Obama is Not Very Smart- Out of Touch with Reality


Intensity Factor 4-Fold
May 31, 2009
lol. Said Trumps "doom and gloom' comments are out of touch with reality. But when you live the life of the elite 1% like the Obama's (yes, thats right, the same demographic he railed against during his campaigns) I would argue his is the one completely out of touch with reality

Screw the POS laughable POTUS

Obama is a sick narcissist working to destroy our country by giving aid and comfort to our enemies and undermining our law.
The hypocrisy of Obama (and the Left in general), pales before his deceptions and delusions. I've never seen anything like it.
lol. Said Trumps "doom and gloom' comments are out of touch with reality. But when you live the life of the elite 1% like the Obama's (yes, thats right, the same demographic he railed against during his campaigns) I would argue his is the one completely out of touch with reality

Screw the POS laughable POTUS

I love it when Conservatives condemn Obama as "elite" while they nominate Trump

Can't make this shit up
lol. Said Trumps "doom and gloom' comments are out of touch with reality. But when you live the life of the elite 1% like the Obama's (yes, thats right, the same demographic he railed against during his campaigns) I would argue his is the one completely out of touch with reality

Screw the POS laughable POTUS

He was literally laughing and cracking jokes at his own Presser on the deaths in Munich.. He's a psycho.
lol. Said Trumps "doom and gloom' comments are out of touch with reality. But when you live the life of the elite 1% like the Obama's (yes, thats right, the same demographic he railed against during his campaigns) I would argue his is the one completely out of touch with reality

Screw the POS laughable POTUS


so true-----Trump is a rich boy "LIBERAL" A guy who just does not know-----He is CLEARLY intelligent----speaks well and very logically but-------HE JUST DOES NOT KNOW-----
how things are-------in the world.
lol. Said Trumps "doom and gloom' comments are out of touch with reality. But when you live the life of the elite 1% like the Obama's (yes, thats right, the same demographic he railed against during his campaigns) I would argue his is the one completely out of touch with reality

Screw the POS laughable POTUS


so true-----Trump is a rich boy "LIBERAL" A guy who just does not know-----He is CLEARLY intelligent----speaks well and very logically but-------HE JUST DOES NOT KNOW-----
how things are-------in the world.
Trump speaks at a third grade level and has a limited vocabulary
I am not one of the elite, and I do not in any way shape or form live in this bizarre world or country that Trump describes.... he is clueless...simply a nay sayer...

What ever happened to America, the 'home of the brave'?

Trump supporters are fraidy-cats, scared little yellow belly cowards....who need someone to save them...they need a loud mouth effeminate savior to protect them from some imaginary boogeyman that is out to get them.... :lol::lol:
lol. Said Trumps "doom and gloom' comments are out of touch with reality. But when you live the life of the elite 1% like the Obama's (yes, thats right, the same demographic he railed against during his campaigns) I would argue his is the one completely out of touch with reality

Screw the POS laughable POTUS


so true-----Trump is a rich boy "LIBERAL" A guy who just does not know-----He is CLEARLY intelligent----speaks well and very logically but-------HE JUST DOES NOT KNOW-----
how things are-------in the world.
Trump speaks at a third grade level and has a limited vocabulary

But at least Trump speaks fluently, while on any - heck ALL - of Obama speeches, press conferences, and occasions without teleprompter, the length of time of Obama's "...mmm...mmm..." and silences while he tries in vain to form a coherent thought far outweigh time length of time he actually says something.

Which - come to think of it - is not a bad thing.
lol. Said Trumps "doom and gloom' comments are out of touch with reality. But when you live the life of the elite 1% like the Obama's (yes, thats right, the same demographic he railed against during his campaigns) I would argue his is the one completely out of touch with reality

Screw the POS laughable POTUS


so true-----Trump is a rich boy "LIBERAL" A guy who just does not know-----He is CLEARLY intelligent----speaks well and very logically but-------HE JUST DOES NOT KNOW-----
how things are-------in the world.
Trump speaks at a third grade level and has a limited vocabulary

part of his shirt sleeves approach to "business"----almost a facade
I am not one of the elite, and I do not in any way shape or form live in this bizarre world or country that Trump describes.... he is clueless...simply a nay sayer...

What ever happened to America, the 'home of the brave'?

Trump supporters are fraidy-cats, scared little yellow belly cowards....who need someone to save them...they need a loud mouth effeminate savior to protect them from some imaginary boogeyman that is out to get them.... :lol::lol:

You're fucking joking right?
obama riding blue bike - Google Search
lol. Said Trumps "doom and gloom' comments are out of touch with reality. But when you live the life of the elite 1% like the Obama's (yes, thats right, the same demographic he railed against during his campaigns) I would argue his is the one completely out of touch with reality

Screw the POS laughable POTUS

Let me get this straight Trump who was born with a silver spoon in his mouth, who would spit on white fuck heads like you standing outside his Trump towers with a will work for food sign, who is about elite as they come, who outsources his jobs, who acts like snob...is just a blue collar redneck like you fuck heads and Obama is elite....oh, just because he happens to PRESIDENT?

