Now that everyone knows the Trump/Putin collusion story was bulllshit, MSNBC ratings have cratered


Diamond Member
Feb 25, 2015
The OSSOFF loss is also a likely contributing reason.

Snowflakes are tired of losing. They are 0-5 since November 8th.

The snowflake WET DREAM of Trump being executed for treason is over....sorry guys.

Scoreboard: Wednesday, June 21
Last edited:
The OSSOFF loss is also a likely contributing reason.

Snowflakes are tired of losing. They are 0-5 since November 8th.

The snowflake WET DREAM of Trump being executed for treason is over....sorry guys.

Scoreboard: Wednesday, June 21

Broadcast ratings have absolutely nothing to do with any of that. They're about attention, not assent. What the topic is, is irrelevant to that. How you sell it is what it's all about.

Example --- Turn on the Weather Channel right now. I don't even have a TV and I'll bet the house they're running some kind of disaster show -- a flood, a tornado, a meteor smashing the earth to tiny bits. And that's why they do it --- because emotion is what sells.
ColonelAngus, Why so much spam are you trying to convince yourself Trump is anything but an idiot? Why don't you help the lying draft dodger find those tapes, you know the ones. Or the wire tapping? It is kinda hard to determine who is stupider Trump or his supporters? Meanwhile the idiots in congress can't get a thing done. How's that wall coming along? Infrastructure and how about that better healthcare? Hopefully you are paid trolls as Americans are not this naive or stupid.

Rebecca Solnit: The Loneliness of Donald Trump

Liar in chief

All False statements involving Donald Trump | PolitiFact
All Pants on Fire! statements involving Donald Trump | PolitiFact

Someone told me his children seemed so nice, in truth they are like him, fake tweets and all.

Trump profited from kids cancer charity, report says

Thomas Dumm — Grotesque Sovereignty and the Specter of Donald Trump

Thomas Dumm — Grotesque Sovereignty and the Specter of Donald Trump ~ The Contemporary Condition
"It would not be impossible to prove with sufficient repetition and a psychological understanding of the people concerned that a square is in fact a circle. They are mere words, and words can be molded until they clothe ideas and disguise." Joseph Goebbels
In fairness I knew these ratings would be great for Fox because they covered the Trump speech, CNN only covered the first 5 minutes and I imagine MSNBC didn't cover it at all, preferring to provide some new conspiracy theory.

Bottom line is that Americans will listen to their president. He should do one of these rallies a week to give a big boost to those who give him a voice.
ColonelAngus, Why so much spam are you trying to convince yourself Trump is anything but an idiot? Why don't you help the lying draft dodger find those tapes, you know the ones. Or the wire tapping? It is kinda hard to determine who is stupider Trump or his supporters? Meanwhile the idiots in congress can't get a thing done. How's that wall coming along? Infrastructure and how about that better healthcare? Hopefully you are paid trolls as Americans are not this naive or stupid.

Rebecca Solnit: The Loneliness of Donald Trump

Liar in chief

All False statements involving Donald Trump | PolitiFact
All Pants on Fire! statements involving Donald Trump | PolitiFact

Someone told me his children seemed so nice, in truth they are like him, fake tweets and all.

Trump profited from kids cancer charity, report says

Thomas Dumm — Grotesque Sovereignty and the Specter of Donald Trump

Thomas Dumm — Grotesque Sovereignty and the Specter of Donald Trump ~ The Contemporary Condition
"It would not be impossible to prove with sufficient repetition and a psychological understanding of the people concerned that a square is in fact a circle. They are mere words, and words can be molded until they clothe ideas and disguise." Joseph Goebbels
Republicans are liars so of course, they would admire someone like Trump.
I'm still waiting for Trump's evidence for Obama's birth certificate.

The OSSOFF loss is also a likely contributing reason.

Snowflakes are tired of losing. They are 0-5 since November 8th.

The snowflake WET DREAM of Trump being executed for treason is over....sorry guys.

Let's be fair to the poor schnooks----- we all knew it was merely a temporary aberration that MSNBC had any ratings at all. No one really watches that crap, the only reason why their ratings went up for a few weeks is that Fox viewers were angry over some of the program changes at Fox and went there in protest! But they were appalled at the crap there and soon found it intolerably insulting to their intelligence, and found out that new programming such as Tucker, et al., really had grown in and was doing a good job at replacing old hosts. Fox is still OK.

And the Left always knew that it was all bull about Trump, his being arrested, charged, convicted, disgraced, it has all just been a popular talking point of theirs for emotional support, throwing mud just hoping that some part of it might actually stick!

But reality set in the other night, these investigations aren't going anywhere, never will, and they keep losing the small races, so that much less chance of winning the big ones. It is all very dark grey skies, black clouds of gloom for the Libs. Let them make their peace with their maker, it is going to be a very L--O--N--G next four years, with just more heartbreak to follow. Imagine their disappointment as elections approach and the whole world is doing just dandy! Everyone is working, has better jobs, making more money, the world a better, safer place, clean air and water--- ---just what then will be the argument of the Left why we need to abandon THAT in order to vote for their Elizabeth Warren, Bernie Sanders or Chelsea Clinton? Their whole party is driven by need of anger and victimhood, a pretty hard sell when the only victims and angry people out there will be the Democrats that no one will need anymore.

So out of respect, I won't even go into that after 8 years of Trump will be followed by another 8 years of Pence! If the Libs knew what was REALLY coming in the next years, they might all start jumping off a bridge. Obama and Hillary was the tipping point, that just rocked the boat TOO FUCKING FAR, and drove the world to finally come out of their slumber. After what the world looked like under Obama, if Trump is even half successful in his vision, by the end of Pence's terms, the world will look like this:


You can call the picture 'A World Free of Liberalism'
ColonelAngus, Why so much spam are you trying to convince yourself Trump is anything but an idiot? Why don't you help the lying draft dodger find those tapes, you know the ones. Or the wire tapping? It is kinda hard to determine who is stupider Trump or his supporters? Meanwhile the idiots in congress can't get a thing done. How's that wall coming along? Infrastructure and how about that better healthcare? Hopefully you are paid trolls as Americans are not this naive or stupid.

Rebecca Solnit: The Loneliness of Donald Trump

Liar in chief

All False statements involving Donald Trump | PolitiFact
All Pants on Fire! statements involving Donald Trump | PolitiFact

Someone told me his children seemed so nice, in truth they are like him, fake tweets and all.

Trump profited from kids cancer charity, report says

Thomas Dumm — Grotesque Sovereignty and the Specter of Donald Trump

Thomas Dumm — Grotesque Sovereignty and the Specter of Donald Trump ~ The Contemporary Condition
"It would not be impossible to prove with sufficient repetition and a psychological understanding of the people concerned that a square is in fact a circle. They are mere words, and words can be molded until they clothe ideas and disguise." Joseph Goebbels
Republicans are liars so of course, they would admire someone like Trump.
I'm still waiting for Trump's evidence for Obama's birth certificate.

Dodging sniper fire, in NYC on 9/11, keep your doctor, keep your plan, et al. You lefty scumbags are a hoot, in a really pathetic sort of way.

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