Who owns 186 Org and 12 People

Dan Stubbs

May 4, 2017
Some where in the Deep South.
This is a update of the week of George Soro from the Daily Beast.

In its years-long culture war with billionaire investor George Soros, Alex Jones’ InfoWars has a natural new target: yogurt.

Yogurt giant Chobani sued Jones on Monday when articles on InfoWars, Jones’ conspiracy-mongering website, claimed the company “imported migrant rapists” and increased tuberculosis cases in Idaho after the company hired refugees.

Jones was quick to tie the lawsuit to Soros, a frequent boogeyman on InfoWars whom the host called a “sack of demons,” “the spawn of Hell,” and a “boat of foul spirits” just this week.

That makes Chobani the 183rd organization InfoWars and Jones have tied to Soros—just this year.

InfoWars points to a recent picture and email chain with both Soros and Chobani founder Hamdi Ulukaya as proof that Soros is bankrolling the lawsuit, but Soros is not listed anywhere in the court documents.

“I have been sued by the Islamic owner of the largest maker of yogurt in the world, Chobani,” said Jones, in a video initially titled “George Soros Backed Islamic Yogurt Maker Sues Alex Jones.”

“What’s incredible about this is this guy is from Turkey, he moved here in the mid-’90s. He’s buddies with Bill Clinton, George Soros. They worked together to bring refugees into the country. That’s mainstream news. A lot of the newspapers in Idaho and other places have been reporting that there have been reported rapes and people pleading guilty to it.”

The country prosecutor in Twin Falls, Idaho, where Chobani accepted refugees to work in its plant, said the alleged rape reported by InfoWars simply didn’t happen as the website reported it.

“There was no gang rape, no knife attack, and we did not charge anybody with rape because no rape occurred,” Twin Falls County prosecutor Grant Loebs told The New York Times.

Still, in InfoWars’ quest to tie Soros to news stories from Idaho to Chechnya, Chobani is not alone.

InfoWars has accused at least 182 non-yogurt entities, 12 individuals, and countless protesters of being linked to or funded by Soros since January 1 of this year. That’s 1.7 new accusations per day since the start of 2017.

Jones and his writers have accused Soros and his progressive nonprofit Open Society Foundations of funding federal judge James Robart for blocking President Donald Trump’s ban on travelers from Muslim-majority countries, while simultaneously underwriting 61 other organizations to “fuel unrest in Macedonia.” Despite Forbes estimating Soros’ net worth at $25.2 billion, Jones at one point said the liberal billionaire doles out $50 billion per year to causes like “overthrowing Ukraine.”

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Jones personally accused The Daily Beast and BuzzFeed of being funded by Soros in a YouTube video on Monday.

“Soros doesn’t want to put his name on it,” said Jones. “He already funds David Brock and Media Matters. He already funds The Daily Beast, people who have investigative reporters following us around, digging up made-up dirt. Fiction writers. And BuzzFeed, all of the rest of them.”

Both The Daily Beast and BuzzFeed have reporters, Ben Hartman and Charlie Warzel, providing daily coverage of Jones’ ongoing, 10-day custody trial in Austin.

Neither company is funded by George Soros.

“I can only confirm that we are part of a far-reaching global conspiracy, but further comment would violate its most basic rules,” a spokesman for BuzzFeed News, Matt Mittenthal, told The Daily Beast.

Jones did not respond to a request for comment.

InfoWars also accused Soros of backing “efforts to destroy Roger Stone Jr.” Jones also accused Soros of funding Google, a company worth more than $600 billion, in order to “stop [French presidential candidate Marine] Le Pen.”

Last week in Jones’ custody trial, the InfoWars host claimed on the stand that Soros is responsible for making marijuana—which he smokes once a year to “monitor its strength”—too strong to smoke and that Soros is using it to “brain damage people.”

Last month, an InfoWars writer claimed that the Alaska band Portugal. The Man. is a “pro-Soros rock band” because a fictional newspaper called Info Wars is burned in one of its videos.

Neither Portugal. The Man. nor marijuana is included on the below list of entities and individuals InfoWars has said is linked to George Soros since the beginning of 2017.


Google (to stop Marine Le Pen from being elected president of France)—New America Foundation (to “demand a military overthrow of Donald Trump”)—Paul RyanLindsey GrahamJohn McCainMarco RubioJeb Bush—Hillary Clinton—The Electronic Frontier Foundation ($72 million to “control internet, censor InfoWars.com”)—Center for Democracy & Technology (to “control internet, censor InfoWars.com”)—New America Foundation (to “control internet, censor InfoWars.com”)—Fight for the Future (to “control internet, censor InfoWars.com”)—Stanford Law professor Barbara van Schewick—Marvin Ammori, founder and lawyer at the Ammori Group—Director of Harvard’s Berkman & Klein Center Yochai Benkler—Public Knowledge (the nonprofit)—Citizen Engagement Lab—American Civil Liberties Union (for Net Neutrality to “control the Internet”)—Judge James Robart (who blocked Trump’s travel ban executive order)—American National Endowment for Democracy (to “control Europe’s left” and “stop anti-EU populism”)—SYRIZA (to “control Europe’s left” and “stop anti-EU populism”)—Five Star in Italy (to “control Europe’s left” and “stop anti-EU populism”)—Platform for Citizens Oriented Politics (to “fuel unrest in Macedonia”)—Journalists for Human Rights (to “fuel unrest in Macedonia”)—LGBT Support Center (in Macedonia)—58 other Macedonian organizations—The White Helmets (to stage what he said is a false flag chemical attack in Syria)—Planned Parenthood (for the Women’s March)—National Resource Defense Council—MoveOn.org—National Action Network (for the Women’s March)—American Civil Liberties Union (for the Women’s March)—Center for Constitutional Rights (for the Women’s March)—Amnesty International (for the Women’s March)—Human Rights Watch (for the Women’s March)—49 other march partners associated with the Women’s March—Day Without a Woman protest organizers ($246 Million)—Meetup.com—Senate Majority PAC (through his son, Alexander Soros)—Harry Reid (through Alexander Soros)—Free Press (the nonprofit)—22 Hungarian nonprofits (to “bring down the Hungarian government,” according to RT)—Association Carta di Roma (to “hide ethnicity of migrants who committ [sic] crimes”)—National Immigration Law Center (part of a “coordinated PR effort” stop the travel ban)—American Civil Liberties Union (part of a “coordinated PR effort” stop the travel ban)—Urban Justice Center (part of a “coordinated PR effort” stop the travel ban)—Travel ban protesters at JFK Airport (part of a “coordinated PR effort” stop the travel ban)—Indivisible (the nonprofit)—Organizing for Action—The Emergent Fund—Black Lives Matter—Central European University—“Democratic attorneys general” filing “anti-Trump lawsuits”—Priorities USA Action super PAC (to “stop Voter ID”)—David Brock—Media Matters for America—Alliance for Global Justice (to “organize the violent shut down of the Milo Yiannopoulos event at the University of California”)—Humanity for Progress—American-Islamic RelationsSouthern Poverty Law Center—The recounts in Wisconsin, Michigan, and PennsylvaniaChechen jihadisTurkey (the country)

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