Obama's girlfriend was a "composite"... WTF?

I think the truth is - those 'on high' are very happy we're all fighting with each other, so we don't take a hard look at them.

I wasn't here for the Palin debacle - I was having that fight at another board.

This clean slate I opened upon my return has been a major blessing. Sometimes, ya just gotta start over.
I think the truth is - those 'on high' are very happy we're all fighting with each other, so we don't take a hard look at them.

I wasn't here for the Palin debacle - I was having that fight at another board.

This clean slate I opened upon my return has been a major blessing. Sometimes, ya just gotta start over.

Amen sister..!

You nailed it.

Thats why I want to try to be a bit nicer to my liberal friends here at USMB.

There just has to be some things we can come together on...there just has to be!
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oh grow up..

Likewise for those who make silly threads like this. Like this thing is even related to what he is doing now. Just some people trying to dig up dirt from the irrelevant garden and trying to throw it on him. I'm not for Obama, but I'm not for Romney either (and I despise him more). But alot of us should grow up and discuss real politics.

All of a sudden we want to discuss 'real' politics??? Why start now.... we have Sandra Fluke, dogs in crates, wars on women, wars on gays, wars on poor people, class warfare, race war, and Oh lookie... the illegals are going home all by themselves.

Yeah right.... real politics my ass!

No doubt the importance for the next election plays a factor
This is just not some regular election
It is about stopping the Left from trying to make fundamental changes
to the long term character of this nation.

As they say, the stakes are high
and to beat the antagonist
One must remember

Insurrection is an art, and like all arts has its own laws.

An important weapon ...
Ridicule is man's most potent weapon

So some of these threads do serve a purpose
no matter how "down and dirty" they get-
The real question- do they matter in the big picture

Individual posting boards- no
But the cumulative effect can be like chipping away
at a stone until you have a finished work
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I think the truth is - those 'on high' are very happy we're all fighting with each other, so we don't take a hard look at them.

I wasn't here for the Palin debacle - I was having that fight at another board.

This clean slate I opened upon my return has been a major blessing. Sometimes, ya just gotta start over.

Amen sister..!

You nailed it.

Thats why I want to try to be a bit nicer to my liberal friends here at USMB.

There just has to be some things we can come together on...there just has to be!

I'm betting there are. And if not, we'll always have spiced rum. :D
I think the truth is - those 'on high' are very happy we're all fighting with each other, so we don't take a hard look at them.

I wasn't here for the Palin debacle - I was having that fight at another board.

This clean slate I opened upon my return has been a major blessing. Sometimes, ya just gotta start over.

What do you mean? That the autobiographies should be ignored?
I think the truth is - those 'on high' are very happy we're all fighting with each other, so we don't take a hard look at them.

I wasn't here for the Palin debacle - I was having that fight at another board.

This clean slate I opened upon my return has been a major blessing. Sometimes, ya just gotta start over.

What do you mean? That the autobiographies should be ignored?

I should have quoted. I was talking to The Infidel.
I think the truth is - those 'on high' are very happy we're all fighting with each other, so we don't take a hard look at them.

I wasn't here for the Palin debacle - I was having that fight at another board.

This clean slate I opened upon my return has been a major blessing. Sometimes, ya just gotta start over.

What do you mean? That the autobiographies should be ignored?

It's worked for (how many?) years, now.......
The girfriend was a composite of every white woman he ever went out with and imbued with his own perceptions of racism. It never occurred to him that if a white girl went out with him she likely wasn't a racist. If she didn't adopt black anger she was a racist. It wasn't good enough.

No woman ever said "she'd be black if she could". That's what he wanted them to say. Underneath all the oily exterior obama is a lock kneed racist.

And if a white author compressed all black people of any group into some faceless "composite" of stereotypes and generalizations, how would that go over?

Not only didn't obama write that book, he has probably never read the whole thing.
The girfriend was a composite of every white woman he ever went out with and imbued with his own perceptions of racism. It never occurred to him that if a white girl went out with him she likely wasn't a racist. If she didn't adopt black anger she was a racist. It wasn't good enough.

No woman ever said "she'd be black if she could". That's what he wanted them to say. Underneath all the oily exterior obama is a lock kneed racist.

And if a white author compressed all black people of any group into some faceless "composite" of stereotypes and generalizations, how would that go over?

Not only didn't obama write that book, he has probably never read the whole thing.

I hear you

He calls Ayers a friend
you think the guy would have been smart
enough to keep the stuff about dogs out of his books
LOL! Now he's making up one to help him with the election!

Obama Campaign's 'Julia' Draws Partisan Debate - Yahoo! News

Obama Campaign's 'Julia' Draws Partisan Debate
By Devin Dwyer | ABC OTUS News – 6 hrs ago

In this April 30, 2012 file photo, President Barack Obama speaks in Washington. Democratic challengers outraised Republican incumbents in 20 competitive House races from California to Virginia during the first three months of the year, and President Barack Obama's party has the upper-hand in eight other districts where congressmen are retiring. (AP Photo/Evan Vucci, File)

She's at the center of the latest round in a partisan, election-year debate about women, health care and the economy. But she - "Julia" - is not real.

