Palin Who Attended 6 Colleges in 6 years, Attacks Obama as ‘Professor’

It's not a great achievement. Over a quarter of the population has at least a bachelor's degree.

Your view on your fellow citizens is saddening.

I admire anyone who opts to further their education....and I consider anyone who obtains a degree as a winner and a great acheiver.

But I guess that is me.

Why should you admire someone for promoting their own self-interest? Would you admire people for breathing as well?

Admire someone promoting ones self interest?
When did I do that?
I admire all that acheive...I admirte all that do not give up.
I do not decide who should and should not get my admiration regareding those two things based on the persons ideological views.

I admire Pelosi...Look at what hse has acheived.....but I hate her views. I hate her personality...I hate her arrogance.

I admire Obama...look at how he has excelled. I hatre his policies and I hate his arrogance.

I can go on......

You obviously cannot.

Oldandtired 4 Polk 1
It's not an insult unless you're ignorant enough to truly believe that all schools are the same.

All intellectuial potentials are different.
Does not make one with a lower potential (lower IQ or lower learninbg abiloity) a less of an acheiver.
You sound like what you claim conservatives are.

I never claimed it reduces their achievement in the sense that they should be proud of what they've done. Just because they worked hard to get there though doesn't mean their abilities are equal. I could put forward 100 percent effort to winning a footrace, but if I was up against Usain Bolt and he was only putting in 50 percent effort, I'd still lose. That doesn't mean that I'm a bad person or that he's a good one. It simply means he has more talent at running that I do. The same applies to academics.

Aww...c'mon are a good enough debater to see that I am playing with your words...and I know exactly what you are saying.

Just having fun Polk....I know your point.

But it is frustrating when someone does that
Your view on your fellow citizens is saddening.

I admire anyone who opts to further their education....and I consider anyone who obtains a degree as a winner and a great acheiver.

But I guess that is me.

Why should you admire someone for promoting their own self-interest? Would you admire people for breathing as well?

Admire someone promoting ones self interest?
When did I do that?
I admire all that acheive...I admirte all that do not give up.
I do not decide who should and should not get my admiration regareding those two things based on the persons ideological views.

I admire Pelosi...Look at what hse has acheived.....but I hate her views. I hate her personality...I hate her arrogance.

I admire Obama...look at how he has excelled. I hatre his policies and I hate his arrogance.

I can go on......

You obviously cannot.

Oldandtired 4 Polk 1

People go to college because they feel it's going to enhance their future earnings potential. It's not some great exercise in altruism.

Also, pretty funny you consider Obama "arrogant", even though he isn't in the least.
All intellectuial potentials are different.
Does not make one with a lower potential (lower IQ or lower learninbg abiloity) a less of an acheiver.
You sound like what you claim conservatives are.

I never claimed it reduces their achievement in the sense that they should be proud of what they've done. Just because they worked hard to get there though doesn't mean their abilities are equal. I could put forward 100 percent effort to winning a footrace, but if I was up against Usain Bolt and he was only putting in 50 percent effort, I'd still lose. That doesn't mean that I'm a bad person or that he's a good one. It simply means he has more talent at running that I do. The same applies to academics.

Aww...c'mon are a good enough debater to see that I am playing with your words...and I know exactly what you are saying.

Just having fun Polk....I know your point.

But it is frustrating when someone does that

Sounds like you're dipping back in your "I'm not a birther, but all their points are valid" line of (il)logic.
What's tough is once you start doing your core requirements it begins to get expensive when you transfer.

Obama himself transfered from Occidental College in L.A. to Columbia University in NYC and earned a B.A. in political science.

Then several years later he attended Harvard Law school after 5 years as a community organizer with Developing Communities Project (DCP) . Wonder who paid for his books and tuition?