You white racist shit for brains ass ho maggot, come out and say you hate blacks and you'll feel better. You closet bitches make me sick!!
lol. Said Trumps "doom and gloom' comments are out of touch with reality. But when you live the life of the elite 1% like the Obama's (yes, thats right, the same demographic he railed against during his campaigns) I would argue his is the one completely out of touch with reality

Screw the POS laughable POTUS


Lol. Yeah, trump is just an average joe, that is in touch with the world around him :rolleyes:

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lol. Said Trumps "doom and gloom' comments are out of touch with reality. But when you live the life of the elite 1% like the Obama's (yes, thats right, the same demographic he railed against during his campaigns) I would argue his is the one completely out of touch with reality

Screw the POS laughable POTUS


so true-----Trump is a rich boy "LIBERAL" A guy who just does not know-----He is CLEARLY intelligent----speaks well and very logically but-------HE JUST DOES NOT KNOW-----
how things are-------in the world.
Trump speaks at a third grade level and has a limited vocabulary

But at least Trump speaks fluently, while on any - heck ALL - of Obama speeches, press conferences, and occasions without teleprompter, the length of time of Obama's "...mmm...mmm..." and silences while he tries in vain to form a coherent thought far outweigh time length of time he actually says something.

Which - come to think of it - is not a bad thing.

Obama has a speaking pattern of pause or slight stutter that gives the appearance he is searching for the correct word.

Trump speaks superfluously relying on simple words like

I graduated from an Ivy League school....I have the best words
lol. Said Trumps "doom and gloom' comments are out of touch with reality. But when you live the life of the elite 1% like the Obama's (yes, thats right, the same demographic he railed against during his campaigns) I would argue his is the one completely out of touch with reality

Screw the POS laughable POTUS


so true-----Trump is a rich boy "LIBERAL" A guy who just does not know-----He is CLEARLY intelligent----speaks well and very logically but-------HE JUST DOES NOT KNOW-----
how things are-------in the world.
Trump speaks at a third grade level and has a limited vocabulary

part of his shirt sleeves approach to "business"----almost a facade

I originally thought he was speaking down to his audience of teatards. But even when he is speaking to business leaders or politicians he relies on simple sentences.....the best, stupid, moron
lol. Said Trumps "doom and gloom' comments are out of touch with reality. But when you live the life of the elite 1% like the Obama's (yes, thats right, the same demographic he railed against during his campaigns) I would argue his is the one completely out of touch with reality

Screw the POS laughable POTUS


so true-----Trump is a rich boy "LIBERAL" A guy who just does not know-----He is CLEARLY intelligent----speaks well and very logically but-------HE JUST DOES NOT KNOW-----
how things are-------in the world.
Trump speaks at a third grade level and has a limited vocabulary

part of his shirt sleeves approach to "business"----almost a facade

I originally thought he was speaking down to his audience of teatards. But even when he is speaking to business leaders or politicians he relies on simple sentences.....the best, stupid, moron

using COMPLEX SENTENCES----when simple sentences will do -------is an AFFECTATION
The hypocrisy of Obama (and the Left in general), pales before his deceptions and delusions. I've never seen anything like it.

its interesting how polls claim that race relations in the US have worsened since he took office, yet the left is too stupid and ideologically blinded to see how the democrats use them and increase identity politics to strengthen their positions.
I am not one of the elite, and I do not in any way shape or form live in this bizarre world or country that Trump describes.... he is clueless...simply a nay sayer...

What ever happened to America, the 'home of the brave'?

Trump supporters are fraidy-cats, scared little yellow belly cowards....who need someone to save them...they need a loud mouth effeminate savior to protect them from some imaginary boogeyman that is out to get them.... :lol::lol:

Actually, most of the Trump supporters I know are military vets who support him for one reason only: he might actually stop the flow of illegals, and mass deport those here.
lol. Said Trumps "doom and gloom' comments are out of touch with reality. But when you live the life of the elite 1% like the Obama's (yes, thats right, the same demographic he railed against during his campaigns) I would argue his is the one completely out of touch with reality

Screw the POS laughable POTUS


so true-----Trump is a rich boy "LIBERAL" A guy who just does not know-----He is CLEARLY intelligent----speaks well and very logically but-------HE JUST DOES NOT KNOW-----
how things are-------in the world.
Trump speaks at a third grade level and has a limited vocabulary

But at least Trump speaks fluently, while on any - heck ALL - of Obama speeches, press conferences, and occasions without teleprompter, the length of time of Obama's "...mmm...mmm..." and silences while he tries in vain to form a coherent thought far outweigh time length of time he actually says something.

Which - come to think of it - is not a bad thing.

Obama has a speaking pattern of pause or slight stutter that gives the appearance he is searching for the correct word.

Trump speaks superfluously relying on simple words like

I graduated from an Ivy League school....I have the best words
Proverbs 17:27
Whoever restrains his words has knowledge, and he who has a cool spirit is a man of understanding.

Ephesians 4:29
Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear.
lol. Said Trumps "doom and gloom' comments are out of touch with reality. But when you live the life of the elite 1% like the Obama's (yes, thats right, the same demographic he railed against during his campaigns) I would argue his is the one completely out of touch with reality

Screw the POS laughable POTUS


so true-----Trump is a rich boy "LIBERAL" A guy who just does not know-----He is CLEARLY intelligent----speaks well and very logically but-------HE JUST DOES NOT KNOW-----
how things are-------in the world.
Trump speaks at a third grade level and has a limited vocabulary

part of his shirt sleeves approach to "business"----almost a facade

I originally thought he was speaking down to his audience of teatards. But even when he is speaking to business leaders or politicians he relies on simple sentences.....the best, stupid, moron

using COMPLEX SENTENCES----when simple sentences will do -------is an AFFECTATION
No it is not
It is intellectual laziness or just a lack of intellect

Using simple sentences in a conversation with common people is understandable. But Trump never deviates, he speaks the same way to CEOs as he does to teatards

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