Obama really runs Sandra Fluke via Anita Dun

And how did Obama respond when asked about Maher's comments?
No comment.

How about those two demicratic congresspeople...congresswomen...who verbally condemned Rush...what was there comment when asked about Maher?

No comment.

IF the Republicans had any brains, the the REEKING hypocrisy of the left would be a major topic, but not a peep. Fox should run the Letterman, Schultz and Maher attacks 24/7

I can think of NOTHING lower than fucking Letterman calling a 14 year old a slut, a girl NOT involved in politics or on the national stage.

But not ONE fucking word from the shit stained left, nothing from NOW, no demand by Hillary that the putrid fuck apologize, no call from Obama.

This should be the heart of the story.
^My point exactly. Please run with that inquiry.

Let's try this on for size: What makes men experts on constitutional law?

What does a person's sex have to do with their legal expertise?

Nothing. So why wouldn't Republicans have a woman testify?

They did have Women testify.
Just not a political activist that wanted to make the meeting about contraception.
Also the Dem's knew the rules of the committee and they tried to break the rules by trying to get her to testify with only a 24 hour notice, instead of the 3 days required.

ALL FOUR are prominant GOPers.....one the speaker of the House and the other a pressidential candidate in the most recent presidential election.

Wht MODEERATE democrat said anything to condemn what Maher and Letterman said? I am not asking for a far lefter...that is asking too much...how about a moderate democrat.....any?

Letterman's a late night comic. He's not a leading voice of the Democratic party or liberals.

So that makes it different? Becuase it is political, it gives those that do not normally speak politics the right to refer to a woman as a slut, a whore and a c*n*?

Letterman's a late night comic. You can't expect Democrats to run around condemning every person who makes an offensive comment anymore than you can expect Scott Brown to react to every obnoxious comment placed on Fox Nation or made on late night TV.

I am not a gay activist...and I am not anti gay.....as a matter of fact, i have absolutely no issue about gay marriage. I support it.

But since I am not involved in the debate...I havge the right to call them fags and queers.

Wow...seems you think like the left claims conservatives think.


You have the right to refer to homosexuals in any manner you'd like.
And how did Obama respond when asked about Maher's comments?
No comment.

How about those two demicratic congresspeople...congresswomen...who verbally condemned Rush...what was there comment when asked about Maher?

No comment.

IF the Republicans had any brains, the the REEKING hypocrisy of the left would be a major topic, but not a peep. Fox should run the Letterman, Schultz and Maher attacks 24/7

I can think of NOTHING lower than fucking Letterman calling a 14 year old a slut, a girl NOT involved in politics or on the national stage.

But not ONE fucking word from the shit stained left, nothing from NOW, no demand by Hillary that the putrid fuck apologize, no call from Obama.

This should be the heart of the story.

The left conveniently changes the rules of "tolerance" to accommodate those on the left that err.

It is getting old...and makes very intelligent people sound like children.
Letterman's a late night comic. He's not a leading voice of the Democratic party or liberals.

So that makes it different? Becuase it is political, it gives those that do not normally speak politics the right to refer to a woman as a slut, a whore and a c*n*?

Letterman's a late night comic. You can't expect Democrats to run around condemning every person who makes an offensive comment anymore than you can expect Scott Brown to react to every obnoxious comment placed on Fox Nation or made on late night TV.

I am not a gay activist...and I am not anti gay.....as a matter of fact, i have absolutely no issue about gay marriage. I support it.

But since I am not involved in the debate...I havge the right to call them fags and queers.

Wow...seems you think like the left claims conservatives think.


You have the right to refer to homosexuals in any manner you'd like.

If I were a prominant business owner with a reputation in the media and I openly referred to someone as a queer.....

I would not get backlash?

The fact that this is where you have brought the debate is enough for me to say you are not debating with honesty.

I should have walked away earlier when I said I was....now I am.

And I am quite baffled with your thinking.
So that makes it different? Becuase it is political, it gives those that do not normally speak politics the right to refer to a woman as a slut, a whore and a c*n*?

Letterman's a late night comic. You can't expect Democrats to run around condemning every person who makes an offensive comment anymore than you can expect Scott Brown to react to every obnoxious comment placed on Fox Nation or made on late night TV.

I am not a gay activist...and I am not anti gay.....as a matter of fact, i have absolutely no issue about gay marriage. I support it.

But since I am not involved in the debate...I havge the right to call them fags and queers.

