Obama's advice for the budget


Nov 5, 2010
Bridgeport, CT
Obama advises our country needs to cut back on the things "We can do without."

We can do without the war in Iraq and the war in Afghanistan which are both illegal. They are both illegal because George Bush was warned more than 40 times during official PDBs (Presidential Daily Briefings) that are conducted face to face. Those more than 40 warnings were directly and explicitly that Osama bin Laden and/or Al Qaeda would attack.

On August 16, 2001, Zacarias Moussaoui was arrested. Moussaoui was convicted of conspiring to kill citizens of the US as part of the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks. This conviction is simple proof that the highest officals, including President Bush were well aware of the attack months before 911.

Did Bush stay in a trance throughout the weeks before 911 when he was being warned? The evidence that explosives had been rigged in both WTC towers and Building 7 which all came down at free fall speed could only be ordered by the President of the United States. There is no one on planet earth who has the power to order sophisticated experts and enable them to function by diverting the security in the WTC.

The entire crime was filmed by the media and private photographers. It is plain to see the picture at the top of this blog which shows the north tower burning in contrast with the south tower exploding. To see the blog just google -- screwed again.

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