It took from 1979 to 1996 till he became a state senator...17 years....boy that's a long wait for him to actually do what he had trained to do. By this time Sarah Palin was already a mayor gaining great leadership experience. Obama's only leadership experience at this time was as a community organizer. Sarah Palin was elected as governor in 2006 and had been serving when she was tabbed for VP. So she already had served several years as a leader [8 to be exact] before Obama was sworn in as our 44th President.

Who do you think is a better leader? Who do you think you can trust.....somebody who served her home state faithfully for several year or the stinking lawyer???:eusa_angel:

Sarah Palin - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Barack Obama - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Don't act like an A-hole mud, you aren't.

Obama, instead of going for the big corporate bucks, which he could easily have done, decided to serve his COMMUNITY for years instead.

Who's more trustworthy you ask?

Why should you admire someone for promoting their own self-interest? Would you admire people for breathing as well?

Admire someone promoting ones self interest?
When did I do that?
I admire all that acheive...I admirte all that do not give up.
I do not decide who should and should not get my admiration regareding those two things based on the persons ideological views.

I admire Pelosi...Look at what hse has acheived.....but I hate her views. I hate her personality...I hate her arrogance.

I admire Obama...look at how he has excelled. I hatre his policies and I hate his arrogance.

I can go on......

You obviously cannot.

Oldandtired 4 Polk 1

People go to college because they feel it's going to enhance their future earnings potential. It's not some great exercise in altruism.

Also, pretty funny you consider Obama "arrogant", even though he isn't in the least.

I see him as dont.
The fact that you dont is not funny to me as you find my seeing him as arrogant as funny to you.

VIewing someone as arrogant is an arrogance is a descripotion.

SO are you saying someones views are humorous if they do not agree with yours?

Awww...heck....there I go again.

Just having fun Polk.
I never claimed it reduces their achievement in the sense that they should be proud of what they've done. Just because they worked hard to get there though doesn't mean their abilities are equal. I could put forward 100 percent effort to winning a footrace, but if I was up against Usain Bolt and he was only putting in 50 percent effort, I'd still lose. That doesn't mean that I'm a bad person or that he's a good one. It simply means he has more talent at running that I do. The same applies to academics.

Aww...c'mon are a good enough debater to see that I am playing with your words...and I know exactly what you are saying.

Just having fun Polk....I know your point.

But it is frustrating when someone does that

Sounds like you're dipping back in your "I'm not a birther, but all their points are valid" line of (il)logic. was....

"I am not a birther but I respect and understand tha paranoia of my fellow citizens that are birthers, seeing as we all have different paranoia and none of us should be frowned uupon for them"

And that being said...all Obama had to do was open his wallet and show them a birth certificate.

But I guess he does not understand that not all people are as perfect as he is so he did not feel it appropriate to spoend the 3 seconds opening his wallet to alleviate their concerns.

I know...he was a busy man. He had things to do.

Nice try making me look like a birther when you know dam well I am not.

I know....knock the credibility of your opponent and it will ensure a win. win.....I tried to show I was enjoying my time with you but you threw that birther crap into the we are done for now.

Good grades are not an indicator of honesty or leadership potential.

No but they are a good indication of intelligence, work ethic, and the rest you get form things like heading the Law Review.

If I need someone to write a paper on a precedent in the US Code Annotated I'll give the prick a call.

However it is no indication of experience or good judgment. It merely means you're good at repeating what you learned and have some semblance of an understanding of that material. It also does not indicate where you're principles are or if you have any nor does it indicate if you are reckless or courageous.

Not necessarily. In higher education more is demanded of a person than simply parroting and in higher level courses greater grasp of the subject material is expected of you. If you are talking then about Masters or PhD, even more.

It is an indication certain characteristics: self discipline, the ability to follow through and complete goals, the ability to meet deadlines, perserverence and independence. That's nothing to cast shame at.
Ah, the party that claims the mantra of 'personal responsibility' blaming others as usual...:eek:

Not 'the party', just 'a person'.... Some people can't differentiate between the opinion of one and the opinoin of a group. That is a liberal trait.

