Sandra Fluke Argued for Mandatory Coverage for Sex-Change Surgery

There's something higher then Georgetown's policy...the law.

They don't like it..maybe they shouldn't have signed up.

I'm pretty sure Georgetown University didn't sign up for that 2000 page, unconstitutional piece of dung and what's happening now falls under the "we'll have to pass it to find out what's in it" section.....

If they are operating in this country..then they signed up to it's laws.

Georgetown University was established in 1789, approximately 170 years before Obama was floating around in some Kenyan's nustsack.......
Despite all their boasting, this issue is not a big winner for Democrats. This will all be sorted out in Court eventually. The Government cannot and should not force anyone to subsidize Citizens' personal sexual behavior. This will go to Court and the Government will lose. The People just don't support the Government strong-arming them this way.

Religious organizations should NOT be involved in for profit or accepting government money for charity.

Simple as that.

We really need to get out of the business of subsidizing religion in ANY form.

That is unconstitutional. And I seriously don't know why you liberatarians aren't concerned with that.

That's why i said issues like this are not Government issues. No one should be forced to subsidize Citizens' personal sexual behavior. The Government is clearly over-stepping again. This will be sorted out in Court eventually. The Government will lose. This Democrat-concocted faux 'controversy' will likely blow up in their faces at some point. The People do not support them on this.
So the point of this topic just happens to be about a women that, as it turns out (coincidentally, mind you) just got called a slut and a prostitute by Rush?

Or, perhaps, the point of this topic is to further alienate Ms. Fluke and justify Rushs' actions?

Methinks I don't need a compass to figure out which direction the OP was headed. I'm not stupid.

Perhaps you do.

So you believe the intent of this OP was simply to discuss a random law school student's view of HC coverage?

Seriously, don't act that stupid.

Act? :eusa_eh:
She sounds like every far left wingnut out there. They want everything for free..

Not to worry. we'll soon reach critical mass, that takers are growing like weeds..and will soon outnumber the givers.. it'll be fun to watch their great big fat greek meltdown.
So the point of this topic just happens to be about a women that, as it turns out (coincidentally, mind you) just got called a slut and a prostitute by Rush?

Or, perhaps, the point of this topic is to further alienate Ms. Fluke and justify Rushs' actions?

Methinks I don't need a compass to figure out which direction the OP was headed. I'm not stupid.

Perhaps you do.

So you believe the intent of this OP was simply to discuss a random law school student's view of HC coverage?

Seriously, don't act that stupid.

(It's not an act)
True, so far, only that is not the issue. Yet, the Supreme Law of the Land is the Constitution, not Obamacare. Religious organizations' rights to practice their religions will not be infringed by Obamacare as they are protected by the First Amendment.

They also can't infringe on the rights of their employees.

Thus why their employees are told ahead of time that they are a religious know...before they accept the job....

That does not preclude them from following the law.
I'm pretty sure Georgetown University didn't sign up for that 2000 page, unconstitutional piece of dung and what's happening now falls under the "we'll have to pass it to find out what's in it" section.....

If they are operating in this country..then they signed up to it's laws.

Georgetown University was established in 1789, approximately 170 years before Obama was floating around in some Kenyan's nustsack.......

This..matters why?
Thus why their employees are told ahead of time that they are a religious know...before they accept the job....

That does not preclude them from following the law.
That may not, but the First Amendment does preclude them from following some laws.

You guys got a weird idea about "Liberty". It doesn't include that you take away other people's liberty because your belief's tell you so..
That does not preclude them from following the law.
That may not, but the First Amendment does preclude them from following some laws.

You guys got a weird idea about "Liberty". It doesn't include that you take away other people's liberty because your belief's tell you so..

so if you see it inappropriate to take away ones liberty to satisfy the liberty of another...

Then why do you advocate taking the liberty away from a business owner in an effort to satisfy the liberty of a the way...can buy fromn any business owner they want.

You know...a business is not a person...,but a business owner is a person......

So your post is pretty much supporting the position you claim to be against.

Do you not see that?
She sounds like every far left wingnut out there. They want everything for free..

