Over-population - When does it get taken seriously

Everybody who is concerned with overpopulation should just kill themselves.

That will take care of it.
By the turn of the century the world will be at 11 billion people! If it goes unfettered we will be at 20 billion within hr 1st quarter of 2100.

Limpdick liberals in the west say fuck it I won't have kids, but they are already doing that. The explosion consistently comes from the 3rd world cough cough Hispanic, Blacks Africans, Arabs and non-Chinese, Korean or Japanese Asians!

It will be scary. We won't be around for it, but our children will see the beginning of it and grand children will live it.

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we can still fit everyone inside the borders of TX.

just sayin
and every time you hear that, repeat after me

Mars doesn't work

Until the rocket scientists with the PhD's that actually study this for a living come to agreement on that, no offense, but not really gonna take LaDexter's opinion as truth on the internet.

It has a LOT more hope than interstellar travel though. I mean we've got idea's on Mars. From people a LOT smarter than you or I that think it can work. And they haven't even finished building their habitat prototypes, so I am not sure how you know they are all failures. I agree the chance is unlikely. I think we don't push quickly enough to get off of earth in some form of permanence before we kill ourselves off or ruin ourselves enough where we can't afford to.

When the next planetary choice is master interstellar travel to get to a planet we think MIGHT be as hospitable as Mars, Mars obviously should be the goal?

All I am saying is if we are getting off Earth, we'd better find out how to make Mars habitable before going 15 light years away and trying to make a Mars type environment work there. That's all I am saying. And technology is moving at an insane pace so that's our chance.. The Speaker of the House when we landed on the moon was born 12 years before the Wright Brothers flew the first plane.
By the turn of the century the world will be at 11 billion people! If it goes unfettered we will be at 20 billion within hr 1st quarter of 2100.

Limpdick liberals in the west say fuck it I won't have kids, but they are already doing that. The explosion consistently comes from the 3rd world cough cough Hispanic, Blacks Africans, Arabs and non-Chinese, Korean or Japanese Asians!

It will be scary. We won't be around for it, but our children will see the beginning of it and grand children will live it.

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Soooo...when you said "over-population", you were actually dog whistling "there's too many fucking darkies!"

Dog whistle, lol.

Here is reality-----------> ever hear of Detroit? Don't like that example, then pick the poorest city in the deep South, lol.

OK, around all of those cities, is at least one, very nice area. Usually, people with money live there, but it is not always that way.

Now then, all the people..........let me rephrase..........most all of the people are American in that area, and the areas surrounding it, yes!

But that is NOT so when it comes to America, and its surrounding areas. You can LEGALLY keep your country vibrant, educated, and employed, and no racism is involved; unless you are some far left wing incompetent keeping score. All you have to do is insure that your American government WORKS for Americans, who support it by paying taxes.

EXAMPLE---------> If the borders are secured, it is not MY......your.......or Jesus Christ's fault if more people trying to enter ILLEGALLY are brown, blue, purple, pink, or white. As long as they are treated equally, racism has no bearing on anything, except in the mind of some far left loon trying to create a controversy!

Nobody should have a problem with CURRENT LAW; not EOs created by Presidents. If anyone has a problem with the law, then CHANGE IT! If you can NOT, then you are SOL, and all your bullshit racism fantasy, will not work.

Now, for ANYONE wanting to change the law, I have a friend who is a lawyer, who has already created a petition for you and your friends to sign, then you can send to your congress critter. I will insist that YOU, as an American, NEVER again call us RACIST, if you can't get your congress critter to sponsor the bill, especially if your congress critter is a Democrat. How can you blame us, when your LEADERS run like hell from trying to change the law, lol.

So you leftists, don't be phony-baloneys. Make your case with your legislators. FORCE them to do what you wish. Make it a very public thing. You are either WITH YOU and the ILLEGALS, or against YOU and the ILLEGALS; and you want the law changed NOW!

