is caring when the truth is that our lack of security threatens all innocent people on both sides of the border. They demand policies that would do more harm than good and yet call themselves humanitarians. Real compassion is caring for people, not demanding things that would cause them harm.

Republicans are shown to give more to charities than Democrats. You can't count it when Dems steal a million dollars from tax payers and only $10,000 of it reaches the people it was taken to help. It's not benevolent to make money disappear as it goes through the bureaucracies. It is benevolent to give of yourself to help others, something the left rarely does. The right clearly supports capitalism because that made this the best country. It allows people to earn money to care for themselves and for them to donate to help others. The money doesn't run out because capitalism creates wealth and continues to do so. The left clearly supports socialism because it gives them the power to redistribute the existing wealth, until it runs out. Socialism does not create wealth. Once spent, no one can receive the help they need.

"Years ago, an MBA student of mine had immigrated from Albania after growing up under Communism. She shared with her classmates what she observed to be the most unexpected mindset difference between Americans and Albanians.

She got emotional as she explained how in Albania, charity was rare—caring for anyone other than yourself and your family was uncommon. In contrast, she experienced Americans as generous and caring.

My student described how exasperated she felt hearing the claim that capitalism leads to a survival of the fittest mentality. In her experience, it was the opposite; under communism, the mindset was to not care for others."

People Are Less Selfish Under Capitalism… Especially Compared to Socialism | Barry Brownstein
Let me ask you this. Corporate profits are at an all time high as is worker productivity. Despite this, wages for the poor are way behind on the cost of living even if they work 40 hour weeks. Are you really going to tell me profitable businesses don’t pay more because they can’t afford it?

That would depend on how much you feel a burger should cost.
It also depends on how high you raise the minimum wage. If the federal wage was raised to $11 per hour (thus most state wages would go up too), the increase in prices would be pennies on the dollar. Meanwhile, millions of people would have an extra few hundred bucks to spend per month.
So true. No doubt that America is the most generous country. Our poor resemble middle class in many other countries. We have more charities. People can quickly raise money for any cause, from helping victims of a disaster to helping animal shelters.

Socialism and communism are what make people selfish. When you have so little, you don't share because you can't afford to. When government allows people to get what government thinks they need, people cling to what they have. If someone needs something, they are supposed to turn to government.

Leftists encourage people to be rude and selfish. They divide people into groups and pit them against each other. That fosters resentment and dehumanizes anyone who doesn't think the way they do. No wonder there is so much theft and violence. The looters are greedy. The rioters are hateful. Are any of these leftists groups starting charities to help others? No. They expect government to rob on their behalf because they feel entitled to other people's money. There is no basis for that entitlement. Hard to be charitable when someone who could work and have as much as you would rather demand that you hand it to them. It's no different than mugging someone and demanding their wallet.

We have a lot of charities. We welcome refugees who need help. We give generously to other countries after disasters. That is kindness. We don't demand that government take from others, we reach into our own pockets because we care about total strangers. I am sick of the left pretending that only they care when all they do is demand that others foot the bill. They are the selfish ones.

Leftists also think they are being kind by demanding open borders. They don't think it through or imagine what this country would turn into if citizens here were suddenly outnumbered 4 to 1, and that's a conservative estimate. Leftists don't stop and think about thousands of human trafficking victims going through the border. They would never question whether an individual is a criminal or whether the children with them are their own. It matters not to leftists that they may be aiding and abetting kidnappers. They think ignoring the evil and allowing them to run rampant is caring when the truth is that our lack of security threatens all innocent people on both sides of the border. They demand policies that would do more harm than good and yet call themselves humanitarians. Real compassion is caring for people, not demanding things that would cause them harm.

Republicans are shown to give more to charities than Democrats. You can't count it when Dems steal a million dollars from tax payers and only $10,000 of it reaches the people it was taken to help. It's not benevolent to make money disappear as it goes through the bureaucracies. It is benevolent to give of yourself to help others, something the left rarely does. The right clearly supports capitalism because that made this the best country. It allows people to earn money to care for themselves and for them to donate to help others. The money doesn't run out because capitalism creates wealth and continues to do so. The left clearly supports socialism because it gives them the power to redistribute the existing wealth, until it runs out. Socialism does not create wealth. Once spent, no one can receive the help they need.

"Years ago, an MBA student of mine had immigrated from Albania after growing up under Communism. She shared with her classmates what she observed to be the most unexpected mindset difference between Americans and Albanians.

She got emotional as she explained how in Albania, charity was rare—caring for anyone other than yourself and your family was uncommon. In contrast, she experienced Americans as generous and caring.

My student described how exasperated she felt hearing the claim that capitalism leads to a survival of the fittest mentality. In her experience, it was the opposite; under communism, the mindset was to not care for others."

People Are Less Selfish Under Capitalism… Especially Compared to Socialism | Barry Brownstein
Let me ask you this. Corporate profits are at an all time high as is worker productivity. Despite this, wages for the poor are way behind on the cost of living even if they work 40 hour weeks. Are you really going to tell me profitable businesses don’t pay more because they can’t afford it?
wages are starting to rise there is always a lag in higher wages and productivity ! the truth is democrats with money like to tout demographics when it comes to charity basically for political reasons and another reason is that it is much harder to help someone on an individual basis because then you actually have to get your hands dirty and like all communists dems are against individuality .
So true. No doubt that America is the most generous country. Our poor resemble middle class in many other countries. We have more charities. People can quickly raise money for any cause, from helping victims of a disaster to helping animal shelters.

Socialism and communism are what make people selfish. When you have so little, you don't share because you can't afford to. When government allows people to get what government thinks they need, people cling to what they have. If someone needs something, they are supposed to turn to government.

