Obama to focus on the economy. What?

Obama to press Congress to act on economy

So after his first two years where he had a filibuster proof majority and rammed through the stimulus, Dodd Frank and other bills he swore would gt the economy going, after months and months of assuring us he would focus on jobs jobs jobs, now Obama wants to blame Congress for lack of movement.
The man is nothing if not transparent and audacious. And of course his "program" will consist of infrastructure spending, new programs throwing money at job training, and more handouts to constituent groups.
This administration ist he biggest waste of DNA in history.

Obama to focus on the economy? :confused:

Obummer is dumber than a box of hammers

He couldn't find his ass with both hands

"Focus on the economy"="Deflect from my failures in foreign policy, immigration, and IRS scandals."

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