Wow...seems you think like the left claims conservatives think.


You have the right to refer to homosexuals in any manner you'd like.

If I were a prominant business owner with a reputation in the media and I openly referred to someone as a queer.....

I would not get backlash?

Depends on what business you're in. Did Ted Nugent face a backlash from Republicans after the nasty things he said about Hillary CLinton and Diane Feinstein?
And how did Obama respond when asked about Maher's comments?
No comment.

How about those two demicratic congresspeople...congresswomen...who verbally condemned Rush...what was there comment when asked about Maher?

No comment.

IF the Republicans had any brains, the the REEKING hypocrisy of the left would be a major topic, but not a peep. Fox should run the Letterman, Schultz and Maher attacks 24/7

I can think of NOTHING lower than fucking Letterman calling a 14 year old a slut, a girl NOT involved in politics or on the national stage.

But not ONE fucking word from the shit stained left, nothing from NOW, no demand by Hillary that the putrid fuck apologize.

This should be the national story.
What makes women experts on consitutional law?

^My point exactly. Please run with that inquiry.

Let's try this on for size: What makes men experts on constitutional law?

If the Democrats wanted to call a female expert on Constiutional law, no one was stopping them. Instead they wanted to call some birth control agitator.
For a meeting that wasn't about women's contraception they sure spent an AWFULLY long time discussing....

female contraception.

Do you think any women are qualified to discuss the first amendment?

For an imbecile, you keep pushing the same lie for a long time.
Sometimes, I'm afraid you actually believe 1% of the shit you spew.

I don't think you believe or care about the shit you spew. Anything that serves the party, you will post.

I do indeed think that calling a 14 year old a slut on national TV is a disgrace. It's very telling that you don't.

Your party is shameful.
Naw, let them continue screaming their hatred of intelligent women. Offending 50% of the voters can't be a bad thing, now, can it?

True. I'm sure they'll come up with some other loser issue soon enough tho.

it must be a winning election strategy for them to insult the 98% of women who have, at one time or another, used contraception, i'm sure.

fwiw, the president is still 5% points over mitt, 7% over rick and 13% over newt.

RealClearPolitics - President Obama vs. Republican Candidates

approval rating at about 50%...

and they have a GOP field that can't get out of its own way... and now mitt just told the southern states they're an "away game" for him.


He just can't help himself. Amazing.
And how did Obama respond when asked about Maher's comments?
No comment.

How about those two demicratic congresspeople...congresswomen...who verbally condemned Rush...what was there comment when asked about Maher?

No comment.

IF the Republicans had any brains, the the REEKING hypocrisy of the left would be a major topic, but not a peep. Fox should run the Letterman, Schultz and Maher attacks 24/7

I can think of NOTHING lower than fucking Letterman calling a 14 year old a slut, a girl NOT involved in politics or on the national stage.

But not ONE fucking word from the shit stained left, nothing from NOW, no demand by Hillary that the putrid fuck apologize.

This should be the national story.

He didn't call the kid a slut, liar. He said Sarah had a slutty flight attendant look. It was in the top ten list and much funnier than lardbutt Limbaugh's commentary.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vEvkOPidWkY]David Letterman calls Governor Sarah Palin a slut - Late Show - YouTube[/ame]

The 14 yr. old thing was blown way out of proportion by the hockey mom. Letterman apologized sincerely about that comment but he continued to joke about Sarah for like a year.
What makes women experts on consitutional law?

^My point exactly. Please run with that inquiry.

Let's try this on for size: What makes men experts on constitutional law?

Is there some kind of a rule that there has to be an equal number of men and women at a congressional hearing discussing constitutional law that we all missed or something? Is that the same for all political 'groups'? Why aren't you complaining that blacks weren't equally shown in number? Or are you going to keep trying to stick to the inaccurate point that this was about contraception and not constitutionality?
The 14 yr. old thing was blown way out of proportion by the hockey mom. Letterman apologized sincerely about that comment but he continued to joke about Sarah for like a year.

Letterman, talking about Palin and her 14 year old daughter visiting New York:
Letterman "Jokes" About Palin's Daughter
The Offense: Late night TV host David Letterman "joked" that during their recent trip to New York, Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin's daughter "was knocked up by Alex Rodriguez" during a Yankees baseball game. The next night Letterman said that the hardest part of Palin's trip was "keeping Eliot Spitzer away from her daughter."

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