Leftists encourage people to be rude and selfish. They divide people into groups and pit them against each other. That fosters resentment and dehumanizes anyone who doesn't think the way they do. No wonder there is so much theft and violence. The looters are greedy. The rioters are hateful. Are any of these leftists groups starting charities to help others? No. They expect government to rob on their behalf because they feel entitled to other people's money. There is no basis for that entitlement. Hard to be charitable when someone who could work and have as much as you would rather demand that you hand it to them. It's no different than mugging someone and demanding their wallet.

We have a lot of charities. We welcome refugees who need help. We give generously to other countries after disasters. That is kindness. We don't demand that government take from others, we reach into our own pockets because we care about total strangers. I am sick of the left pretending that only they care when all they do is demand that others foot the bill. They are the selfish ones.

Leftists also think they are being kind by demanding open borders. They don't think it through or imagine what this country would turn into if citizens here were suddenly outnumbered 4 to 1, and that's a conservative estimate. Leftists don't stop and think about thousands of human trafficking victims going through the border. They would never question whether an individual is a criminal or whether the children with them are their own. It matters not to leftists that they may be aiding and abetting kidnappers. They think ignoring the evil and allowing them to run rampant is caring when the truth is that our lack of security threatens all innocent people on both sides of the border. They demand policies that would do more harm than good and yet call themselves humanitarians. Real compassion is caring for people, not demanding things that would cause them harm.

Republicans are shown to give more to charities than Democrats. You can't count it when Dems steal a million dollars from tax payers and only $10,000 of it reaches the people it was taken to help. It's not benevolent to make money disappear as it goes through the bureaucracies. It is benevolent to give of yourself to help others, something the left rarely does. The right clearly supports capitalism because that made this the best country. It allows people to earn money to care for themselves and for them to donate to help others. The money doesn't run out because capitalism creates wealth and continues to do so. The left clearly supports socialism because it gives them the power to redistribute the existing wealth, until it runs out. Socialism does not create wealth. Once spent, no one can receive the help they need.

"Years ago, an MBA student of mine had immigrated from Albania after growing up under Communism. She shared with her classmates what she observed to be the most unexpected mindset difference between Americans and Albanians.

She got emotional as she explained how in Albania, charity was rare—caring for anyone other than yourself and your family was uncommon. In contrast, she experienced Americans as generous and caring.

My student described how exasperated she felt hearing the claim that capitalism leads to a survival of the fittest mentality. In her experience, it was the opposite; under communism, the mindset was to not care for others."

People Are Less Selfish Under Capitalism… Especially Compared to Socialism | Barry Brownstein
Let me ask you this. Corporate profits are at an all time high as is worker productivity. Despite this, wages for the poor are way behind on the cost of living even if they work 40 hour weeks. Are you really going to tell me profitable businesses don’t pay more because they can’t afford it?

That would depend on how much you feel a burger should cost.
It also depends on how high you raise the minimum wage. If the federal wage was raised to $11 per hour (thus most state wages would go up too), the increase in prices would be pennies on the dollar. Meanwhile, millions of people would have an extra few hundred bucks to spend per month.

Pennies on the dollar? You may want to work on those math skills. Let's say minimum wage went up $3.75/hour, you had 3 employees, so you need to charge an extra $11.25/hour. Then let's say you sell 50 burgers/day, which means the burger should need to go up somewhere near 22 cents. Although the meat plant also had to raise prices, along with the tomatoes, lettuce, mayo, pickles, buns. What sounds fair to cover those costs, 50 cents? Now the price of the burger is up 72 cents, but 72 cents is too difficul for most to calculate, so they make it an even $1.00. You still on board? Because you haven't ordered fries and a drink yet.
So true. No doubt that America is the most generous country. Our poor resemble middle class in many other countries. We have more charities. People can quickly raise money for any cause, from helping victims of a disaster to helping animal shelters.

Socialism and communism are what make people selfish. When you have so little, you don't share because you can't afford to. When government allows people to get what government thinks they need, people cling to what they have. If someone needs something, they are supposed to turn to government.

Leftists encourage people to be rude and selfish. They divide people into groups and pit them against each other. That fosters resentment and dehumanizes anyone who doesn't think the way they do. No wonder there is so much theft and violence. The looters are greedy. The rioters are hateful. Are any of these leftists groups starting charities to help others? No. They expect government to rob on their behalf because they feel entitled to other people's money. There is no basis for that entitlement. Hard to be charitable when someone who could work and have as much as you would rather demand that you hand it to them. It's no different than mugging someone and demanding their wallet.

We have a lot of charities. We welcome refugees who need help. We give generously to other countries after disasters. That is kindness. We don't demand that government take from others, we reach into our own pockets because we care about total strangers. I am sick of the left pretending that only they care when all they do is demand that others foot the bill. They are the selfish ones.

Leftists also think they are being kind by demanding open borders. They don't think it through or imagine what this country would turn into if citizens here were suddenly outnumbered 4 to 1, and that's a conservative estimate. Leftists don't stop and think about thousands of human trafficking victims going through the border. They would never question whether an individual is a criminal or whether the children with them are their own. It matters not to leftists that they may be aiding and abetting kidnappers. They think ignoring the evil and allowing them to run rampant is caring when the truth is that our lack of security threatens all innocent people on both sides of the border. They demand policies that would do more harm than good and yet call themselves humanitarians. Real compassion is caring for people, not demanding things that would cause them harm.