The Obama campaign says the woman whose life is the subject of an online interactive tool meant to illustrate differences in budget and policy priorities between President Obama and Mitt Romney draws no inspiration from any single individual.

Why the name Julia and not Nancy, Deborah or Suzie?

"Just random," said a campaign official.

"It's just a representation of a typical middle-class woman throughout the different phases of her life, as the site states," said Obama campaign spokesman Ben LaBolt.

As users click through "The Life of Julia," cartoon-style scenes of incremental life stages illustrate how Obama has sought to improve college access, help women sue for pay discrimination and receive free preventive health care services, including contraception.

Each scene includes a note about Romney, claiming that his budget plan would sharply reduce spending for popular programs and repeal provisions aimed at women included in Democrats' health care overhaul.

"Using this new online tool, moms can see what President Obama and Mitt Romney's contrasting policies will mean for their daughters," the campaign says. "Working women and seniors can use this online tool to see what this election will mean for their ability to earn a living, support their families and retire comfortably."

The tool - pushed out through social media networks and on the campaign's website - is significant as part of a concerted effort by Team Obama to keep alive the theme of a "Republican war on women."

Mitt Romney wants to "close doors of opportunity we thought we'd kicked open a long time ago," Obama said Friday in a speech to hundreds of Democratic women gathered in Washington, D.C.

Vice President Joe Biden will likely touch on similar themes when he addresses 400 women at the annual YWCA USA Conference in Washington on Friday.

In response to "Julia," Republicans struck back at Obama with a hefty dose of snark and a bevy of economic statistics via email and Twitter.

"The Obama campaign forgot to talk about the real economic conditions she will have to deal with under Obama policies and the mountain of debt they have left her," said Republican National Committee communications director Sean Spicer.

In a successive chain of tweets, the RNC circulated data points highlighting the fact that "Julia's" share of the national debt ($34,419) grew sharply under Obama, along with tuition rates, health insurance premiums and gas prices.

The "new Obama graphic concedes that they see government's role as taking care of people from cradle to grave. YAY Government!" said deputy RNC communications director Tim Miller on Twitter.
The girfriend was a composite of every white woman he ever went out with and imbued with his own perceptions of racism. It never occurred to him that if a white girl went out with him she likely wasn't a racist. If she didn't adopt black anger she was a racist. It wasn't good enough.

No woman ever said "she'd be black if she could". That's what he wanted them to say. Underneath all the oily exterior obama is a lock kneed racist.

And if a white author compressed all black people of any group into some faceless "composite" of stereotypes and generalizations, how would that go over?

Not only didn't obama write that book, he has probably never read the whole thing.

I hear you

He calls Ayers a friend
you think the guy would have been smart
enough to keep the stuff about dogs out of his books

There is more out there on Bill Ayers father and the man that practically raised Obama as his own son. Look up Tom Ayers & Frank Marshall Davis... they were very good friends.
Obama was raised by radicals... I kind of feel sorry for him. Problem is, he is affecting so much of our lives by attempting to 'fundamentally change' our nation.

I just cant sit by and watch this happen without saying something about it... but is anyone really listening, or are they just painting me and many other with the broad republican brush?
She's a liberal's wet dream, a little bit of this and that.

She's white, she's black, she's asian, she's hispanic.

She's a Christian, she's a muslim, she's an aetheist.

She's a lesbian, she's straight, she's bi.

She's into drugs, she's not into drugs.

She likes rap, she hates rap.

In short...she doesn't exist. Obama had boyfriends instead. Since he's ashamed of that, he had them murdered!
And if a white author compressed all black people of any group into some faceless "composite" of stereotypes and generalizations, how would that go over?

Not only didn't obama write that book, he has probably never read the whole thing.

I hear you

He calls Ayers a friend
you think the guy would have been smart
enough to keep the stuff about dogs out of his books

There is more out there on Bill Ayers father and the man that practically raised Obama as his own son. Look up Tom Ayers & Frank Marshall Davis... they were very good friends.
Obama was raised by radicals... I kind of feel sorry for him. Problem is, he is affecting so much of our lives by attempting to 'fundamentally change' our nation.

I just cant sit by and watch this happen without saying something about it... but is anyone really listening, or are they just painting me and many other with the broad republican brush?

Thomas Ayers was as nice a man as one could hope to meet. I knew him as a licensed insurance person and as a meat cutter in local grocery. No difference in how the CEO of ComEd treated me. Problem is, I think he was the same with his son's friends.
She's a liberal's wet dream, a little bit of this and that.

She's white, she's black, she's asian, she's hispanic.

She's a Christian, she's a muslim, she's an aetheist.

She's a lesbian, she's straight, she's bi.

She's into drugs, she's not into drugs.

She likes rap, she hates rap.

In short...she doesn't exist. Obama had boyfriends instead. Since he's ashamed of that, he had them murdered!

How did you survive?

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