We are waiting -)
mars, seriously....

Mars lacks a magnetic field, you can't have a population w/o one.

Magnetic field are nothing. It a construct of your white privlaged land stealing society. Do tell us, how are the poor minority's supposed to afford a magnetic field? Your comments are completely off base and toattly racist.
Mandatory sterilization for welfare recipients would help.

Bob Grant introduced the Mandatory Sterilization Act back in 1970! FF to 27:40. Unfortunately the politicians to no move forward on it and now have a country filled with illiterate low IQ, ugly ass morons and churn out offspring as a statement against Whitey.

By the turn of the century the world will be at 11 billion people! If it goes unfettered we will be at 20 billion within hr 1st quarter of 2100.

Limpdick liberals in the west say fuck it I won't have kids, but they are already doing that. The explosion consistently comes from the 3rd world cough cough Hispanic, Blacks Africans, Arabs and non-Chinese, Korean or Japanese Asians!

It will be scary. We won't be around for it, but our children will see the beginning of it and grand children will live it.

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Perhaps it is time for republicans to stop being against abortion, eh?

Red herring. The unnatural population growth is happening in the 3rd world.

Despite the rhetoric abortion is in no danger of going away.

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You really need to get out more, bubble boy

How Trump signed a global death warrant for women
With one devastating flourish of the presidential pen, worldwide progress on family planning, population growth and reproductive rights was swept away. Now some of the world’s poorest women must count the cost

Six months ago, one powerful white man in the White House, watched by seven more, signed a piece of paper that will prevent millions of women around the world from deciding what they can and can’t do with their own bodies.

In that moment, on his very first Monday morning in office, Donald Trump effectively signed the death warrants of thousands of women. He reversed global progress on contraception, family planning, unsustainable population growth and reproductive rights. His executive order even has implications for the battle against HIV, tuberculosis and malaria.

Rarely can the presidential pen have been flourished to such devastating effect. The policy it reintroduced will shut health clinics in Uganda and HIV programmes in Mozambique; it will compel women from Nepal to Namibia to seek out deadly back-street abortions.

“It is an unprecedented attack on women’s rights – it goes much deeper than abortion,” said Ulla Müller, president and CEO of EngenderHealth, a leading advocacy organisation.

The order reinstated the Mexico City policy (so called because it was first signed at the International Conference of Population in Mexico City, in 1984). Under this policy, any NGO outside the US seeking American funding for family planning has to pledge it will not carry out abortions anywhere in the world, even with its own money. Such organisations must agree not to talk to women about a termination, nor lobby governments to liberalise their policy on abortion.

How Trump signed a global death warrant for women | Sarah Boseley
omg this is the funniest thread.
Been reading some posts and still can't figure out the true topic with all the discombobulating rambling replys.

All I can say regarding overpopulation is...
Soylant Green is people!!!!
images (3).jpg
By the turn of the century the world will be at 11 billion people! If it goes unfettered we will be at 20 billion within hr 1st quarter of 2100.

Limpdick liberals in the west say fuck it I won't have kids, but they are already doing that. The explosion consistently comes from the 3rd world cough cough Hispanic, Blacks Africans, Arabs and non-Chinese, Korean or Japanese Asians!

It will be scary. We won't be around for it, but our children will see the beginning of it and grand children will live it.

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At the end of the day, over-population is our biggest problem. At some point you'd expect a correction, or as the great philosopher George Carlin put it, "We won't kill the Earth. The Earth will shake us off like fleas."
I have said before, overpopulation is the cause of all the world's problems. Population reduction is the solution. Ergo...


It's the solution to all problems. We need more. WAR!!!
By the turn of the century the world will be at 11 billion people! If it goes unfettered we will be at 20 billion within hr 1st quarter of 2100.

Limpdick liberals in the west say fuck it I won't have kids, but they are already doing that. The explosion consistently comes from the 3rd world cough cough Hispanic, Blacks Africans, Arabs and non-Chinese, Korean or Japanese Asians!