Republicans are shown to give more to charities than Democrats. You can't count it when Dems steal a million dollars from tax payers and only $10,000 of it reaches the people it was taken to help. It's not benevolent to make money disappear as it goes through the bureaucracies. It is benevolent to give of yourself to help others, something the left rarely does. The right clearly supports capitalism because that made this the best country. It allows people to earn money to care for themselves and for them to donate to help others. The money doesn't run out because capitalism creates wealth and continues to do so. The left clearly supports socialism because it gives them the power to redistribute the existing wealth, until it runs out. Socialism does not create wealth. Once spent, no one can receive the help they need.

"Years ago, an MBA student of mine had immigrated from Albania after growing up under Communism. She shared with her classmates what she observed to be the most unexpected mindset difference between Americans and Albanians.

She got emotional as she explained how in Albania, charity was rare—caring for anyone other than yourself and your family was uncommon. In contrast, she experienced Americans as generous and caring.

My student described how exasperated she felt hearing the claim that capitalism leads to a survival of the fittest mentality. In her experience, it was the opposite; under communism, the mindset was to not care for others."

People Are Less Selfish Under Capitalism… Especially Compared to Socialism | Barry Brownstein
Let me ask you this. Corporate profits are at an all time high as is worker productivity. Despite this, wages for the poor are way behind on the cost of living even if they work 40 hour weeks. Are you really going to tell me profitable businesses don’t pay more because they can’t afford it?

That would depend on how much you feel a burger should cost.
It also depends on how high you raise the minimum wage. If the federal wage was raised to $11 per hour (thus most state wages would go up too), the increase in prices would be pennies on the dollar. Meanwhile, millions of people would have an extra few hundred bucks to spend per month.

Pennies on the dollar? You may want to work on those math skills. Let's say minimum wage went up $3.75/hour, you had 3 employees, so you need to charge an extra $11.25/hour. Then let's say you sell 50 burgers/day, which means the burger should need to go up somewhere near 22 cents. Although the meat plant also had to raise prices, along with the tomatoes, lettuce, mayo, pickles, buns. What sounds fair to cover those costs, 50 cents? Now the price of the burger is up 72 cents, but 72 cents is too difficul for most to calculate, so they make it an even $1.00. You still on board? Because you haven't ordered fries and a drink yet.
I doubt Billy owns a company or understands payroll and expenses. I know my employees are enjoying their tax cut. Two of them came to me believing there was a mistake when their pay went up.
So true. No doubt that America is the most generous country. Our poor resemble middle class in many other countries. We have more charities. People can quickly raise money for any cause, from helping victims of a disaster to helping animal shelters.

Socialism and communism are what make people selfish. When you have so little, you don't share because you can't afford to. When government allows people to get what government thinks they need, people cling to what they have. If someone needs something, they are supposed to turn to government.

Leftists encourage people to be rude and selfish. They divide people into groups and pit them against each other. That fosters resentment and dehumanizes anyone who doesn't think the way they do. No wonder there is so much theft and violence. The looters are greedy. The rioters are hateful. Are any of these leftists groups starting charities to help others? No. They expect government to rob on their behalf because they feel entitled to other people's money. There is no basis for that entitlement. Hard to be charitable when someone who could work and have as much as you would rather demand that you hand it to them. It's no different than mugging someone and demanding their wallet.

We have a lot of charities. We welcome refugees who need help. We give generously to other countries after disasters. That is kindness. We don't demand that government take from others, we reach into our own pockets because we care about total strangers. I am sick of the left pretending that only they care when all they do is demand that others foot the bill. They are the selfish ones.

Leftists also think they are being kind by demanding open borders. They don't think it through or imagine what this country would turn into if citizens here were suddenly outnumbered 4 to 1, and that's a conservative estimate. Leftists don't stop and think about thousands of human trafficking victims going through the border. They would never question whether an individual is a criminal or whether the children with them are their own. It matters not to leftists that they may be aiding and abetting kidnappers. They think ignoring the evil and allowing them to run rampant is caring when the truth is that our lack of security threatens all innocent people on both sides of the border. They demand policies that would do more harm than good and yet call themselves humanitarians. Real compassion is caring for people, not demanding things that would cause them harm.

Republicans are shown to give more to charities than Democrats. You can't count it when Dems steal a million dollars from tax payers and only $10,000 of it reaches the people it was taken to help. It's not benevolent to make money disappear as it goes through the bureaucracies. It is benevolent to give of yourself to help others, something the left rarely does. The right clearly supports capitalism because that made this the best country. It allows people to earn money to care for themselves and for them to donate to help others. The money doesn't run out because capitalism creates wealth and continues to do so. The left clearly supports socialism because it gives them the power to redistribute the existing wealth, until it runs out. Socialism does not create wealth. Once spent, no one can receive the help they need.

"Years ago, an MBA student of mine had immigrated from Albania after growing up under Communism. She shared with her classmates what she observed to be the most unexpected mindset difference between Americans and Albanians.

She got emotional as she explained how in Albania, charity was rare—caring for anyone other than yourself and your family was uncommon. In contrast, she experienced Americans as generous and caring.

My student described how exasperated she felt hearing the claim that capitalism leads to a survival of the fittest mentality. In her experience, it was the opposite; under communism, the mindset was to not care for others."

People Are Less Selfish Under Capitalism… Especially Compared to Socialism | Barry Brownstein
Let me ask you this. Corporate profits are at an all time high as is worker productivity. Despite this, wages for the poor are way behind on the cost of living even if they work 40 hour weeks. Are you really going to tell me profitable businesses don’t pay more because they can’t afford it?