Not to worry. we'll soon reach critical mass, that takers are growing like weeds..and will soon outnumber the givers.. it'll be fun to watch their great big fat greek meltdown.

Sadly, this is true. The Takers will begin to outnumber the Producers in the very near future. Welcome to Entitlement/Moocher U.S.A.
If they are operating in this country..then they signed up to it's laws.

Georgetown University was established in 1789, approximately 170 years before Obama was floating around in some Kenyan's nustsack.......

This..matters why?

It blows up your dumb comparison that Georgetown "signed up" for this law as compared to the Fluke signing up to attend Georgetown, knowing their policies......
She sounds like every far left wingnut out there. They want everything for free..

Not to worry. we'll soon reach critical mass, that takers are growing like weeds..and will soon outnumber the givers.. it'll be fun to watch their great big fat greek meltdown.

Sadly, this is true. The Takers will begin to outnumber the Producers in the very near future. Welcome to Entitlement/Moocher U.S.A.

It's coming sooner than you think. They gave job stats on fox just now and 5 million people have ceased looking for work. those whose unemployment has run out are switching over to ss disability checks.. the money is running out as the sands run through the hour glass.
Perhaps you do.

So you believe the intent of this OP was simply to discuss a random law school student's view of HC coverage?

Seriously, don't act that stupid.

She's a professional female activist. You should check out her resume.
Oh , I see - the point of this thread was to discuss the views of a random female activist. It just so happens, purely coincidentally, that Rush Limbaugh spent the better part of three days calling this young woman a slut, a prostitute and degrading her on an intensely personal level. Of COURSE the OP didn't start the thread because of that.

After all, it's not OK to call a female a slut and a prostitute, nor demand she record her most intimate moments for the world to see just because you disagree with her -right? amiright?

I hope Republican's run on the "She's a slut!" platform. What a sweet way to sell your ideas.
Not to worry. we'll soon reach critical mass, that takers are growing like weeds..and will soon outnumber the givers.. it'll be fun to watch their great big fat greek meltdown.

Sadly, this is true. The Takers will begin to outnumber the Producers in the very near future. Welcome to Entitlement/Moocher U.S.A.

It's coming sooner than you think. They gave job stats on fox just now and 5 million people have ceased looking for work. those whose unemployment has run out are switching over to ss disability checks.. the money is running out as the sands run through the hour glass.

Yes but but, it's all about the Contraception. Yeah, looks like they'll probably need to start another 'Wag the Dog' War too. Anything to distract the Sheople from the real problems i guess. $16 Trillion in Debt aint going away anytime soon.
So you believe the intent of this OP was simply to discuss a random law school student's view of HC coverage?

Seriously, don't act that stupid.

She's a professional female activist. You should check out her resume.
Oh , I see - the point of this thread was to discuss the views of a random female activist. It just so happens, purely coincidentally, that Rush Limbaugh spent the better part of three days calling this young woman a slut, a prostitute and degrading her on an intensely personal level. Of COURSE the OP didn't start the thread because of that.

After all, it's not OK to call a female a slut and a prostitute, nor demand she record her most intimate moments for the world to see just because you disagree with her -right? amiright?

I hope Republican's run on the "She's a slut!" platform. What a sweet way to sell your ideas.

Selective outrage not very impressive..

[ame=]Low-brow: Bill Maher says Sarah Palin is a 'dumb twat' - YouTube[/ame]
She's a professional female activist. You should check out her resume.
Oh , I see - the point of this thread was to discuss the views of a random female activist. It just so happens, purely coincidentally, that Rush Limbaugh spent the better part of three days calling this young woman a slut, a prostitute and degrading her on an intensely personal level. Of COURSE the OP didn't start the thread because of that.

After all, it's not OK to call a female a slut and a prostitute, nor demand she record her most intimate moments for the world to see just because you disagree with her -right? amiright?

I hope Republican's run on the "She's a slut!" platform. What a sweet way to sell your ideas.

Selective outrage not very impressive..

[ame=]Low-brow: Bill Maher says Sarah Palin is a 'dumb twat' - YouTube[/ame]
Lol! Yes, Bill Maher is a fucking idiot for saying such stupid shit.

Feel better now?

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