Also, are you honestly trying to say that the media does not influence how people view others? Your 'personal responsibility' comment doesn't stand up. Even an idiot knows that the media make or break a person's reputation. Just look at the ridiculous and oft repeated claim that Palin said she could see Russia from her house. Classic example of media influence over the masses.

Palin Russia War Quotes – Quotes from the Sarah Palin interview with Charlie Gibson, where Palin showed her lack of foriegn policy experience by saying she would go to war with Russia over Georgia.

The McCain camp has been touting Sarah Palin’s foriegn policy experience because Alaska is close to Russia (see Cindy McCain video clip below), and sure enough, that’s almost a direct quote of what Palin led with.

PALIN: And, Charlie, you’re in Alaska. We have that very narrow maritime border between the United States, and the 49th state, Alaska, and Russia. They are our next door neighbors.We need to have a good relationship with them. They’re very, very important to us and they are our next door neighbor.

GIBSON: What insight into Russian actions, particularly in the last couple of weeks, does the proximity of the state give you?

PALIN: They’re our next door neighbors and you can actually see Russia from land here in Alaska, from an island in Alaska.


COURIC: You've cited Alaska's proximity to Russia as part of your foreign policy experience. What did you mean by that?

PALIN: That Alaska has a very narrow maritime border between a foreign country, Russia, and on our other side, the land-- boundary that we have with-- Canada. It-- it's funny that a comment like that was-- kind of made to-- cari-- I don't know, you know? Reporters--


PALIN: Yeah, mocked, I guess that's the word, yeah.

COURIC: Explain to me why that enhances your foreign policy credentials.

PALIN: Well, it certainly does because our-- our next door neighbors are foreign countries. They're in the state that I am the executive of. And there in Russia--

COURIC: Have you ever been involved with any negotiations, for example, with the Russians?

PALIN: We have trade missions back and forth. We-- we do-- it's very important when you consider even national security issues with Russia as Putin rears his head and comes into the air space of the United States of America, where-- where do they go? It's Alaska. It's just right over the border. It is-- from Alaska that we send those out to make sure that an eye is being kept on this very powerful nation, Russia, because they are right there. They are right next to-- to our state.


GIBSON: But as you know, the questions revolve really around foreign policy experience. Can you honestly say you feel confident having someone who hasn't traveled outside the United States until last year, dealing with an insurgent Russia, with an Iran with nuclear ambitions, with an unstable Pakistan, not to mention the war on terror?

MCCAIN: Sure. And one of the key elements of America's national security requirements are energy. She understands the energy issues better than anybody I know in Washington, D.C., and she understands. Alaska is right next to Russia. She understands that.

And do you know, she is right, you can see a Russian island from an American island in the Pacific Ocean?
To what end would you even attempt to make any claim about Obama's Harvard grades? Do you have ANY sort of evidence to support a claim that he had sub-3.3 grades?

Or are just pulling crap out of your butt?

The fact that he was selected as an editor of the review and respected enough by his fellow editors to be elected president - seems to indicate he was very good academically at Harvard. With no evidence to suggest anything to the contrary, why would you even try?

He also graduated with Magna Cum Laude honors in Harvard. That means he is in the top 20% of the class. That's no easy achievement.

But.....but..... we've been led to believe that he's the smartest President in our history....not just the top 20%. Wasn't Bill Clinton a Rhodes Scholar..

....and he had problems keeping his dick in his pants.

I really don't think how smart you are has anything to do with how honest you are....nor how good a leader you are.

Bush and Palin are NEITHER smart nor honest.
Barack Obama graduated magna cum laude.

At Harvard, magna cum laude distinction is currently awarded to the top 20% of a graduating class.


Sarah attended six colleges in six years. She was in school for only a few weeks at the University of Hawaii at Hilo in the fall of 1982. She then transferred to Hawaii Pacific University in the same semester as a Business Administration major.