That would depend on how much you feel a burger should cost.
It also depends on how high you raise the minimum wage. If the federal wage was raised to $11 per hour (thus most state wages would go up too), the increase in prices would be pennies on the dollar. Meanwhile, millions of people would have an extra few hundred bucks to spend per month.

Pennies on the dollar? You may want to work on those math skills. Let's say minimum wage went up $3.75/hour, you had 3 employees, so you need to charge an extra $11.25/hour. Then let's say you sell 50 burgers/day, which means the burger should need to go up somewhere near 22 cents. Although the meat plant also had to raise prices, along with the tomatoes, lettuce, mayo, pickles, buns. What sounds fair to cover those costs, 50 cents? Now the price of the burger is up 72 cents, but 72 cents is too difficul for most to calculate, so they make it an even $1.00. You still on board? Because you haven't ordered fries and a drink yet.
Lol if all you have is 3 employees than you should probably plan better when it comes to inflation. What I’m really talking about is big corporations and franchises who could easily afford to pay their employees more. Your point a about 3 employee means dick, because well, there are only 3 of them.
So true. No doubt that America is the most generous country. Our poor resemble middle class in many other countries. We have more charities. People can quickly raise money for any cause, from helping victims of a disaster to helping animal shelters.

Socialism and communism are what make people selfish. When you have so little, you don't share because you can't afford to. When government allows people to get what government thinks they need, people cling to what they have. If someone needs something, they are supposed to turn to government.

Leftists encourage people to be rude and selfish. They divide people into groups and pit them against each other. That fosters resentment and dehumanizes anyone who doesn't think the way they do. No wonder there is so much theft and violence. The looters are greedy. The rioters are hateful. Are any of these leftists groups starting charities to help others? No. They expect government to rob on their behalf because they feel entitled to other people's money. There is no basis for that entitlement. Hard to be charitable when someone who could work and have as much as you would rather demand that you hand it to them. It's no different than mugging someone and demanding their wallet.

We have a lot of charities. We welcome refugees who need help. We give generously to other countries after disasters. That is kindness. We don't demand that government take from others, we reach into our own pockets because we care about total strangers. I am sick of the left pretending that only they care when all they do is demand that others foot the bill. They are the selfish ones.

Leftists also think they are being kind by demanding open borders. They don't think it through or imagine what this country would turn into if citizens here were suddenly outnumbered 4 to 1, and that's a conservative estimate. Leftists don't stop and think about thousands of human trafficking victims going through the border. They would never question whether an individual is a criminal or whether the children with them are their own. It matters not to leftists that they may be aiding and abetting kidnappers. They think ignoring the evil and allowing them to run rampant is caring when the truth is that our lack of security threatens all innocent people on both sides of the border. They demand policies that would do more harm than good and yet call themselves humanitarians. Real compassion is caring for people, not demanding things that would cause them harm.

Republicans are shown to give more to charities than Democrats. You can't count it when Dems steal a million dollars from tax payers and only $10,000 of it reaches the people it was taken to help. It's not benevolent to make money disappear as it goes through the bureaucracies. It is benevolent to give of yourself to help others, something the left rarely does. The right clearly supports capitalism because that made this the best country. It allows people to earn money to care for themselves and for them to donate to help others. The money doesn't run out because capitalism creates wealth and continues to do so. The left clearly supports socialism because it gives them the power to redistribute the existing wealth, until it runs out. Socialism does not create wealth. Once spent, no one can receive the help they need.

"Years ago, an MBA student of mine had immigrated from Albania after growing up under Communism. She shared with her classmates what she observed to be the most unexpected mindset difference between Americans and Albanians.

She got emotional as she explained how in Albania, charity was rare—caring for anyone other than yourself and your family was uncommon. In contrast, she experienced Americans as generous and caring.

My student described how exasperated she felt hearing the claim that capitalism leads to a survival of the fittest mentality. In her experience, it was the opposite; under communism, the mindset was to not care for others."

People Are Less Selfish Under Capitalism… Especially Compared to Socialism | Barry Brownstein
Let me ask you this. Corporate profits are at an all time high as is worker productivity. Despite this, wages for the poor are way behind on the cost of living even if they work 40 hour weeks. Are you really going to tell me profitable businesses don’t pay more because they can’t afford it?

That would depend on how much you feel a burger should cost.
It also depends on how high you raise the minimum wage. If the federal wage was raised to $11 per hour (thus most state wages would go up too), the increase in prices would be pennies on the dollar. Meanwhile, millions of people would have an extra few hundred bucks to spend per month.

Pennies on the dollar? You may want to work on those math skills. Let's say minimum wage went up $3.75/hour, you had 3 employees, so you need to charge an extra $11.25/hour. Then let's say you sell 50 burgers/day, which means the burger should need to go up somewhere near 22 cents. Although the meat plant also had to raise prices, along with the tomatoes, lettuce, mayo, pickles, buns. What sounds fair to cover those costs, 50 cents? Now the price of the burger is up 72 cents, but 72 cents is too difficul for most to calculate, so they make it an even $1.00. You still on board? Because you haven't ordered fries and a drink yet.
Lol if all you have is 3 employees than you should probably plan better when it comes to inflation. What I’m really talking about is big corporations and franchises who could easily afford to pay their employees more. Your point a about 3 employee means dick, because well, there are only 3 of them.
How many employees do you believe a small family business has on the payroll? How many did you have with your first start-up? You contract people.

You claim to want to target massive conglomerates, but had eight years to do so and chose not to.
So true. No doubt that America is the most generous country. Our poor resemble middle class in many other countries. We have more charities. People can quickly raise money for any cause, from helping victims of a disaster to helping animal shelters.

