Over-population - When does it get taken seriously

How are the tens of millions of 300 pound white Americans going to get the necessary amount of hot dogs they need to maintain weight if the gooks and ******* keep having kids?!

Better question, where are all the monkeys from Africa going to flee to in order to escape their horrendous lives when they turn Europe and the US into 3rd world shitholes

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It was okay when the Irish were breeding like rabbits and came here. No way we can let the darkies in!

Irish = Intelligent, hard working, law abiding, responsible.
"Darkies" = 180 degrees the opposite
Simple shit....The fucking truth sucks...huh?
The simple truth is that Democrats want the "underclass" to breed as much as possible, because that is their "base..."
The simple truth is that Democrats want the "underclass" to breed as much as possible, because that is their "base..."
The simple truth is that republicans want the "underclass" to breed as much as possible, because that is their white supremacy base

Welfare and voting for the Democrats is almost a 100% correlation....
After all, we are The Crown of Creation.

Can there ever possibly be too many of us?
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The simple truth is that Democrats want the "underclass" to breed as much as possible, because that is their "base..."
It's the new form of slavery.

Some are used for votes..but mostly they are used to manipulate funds.

The welfare class is today's slave class. Child welfare are the traffickers. They make money off dead babies, they make money off the live ones.
Irish = Intelligent, hard working, law abiding, responsible.
"Darkies" = 180 degrees the opposite
Simple shit....The fucking truth sucks...huh?

You might want to visit south boston, see all the 'hard working, law abiding, responsible' irish…. or Hell's Kitchen.

Racists like you don't care to know the truth.

Whites in America live on food stamps, in government housing, get hand outs, and have babies they can't care for… every single day.
By the turn of the century the world will be at 11 billion people! If it goes unfettered we will be at 20 billion within hr 1st quarter of 2100.

Limpdick liberals in the west say fuck it I won't have kids, but they are already doing that. The explosion consistently comes from the 3rd world cough cough Hispanic, Blacks Africans, Arabs and non-Chinese, Korean or Japanese Asians!

It will be scary. We won't be around for it, but our children will see the beginning of it and grand children will live it.

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Who closes free clinics, cuts funding to planned parenthood, limits access to contraceptives?


Say it one more time…

Good girl.

I support a big candy bowl of Plan B in every high school and jr. college health office in America. "Free - Take as many as you need"
Unless we can dislodge a moon like Titan or Europa and smash it into Mars, we really have no other options in our solar system, and we need to focus on getting to another star and stop pretending Mars "works" when it doesn't.

Well I've heard options for Mars. Everything from nukes to magnetic shields.

The problem with interstellar travel is a LOT more complicated than Mars. Because then we are talking about either FTL travel or cryo freezing travelers... Things that are a lot further away than our problems with Mars.

The population will figure out it's saturation point on Earth. At some point there won't be enough resources to live and people will die off and keep the population at a max level. That will be a very very shitty time for sure.

The other "solution" would be pandemics or extinction level events. Meteors, sickness, etc, something that naturally reduces the population (or unnatural like a nuclear war).

Such has happened in the past and will happen again until technology allows the population to once again grow.

It is nothing new.
By the turn of the century the world will be at 11 billion people! If it goes unfettered we will be at 20 billion within hr 1st quarter of 2100.

Limpdick liberals in the west say fuck it I won't have kids, but they are already doing that. The explosion consistently comes from the 3rd world cough cough Hispanic, Blacks Africans, Arabs and non-Chinese, Korean or Japanese Asians!

It will be scary. We won't be around for it, but our children will see the beginning of it and grand children will live it.

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Soooo...when you said "over-population", you were actually dog whistling "there's too many fucking darkies!"

No I mean when we get to 20 million people by the middle of the next century the world will be in peril.

But to answer your red herring the problem
lies in the 3rd world.

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The world will be in 'peril' of what?

The world will not be in peril - it simply means that at some point the death rate is going to catch up to the birth rate when resources become strained to that point. It will suck, that is for sure, but it will maintain that reality until technology reaches a point that access to resources can once again expand.
The world will be in 'peril' of what?

The world will not be in peril - it simply means that at some point the death rate is going to catch up to the birth rate when resources become strained to that point. It will suck, that is for sure, but it will maintain that reality until technology reaches a point that access to resources can once again expand

And there won't be any migration or immigration problem or fresh water shortages, or wars...

nope, just keep pumping out kids, and everything will be fine....

You have the same IQ as those stowaway snakes...
The world will be in 'peril' of what?

The world will not be in peril - it simply means that at some point the death rate is going to catch up to the birth rate when resources become strained to that point. It will suck, that is for sure, but it will maintain that reality until technology reaches a point that access to resources can once again expand.

But that will most likely be what leads to peril. Just for an example, if Canada has enough resources to feed it's citizens and the USA does not, the pressure will be on the President here to feed his own citizens at any cost. Does he force his own constituents to die in order to keep peaceful relations with Canada? Doubtful.

It's not like every country will be in equally poor shape, and unfortunately by that period my guess is that more countries will have access to nuclear weapons.

I mean take a look at North Korea today. There's a country suffering basically from overpopulation. More people than it has the resources to provide for. Chad, Sudan, Eritrea, Burundi, Bolivia, Haiti, Tajikistan... Those countries that can't feed themselves ARE in peril. Those are the countries with civil wars, uprisings against the government, military coups, and strife. Now imagine if that's a country with the weaponry or size of China or India.
The simple truth is that Democrats want the "underclass" to breed as much as possible, because that is their "base..."

Underclass includes red state whites.

So, you FAIL.

Guess your gene pool is a little shallow.

your liberal bias and regional stupidity continue to be your most revealing traits. There are ignorant whites and blacks in every state.
mars, seriously....

Mars lacks a magnetic field, you can't have a population w/o one.

Magnetic field are nothing. It a construct of your white privlaged land stealing society. Do tell us, how are the poor minority's supposed to afford a magnetic field? Your comments are completely off base and toattly racist.

I got nothing..
This is not a problem, or won't be for much longer. Birth rates are falling in all Western nations, and Japan and China, and are now below replacement levels. It won't be long before birth rates fall in other nations as well.
This is not a problem, or won't be for much longer. Birth rates are falling in all Western nations, and Japan and China, and are now below replacement levels. It won't be long before birth rates fall in other nations as well.

you may be right, when the trangenders outnumber the reproductive class and gay marriage outnumbers straight marrage, reproduction will be a thing of the past.

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