Next, she was off to Northern Idaho College (a community college in Coeur d'Alene) for the spring and fall semesters in 1983. She then transferred to the University of Idaho as a Journalism major in Fall 1984 and Spring 1985. She returned to a community college in Alaska in Fall 1985 (Matanuska-Susitna College). She ended her college soujourn at the University of Idaho with two semesters in 1986. She finished her journalism degree at that same school in Spring, 1987.

There is no record that she worked on the newspapers at any of the schools or the college television stations at two schools that offered that experience. Her grade point average has yet to be released by the campaign.


Grades aren't everything, folks.

Obviously, if they were, there'd be a strong correlation between grades and worldly success later in life.

The correleation betweeen grades and success exists, but the correlation is rather weak. Much weaker than, for example, what class you were raised in, as indicative of where you end up.

Sarah obviously has intelligence given how high she climbed in life.

Likewise, Obama.

Both started out as nobodies who become somebodies.

That reality alone shows us how silly it is for people to try to say that either of them are dummies or fakes.

You cannot fake that kind of success, folks.

You must believe in "reality tv".:lol::rofl::lol:
Admire someone promoting ones self interest?
When did I do that?
I admire all that acheive...I admirte all that do not give up.
I do not decide who should and should not get my admiration regareding those two things based on the persons ideological views.

I admire Pelosi...Look at what hse has acheived.....but I hate her views. I hate her personality...I hate her arrogance.

I admire Obama...look at how he has excelled. I hatre his policies and I hate his arrogance.

I can go on......

You obviously cannot.

Oldandtired 4 Polk 1

People go to college because they feel it's going to enhance their future earnings potential. It's not some great exercise in altruism.

Also, pretty funny you consider Obama "arrogant", even though he isn't in the least.

I see him as dont.
The fact that you dont is not funny to me as you find my seeing him as arrogant as funny to you.

VIewing someone as arrogant is an arrogance is a descripotion.

SO are you saying someones views are humorous if they do not agree with yours?

Awww...heck....there I go again.

Just having fun Polk.

Lets get our stories straight..

Obama is not arrogant....he is elitist
Admire someone promoting ones self interest?
When did I do that?
I admire all that acheive...I admirte all that do not give up.
I do not decide who should and should not get my admiration regareding those two things based on the persons ideological views.

I admire Pelosi...Look at what hse has acheived.....but I hate her views. I hate her personality...I hate her arrogance.

I admire Obama...look at how he has excelled. I hatre his policies and I hate his arrogance.

I can go on......

You obviously cannot.

Oldandtired 4 Polk 1

People go to college because they feel it's going to enhance their future earnings potential. It's not some great exercise in altruism.

Also, pretty funny you consider Obama "arrogant", even though he isn't in the least.

I see him as dont.
The fact that you dont is not funny to me as you find my seeing him as arrogant as funny to you.

VIewing someone as arrogant is an arrogance is a descripotion.

SO are you saying someones views are humorous if they do not agree with yours?

Awww...heck....there I go again.

Just having fun Polk.

When that person's views aren't based in any sort of objective reality? Yeah, I find them hilarious in that case.
Aww...c'mon are a good enough debater to see that I am playing with your words...and I know exactly what you are saying.

Just having fun Polk....I know your point.

But it is frustrating when someone does that

Sounds like you're dipping back in your "I'm not a birther, but all their points are valid" line of (il)logic. was....

"I am not a birther but I respect and understand tha paranoia of my fellow citizens that are birthers, seeing as we all have different paranoia and none of us should be frowned uupon for them"

And that being said...all Obama had to do was open his wallet and show them a birth certificate.

But I guess he does not understand that not all people are as perfect as he is so he did not feel it appropriate to spoend the 3 seconds opening his wallet to alleviate their concerns.

I know...he was a busy man. He had things to do.

Nice try making me look like a birther when you know dam well I am not.

I know....knock the credibility of your opponent and it will ensure a win. win.....I tried to show I was enjoying my time with you but you threw that birther crap into the we are done for now.