Socialism and communism are what make people selfish. When you have so little, you don't share because you can't afford to. When government allows people to get what government thinks they need, people cling to what they have. If someone needs something, they are supposed to turn to government.

Leftists encourage people to be rude and selfish. They divide people into groups and pit them against each other. That fosters resentment and dehumanizes anyone who doesn't think the way they do. No wonder there is so much theft and violence. The looters are greedy. The rioters are hateful. Are any of these leftists groups starting charities to help others? No. They expect government to rob on their behalf because they feel entitled to other people's money. There is no basis for that entitlement. Hard to be charitable when someone who could work and have as much as you would rather demand that you hand it to them. It's no different than mugging someone and demanding their wallet.

We have a lot of charities. We welcome refugees who need help. We give generously to other countries after disasters. That is kindness. We don't demand that government take from others, we reach into our own pockets because we care about total strangers. I am sick of the left pretending that only they care when all they do is demand that others foot the bill. They are the selfish ones.

Leftists also think they are being kind by demanding open borders. They don't think it through or imagine what this country would turn into if citizens here were suddenly outnumbered 4 to 1, and that's a conservative estimate. Leftists don't stop and think about thousands of human trafficking victims going through the border. They would never question whether an individual is a criminal or whether the children with them are their own. It matters not to leftists that they may be aiding and abetting kidnappers. They think ignoring the evil and allowing them to run rampant is caring when the truth is that our lack of security threatens all innocent people on both sides of the border. They demand policies that would do more harm than good and yet call themselves humanitarians. Real compassion is caring for people, not demanding things that would cause them harm.

Republicans are shown to give more to charities than Democrats. You can't count it when Dems steal a million dollars from tax payers and only $10,000 of it reaches the people it was taken to help. It's not benevolent to make money disappear as it goes through the bureaucracies. It is benevolent to give of yourself to help others, something the left rarely does. The right clearly supports capitalism because that made this the best country. It allows people to earn money to care for themselves and for them to donate to help others. The money doesn't run out because capitalism creates wealth and continues to do so. The left clearly supports socialism because it gives them the power to redistribute the existing wealth, until it runs out. Socialism does not create wealth. Once spent, no one can receive the help they need.

"Years ago, an MBA student of mine had immigrated from Albania after growing up under Communism. She shared with her classmates what she observed to be the most unexpected mindset difference between Americans and Albanians.

She got emotional as she explained how in Albania, charity was rare—caring for anyone other than yourself and your family was uncommon. In contrast, she experienced Americans as generous and caring.

My student described how exasperated she felt hearing the claim that capitalism leads to a survival of the fittest mentality. In her experience, it was the opposite; under communism, the mindset was to not care for others."

People Are Less Selfish Under Capitalism… Especially Compared to Socialism | Barry Brownstein
Let me ask you this. Corporate profits are at an all time high as is worker productivity. Despite this, wages for the poor are way behind on the cost of living even if they work 40 hour weeks. Are you really going to tell me profitable businesses don’t pay more because they can’t afford it?

That would depend on how much you feel a burger should cost.
It also depends on how high you raise the minimum wage. If the federal wage was raised to $11 per hour (thus most state wages would go up too), the increase in prices would be pennies on the dollar. Meanwhile, millions of people would have an extra few hundred bucks to spend per month.

Pennies on the dollar? You may want to work on those math skills. Let's say minimum wage went up $3.75/hour, you had 3 employees, so you need to charge an extra $11.25/hour. Then let's say you sell 50 burgers/day, which means the burger should need to go up somewhere near 22 cents. Although the meat plant also had to raise prices, along with the tomatoes, lettuce, mayo, pickles, buns. What sounds fair to cover those costs, 50 cents? Now the price of the burger is up 72 cents, but 72 cents is too difficul for most to calculate, so they make it an even $1.00. You still on board? Because you haven't ordered fries and a drink yet.
Lol if all you have is 3 employees than you should probably plan better when it comes to inflation. What I’m really talking about is big corporations and franchises who could easily afford to pay their employees more. Your point a about 3 employee means dick, because well, there are only 3 of them.
Let me ask you this. Corporate profits are at an all time high as is worker productivity. Despite this, wages for the poor are way behind on the cost of living even if they work 40 hour weeks. Are you really going to tell me profitable businesses don’t pay more because they can’t afford it?

That would depend on how much you feel a burger should cost.
It also depends on how high you raise the minimum wage. If the federal wage was raised to $11 per hour (thus most state wages would go up too), the increase in prices would be pennies on the dollar. Meanwhile, millions of people would have an extra few hundred bucks to spend per month.

Pennies on the dollar? You may want to work on those math skills. Let's say minimum wage went up $3.75/hour, you had 3 employees, so you need to charge an extra $11.25/hour. Then let's say you sell 50 burgers/day, which means the burger should need to go up somewhere near 22 cents. Although the meat plant also had to raise prices, along with the tomatoes, lettuce, mayo, pickles, buns. What sounds fair to cover those costs, 50 cents? Now the price of the burger is up 72 cents, but 72 cents is too difficul for most to calculate, so they make it an even $1.00. You still on board? Because you haven't ordered fries and a drink yet.
Lol if all you have is 3 employees than you should probably plan better when it comes to inflation. What I’m really talking about is big corporations and franchises who could easily afford to pay their employees more. Your point a about 3 employee means dick, because well, there are only 3 of them.
How many employees do you believe a small family business has on the payroll? How many did you have with your first start-up? You contract people.