It will be scary. We won't be around for it, but our children will see the beginning of it and grand children will live it.

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At the end of the day, over-population is our biggest problem. At some point you'd expect a correction, or as the great philosopher George Carlin put it, "We won't kill the Earth. The Earth will shake us off like fleas."

We won't kill the earth. God created it to bear us, no matter what.

The earth won't go away until God destroys it. Until then, we're good, and we won't, and can't, kill the earth.
By the turn of the century the world will be at 11 billion people! If it goes unfettered we will be at 20 billion within hr 1st quarter of 2100.

Limpdick liberals in the west say fuck it I won't have kids, but they are already doing that. The explosion consistently comes from the 3rd world cough cough Hispanic, Blacks Africans, Arabs and non-Chinese, Korean or Japanese Asians!

It will be scary. We won't be around for it, but our children will see the beginning of it and grand children will live it.

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At the end of the day, over-population is our biggest problem. At some point you'd expect a correction, or as the great philosopher George Carlin put it, "We won't kill the Earth. The Earth will shake us off like fleas."

We won't kill the earth. God created it to bear us, no matter what.

The earth won't go away until God destroys it. Until then, we're good, and we won't, and can't, kill the earth.

Uh, no. God created the earth first cuz it was more important. Man was an afterthought cuz God wanted entertainment.

"I think I will invent man, and make him stupid"

"Hey guys, I just told Adam & Eve not to eat of the tree of knowledge of good & evil. This should be priceless!"
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By the turn of the century the world will be at 11 billion people! If it goes unfettered we will be at 20 billion within hr 1st quarter of 2100.

Limpdick liberals in the west say fuck it I won't have kids, but they are already doing that. The explosion consistently comes from the 3rd world cough cough Hispanic, Blacks Africans, Arabs and non-Chinese, Korean or Japanese Asians!

It will be scary. We won't be around for it, but our children will see the beginning of it and grand children will live it.

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Perhaps it is time for republicans to stop being against abortion, eh?

Red herring. The unnatural population growth is happening in the 3rd world.

Despite the rhetoric abortion is in no danger of going away.

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
You really need to get out more, bubble boy

How Trump signed a global death warrant for women
With one devastating flourish of the presidential pen, worldwide progress on family planning, population growth and reproductive rights was swept away. Now some of the world’s poorest women must count the cost

Six months ago, one powerful white man in the White House, watched by seven more, signed a piece of paper that will prevent millions of women around the world from deciding what they can and can’t do with their own bodies.

In that moment, on his very first Monday morning in office, Donald Trump effectively signed the death warrants of thousands of women. He reversed global progress on contraception, family planning, unsustainable population growth and reproductive rights. His executive order even has implications for the battle against HIV, tuberculosis and malaria.

Rarely can the presidential pen have been flourished to such devastating effect. The policy it reintroduced will shut health clinics in Uganda and HIV programmes in Mozambique; it will compel women from Nepal to Namibia to seek out deadly back-street abortions.

“It is an unprecedented attack on women’s rights – it goes much deeper than abortion,” said Ulla Müller, president and CEO of EngenderHealth, a leading advocacy organisation.

The order reinstated the Mexico City policy (so called because it was first signed at the International Conference of Population in Mexico City, in 1984). Under this policy, any NGO outside the US seeking American funding for family planning has to pledge it will not carry out abortions anywhere in the world, even with its own money. Such organisations must agree not to talk to women about a termination, nor lobby governments to liberalise their policy on abortion.

How Trump signed a global death warrant for women | Sarah Boseley
Horse shit. He's going to stop funding fucking abattoirs that kill women (after they get their uteruses scraped, they go back to whatever hell holes the come from, and die of sepsis). Those charnel houses are where planned parenthood rakes in dough to be made off of women and children who are already being trafficked.

What disgusting murderous pigs lefties are.

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