Except that he's already shown his birth certificate. That you and your fellow birthers are too stupid to understand what you're looking at isn't his problem. I'm not trying to make you look like a birther. You are a birther, which is shown by your repeated statements in support of their arguments.
I see him as dont.
The fact that you dont is not funny to me as you find my seeing him as arrogant as funny to you.

VIewing someone as arrogant is an arrogance is a descripotion.

SO are you saying someones views are humorous if they do not agree with yours?

Awww...heck....there I go again.

Just having fun Polk.

What exactly is it about PRESIDENT Obama that causes you to see him as arrogant?
What exactly is it about PRESIDENT Obama that causes you to see him as arrogant?

  • "We're the ones we are waiting for"
  • "Anybody gone into Whole Foods lately and see what they charge for arugula? I mean, they're charging a lot of money for this stuff."
  • "The point I was making was not that Grandmother harbors any racial animosity. She doesn't. But she is a typical white person..."
  • "You got into these small towns in Pennsylvania and, like a lot of small towns in the Midwest, the jobs have been gone now for 25 years and nothing's replaced them. And they fell through the Clinton Administration, and the Bush Administration, and each successive administration has said that somehow these communities are gonna regenerate and they have not. And it's not surprising then they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren't like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations."
  • "You're Likable Enough"
- Barak Obama

  • Using a faux presidential seal during his run for president.
  • Comparing himself to Lincoln.
  • Using a Greek temple set to stage a speech in Denver.

Those are a few of the things I came up with.

Sounds like you're dipping back in your "I'm not a birther, but all their points are valid" line of (il)logic. was....

"I am not a birther but I respect and understand tha paranoia of my fellow citizens that are birthers, seeing as we all have different paranoia and none of us should be frowned uupon for them"

And that being said...all Obama had to do was open his wallet and show them a birth certificate.

But I guess he does not understand that not all people are as perfect as he is so he did not feel it appropriate to spoend the 3 seconds opening his wallet to alleviate their concerns.

I know...he was a busy man. He had things to do.

Nice try making me look like a birther when you know dam well I am not.

I know....knock the credibility of your opponent and it will ensure a win. win.....I tried to show I was enjoying my time with you but you threw that birther crap into the we are done for now.


Except that he's already shown his birth certificate. That you and your fellow birthers are too stupid to understand what you're looking at isn't his problem. I'm not trying to make you look like a birther. You are a birther, which is shown by your repeated statements in support of their arguments.

If that makes you feel better, go for it.

I guess I am pro abortion as well. Strange. I am against them, but according to your logic I must be for them.

You see, when my sister asked me for my blessing when she opted to have an abortion, I gave it to her as I understood her sentiments. I did not agree with them, but I understood and respected them.

But I personally would never have opne of my children aborted, nort would I ever encourage someone to have one.

I guess liberals simply have the attitude of my way or the highway. Quite....dare I say....conservative of you....or at least how you paint conservatives.
What exactly is it about PRESIDENT Obama that causes you to see him as arrogant?

  • "We're the ones we are waiting for"
  • "Anybody gone into Whole Foods lately and see what they charge for arugula? I mean, they're charging a lot of money for this stuff."
  • "The point I was making was not that Grandmother harbors any racial animosity. She doesn't. But she is a typical white person..."
  • "You got into these small towns in Pennsylvania and, like a lot of small towns in the Midwest, the jobs have been gone now for 25 years and nothing's replaced them. And they fell through the Clinton Administration, and the Bush Administration, and each successive administration has said that somehow these communities are gonna regenerate and they have not. And it's not surprising then they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren't like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations."
  • "You're Likable Enough"
- Barak Obama

  • Using a faux presidential seal during his run for president.
  • Comparing himself to Lincoln.
  • Using a Greek temple set to stage a speech in Denver.
Those are a few of the things I came up with.


And which of those things that he said is untrue?
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