You claim to want to target massive conglomerates, but had eight years to do so and chose not to.
i won’t deny some small businesses would flounder especially if they are barely making a profit, but so be it. Why should we coddle their interests when millions of people would make more money? Money they desperately need because they can’t even afford a 40 hour work week’s pay.
Let me ask you this. Corporate profits are at an all time high as is worker productivity. Despite this, wages for the poor are way behind on the cost of living even if they work 40 hour weeks. Are you really going to tell me profitable businesses don’t pay more because they can’t afford it?

That would depend on how much you feel a burger should cost.
It also depends on how high you raise the minimum wage. If the federal wage was raised to $11 per hour (thus most state wages would go up too), the increase in prices would be pennies on the dollar. Meanwhile, millions of people would have an extra few hundred bucks to spend per month.

Pennies on the dollar? You may want to work on those math skills. Let's say minimum wage went up $3.75/hour, you had 3 employees, so you need to charge an extra $11.25/hour. Then let's say you sell 50 burgers/day, which means the burger should need to go up somewhere near 22 cents. Although the meat plant also had to raise prices, along with the tomatoes, lettuce, mayo, pickles, buns. What sounds fair to cover those costs, 50 cents? Now the price of the burger is up 72 cents, but 72 cents is too difficul for most to calculate, so they make it an even $1.00. You still on board? Because you haven't ordered fries and a drink yet.
Lol if all you have is 3 employees than you should probably plan better when it comes to inflation. What I’m really talking about is big corporations and franchises who could easily afford to pay their employees more. Your point a about 3 employee means dick, because well, there are only 3 of them.
That would depend on how much you feel a burger should cost.
It also depends on how high you raise the minimum wage. If the federal wage was raised to $11 per hour (thus most state wages would go up too), the increase in prices would be pennies on the dollar. Meanwhile, millions of people would have an extra few hundred bucks to spend per month.

Pennies on the dollar? You may want to work on those math skills. Let's say minimum wage went up $3.75/hour, you had 3 employees, so you need to charge an extra $11.25/hour. Then let's say you sell 50 burgers/day, which means the burger should need to go up somewhere near 22 cents. Although the meat plant also had to raise prices, along with the tomatoes, lettuce, mayo, pickles, buns. What sounds fair to cover those costs, 50 cents? Now the price of the burger is up 72 cents, but 72 cents is too difficul for most to calculate, so they make it an even $1.00. You still on board? Because you haven't ordered fries and a drink yet.
Lol if all you have is 3 employees than you should probably plan better when it comes to inflation. What I’m really talking about is big corporations and franchises who could easily afford to pay their employees more. Your point a about 3 employee means dick, because well, there are only 3 of them.
How many employees do you believe a small family business has on the payroll? How many did you have with your first start-up? You contract people.

You claim to want to target massive conglomerates, but had eight years to do so and chose not to.
i won’t deny some small businesses would flounder especially if they are barely making a profit, but so be it. Why should we coddle their interests when millions of people would make more money? Money they desperately need because they can’t even afford a 40 hour work week’s pay.
Barely making a profit and being self sufficient while paying reasonable wages is enough for some families. Many families that own small businesses are in this position and they employ a ton of people.
That would depend on how much you feel a burger should cost.
It also depends on how high you raise the minimum wage. If the federal wage was raised to $11 per hour (thus most state wages would go up too), the increase in prices would be pennies on the dollar. Meanwhile, millions of people would have an extra few hundred bucks to spend per month.

Pennies on the dollar? You may want to work on those math skills. Let's say minimum wage went up $3.75/hour, you had 3 employees, so you need to charge an extra $11.25/hour. Then let's say you sell 50 burgers/day, which means the burger should need to go up somewhere near 22 cents. Although the meat plant also had to raise prices, along with the tomatoes, lettuce, mayo, pickles, buns. What sounds fair to cover those costs, 50 cents? Now the price of the burger is up 72 cents, but 72 cents is too difficul for most to calculate, so they make it an even $1.00. You still on board? Because you haven't ordered fries and a drink yet.
Lol if all you have is 3 employees than you should probably plan better when it comes to inflation. What I’m really talking about is big corporations and franchises who could easily afford to pay their employees more. Your point a about 3 employee means dick, because well, there are only 3 of them.
It also depends on how high you raise the minimum wage. If the federal wage was raised to $11 per hour (thus most state wages would go up too), the increase in prices would be pennies on the dollar. Meanwhile, millions of people would have an extra few hundred bucks to spend per month.

Pennies on the dollar? You may want to work on those math skills. Let's say minimum wage went up $3.75/hour, you had 3 employees, so you need to charge an extra $11.25/hour. Then let's say you sell 50 burgers/day, which means the burger should need to go up somewhere near 22 cents. Although the meat plant also had to raise prices, along with the tomatoes, lettuce, mayo, pickles, buns. What sounds fair to cover those costs, 50 cents? Now the price of the burger is up 72 cents, but 72 cents is too difficul for most to calculate, so they make it an even $1.00. You still on board? Because you haven't ordered fries and a drink yet.
Lol if all you have is 3 employees than you should probably plan better when it comes to inflation. What I’m really talking about is big corporations and franchises who could easily afford to pay their employees more. Your point a about 3 employee means dick, because well, there are only 3 of them.
How many employees do you believe a small family business has on the payroll? How many did you have with your first start-up? You contract people.

You claim to want to target massive conglomerates, but had eight years to do so and chose not to.
i won’t deny some small businesses would flounder especially if they are barely making a profit, but so be it. Why should we coddle their interests when millions of people would make more money? Money they desperately need because they can’t even afford a 40 hour work week’s pay.
Barely making a profit and being self sufficient while paying reasonable wages is enough for some families. Many families that own small businesses are in this position and they employ a ton of people.
The needs of the many outweigh needs of the few.
So true. No doubt that America is the most generous country. Our poor resemble middle class in many other countries. We have more charities. People can quickly raise money for any cause, from helping victims of a disaster to helping animal shelters.

Socialism and communism are what make people selfish. When you have so little, you don't share because you can't afford to. When government allows people to get what government thinks they need, people cling to what they have. If someone needs something, they are supposed to turn to government.

Leftists encourage people to be rude and selfish. They divide people into groups and pit them against each other. That fosters resentment and dehumanizes anyone who doesn't think the way they do. No wonder there is so much theft and violence. The looters are greedy. The rioters are hateful. Are any of these leftists groups starting charities to help others? No. They expect government to rob on their behalf because they feel entitled to other people's money. There is no basis for that entitlement. Hard to be charitable when someone who could work and have as much as you would rather demand that you hand it to them. It's no different than mugging someone and demanding their wallet.

We have a lot of charities. We welcome refugees who need help. We give generously to other countries after disasters. That is kindness. We don't demand that government take from others, we reach into our own pockets because we care about total strangers. I am sick of the left pretending that only they care when all they do is demand that others foot the bill. They are the selfish ones.

Leftists also think they are being kind by demanding open borders. They don't think it through or imagine what this country would turn into if citizens here were suddenly outnumbered 4 to 1, and that's a conservative estimate. Leftists don't stop and think about thousands of human trafficking victims going through the border. They would never question whether an individual is a criminal or whether the children with them are their own. It matters not to leftists that they may be aiding and abetting kidnappers. They think ignoring the evil and allowing them to run rampant is caring when the truth is that our lack of security threatens all innocent people on both sides of the border. They demand policies that would do more harm than good and yet call themselves humanitarians. Real compassion is caring for people, not demanding things that would cause them harm.

Republicans are shown to give more to charities than Democrats. You can't count it when Dems steal a million dollars from tax payers and only $10,000 of it reaches the people it was taken to help. It's not benevolent to make money disappear as it goes through the bureaucracies. It is benevolent to give of yourself to help others, something the left rarely does. The right clearly supports capitalism because that made this the best country. It allows people to earn money to care for themselves and for them to donate to help others. The money doesn't run out because capitalism creates wealth and continues to do so. The left clearly supports socialism because it gives them the power to redistribute the existing wealth, until it runs out. Socialism does not create wealth. Once spent, no one can receive the help they need.

"Years ago, an MBA student of mine had immigrated from Albania after growing up under Communism. She shared with her classmates what she observed to be the most unexpected mindset difference between Americans and Albanians.

She got emotional as she explained how in Albania, charity was rare—caring for anyone other than yourself and your family was uncommon. In contrast, she experienced Americans as generous and caring.

My student described how exasperated she felt hearing the claim that capitalism leads to a survival of the fittest mentality. In her experience, it was the opposite; under communism, the mindset was to not care for others."

People Are Less Selfish Under Capitalism… Especially Compared to Socialism | Barry Brownstein
Let me ask you this. Corporate profits are at an all time high as is worker productivity. Despite this, wages for the poor are way behind on the cost of living even if they work 40 hour weeks. Are you really going to tell me profitable businesses don’t pay more because they can’t afford it?

You have no idea what their profits are. You have no idea how much they have to pay in taxes.

You should ask why the left has systematically killed off so many small businesses, the ones that provided the opportunities for people to move up form minimum wage jobs. Thanks to the left, we either have no-skill minimum wage jobs or jobs that require a college degree.

Do you really think a teenager should be able to make a living wage off a summer job? And why do you suppose a person with a big family is only qualified to work at a fast food place? What went wrong there?

In some cases, small businesses people used to work for closed their doors due to the left unreasonable regulations, Obamacare, and higher taxes. A lot of that happened during Obama's years.

The left sees chain restaurants as huge corporations even though each individual restaurant is privately owned and not all bring in the big money for the owner. When they are forced to increase wages for non-skilled workers, it usually means some people will get laid off. That is always the reality yet the left could care less that some people will end up with nothing.

Minimum wage jobs were always intended for the first time job seekers. They were never intended for someone trying to support a family. I think the left deliberately took out some rungs of the ladder of success. By killing the small businesses where people could easily move up, they made it so there is a gap. Much easier to convince people to embrace socialism after they have been screwed over. But it's not the private sector that did it. Government made this happen.
It also depends on how high you raise the minimum wage. If the federal wage was raised to $11 per hour (thus most state wages would go up too), the increase in prices would be pennies on the dollar. Meanwhile, millions of people would have an extra few hundred bucks to spend per month.

Pennies on the dollar? You may want to work on those math skills. Let's say minimum wage went up $3.75/hour, you had 3 employees, so you need to charge an extra $11.25/hour. Then let's say you sell 50 burgers/day, which means the burger should need to go up somewhere near 22 cents. Although the meat plant also had to raise prices, along with the tomatoes, lettuce, mayo, pickles, buns. What sounds fair to cover those costs, 50 cents? Now the price of the burger is up 72 cents, but 72 cents is too difficul for most to calculate, so they make it an even $1.00. You still on board? Because you haven't ordered fries and a drink yet.
Lol if all you have is 3 employees than you should probably plan better when it comes to inflation. What I’m really talking about is big corporations and franchises who could easily afford to pay their employees more. Your point a about 3 employee means dick, because well, there are only 3 of them.
Pennies on the dollar? You may want to work on those math skills. Let's say minimum wage went up $3.75/hour, you had 3 employees, so you need to charge an extra $11.25/hour. Then let's say you sell 50 burgers/day, which means the burger should need to go up somewhere near 22 cents. Although the meat plant also had to raise prices, along with the tomatoes, lettuce, mayo, pickles, buns. What sounds fair to cover those costs, 50 cents? Now the price of the burger is up 72 cents, but 72 cents is too difficul for most to calculate, so they make it an even $1.00. You still on board? Because you haven't ordered fries and a drink yet.
Lol if all you have is 3 employees than you should probably plan better when it comes to inflation. What I’m really talking about is big corporations and franchises who could easily afford to pay their employees more. Your point a about 3 employee means dick, because well, there are only 3 of them.
How many employees do you believe a small family business has on the payroll? How many did you have with your first start-up? You contract people.

You claim to want to target massive conglomerates, but had eight years to do so and chose not to.
i won’t deny some small businesses would flounder especially if they are barely making a profit, but so be it. Why should we coddle their interests when millions of people would make more money? Money they desperately need because they can’t even afford a 40 hour work week’s pay.
Barely making a profit and being self sufficient while paying reasonable wages is enough for some families. Many families that own small businesses are in this position and they employ a ton of people.
The needs of the many outweigh needs of the few.
"When you don't fully implement it, when you keep enough capitalism around to pay socialism's bills, at least for a time. It's the difference between milking the cow and killing it. Socialism has no theory of wealth creation; it's just a destructive, envy-driven fantasy about redistributing it after something else (and somebody else) creates it first."
Lawrence W. Reed
So true. No doubt that America is the most generous country. Our poor resemble middle class in many other countries. We have more charities. People can quickly raise money for any cause, from helping victims of a disaster to helping animal shelters.

Socialism and communism are what make people selfish. When you have so little, you don't share because you can't afford to. When government allows people to get what government thinks they need, people cling to what they have. If someone needs something, they are supposed to turn to government.

Leftists encourage people to be rude and selfish. They divide people into groups and pit them against each other. That fosters resentment and dehumanizes anyone who doesn't think the way they do. No wonder there is so much theft and violence. The looters are greedy. The rioters are hateful. Are any of these leftists groups starting charities to help others? No. They expect government to rob on their behalf because they feel entitled to other people's money. There is no basis for that entitlement. Hard to be charitable when someone who could work and have as much as you would rather demand that you hand it to them. It's no different than mugging someone and demanding their wallet.

We have a lot of charities. We welcome refugees who need help. We give generously to other countries after disasters. That is kindness. We don't demand that government take from others, we reach into our own pockets because we care about total strangers. I am sick of the left pretending that only they care when all they do is demand that others foot the bill. They are the selfish ones.

Leftists also think they are being kind by demanding open borders. They don't think it through or imagine what this country would turn into if citizens here were suddenly outnumbered 4 to 1, and that's a conservative estimate. Leftists don't stop and think about thousands of human trafficking victims going through the border. They would never question whether an individual is a criminal or whether the children with them are their own. It matters not to leftists that they may be aiding and abetting kidnappers. They think ignoring the evil and allowing them to run rampant is caring when the truth is that our lack of security threatens all innocent people on both sides of the border. They demand policies that would do more harm than good and yet call themselves humanitarians. Real compassion is caring for people, not demanding things that would cause them harm.

Republicans are shown to give more to charities than Democrats. You can't count it when Dems steal a million dollars from tax payers and only $10,000 of it reaches the people it was taken to help. It's not benevolent to make money disappear as it goes through the bureaucracies. It is benevolent to give of yourself to help others, something the left rarely does. The right clearly supports capitalism because that made this the best country. It allows people to earn money to care for themselves and for them to donate to help others. The money doesn't run out because capitalism creates wealth and continues to do so. The left clearly supports socialism because it gives them the power to redistribute the existing wealth, until it runs out. Socialism does not create wealth. Once spent, no one can receive the help they need.

"Years ago, an MBA student of mine had immigrated from Albania after growing up under Communism. She shared with her classmates what she observed to be the most unexpected mindset difference between Americans and Albanians.

She got emotional as she explained how in Albania, charity was rare—caring for anyone other than yourself and your family was uncommon. In contrast, she experienced Americans as generous and caring.

My student described how exasperated she felt hearing the claim that capitalism leads to a survival of the fittest mentality. In her experience, it was the opposite; under communism, the mindset was to not care for others."

People Are Less Selfish Under Capitalism… Especially Compared to Socialism | Barry Brownstein
Let me ask you this. Corporate profits are at an all time high as is worker productivity. Despite this, wages for the poor are way behind on the cost of living even if they work 40 hour weeks. Are you really going to tell me profitable businesses don’t pay more because they can’t afford it?

That would depend on how much you feel a burger should cost.
It also depends on how high you raise the minimum wage. If the federal wage was raised to $11 per hour (thus most state wages would go up too), the increase in prices would be pennies on the dollar. Meanwhile, millions of people would have an extra few hundred bucks to spend per month.

Pennies on the dollar? You may want to work on those math skills. Let's say minimum wage went up $3.75/hour, you had 3 employees, so you need to charge an extra $11.25/hour. Then let's say you sell 50 burgers/day, which means the burger should need to go up somewhere near 22 cents. Although the meat plant also had to raise prices, along with the tomatoes, lettuce, mayo, pickles, buns. What sounds fair to cover those costs, 50 cents? Now the price of the burger is up 72 cents, but 72 cents is too difficul for most to calculate, so they make it an even $1.00. You still on board? Because you haven't ordered fries and a drink yet.
I doubt Billy owns a company or understands payroll and expenses. I know my employees are enjoying their tax cut. Two of them came to me believing there was a mistake when their pay went up.

And did you tell them there was a mistake...LOL.

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